MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-Chapter 14 named

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Returning to the classroom from Kiyono Makoto's office, Fenghuo and Uchiha Obito received warm applause like heroes!

Without the slightest bit of precaution, and without the slightest worry, familiar and immature faces just appeared in front of Feng Huo.

Sarutobi Asma, Ibiki, Hibiki Dragonfly, Yuhi Kurenai, and of course Uchiha Obito's dream lover Harano Rin!

and many more!

In other words, in the original book, Xi Hihong is full of heroism and has the demeanor of a heroine, but she was too cute when she was young, right? !

At this time, Yuhihong was only 6 years old, and it was the time of Kawaii. She had long black hair with a shawl, and a baby fat face. A pair of innocent and cute big red eyes blinked like elves. ,very cute!

Even if the old driver Fenghuo saw her, he also wanted to ravage her... her round face is so cute.

On the contrary, it is Lin, the goddess of Uchiha Obito. From Fenghuo's point of view, the paint on her cheeks on both sides is quite damaging to her beauty. However, in the world of Naruto, many ninjas will smear this kind of paint on their faces, such as For the Inuzuka family, it is not easy to comment on the fire.

According to memory, he sat in his own seat, sealed the fire and looked around, and found that he couldn't name the two children sitting next to him!

And it didn't appear in the original book. It seems that it was either a rush or a trick, but he didn't take it lightly. He was about to say hello to them and have a long-lost tablemate, but he didn't expect them to shoot first.

"Hmph, the Uchihas are so rude, they are late for school on the first day!"

"Arrogant family, hum!"

Feng Huo looked confused, okay, you guys should continue playing tricks, and I won't bother you.

"Obito, really, I'm late every time!" In the front row, Haruno Rin had walked to the side of Uchiha Obito at some point, and reprimanded him fiercely with her hands on her hips.

Uchiha Obito raised his hands and explained something embarrassingly, but it obviously didn't make Lin happy.

Next to him, Asma Sarutobi, Kuroyuki and others all looked at Obito Uchiha.

Obito Uchiha successfully won the Lifetime Achievement Award for Helping Others because he often helped the grandmother cross the road. Even though his grades were poor, his popularity in the class was much better than that of Fenghuo.

After all, the previous Fenghuo was very proud, he didn't take anyone seriously, he didn't even remember the names of his two deskmates, it was obvious, coupled with his poor grades, he basically didn't have any friends in the class.

Feng Huo shook his head with a wry smile, but happened to see a slightly jealous face in the corner.


Would a 6 year old be jealous?

Could it be that he matured prematurely from the womb like Obito Uchiha?

Following the child's gaze, Feng Huo discovered that the object of his jealousy was Asuma Sarutobi!

Ugh, this is embarrassing.

It makes sense to say that you like Lin, and then you are jealous of Obito Uchiha, but why are you jealous of Sarutobi Asma?

Didn't he just cast a good baby, became the son of three generations of Hokage, became the biggest "second generation of fire" in Muye Village, and took two dogs on the street every day to molest women from good families. What's so great about it?

Are you jealous?

Feng Huo felt a little jealous after thinking about it, and almost couldn't help casting a jealous look at Sarutobi Asma.

But this face is indeed somewhat familiar, plus the white hair, Kakashi? No, Kakashi has already graduated.

Feng Huo squinted his eyes and guessed that he should have seen it in the original book, but he couldn't remember it for a while, but what is worth affirming is that this guy is definitely a trick, and it doesn't exceed three episodes.

"Hey, I want to ask you something." Feng Huo couldn't help but ask the tablemate on the right.

"What are you doing?" The deskmate glared at him and said angrily.

"What's that guy's name?" Feng Huo gestured with his jaw.

After all, the deskmate was only 6 years old. After hearing this, he looked over and subconsciously replied, "He's Mizuki, idiot."


Mizuki Nianhua?

Then Fenghuo reacted violently.

"It turned out to be him."

"I have been a classmate for a year, and I don't even remember his name. The Uchiha clan is too proud!" The tablemate stared at Feng Huo angrily.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, what, what's your name?" Feng Huo's face was filled with embarrassment.

"..." The corners of the tablemate's eyes twitched, it is estimated that his heart was very broken, "You don't need to know my name, idiot!"

Feng Huo shrugged his shoulders, turned around, whether he likes to talk about you or not, I am a member of the Transmigration, if you don't flatter me, you still want to get ahead? Do your Spring and Autumn Dreams!

However, Mizuki?

Heh, it's really interesting.

In the original book, Mizuki is rebellious and jealous. At the beginning of the chapter, he lures Naruto’s children to do shameful and bad things. In the end, Naruto pushed him to the ground and beat him up. I heard that his buttocks were swollen. Imprisoned in Konoha Prison.

It's just that Mizuki, who is only 6 years old, has already revealed such an ugly character.

Amidst the noise, Qing Yezhen walked into the classroom, looking around with persistent eyes, the classroom suddenly fell into a strange silence.

"Very good, the first day of school starts today, students..."

Standing on the podium, Qing Ye really looks like a successful person, as if Ma Yun possessed him, waving his hands and pointing at the country to stimulate the words, the dung was once tens of thousands of households!

In the end, Qing Yezhen narrated the "will of fire" again, and UU reading stopped with still unfinished business.

Crack, clap, clap!

Of course, it wasn't Mizuki who couldn't take it anymore and rushed forward to slap Qing Yezhen in the face, but the tearful friends who couldn't hide their excitement and clapped desperately.

Kiyono was really satisfied that his speech received such enthusiastic affirmation, coughed twice, and continued: "Just two months ago, Kakashi passed the graduation exam successfully, breaking the record for the youngest graduate since the establishment of the ninja school !"

Clap clap!

It was Kakashi's little fan girl Yuan Yelin who couldn't help applauding.

Obito Uchiha looked over with a frustrated expression on his face, and there was a green field above his head.

This reminded Fenghuo of a song.

'I'm in love with a wild horse with prairie above my head'.

Kiyono affirmed Kakashi's achievements, and at the same time warned all the students present to follow Kakashi's example and study hard every day, strive to achieve all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor, and make their own contributions to Konoha's three modernizations. due contribution...

This morning, the whole class just sat there and listened to Kiyonoma's story about Kakashi, and Kakashi's aura of genius completely enveloped everyone in the class.

Especially Fenghuo, who received contempt from other students from time to time.

The glorious deed of him challenging Kakashi last semester and being kicked unconscious by the latter was still fresh in their memory.

'It's really lying down while sitting. '

Seal the fire and sigh.

"Here, I want to name and criticize classmate Uchiha Fenghuo again!"

On the podium, Qing Yezhen's eyes suddenly fell on Feng Huo.

And the classmates in the class also turned their heads to look at the past in the first time.