MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1082 10 Tails Jinchuriki Orochimaru

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The Fifth Army outside the battlefield.

After the ninjas of the coalition forces successfully escaped from the battlefield relying on Namikaze Minato's Nine-Tails Chakra, they finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the aftermath of the battle from behind became more and more terrifying.

"Ho Ho!"

On the battlefield, the roar of the ten tails was like a stormy sea, violently impacting everyone's spiritual world. Only Naruto, as steady as an old dog, rubbed the tailed beast jade spiral shuriken, and launched violent attacks on the ten tails again and again!

The ten tails became more and more angry, and the endless chakra accompanied by the ten giant tails poured savagely at Naruto.

It's just that Naruto at this time has obtained the body of a sage, his perception and speed have been greatly improved, and he can easily avoid the attack of the ten tails!

"Immortal Technique-Water Escape-Spiral Shuriken!"

This time, Naruto used the three-tailed chakra to rub out a huge spiral shuriken, which looked like a huge waterwheel spinning rapidly from a distance!

The waterwheel rotated rapidly, rubbing against the air and making a piercing sonic boom. Naruto calmly avoided Juwei's tail whip, and smashed the waterwheel in his hand at the **** Gouyu Samsara eyes of Tentails.


Ten Tails roared, and several giant tails stretched across the front, resisting the rapidly rotating water wheel.


Amidst the ear-piercing sound of friction, the water wheeler violently cut into the tail of the giant tail, and then exploded, blowing these giant tails of the ten tails into two pieces!

Several huge broken tails fell powerlessly in the air, and the heavy weight hit the ground filled with dust.

Orochimaru looked at Naruto who started to roll the **** again with a gloomy expression, his brows became more and more wrinkled.

The chakra of the ten tails is undoubtedly the pinnacle of the ninja world!

Its every move contains unparalleled violent power, any tailed beast can only kneel on the ground and shout papa in front of ten tails!

Such a powerful ten-tailed man, why is he so...crisp when facing Naruto?

Yes, crisp!

So brittle!

A light touch to Juwei's tail will break it, and a light blow to Shiwei's tail will fall off. Is the most powerful skill of Ten Tails is to touch porcelain?

Orochimaru looked down at the huge figure of Ten Tails, and then at Naruto.

In the continuous whipping of the ten tails and ten giant tails, Naruto dodged like taking a walk in the garden, with a look of ease.

"I see!"

Orochimaru understood instantly.

The ten tails are indeed powerful, but no matter how powerful they are, if they can't beat the opponent, they are just a paper tiger!

Relying on his perception and speed, Naruto made full use of his strengths and avoided his weaknesses, so that he could play around with the huge ten tails.

After Orochimaru understood, he immediately thought of a countermeasure!

That is to take the ten tails into the body and become the ten tails Jinchuriki!


Amid the terrifying explosion, two more giant tails of the ten tails were blown off. Although they quickly re-grow under the endless chakra, there is no doubt that the ten tails have been rubbed on the ground by Naruto at this time. .

After Orochimaru made up his mind, he immediately made a seal: "Ten Tails Coffin Seal!"

The moment the seal was completed, the ten tails under Orochimaru's feet suddenly let out a huge roar, and then the huge figure of the ten tails turned into a huge vortex like a twist, pouring into Orochimaru's body!


In the distance, Uchiha Madara, who was repelled by Orochimaru's super-Shinra Tenmai, suddenly stared sideways with bad eyes!

Previously, he used Mudun-Advent of the Tree Realm, and trapped Namikaze Minato and others in the sea of ​​trees. As a result, before Uchiha Madara could harvest it, Orochimaru directly moved his sea of ​​trees with a super-Shenra Tianzheng, and at the same time moved Namikaze Shui The door waited for someone to push it out!

"Do you want to become Ten Tails Jinchuriki right now?"

Uchiha Madara's tone was displeased.

The ten tails have indeed been revived, but at this time the ten tails are still in an incomplete state, because the eight tails have only recovered one tail, and the three tails of the yang attribute and the nine tails of the yin attribute have not yet been recovered!

In this state, becoming Ten Tails Jinchuriki will definitely not be able to reach the level of Sage of the Six Paths!

Uchiha Madara squinted his eyes and was considering whether to "reveal the pole" now, when a bright thunder suddenly fell from the sky!

"Lei Yu level Chiyo Mai!"

The fourth generation of Raikage was wearing a lightning armor and made a knife with his hand. The bright thunder light exploded wildly, and slashed on the top of Uchiha Madara's head like the wrath of the thunder god!


The powerful power and the power of thunder directly split Uchiha Madara into two!

However, this feels a bit uncomfortable.

"Wood Dun clone?!"

The Fourth Raikage was furious. When they fought Uchiha Madara before, the other party also played them several times with the Mutun avatar. Now, it happened again? !

"No, Ten Tails was absorbed by Orochimaru!"

Namikaze Minato's voice suddenly came from the side.

Everyone looked back, at this time, Orochimaru had absorbed most of the ten tails, and the endless chakra was extremely compressed, forming a white solid substance like an eggshell outside of Orochimaru, which was densely covered with feather-like cracks .

"I won't let you succeed!"

Naruto reacted very quickly, and directly pulled out a tailed beast jade spiral shuriken, and threw it at Orochimaru.


Amidst the terrifying explosion, Orochimaru completed the absorption of the ten tails unharmed, and the fair skin all over his body became whiter and tenderer at this moment, it looked like white at first glance!

And the top of Orochimaru's head has grown white horns at this time.

Naruto stared at the two horns on Orochimaru's head, suddenly reminded him of that strange old man, Sage of the Six Paths, it was... exactly the same!

But Naruto stared carefully around Orochimaru, but he didn't find the black sphere suspended outside like Sage of Six Paths!

"Wait, are those black spheres the Taoist jade that uncle said?" Naruto thought.

Qiudao Yunai can only be obtained by mastering all the power of the tailed beast and learning the Six Paths of Immortal Art. Although Orochimaru has obtained all the power of the Tailed Beast, he has not mastered the Six Paths of Immortal Art!

And the so-called Six Paths of Immortal Art is an immortal technique that combines natural energy and the power of tailed beasts into one!

Now in the Ninja World, only Naruto, Fenghuo, Jiraiya, and Namikaze Minato are the only ones who master natural energy. That's right, they are the four who have practiced the sage mode.

In the original book, the reason why Obito and Uchiha Madara can also get the Taoist Jade is thanks to the first generation of Naruto Senjujuma. Both of them transplanted the cells of Senjujuma, and mastered the natural energy through the cells of Senjujuma. .

As for Orochimaru, the cells from Senshou Zhujian have not been transplanted!

"It always feels like something is Orochimaru stands in the air, and the terrifying chakra fluctuations spread out from his body, but at this moment he looked down at his empty hands, feeling somewhat empty for no reason.

"Immortal Technique-Water Escape-Spiral Shuriken"

Naruto saw Orochimaru in a daze, and immediately threw a fast-rotating large water wheel at the right time.

Orochimaru raised his eyelids, and the endless chakra in his body instantly condensed in his hands, turning into a pitch-black tailed beast jade in an instant!

The tailed beast jade turned into a black light in the air, and suddenly collided with the large water wheel that was spinning rapidly in the air.


A wave of air with a slight amount of water vapor swept across a radius of ten miles in an instant, and the earth seemed unable to withstand such a terrifying shock, cracking inch by inch, revealing countless dense cracks.

And Orochimaru was also terrified!

Inside, the ten tails... seem to be... rebelling? !