MTL - King’s Landing: The Proud Empress-Chapter 574 【Extra】Small buns 1

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  Chapter 574 [Special episode] Little bun 1

  Outside Qingyun Hall

  Jun Li kept walking anxiously, listening to the painful voices coming from inside.

   "As for being so anxious, it's not your fault." Qin Muyan said displeasedly from the side.

  Jun Li looked at his still flat stomach, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

  Your uncle, when she tried all means, he just wasn't fooled, and refused to eat the fruit of pregnancy no matter what. Now when I see other people having children, or even having children, I start to envy them.

  Yah, it's useless to envy you and refuse to conceive!

   "What are you looking at, let's take care of the one inside." Seeing Junli staring at his abdomen, Qin Muyan said angrily.

   Just as he finished speaking, another heart-piercing voice came from inside.

   "What's the matter, Ling Yan didn't call like this when he was born." Junli said anxiously, in fact, when Nangong Lingyan gave birth, he never called at all from the beginning to the end.

   "Hmph, I've been holding back!" A cold snort sounded from behind. Junli turned his head, and what he saw was Nangong Lingyan walking over with a baby in his arms.

  Jun Li walked over and hurriedly took the baby, "Why did you bring Qingman here?" Jun Qingman is Junli's first child, born two months ago. It is also the first child of Nangong Lingyan.

  Back when Nangong Lingyan learned that he, a man, was actually pregnant, he was stupid for several months and lost a lot of weight. It wasn't until later that Jun Li and Yun Cangmo had a tough fight, and then Nangong Lingyan was accepted to the Beiyao Empire and named Huangguijun.

   It was not until the child was born two months ago that Nangong Lingyan began to slowly accept this fact. And love this child from the bottom of my heart.

  But Nangong Lingyan's side is easy to solve, Qin Muyan's side...

  Yah’s been married for more than a year, but he failed to get him to eat the fruit of pregnancy!

"Just now I was holding Qingman nearby, and I heard that Yunqing was about to give birth, so I hurried over here." Nangong Lingyan gave her a cold look, and suddenly carried the baby over, "Okay, I'll let someone Take Qingman down, it will scare her here." He said looking at the baby in his arms, a doting smile appeared on his stern and resolute face.

  Just as someone carried Jun Qingman down, Mu Xiuzhu, with a big belly, walked in accompanied by Xiao Moran.

   "How is Yunqing?" Mu Xiuzhu asked anxiously.

   As soon as the words fell, another heart-piercing voice came from the palace. Mu Xiuzhu turned pale with fright, and subconsciously reached out to cover his stomach.

  Seeing this, Jun Li hurriedly hugged him in his arms, "You are about to give birth, so don't run around, what if something goes wrong!"

  Hearing this, Mu Xiuzhu looked at Xiao Moran who was at the side, and said, "I'm fine with Moran by my side."

  Xiao Moran also nodded to Junli.

   Seeing this, Jun Li quickly ordered someone to bring over two rugs, and asked them to sit on them.

  Suddenly, two cold eyes swept over behind him, Junli turned around, and saw Qin Muyan and Nangong Lingyan looking at him with those cold eyes.

  The next second, Jun Li hurriedly ordered his attendants to bring over two more sheets.

   As soon as the two sheets were brought up, there was another rush of footsteps outside.

  Rong Qingcheng was dressed in a scarlet palace attire, and walked in accompanied by a dozen attendants.

  Seeing this, Jun Li had no choice but to order his attendants to bring another sheet of paper. At the same time, he walked towards Rong Qingcheng, supported his arm, and looked at his slightly protruding belly, "Sit down quickly and run around every day, you want to scare me to death!"

  Hearing this, Qin Muyan, who saw that everyone was pregnant except himself and Xiao Moran, snorted coldly, "He's good at martial arts, and running a lot is good for his health!"

  Junli glanced at him helplessly, you don't want to conceive yourself, now you are jealous of others, who can you blame?

  At this time, there was another heart-piercing sound from inside. Junli's heart also tightened tightly.

  Yah! It's been half an hour, why hasn't it been born yet!

  Recalling that when Nangong Lingyan gave birth, it took four hours, eight hours, and he didn't make a sound. Junli turned his head involuntarily and looked in his direction.

   Nangong Lingyan met her gaze, stood up for a long time, and said, "Let me go in and have a look."

  Jun Li's eyes lit up and he nodded.

  Nangong Lingyan has experience in giving birth, and also has internal strength, so it is also possible to go in and use internal strength to relieve Huang Yunqing's pain.

   As for why she didn't go in herself...

   Please move your eyes to the left, and see the group of ministers who are staring at you and staring at you closely, and you will know it until now.

  Half an hour ago, upon hearing Yun Qing's voice, Jun Li was about to rush in. Who knew that Prime Minister Meng, who was very sensible on weekdays, was the first to go up and hug her body and not allow her to go in, and then he gave a lot of reasons.

  After that, the ministers all stopped in front of her very tacitly, saying that she was not allowed to enter, saying it was unlucky or something.

  Even Shi Feng, also known as Yu Wang Junyi, stopped her. It even stated that if she went in she would die or something.

  With Jun Yi as the leader, the ministers followed suit.

  So this is the reason why Jun Li was clearly worried, but he stood outside and didn't go in.

   Of course, there is another reason. That is, Huang Yunqing didn't allow her to go in. Said that his appearance at this time must be extremely ugly, and he didn't want her to see him.

   Otherwise, these ministers alone would not be able to keep her out.

   Nangong Lingyan went in for a long time, and the voice inside finally stopped being so heart-piercing.

  Junli's heart just relaxed a little bit, when he heard another scream from inside!

  My heart trembled fiercely, and soon, I heard the voice of Mr. Chan from inside, "The head is coming out! The head is coming out!"

  Hearing this, Jun Li's heart relaxed.

  Although she knows nothing about childbirth, she knows it. When the head comes out, it means a normal delivery, which means that the baby was born smoothly.

   Half an hour later, there was a sudden cry of a baby inside. Immediately afterwards, the production official's surprised voice came out, "The child has come out! It's a little prince!"

  Hearing this, Jun Li suddenly showed joy on his face, and Qin Muyan, who was watching from the side, was very unhappy.

   After a while, Nangong Lingyan came out holding the baby.

  Jun Li hurried forward to take it, and looked at it carefully.

  His face, half the size of a palm, was wrinkled together, his eyes were closed tightly, and his face was flushed red, but not that rosy color.

  Junli knows that children are born like this.

  Jun Yi came over and looked at the child with a smile on his face, "Your Majesty, this is your first prince, and also the first prince of the royal family. Please hurry up and choose a name."

  Hearing this, Meng Cheng and others agreed very much.

  Jun Li nodded, actually before the child was born. She and Huang Yunqing had already thought of many names, some for boys and some for girls.

   Regarding the new article, the pit will be opened in August, please move to the book review area to see the type and introduction of the new article.



  (end of this chapter)