MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1039 Tianshi Zhenxing

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Facing Isota's berserk attack, the complete Susano unceremoniously swung his katana again, condensed the golden sword energy, and slashed down.


A ring-shaped air wave erupted from between the two, spreading out for tens of miles like ripples!

Madara Uchiha frowned slightly: Susanoko's attacks were blocked by the front several times!

He stared at Isota: the Wutengu armor, the sage chakra, and the super-weighted rock technique of earth escape, are indeed qualified to fight against the complete Susanoo.


There was a gleam in Uchiha Madara's eyes, how long can you maintain this form?

"Even if you have infinite pupil power like me, then, is the chakra of Mio Isota also infinite? Is the chakra of senjutsu also infinite?"

Uchiha Madara showed a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, "I don't believe it!"

In the next moment, the complete body of Susano spread its wings and swooped down to Isata who had just fallen to the ground.

Seeing it, Jiji saw that it was true, and jumped up screaming and waving three tails.

Fenghuo also immediately assisted with the super-weighted rock technique, and once again had a hard bar with Uchiha Madara's complete body Susano!

The violent air wave swept across the earth again!

Fenghuo frowned tightly. If Uchiha Madara said, he naturally realized that Isata's state at this time is very strong, but if he can't break Uchiha Madara's Susano, once he falls into a war of attrition, he will definitely lose. !

Of course, Fenghuo has the Eternal Kaleidoscope cloned from Erzhuzi, and it incorporates a lot of fairy chakra, which is almost the top of the Eternal Kaleidoscope, and it is only half a step away from the evolution of the Eye of Reincarnation!

Transplanting this pair of eternal kaleidoscopes and fighting Uchiha Madara will definitely further narrow the gap between the two.

But unless it was absolutely necessary, Fenghuo didn't intend to do this, he had his own worries.

In the past month or so, he transplanted the eternal kaleidoscopes of the two pillars and integrated them with the magic chakra, and there has been no rejection phenomenon, but according to the test of the pharmacist, he has not perfectly integrated with this pair of eternal kaleidoscopes!

That is to say, once the battle of the eternal kaleidoscope transplanted with the two pillars reaches the most intense stage, the pair of eternal kaleidoscopes will definitely integrate with his blood at the deepest level, and there is a high possibility of repulsion at that time. Of course, there may also be extreme Evolve with a small probability and become the eye of reincarnation!

Everything depends on God's will.

Therefore, Fenghuo dare not take risks at this stage.

While thinking about it, Uchiha Madara's complete body, Susano, suddenly spread its wings and avoided the indiscriminate bombardment of Isota's tail.

"Let me see where your limit is, seal the fire!"

Subsequently, Uchiha Madara began to seal.

At the same time, the complete body of Susano almost returned his swords to their sheaths in an instant, and formed seals at the same time.

"Heavenly Obstacle Earthquake!"

The violent pupil power soared into the sky, pouring into the depths of the night sky!

In the next moment, a huge mountain-like meteorite pierced the night and suddenly descended above the clouds!

Under the moonlight, the black shadow cast by the huge meteorite envelops Minato, Tsunade and others a few miles away!

"Is this a joke?" Kakashi's mouth twitched slightly.

"No matter how strong you are, there must be a limit, you bastard!" Ohnoki shouted angrily.

Namikaze Minato squinted at the meteorite falling from the sky at an increasing speed, and silently calculated whether it could be transferred to Uchiha Madara's head if he used Flying Thunder God.

"You'd better not even think about it!"

Inside Namikaze Minato's body, the Yin attribute Kyuubi seldom opened his mouth.

Namikaze Minato's mental projection entered instantly, and said seriously: "With your Chakra and my Flying Thunder God, it should be possible!"

The yin attribute Kyuubi was furious: "You idiot, once you do this, you will definitely lose your strength. By then, Uchiha Madara will be able to easily capture me!"

Namikaze Minato frowned.

Indeed, to transfer such a huge meteorite that is falling at such a high speed, even with Kyuubi, Namikaze Minato must bear enormous pressure!

"Maybe Uchiha Madara is waiting for you to do this!" Yin Nine Tails snorted, "He is a despicable ninja, he will do anything to catch me, you must not be fooled!"

Namikaze Minato nodded slightly, and then the mental projection dissipated.

Opening his eyes, Namikaze Minato's eyes fell on Fenghuo's side, but he saw that Fenghuo actually took Mio Isoto back, and then the purple Susano appeared again.

The two huge copper hammers collided lightly, and there was a heavy roar.

Uchiha Madara's complete body, Susano, floated in mid-air, like a **** and demon, looking down on Fenghuo mercilessly.

As the meteorite fell, the sky became darker, and a huge shadow completely enveloped Fenghuo's position like hell.

At this time, the Susanoo in the fourth form of Fenghuo is about 70 to 80 meters in size, but compared with the meteorite falling at a high speed above, it is nothing compared to the big witch, and there is no comparison at all.

But even so, so what?

The pupil power in Feng Huo's eyes gradually boiled, and flowed to Susano's whole body, and the huge copper hammer was slowly filled with purple mist.

"Come on!"

Fenghuo roared angrily, then jumped up, the powerful force directly split the ground, revealing two large pits full of cracks, and Susano, who sealed the fire, had already reached a thousand meters above the sky.

The meteorite fell faster and faster, and the air waves around the bottom spread out layer by layer like The momentum is amazing.

Feng Huo was happy and fearless, as he went up, he hit the bottom of the meteorite with two hammers!

boom! !

The bottom of the meteorite was directly blasted out of two large craters by the copper hammer, and there were dense cracks all around the big craters. Then, under the air waves, these cracks became bigger and bigger, and quickly disintegrated, turning into stones and scattered around!

But even so, only one-tenth of the volume of the meteorite was consumed, and the rest was still astonishingly large, and the speed did not decrease at all, falling crazily!

At this time, the situation of sealing the fire was a bit worse.

The two hammers shattered one-tenth of the meteorite, but the huge reaction force also spread along the entire Susanoo along the copper hammer. The chakra coat outside the body surface was instantly filled with countless cracks, and the sealing fire at the center of the eyebrows also It was a big shock all over, and there was an illusion that the bones were broken one by one!

Feng Huo looked up, and the meteorite was just over ten meters away from him, falling towards him at an extremely fast speed. He looked down again, and it was only a few hundred meters away from the ground. As far as the meteorite and myself are concerned, I am afraid it will only take a few seconds to hit the ground!

At that time, his Susano might be smashed to pieces by this meteorite in an instant!

Under the crisis of life and death, a stern look flashed in Feng Huo's eyes.

Thunder escape body!


The chakra in his body instantly turned into a thunder attribute, frantically stimulating his cell activity, and repairing the injuries caused by the previous shock.

At the same time, he quickly extracted the celestial chakra in the sealed world to supplement the kaleidoscope pupil power.

In the next moment, the abundant pupil power was like a great river, flowing mightily throughout Susanoo's whole body.

At this moment, Feng Huo raised his eyebrows suddenly: "This is really... timely rain!"