MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1073 Art of Explosion!

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Facing Nobu Uchiha, who is haggard and unable to be hardened, he is very loyal, and he nodded directly to help Nobu Uchiha deal with the two pillars.

The eternal kaleidoscope of the two pillars has eternal pupil power, which is very difficult to deal with, but the chakra of the two pillars is limited.

At this time, the second pillar was restricted by the Earth Explosion Star, and there was no way to avoid it. Only one wooden escape could easily absorb all the chakra of the second pillar!

Once the chakra is exhausted, Er Zhuzi will have to kneel down and shout papa no matter how awesome he is!

Jue immediately burrowed into the ground, and rushed towards the battlefield of the Fifth Army dozens of miles away.

Nobu Uchiha felt a little uneasy for no reason, hesitated for a while, and followed.

At the same time, at the center between the ninja coalition camp and the battlefield of the fifth army, Kakashi was leading more than 10,000 ninjas of the third army to rush towards the battlefield of the fifth army.

Kakashi took the lead, running fast in the dense forest, his arms fluttering backwards like banners in the gust of wind.

Xiao Ying and Xiao Li followed closely on both sides of him with dignified expressions, and behind him were more than 10,000 coalition ninjas from the third army. But the huge dense forest is invisible, and countless birds are startled.

"Huh? Who?!"

At this moment, Kakashi's face suddenly changed slightly, and he took out the kunai from the ninja bag with both hands in an instant, and looked to the left with a wary face.

"Haha, Kakashi, you're too slow!"

Obito's figure suddenly emerged from the lush branches and leaves, laughing with his hands on his hips.

"Why are you here?"

While Kakashi was asking, he motioned for Sakura and Li to continue leading the team, while he followed Obito and chatted quietly.

"It's Minato-sensei's order."

Obito's face slowly became serious, and he said, "After you left, the intelligence department received the exact information from the fifth unit. The new Penn Six Paths appeared on the battlefield!"

Kakashi's pupils shrank, and he said, "People from the Akatsuki organization finally appeared!"

"That's right, Minato-sensei was worried about you, so he specially asked me to help you, haha, Kakashi, don't thank me." Obito smiled proudly.

"what the hell."

Kakashi squinted at him lazily, narrowed his eyes and said with a sly smile, "Surely you didn't come here alone?"

Obito's smile was slightly stiff, and he became angry from embarrassment: "Even so, I am the main force! Kakashi, I will never lose to you again this time!"

As he spoke, Obito tiptoed a little, and quickly disappeared in place.

Kakashi shook his head, then quickly followed the third unit.

The Fifth Army battlefield is high in the sky.

Didala and Fu sat on the fat owl, which was flapping its wings with great difficulty, and slowly moved towards the huge rock ball hanging thousands of meters above the sky!

"It seems to be struggling."

Fu knelt on the owl's back, with a distressed expression, and said, "Brother Didala, let me go down, I will only drag you down here."

Deidara frowned, and wanted to refuse directly, but when he thought of Tiandao Payne, he sighed, and then obediently took out a small owl from the ninja bag, activated it with Chakra, and the little owl immediately slapped Flying with wings, at the same time the figure gradually grew larger.

"Fu, be careful, um." Deidara instructed.

"I know, brother Didala should also be careful." Fu jumped directly on the back of another owl, and then waved goodbye to Didala.

Didara formed a seal with both hands, and the owl under the seat of Fu glides down immediately.

The owl under Didara's seat flapped its wings with difficulty and continued to fly upwards.

"Obviously one person is missing, why can't the speed be increased? Hmm!"

Didara crossed his arms and stared dissatisfiedly at the owl whose forehead was about to burst into cold sweat.

At this time, the huge rock ball in the sky was already spinning rapidly, and the ear-piercing friction sound became louder and louder, making Didara's brows more and more wrinkled.

He looked up and saw that the huge rock ball with a diameter of 3,000 meters was about 700 to 800 meters away from him.

Didara's eyes glowed, and he immediately took out a large handful of clay from the ninja bag and stuffed it into his mouth on the palm of his left hand.

After chewing for a while, he spit out a Snow Eagle based on the Super Rondo II Form!

Snow eagles are much thinner than fat owls, but faster!

Then Didara took out five c3-18 bombs from the ninja bag with a holy face, and put these five powerful bombs on Snow Eagle's back.

He lowered his head and glanced at the countless shadowy figures dozens of miles away on the ground, and an uncontrollable surge of pride suddenly rose in his heart!

That's right, it's this time, this moment that everyone is looking forward to!

"After today, my explosion art will become a legend in the entire ninja world! It is an eternal art that all of you can't wait for!"

Didara's voice trembled faintly, he was so excited!

It took him half the salary to calm down, and then slowly seal.

The next moment, the Snow Eagle with five C3-18 bombs on its back flapped its wings and flew towards the huge rock ball above.

In just a few breaths, Snow Eagle had already flown directly below the rock ball.

Didara's breathing became more and more rapid, and he felt that his life was about to reach its peak!

Didara slowly formed a seal, but at this moment, a figure of someone suddenly appeared in his mind, did he forget something?

But at this time, the arrow is on the string, and Didalad can't afford to think too much. Of course, he doesn't want to think too much!

The moment Didara finished sealing, the five c3-18th bombs on Xue Ying's back suddenly burst into brilliance, and then became bigger and bigger, until even Xue Ying couldn't bear it, and was about to fall At that time, five c3-18 bombs exploded!

Boom boom boom boom!

The terrifying explosion broke through the speed of sound in an instant, turning into an invisible ripple and spreading outward, and then the scorching fire wave carried countless dusty smoke and turned into a second ripple that spread!

Deidara was overjoyed. While staring closely at his masterpiece of art, he controlled the owl under his seat to fly downward quickly to avoid the terrifying air waves coming from above.

At this time, the terrifying explosion has blasted out a huge ugly gap in the rock ball with a diameter of 3,000 meters that is close to the c3-No. 18 bomb, as if being eaten by a tengu, extremely hideous and terrifying!

And the aftermath of the explosion also passed through this crazily vibrating towards the inside of the rock ball!

At this time, inside the rock ball, the two pillars maintained the complete shape of Susanoo while burning rocks with Amaterasu. They were very busy. Unexpectedly, misfortune fell from the sky, and the aftermath of the explosion outside the rock ball was like ripples. Wave after wave, it oscillated back and forth through the rocks on Susanoo, and then passed to his body through Susanoo.

In just a moment, Er Zhuzi felt his whole body go numb, his seven orifices bled, as if he had been knocked on his body hundreds of times with a sledgehammer, it was uncomfortable!

Er Zhuzi hurriedly bit his tongue to keep his consciousness from being stunned, and then immediately turned on the Thunder Dungeon Body, using the Thunder Dungeon Chakra to stimulate the activity of cells in the body!

"What's going on?!" Erzhuzi was wearing lightning armor, frightened and angry!

Fortunately, at this time, the rock ball was constantly shaken by the aftermath of the explosion, and even Tiandao Payne was also affected, and could no longer use the huge rock to squeeze the complete body of the second pillar, Susano. Otherwise, Didara's wave of operations would directly It can make the two pillars be crushed into meatloaf by the giant rock!


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