MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1115 fatal problem

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Seeing Er Zhuzi's desolate back slowly disappearing under the night, Feng Huo shook his head and laughed, and then rushed towards the area where the medical department was located.

Hong's injuries were not serious, but she was also keenly aware of the undercurrents in the coalition army camp, so after receiving treatment, she did not leave here immediately, but planned to collect some information like Pharmacist Dou.

But after all, their identities are different, and the medical ninja on Konoha's side watched her closely, not giving her a chance to act at all.

After Fenghuo arrived, Hongcai followed Fenghuo and left here unwillingly.

"I always feel that you have been underestimating me. As an excellent phantom ninja, I am also very good at collecting intelligence."

Hong followed the fire and walked under the night, with a little bit of dissatisfaction in his bright red eyes.

"Hey, you wronged me for this matter. It's that guy Dou. Hong, you know that Dou was a spy for several years when he was a child, collecting information from various countries and forces. Once exposed, he would die, which is extremely dangerous! But, That time was his lost youth!" Feng Huo said sincerely, "He came to me two days ago and said he missed that time very much. He knelt on the ground and hugged my thigh, crying and going to the doctor. I can't even stop them from collecting intelligence, alas! It's really disturbing to still be like this at such an old age."

After finishing speaking, Feng Huo felt a little guilty and used sensory ninjutsu to check the surroundings, and he let out a sigh of relief after confirming that the bag was not there.

Hong turned her head sideways, staring at Feng Huo with a charming face under the moonlight: "Nonsense, I don't believe your nonsense, liar."

"You don't believe me?" Feng Huo was furious, and without saying a word, he dragged Hong back to the tent, and was about to clean her up, but he didn't expect to see Kakashi, Obito, and Shisui just after entering the tent. A few friends.

"Haha, everyone is here."

Feng Huo smiled dryly.

"You don't seem to welcome us very much." Kakashi scratched his head, his ambiguous eyes glanced back and forth between Fenghuo and Hong.

'You know you still don't get out? ’ Feng Huo glared at Kakashi viciously, gnashing his teeth.

After the Five Shadows Conference, Feng Huo devoted himself to preparing for the battle. He had been holding back for at least two months, and the prehistoric power in his body had been brewing to the limit. This time he secretly estimated that he could fight for at least half an hour. The sudden appearance of these **** in Xi is really... too contraceptive!

"Cough! Captain, we are here for business." Shisui coughed dryly and said, "Although Madara Uchiha is dead, it seems that Orochimaru and Bai Ze's bodies have escaped."

Feng Huo frowned, and said, "Bai Jue's strength is mediocre, so he can't be threatened. As for Orochimaru..."

Obito said loudly: "Fenghuo, that Uchiha Shin's body has not been found, could it have fallen into Orochimaru's hands?"

You must know that the cell cloning technology in the hands of Fenghuo and Yaoshidou was obtained from Orochimaru. If he is allowed to get Uchiha Shin, he will definitely use Uchiha Shin's cells for cloning experiments. By then, countless people will have kaleidoscope writing wheels Eyes of Uchiha Shin clones will appear.

Although the army of clones cannot defeat Naruto and Feng Huo, who have received the inheritance of the Sage of the Six Paths, it is more than enough to deal with other ninjas!

Feng Huo frowned slightly, and said: "If that's the case, we can only let Naruto go after and kill Orochimaru."

In terms of perception ability, Naruto is the most important in the ninja world nowadays, and Dashemaru wants to hide under Naruto's perception ability, it is as difficult as reaching the sky.

Moreover, Naruto's thousands of shadow clones can block and kill all the white snake clones of Orochimaru to the maximum extent.

The only problem is...

"What if Orochimaru escapes into Ryūji Cave?" Obito asked, the three of them obviously came prepared.

"Fenghuo, how much do you know about Longdi Cave?"

Speaking of business, Kakashi also became serious, and asked, "If Orochimaru escapes into Ryichi Cave, can Naruto defeat the snake in Ryuji Cave and kill Orochimaru?"


Fenghuo's brain hurts.

Regarding Ryuji Cave, he knew that there was a White Snake Immortal in it, who was not younger than the Toad Immortal of Miaomu Mountain, and had a powerful celestial chakra in his body. Ambitious, he has long taken Longdi Cave as his own, and even let the White Snake Immortal be his psychic beast!

As for more information, Fenghuo doesn't know.

"It seems that what is waiting here is the end of the matter, we need to go to the Ryuji Cave." Kakashi pondered.

After finishing the business, Fenghuo turned his face and turned his back on anyone, and roughly drove Kakashi, Obito and Shisui out.

Red face shyly stared at Feng Huo: "You're like can I meet people tomorrow?"


A confident and cruel smile appeared on the corner of Fenghuo's mouth, "Do you think you can still go out to meet people tomorrow? A joke! Who do you look down on?!"

"..." Hong blinked her eyes twice, and looked at Fenghuo steadfastly.

Half an hour later, Fenghuo's angry voice was faintly heard from the tent: "If you look down on it, then look down on it, hey, what a big deal..."

next morning.

Ambitious four generations of Raikage, Onoki, Terumi Mei, and several high-level elders from Sand Hidden Village gathered at the open gate of Daying.

The ninjas from the four hidden villages also came out of the big camp one after another and gathered together. Even the ninjas with Konoha were awakened by such a big movement, and got out of the tents one after another, subconsciously joining the ninjas from other hidden villages together.

Fourth Raikage and the others saw this scene, and looked at each other with a hint of joy.

Since it is impossible to force Naruto and the others to agree to the request made by themselves and others with their strength, then they can only use righteousness to coerce them!

"Your Excellency Raikage, Your Excellency Tukage, Your Excellency Mizukage, and the elders of Hidden Sand Village, what are you doing?"

Tsunade brought Jiraiya, Kakashi, Nara Shikahisa and other Konoha executives to the gate of the camp, looking at them teasingly.

Naruto, Nara Shikamaru, Hinata Hinata and others also followed Tsunade and others to arrive.

Even Erzhuzi appeared with a cold face.

"Elders, you..."

Godai Kazekage Temari also appeared, with a very ugly face.

The elders of Sand Hidden Village glanced at Temari, but they didn't show much respect. Obviously, between the interests of the village and Kazekage's position, they chose the former.

Fenghuo and Hong also came hand in But Fenghuo's feet will be a little soft.

But fortunately, Fenghuo's will is extremely tenacious. Although he has been defeated repeatedly, he will learn a profound lesson every time he fails, and then strive to win a round in the next round!

No, he now intends to understand his mind and see his nature by touching the principles of all things, so that he can... ahem, you understand, but the only thing that bothers him is... whether the coffin board of the Immortal of the Six Paths is hard enough.

This problem was fatal, and Fenghuo struggled with it for most of the night.

"Tsunate, Jiraiya, everyone..."

Onoki looked at Konoha and the other high-level executives, his face was a little tangled.

However, in order to maintain the balance of the ninja world and for the benefit of his own village, he can only stand on the side of the Fourth Raikage and join hands to curb Konoha's strength!

Otherwise, the Konoha family is the only one, but if there is a somewhat ambitious Hokage, I am afraid that the ninja world will once again erupt into a war that will sweep the entire ninja world! Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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