MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-Chapter 7 Pharmacist Nonoyu

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Waking up again, before Feng Huo opened his eyes, he smelled a faint fragrance, similar to the smell of disinfectant, but even better. He couldn't help but open his eyes, and what he saw was a white ceiling.

"here is…"

"Ah, Fenghuo, you finally woke up, you idiot, you actually exercised until you passed out, will you take care of yourself?" Uchiha Obito's voice came from the side, quite emotional, even a little out of breath , "It was hard for me to muster up the courage to confess to Lin, but you ruined it all in the end!"

Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice, and then remembered what happened before he fainted.

As for the confession... Hehe, if it weren't for me, you might have been issued a good person card by this time, and then you would be crying in a corner!

Feng Huo snorted, "Really? You really don't need to thank me, this is what I should do."

"Bastard, am I thanking you?!" Uchiha Obito quickly left violently.

"Eh? Isn't it?" Feng Huo pretended to be tender, no, he was only six years old, and he was already tender.

Obito Uchiha trembled all over, even the goggles on his forehead trembled.

Fortunately, at this moment, a young female doctor walked in.

"Stop the fire, right? You're awake." The female doctor was wearing a white coat, with long golden hair and eyes, and looked very gentle.

"Ah, hello doctor!" Obito Uchiha saw her, stood up and asked, "Doctor, is he all right after sealing the fire?"

"Fenghuo fainted because of excessive exercise, which caused the body's nutrition to not keep up. As long as you eat more meat, you can replenish it." The female doctor smiled softly.

"Eat meat?" Uchiha Obito froze. Given the conditions of his family and Feng Huo's family, although it is not impossible to eat meat, it is impossible to eat it every day, not to mention the energy consumed by exercising. Eating an extra piece of meat at each meal can supplement it?

The female doctor seemed to see the problem, and said with a smile: "It's okay, if you don't have any money, I can lend it to you."

"Really? Thank you so much!" Uchiha Obito almost jumped up.

Feng Huo, who was lying on the hospital bed, frowned, and said, "Doctor, will this cause you trouble? After all, you are just a doctor."

"Doctor? Hehe, I'm still a ninja." The female doctor laughed.

"Ninja? Medical ninja?!" Feng Huo looked at the female doctor, inexplicably, suddenly felt a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen her somewhere.

'In the original book, she must have appeared, but in what identity? Blonde hair, and these old-fashioned glasses... Wait, why do these glasses look like they are worn by a pharmacist? '

Ah yes.

She is Nonoyu the pharmacist, Konoha's medical ninja, and later the director of an orphanage. She took in the pocket of her childhood, and even gave her surname to the pocket!

No wonder they look familiar.

Uh, wait!

Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice, but his heart suddenly felt cold, and even his back was filled with chill.

Yakushi Nonoyu, before becoming the director of the orphanage, seems to be a member of Konoha Roots...

Danzo's men? !

"Ah, Fenghuo, are you cold?" Obito Uchiha suddenly rushed forward, "You seem to be shaking."

Feng Huo looked at Obito Uchiha, tears were about to flow out: "No, no, I'm excited, yes, I'm so excited! I finally have meat to eat, woo woo..."

Oh my god, I'm only six years old, has Danzo already taken a fancy to me?

Could it be that the roots have infiltrated into the Uchiha clan and found out that they have opened their eyes?

But it's impossible to think about it. After all, only he knows that he opened his eyes, and he rarely used it. The only time was in the middle of the night some time ago. The chance of being discovered is very low!

"You two are children of the Uchiha clan, right?" Yakushi Nonoyu said with a smile, "Although I am willing to lend you money, you will have to pay it back in the future."

"Of course, I will not fail to pay back the money owed to others!" Obito Uchiha said loudly, "After all, I will become the man of Hokage in the future!"

Just at this moment, a young figure walked by outside the ward. It was a woman with fair complexion and a tall figure, especially with a pair of exaggerated plumpness, as heavy as a papaya. With that neat golden hair, even if you couldn't see her Even Feng Huo knew who she was.

Tsunade, one of Konoha Sannin!

Well, Tsunade Miku is Fifth Hokage...

That's right, Obito, I can't see that you are so ambitious that you want to be a man of the fifth generation, ha ha.

"Then you have to work hard." Yakushi Nonoyu patted Uchiha Obito's head with a smile, and then ordered the fire to be sealed, then turned and chased in the direction Tsunade left.

"Master Tsunade, please wait a moment..." There was a faint voice of conversation between the two outside the ward.

Feng Huo breathed a sigh of relief.

'It seems that Yakushi Nonoyu appeared here not for me, but for Tsunade. '

That old schemer in Danzo is too dangerous, he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal, and now he can hide as far as he can.

"Fenghuo, are you still brooding over what happened before?" Uchiha Obito sat beside Fenghuo's hospital bed, dragging his chin and looking at him, "That guy Kakashi is really hateful, but I have to admit , he is indeed a genius..."

"What are you talking about?" Feng Huo laughed, "It has nothing to do with Kakashi, it's me. I don't want to live a mediocre life anymore. I want to become a strong man, it's as simple as that."

"well said!"

A young man's voice suddenly came from outside the ward, and then a figure that Feng Huo looked familiar appeared in front of him.

"You are..." Feng Huo saw him, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Isn't this guy the father of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke, UU Reading www. Uchiha Fugaku!

It's just that he is only 25 years old at this time, and Uchiha Itachi probably hasn't **** yet.

"I am Fugaku Uchiha."

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku has not yet become the patriarch of Uchiha, but is just an ordinary member of the Konoha garrison, but his talent has been gradually revealed, and his status in the Uchiha clan is also thriving.

"Master Fuyue, hello." Feng Huo and Uchiha Obito saluted honestly.

Among the Uchiha clan, they pay great attention to these false rituals. Even if Fenghuo is dissatisfied, when his strength is weak, he can only submit.

Uchiha Fugaku smiled and said: "I am very optimistic about you, hehe, when you have the determination to become a strong person, Sharingan will give you back what you want, and I will wait for you in front, young brat!"

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Fugaku patted his **** and left.

The corners of Feng Huo's eyes twitched, damn, he must not have read the almanac when he went out today!

"Hey Fenghuo, who was that uncle just now? He looks very powerful." Uchiha Obito ran to close the ward and asked back.

"Didn't he say it? His name is Uchiha Fugaku, and he should be a member of the Konoha Police Force." Feng Huo replied cautiously, even if someone eavesdropped, no one would care.

"That's right, Konoha Police Force, I don't know when I can join." Uchiha Obito looked forward.

Feng Huo said: "Obitu, I feel much better, why don't we leave the hospital now."

"No!" Uchiha Obito was not happy when he heard it, and he shouted confidently, "The doctor sister just wanted to lend us money, and we haven't got the money yet, how can we leave?"

"…"bank up a fire.

You're so right, I'm speechless.

Read The Duke's Passion