MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1056 Waiting for celestial cells

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Feng Huo put away the lightning armor, and while continuing to move his body, allowing his high-end version of consciousness to adapt to this low-end version of his body, he asked, "How is Naruto?"

"With the loss of Kyuubi, Naruto's vital signs are on the verge of death, but." Shizune showed a strange expression on his face, "But he"

"He can't die anyway, can he?"

Fenghuo laughed.

Jing Yin nodded: "Brother Feng Huo, do you know what's going on?"

"Naruto has his own chance, don't worry, he will wake up soon." Feng Huo smiled and asked again, "By the way, how long have I been in a coma?"

"It will be dawn soon." Hong replied, "Feng Huo, is your body really alright?"

At daybreak, I am afraid that the army of clones organized by Akatsuki and the army of reincarnated soil will launch an offensive against them again. The state of sealing the fire is definitely impossible to fight against the enemy.

"Don't worry, let me get used to it for a while."

Fenghuo laughed.

"Then you have a good rest." Hong said worriedly, and then left the tent with Jingyin.

Then Fenghuo sat cross-legged and began to meditate.

There is no doubt that I have indeed accepted the perception of power from the Sage of the Six Paths, and I can even hear the cry of the white dolphin. Obviously, this perception of power includes all aspects, not just fighting.

Of course, the most important thing for Fenghuo at present is still the perception of true power.

And what the Sage of the Six Paths is best at is nothing more than the eyes of the immortal and the body of the immortal.

Feng Huo closed his eyes slightly, and his pitch-black pupils slowly turned into three-pointed jade sharing sharing eyes, and then turned into a pattern of black and red pentagrams.

The pupil power of the kaleidoscope circulated in the eyes, and Feng Huo carefully sensed the 'fragile' pupil power.

These pupil powers are like a delicate grass, Fenghuo gently moves it, like an arm directing it, like observing lines in a palm!

With a thought in Feng Huo's heart, he immediately closed the kaleidoscope, then took out Er Zhuzi's clone of the eternal kaleidoscope, and performed a transplant operation on himself.

After half the payment, the operation was completed, and after the Eternal Kaleidoscope adapted to his body, Feng Huo began to mobilize the pupil power of the Eternal Kaleidoscope.

Compared with the "fragile" pupil power of Fenghuo's own kaleidoscope, the pupil power of the eternal kaleidoscope is obviously much thicker, but under Fenghuo's mobilization, they can still be perfectly controlled.

Feng Huo closed his eyes, carefully comprehended the pupil power of this pair of eternal kaleidoscopes, and the pupil technique hidden deep in the pupils, and found that it was easy to complete, without difficulty at all.

Obviously, from the perspective of the Sage of the Six Paths, the Eternal Kaleidoscope is still not qualified.

Regardless of the phenomenon of rejection, if Feng Huo transplants a pair of reincarnation eyes now, he can perfectly control them in seconds and beat other reincarnation eye owners!

It's a pity he doesn't have eyes of reincarnation.

Afterwards, Feng Huo felt the other two 'residual' powers in the pair of eternal kaleidoscopes.

One is the celestial chakra, and the other is the cells of the first generation of Qianshouzhujian, which is the power of the immortal body.

"It turns out there are still some leftovers."

Before sealing the fire, he thought that the celestial chakra and the cells between the pillars had been completely fused with the eternal kaleidoscope, but at this time, he found that it hadn't, and there was still a part of it remaining in the deepest part.

And for so many days in the past, these remaining powers can no longer be integrated with the eternal kaleidoscope.

Fenghuo made a decisive decision and immediately mobilized the pupil power of the eternal kaleidoscope to clean up these 'residues'.

After a while, two lines of blood and tears overflowed from the corners of Feng Huo's eyes.

After the impurities are discharged, close the fire and continue to observe.


Feng Huo suddenly frowned. In the perception of the Immortals of the Six Paths, this pair of eternal kaleidoscopes was like a girl who had no clothes on. The double eternal kaleidoscope really has such a slight repulsion with me!

It seems that this pair of eternal kaleidoscopes somewhat dislikes their own body!

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes slightly. For some reason, after realizing this, a solution to repulsion flashed in his mind.

'Because of receiving the perception of power from the Sage of the Six Paths, did the problem of rejection that could not be solved before be easily answered? '

Seal the fire with glowing eyes.

And the way in my mind is to let my body approach the body of a fairy!

That's right, the body of the immortal and the eyes of the immortal are **** and mung bean, a natural pair.

The Eternal Kaleidoscope is one level lower than the Immortal's Eye of Reincarnation. Then, as long as I transplant the cells of the Immortal's body, I should be able to eliminate the rejection of the Eternal Kaleidoscope on my body, and it is even possible to make this pair of Eternal Kaleidoscope directly evolve into the Reincarnation Eye!

Just the body of a fairy

Sage of the Six Paths and his second son Ashura, only the first Hokage Senjujuma got the body of a sage, and none of the others.

However, transplanting the cells of Qianshou Zhujian is very dangerous. If one is not careful, his cells will be swallowed directly and turn into a tree.

So before sealing the fire, I thought over and over again, but I didn't make up my mind.

but now

A bright smile appeared on the corner of Fenghuo's mouth.

Another immortal body will be born soon!

That's right, Naruto!

Having received a gift from the Sage of the Six Paths, Naruto at this time is degenerating crazily.

According to the plot of the original book, after Naruto wakes up, he will directly obtain the body of the Sage of the Six Paths!

Compared with the body of the sage in the first generation of Senshouzhujian, Naruto's body of the sage of the Six Paths is obviously better!

Transplanting primary cells is dangerous, but transplanting Naruto cells

Hmph, Naruto doesn't know how to escape, so it is impossible for Naruto's cells to have the perverted phagocytosis ability of the first generation cells.

Of course, it is undeniable that the cells transplanted from Naruto's Sage of the Six Paths body may also be dangerous, but Fenghuo at this time has the Sage of the Six Paths' perception of power. Enough confidence to transplant!

After all, it's also a gift from the Sages of the Six Paths, isn't it?

Then the next step is to wait for Naruto to wake up!

The sky is gradually brightening, and Er Zhuzi and Ghost Lantern Shuiyue have arrived at a dense forest bordering the Kingdom of Sichuan, the Kingdom of Fire, and the Kingdom of Rain.

"It seems that the scale of this war is bigger than I thought."

Erzhuzi looked at the traces left by countless people trampling on the nearby ground, and estimated that at least tens of thousands of people passed by here!

Guideng Shuiyue walked slowly from behind with her head in her hands, and said, "Are there so many people in the Akatsuki organization? These should be the traces left by the Ninja Alliance."

Erzhuzi snorted, "If it's a member of the Ninja Alliance, then the traces of these footsteps should be rushing towards the Land of Rain!"

Guideng Shuiyue lowered his head to distinguish, and found that the directions of these traces were all towards the Kingdom of Fire.

In other words, the people staying here are all organized by Akatsuki?

When did the Akatsuki organization have so many people?

"Finally found you, Uchiha Sasuke!"

Suddenly, an extremely angry voice came from above, "You bastard, you almost made me miss this battle that would allow me to prove my explosion art to the entire ninja world, eh!"


Er Zhuzi looked up, and sure enough, he saw a fat owl, and Didara with a golden ponytail crossed his arms and looked down at him.

"Sasuke-kun, long time no see." Standing beside Didara, Fu greeted with a smile.

After Nanao was taken away, Fu was rescued by Hiduan. Although her strength has plummeted, she is in a good mood. For more than a month, she has been looking for Erzhuzi all over the world with Didara. Like a married couple.

Erzhuzi nodded slightly, and said, "Why are you here?"

"The **** Fenghuo asked me to come to you, but I have been looking for you for more than a month, um." Didara said, "Come on, I will take you to the Ninja Alliance Camp, um."

"No, I don't want to see them yet." Er Zhuzi said arrogantly.

"Stop putting on airs, if you weren't worried about Konoha, how could you appear here?" Didara looked contemptuous.

When Er Zhuzi heard this, his hair exploded.

What he hates the most are people who put on airs, and now he is scolded for putting on airs, can't bear it?

In an instant, the black pupils of the two pillars instantly turned into a hexagram. Inside the hexagram, there were three black pillars, like stamens, slowly releasing terrifying pupil power outward.

Eternal Kaleidoscope!

Didara felt bad when he saw these eyes, and immediately said with a dry smile: "In that case, I'll go first."

Speaking of which, the fat owl under him flapped its wings desperately and flew towards the land of fire.


Er Zhuzi snorted coldly, but finally didn't make a move.

"This is not your style, Sasuke, you shot me mercilessly before, bastard!"

Guideng Shuiyue was so angry that he felt that his status in life had been seriously ruined and tarnished.

Er Zhuzi tilted his head slightly, with a slight disdain on his face, he snorted softly and said, "Are you jealous?"

"You, what did you say, what?"

Guideng Shuiyue is in a bad mood, "Eat, jealous? I am you bastard!"

Erzhuzi ignored the furious ghost lamp Shuiyue, stepped on his feet, and moved quickly in the direction of the country of fire.

"Damn it, stop! You bastard, speak clearly!"

Guideng Shuiyue yelled and followed behind, and the voice gradually faded away.

When the two of them left, a head with a yin and yang face slowly emerged from a corner of the dense forest, which was the clone of Jue.

"That kaleidoscope, is it the eternal kaleidoscope?" Bai Jue's voice had a hint of escape, "It's on the same level as Madara-sama's eyes back then!"

"Uchiha Itachi, this **** must have left his kaleidoscope to Uchiha Sasuke!"

Heijue's voice was slightly gloomy, "I didn't expect that after Uchiha Madara, someone would open the eternal kaleidoscope again. It seems that it is necessary to solve this guy as soon as possible." '

The sky is gradually brightening.

Uchiha Nobuo is still on his way, the direction is impressively where Orochimaru is.

"Xin, it's dawn, it's time to launch an attack on the Ninja Alliance!"

Jue's figure appeared in his shadow, reminding him intimately.

Uchiha Shin paused, and stood on the branch of a big tree with a gloomy face, then he made mudras with both hands, and slowly closed his eyes.

Soon, his consciousness was connected to all the ninjas reincarnated from his filth.

The original filthy reincarnation army was extremely large in scale, including the demigod Sanshoyu Hanzo, the second Mizukage, the second Tsuchikage, the third Raikage, the fourth Kazekage, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and those The dead Tailed Orc Churiki were all the peak fighting powers that once stood in the ninja world, but now, only Konan, Ginkaku, Junmaro, Akasashi Scorpion and others are left in his army of reincarnated dirt!

Of course, when he was making the Six Ways of Payne last night, he reincarnated a group of dead ninjas from the dirty soil, but most of these people's strength is at the level of ninjas. Although they are good cannon fodder, they can't influence the end of this war. towards.

After giving the order to attack the Dirty Earth Reincarnation Army, Nobuo Uchiha continued on his way.

Jue smiled, and then ordered the clone army to cooperate with the actions of the army of reincarnation.


Suddenly, Jue received information from the clone, it was about the eternal kaleidoscope of Erzhuzi!

"Wait a minute, Xin."

Jue shouted again to stop Uchiha Shin's footsteps.

"What's the matter this time?!" Uchiha Nobuo growled in dissatisfaction.

"It's information about the eternal kaleidoscope!"

Jue's voice was full of charm, and he smiled and said, "Xin, although your left eye is a samsara eye, your right eye is still a kaleidoscope. When fighting, your right eye will become your fatal weakness!"

Uchiha Shin's eyes shrank: "You mean that a ninja with an eternal kaleidoscope appeared on the battlefield? Who is it?! Could it be the **** Uchiha Fenghuo?"

"No, it's not Uchiha Fenghuo, it's Uchiha Sasuke!" Jue said, "The eternal kaleidoscope has infinite pupil power, which is definitely not comparable to the kaleidoscope! Xin, with the eternal kaleidoscope, your strength will definitely be greatly improved !"

Shin Uchiha frowned: "But what about Orochimaru?"

"Don't worry, Orochimaru will definitely not be able to become Ten Tails Jinchuriki!" Absolutely swore, "Besides, with your current ability, it shouldn't take much time to deal with Sasuke Uchiha!"

"In that case, Jue, find out the exact location of Sasuke Uchiha!" Uchiha said.

Jue immediately mobilized his avatar to check the specific location of the second pillar, and then said: "His location is about 30 miles away from the battlefield of the fifth unit of the Ninja Alliance Army."

Shin Uchiha narrowed his eyes slightly.

Orochimaru's location is on the side of the battlefield of the first army, but Uchiha Sasuke is in the direction of the battlefield of the fifth army. If he passes now, won't he greatly delay his journey?


Nobuo Uchiha pondered for a while, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It's just right, then let Payne Liudao take action!"

Penn Six Paths can fight away from the main In this way, he can wait in place without leaving, and when Payne Six Paths cleans up Uchiha Sasuke, he can directly channel Penn Six Paths back, without any trouble at all. Will affect the rush!

Afterwards, Shin Uchiha immediately psychic out of Penn Six Paths.

In the next moment, Uchiha Shin's consciousness was divided into six, and entered the minds of the six puppets in front of him.

"Then, let's start." Tiandao Payne slowly looked at the beast and said.



In the huge smoke, an octopus flapped its wings and sang loudly. Dao Payne, the beast, jumped up immediately, and then the octopus spread its wings and quickly disappeared into the sky.

As for the rest of Payne's Five Dao, they will stay where they are. Once the Animal Dao finds the two pillars, they will be channeled directly to them!


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