MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1035 Make Penn 6

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Returning to Obito with Sharingan and a slug, Sakumo Hatake found that the young man had a absent-minded expression and exuded a decadent temperament.

"Obito, what's wrong?"

Hatake Sakumo looked at him strangely, and said, "Sharingan has been brought back, the slug will transplant it for you, you..."

Hatake Sakumo said so much, but found that Obito didn't move his eyes.

Reluctantly, Hatake Sakumo had no choice but to bow hard, turned his head to the thumb-sized slug lying on his shoulder, and said, "Slug, I'm sorry."

"no problem."

Slug said softly.

Then, Hatake Sakumo put the slug on Obito's face.

This slug was excellent, it directly paralyzed the nerve of Obito's right eye pupil when it went up, and then snapped off his pupil, Hatake Sakumo tacitly took out the Sharingan and put it into Obito's eye socket.

Immediately, the slug performed medical ninjutsu and began to connect the nerves in the pupils and orbits.

After half the payment, the effect of paralysis gradually disappeared, and the slug also successfully completed all the transplantation work!


Obito suddenly gasped, but was awakened by the stinging pain in his eyes, and then he saw Hatake Sakumo, his face was startled, "Uncle Sakumo?"

"What were you thinking just now?" Sakumo Hatake shook his head, a little resentful, and then said, "Sharingan has been transplanted for you, try it."

As he spoke, he reached out to pick up the slug lying on Obito's face.

"what is this?"

Obito was a little disgusted, "It's sticky, is it a snail?"

"No, I'm a slug." The slug said softly, without any hint of anger.

"Slug?" Obito rubbed his eyes while recalling, "Where did I hear that?"

"It's a psychic beast of the fifth generation, good at medical ninjutsu." Hatake Sakumo said, "Obito, the battle over there is fierce. After you get used to this new Sharingan, come and help!"

"Ah, I see."

Obito nodded, busy forcibly restraining his chaotic thoughts.

When Hatake Sakumo rushed back to the battlefield again, he saw Namikaze Minato, Fourth Raikage, and Tsunade beating Uchiha Madara's light blue Susanoo violently.

Onoki, on the other hand, stood by the side with a face of difficulty.

He is already seventy or eighty years old, and his body is old. Just now, he forcibly absorbed as many Chakras as Namikaze Minato, Tsunade, and the Fourth Raikage, and cast Dust Dun, which has already made his body reach its limit. Although he can still stand at this time, If you want to fight again, you have to rest for a while.

"What's the matter, can't the three of you break my Susanoo?"

Uchiha Madara still crossed his arms and looked at the three of Namikaze Minato with a playful face, "Susano, who is only in the second form, is far worse than the full body. You are really weak. Or Say, would you rather fight my wooden clone?"


Tsunade's eyes were red from being stimulated, and after the yin seal was opened, an endless stream of chakra circulated crazily in her body, and any injury could heal in an instant, so when fighting, there was no defense.

She ignored Susano's offensive at all, and persistently punched Susano, blasting it into dense cracks, but Uchiha Madarahito's power flowed, and quickly repaired Susano, her speed was completely No less than Tsunade's destruction.

"It can't go on like this."

The fourth generation of Raikage was very irritable. Chakra, who gathered four people just now, broke through the defense of the complete Susanoo, but it turned out to be just a wooden clone. This blow was too great for him. Moreover, since Uchiha Madara can divide With one wooden avatar, the second and third can naturally be separated...

God knows whether the Uchiha Madara who is fighting with them in front of him is the main body or the wooden clone!

The more I think about it, the more I feel that Uchiha Madara is powerful, terrifying, and invincible. Fourth Raikage feels that his fighting spirit is rapidly cooling down.

Can this battle really be won?

At the same time, at the border between the Land of Rain and the Land of Fire, Shin Uchiha is currently refining the Six Paths of Penn with the help of Jue.

"Jeez, the ninjas you picked all look weak."

Uchiha Shin looked at these corpses with a look of disgust, which looked like a trick.

"Xin, the important thing is you. After all, the most powerful ability that Payne relies on in the Six Paths comes from your reincarnation eyes! So, don't care about those details!"

Jue smiled and said, "Of course, if you are not satisfied, I can change another batch for you. This time, the clone army brought back a lot of corpses. Except for the production of Payne's Six Paths, the rest will be reincarnated from dirt." , to participate in the subsequent battle against the Ninja Alliance."


Shin Uchiha snorted coldly, and continued to insert a large number of chakra black sticks into the six corpses in front of him one by one, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hand joints, shoulder blades, buttocks, ankles, soles...

This is a meticulous job, because Penn Liudao is just a puppet after all, and needs to rely on the control of Uchiha Shin, and Uchiha Shin relies on these black chakra sticks to let the six puppets receive his chakra, so as to Control their every move.

As for these chakra black sticks, which are called reincarnation iron, they originated from the golems of the outsiders. The black chakra sticks in Uchiha Shin’s hands are inherited from Nagato, and the black chakra sticks in Orochimaru’s hands are obtained directly from the golems of the outsiders. .

"What's going on at Orochimaru?"

Shin Uchiha asked suddenly.

"Same as you, I'm working on Six Ways of Please don't answer.

"Where's Nagato and Uchiha Madara?" Uchiha Shin asked, a vague displeasure flashing in his eyes.

Obviously, Uchiha Shin is very... envious and jealous of these two superpowers who reincarnated from the dirt.

"Of course Nagato is helping Orochimaru make the Six Paths of Penn, and as for Madara-sama..." Jue's words were interrupted roughly by Uchiha Shin.

"At this time, you still call him Madara-sama, hmph, you don't want to revive him, do you?" Uchiha Shinobu looked displeased.

"How is it possible? I don't know resurrection ninjutsu." Juedao, "Besides, his legacy I inherited is to destroy the five hidden villages, not resurrect him."

Shin Uchiha squinted his eyes, inexplicably feeling a little irritable.

At the same time, Orochimaru is also happily creating the Six Paths of Payne, which is a magical experience for him!

Back then, he worked under Heavenly Dao Payne for many years, and was even hunted down for a long time, but now, the new Heavenly Dao Payne will be formed under his hands!

As for Nagato, he stood beside him blankly, reminding him from time to time.

The night became darker and darker, and even the light of the bright moon in the night sky gradually dimmed.

"It's almost time for Uchiha Madara to come back."

Orochimaru looked up at the sky, and then sealed his consciousness on Uchiha Madara.

In an instant, he 'saw' Tsunade, Fourth Raikage, and Onoki, Hatake Sakumo, Shimizu, Yakumo and others in the distance.

The battle... isn't it over yet?

'How did you come? '

The moment Orochimaru's consciousness came, Uchiha Madara noticed it, and immediately communicated with Orochimaru with consciousness.

Read The Duke's Passion