MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1058 Naruto wakes up!

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"Ninja Law - Reincarnation!"

Hiduan skillfully formed seals with both hands, and then slapped Jiraiya's body with his palm.

In the next moment, the blue light overflowed from Hiduan's hand, and quickly penetrated into Jiraiya's body.


Zilai also snorted, and slowly opened his eyes, "I'm still alive? No, this is my reincarnation!"

Ji Lai also looked at Fei Duan with a gray face and a face of I was going to die and was about to prepare for my funeral, so he knew what happened.

"Mr. Jiraiya." Minato Namakaze hurriedly stepped forward to help Jiraiya up from the ground, "Are you all right?"

"Minato, where is Naruto? Is he alright? And Kyuubi, was Kyuubi snatched by Uchiha Madara?" Jiraiya suddenly remembered the attack he encountered before he died, and hurriedly grabbed Namikaze Minato, nervous asked.

"Don't worry, Naruto will wake up soon." Namikaze Minato said, "As for Kyuubi, it has already been taken away."

Jiraiya lowered his head slightly: "Minato, I'm sorry, I didn't protect Naruto well."

Although reincarnation can save Naruto, losing Nine Tails is definitely a huge blow to Naruto!

"Don't say that, Mr. Jiraiya, in fact, when you encountered Uchiha Madara's attack, I had already received the information." Namikaze Minato saw Jiraiya's remorse and self-blame, a little embarrassed Unable to bear it, he said, "So, so"

Jiraiya looked at the hesitation on Namikaze Minato's face, and an incredible thought suddenly flashed in his mind!

"Minato, you didn't do it on purpose." Jiraiya frowned slowly, and a trace of incomprehensible anger flashed across his face, "Why is this? Minato!"

Namikaze Minato smiled wryly: "Only in this way can Naruto gain the power to save the ninja world."


Jiraiya also looked confused, completely unable to understand Namikaze Minato's words.

"Anyway, when Naruto wakes up, everything will be clear." Namikaze Mizumon said.

"Hey, do you all have this kind of virtue? Just now, my uncle risked his life to resurrect him, me, me"

Hidan was lying on the ground, breathless, his brain was groggy, and the sound of Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya talking, like a noise, made him feel nauseous.

In addition, he also heard thunder and drums as loud as an earthquake, but after careful identification, he realized that it was his own heartbeat!

Compared with the situation after performing reincarnation several times before, Fei Duan felt that this time he was closer to death, and his consciousness seemed to be sinking into endless darkness!

Do not!

I will not die!

I am a loyal believer of the evil god!

But why this feeling of death?

Could it be that Lord Heretic God abandoned me?

Fei Duan's heart beat like a drum. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he hadn't sacrificed his soul to Lord Evil God for a long time!

Could it be that Lord Cthulhu is dissatisfied with himself, so he wants to abandon him?

Damn it, I have to leave here, then kill all the people in a village, and use the soul of the whole village to sacrifice to Lord Evil God!

Fei Duan gritted his teeth, then his consciousness fell into darkness, and he passed out.

Namikaze Minato looked down at him, and whispered softly: "Hidan, thank you."

It was Kushina before, and now it is Jiraiya. To Namikaze Minato personally, Hidan is really a kind person with selfless dedication!

"Minato, I'll go and see Naruto first." Seeing that Namikaze Minato didn't elaborate, Jiraiya decided to go and see Naruto first, and after asking about Naruto's location, Jiraiya also walked out.


Minato Namikaze suddenly remembered something, and said, "Mr. Jiraiya, in fact, after your death, Godai came to see you, and I heard it was very sad."

Jiraiya was startled, then rushed to the side of Namikaze Minato, put his hand on his shoulder, turned his head to wink and smiled and said: "Really?"

Namikaze Minato nodded affirmatively: "Really!"

Ji Lai also drools: "Is it really true?"

"It's true!" Namikaze Minato smiled wryly, "Mr. Jiraiya, after so many years, it's time for you to take some action."

"Ahahaha, this, this, this, you are still young and you don't understand." Zilai also walked out with a strange smile.

"I" Namikaze Minato looked helpless, his son was about to become a savior, and I was still young?

But Jiraiya has such a personality, no matter how urgent Minakaze is, it's useless.

Walking out of the tent with a smirk on his face, he saw Tsunade standing in the distance with his arms crossed, looking proudly at this side.

The smile on Jiraiya's face suddenly froze, and then he coughed dryly, and said solemnly: "I made you worry, Tsunade."

"Worried? No, if Minato didn't stop me, I would have sent your bones back to the martyrs' cemetery in the village." Tsunade snorted, then turned and left gracefully.

"Really, it's not cute at all!" Jiraiya murmured, and in the next moment, the portrait of Brother Pig appeared, "But Tsunade's chest seems to have grown bigger, it should not be an illusion, ah, it's so big."

All the way to the outside of Naruto's tent with a wretched smile, Jiraiya finally showed a dignified expression, and stepped into Naruto's tent.

As a result, as soon as he entered, he saw Naruto standing there with his back to him, motionless.

"Naruto?" Jiraiya was taken aback, "Are you awake? Didn't that Minato guy say you're still in a coma?"

"A lecherous fairy?"

Hearing Jiraiya's voice, Naruto, who was still in a daze, suddenly turned his head, "I knew you wouldn't die!"

"Naruto, me?"

Ji Laiya was about to say something, but when he saw Naruto's eyes, he froze suddenly, with disbelief all over his face.

This, what's going on here?

"Lust, what's wrong?" Naruto asked strangely.

"I should be the one asking you this question, Naruto!"

Jiraiya stared closely at Naruto's eyes, UU Reading In the yellow pupils, there are black cross-shaped pupils!

This pair of eyes clearly only appeared in the fairy mode, but there was no eye shadow near Naruto's eye sockets!

It can't be the fairy mode in perfect state, can it?

Naruto looked down at a sun-like symbol on the palm of his right hand, and whispered to himself, "I am a lustful sage, it may be exaggerated to say it, but I seem to have received the inheritance of the sage of the Six Paths!"

"Huh? What?"

Jiraiya was in a bad mood, "You mean the inheritance of the Sages of the Six Paths?"

"Ah, Immortal of the Six Paths, a strange old man who can't get the point out of his long-winded speech. In short, I also find it incredible."

Naruto felt the powerful force coming from his body, and the look in his eyes became more and more determined, "But! Now I feel that I can change everything!"


Read The Duke's Passion