MTL - Lady Lin’s First-ever Journey to Immortality-Chapter 12 Five hundred pieces of value

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Ai Li thinks that Zhang Boss is simply saying something in the sky!

Li Anping also frowned: "Boss boss, everyone sees clearly, white flowers and a stone, how green."

It is Baojia who does not believe that this stone can really be gambling. Only the owner of Lin Luoran and the former owner of Zhang Bo, the site is sure that this stone is really up!

Due to the angle and common sense issues, everyone's eyes are generally placed on the larger one. Zhang Boss saw that everyone didn't believe him. He was a little embarrassed. He picked up the small piece and took the dust off. The eyes of everyone were falling out.

“Out of green...?” Mrs. Cui’s tone is unbelievable.

"It's apple green, close to the ice." Zhang boss nodded and gave a rough judgment.

His handcuffs, on the one hand, because of the precision of this knife cut, and some regrets, this broken stone in the yard for at least five years, my goodness, such a good material, actually blows in the yard After five years of wind, I didn’t think about cutting everything.

Zhang Boss poured some water into the cut surface of the small stone, and the stunned green finally revealed the whole picture.

This jade cut face, it looks so wonderful, full of a cut surface is green, forming a circular cut surface with a diameter of fifteen centimeters... There is also this stone that winds and rains in the yard, who is idle Boring and arbitrarily rubbing, the green that is so close to the outer shell can definitely be wiped out!

Baojia smiled happily. "Luoran, this is a leak!"

Ali did not give up, sneer: "Ning cut a line, do not choose one side, it is too early to laugh now."

Cui fat child looked at the green, it looks like the water head is not bad, if it is a little thicker, the center can definitely dig a bracelet.

"One million, Miss Lin sells not to sell?" Cui fatzi asked happily.

To do business is like this. If there is risk, it will be rewarded. If it is a thin piece, then Cui Fatzi will only be unlucky.

The cost of five hundred dollars is one million for a knife, and the value is 2,000 times!

Baojia is aware of the risk of gambling, and it is widely circulated in the industry. She also knows Lin Luoran's situation and feels that one million can be shot.

Lin Luoran received the eyes of Bao Jia and gave her a reassuring look.

"Zhang Boss, can you help me to solve the whole stone?" This piece of jade can be more than just the surface layer, Lin Luoran decided to unlock the sale.

"That can't be cut, it's up to rub the stone." Zhang boss does not let others take over, or wipe it himself. To do this, the fans of these rough stones are not understandable by laymen. It is very common for the big boss to solve the stone himself.

Lin Luoran apologized to Cui Fatzi for a smile: "If you want to unlock the boss, you must give priority to you."

Cui fat man swayed his hands, although the whole solution opened him to buy again, the price may be much more expensive, but there is no risk, Mingbu Ming sells, good material everyone is squatting, Cui fat child will only be less It’s too much.

The rubbing stone is delicate, and the time is naturally much slower than cutting the stone.

But the people present in this line are spending a few days to study how many people have solved the problem. This time can still wait.

Zhang Boss rubbed the stone, Cui Fatzi and Mrs. Cui talked with Lin Luoran, and the rest of them also discussed each other. They said that they are all in Myanmar this year. A piece of violet jade has sold nearly 200 million yuan. Sky price.

Liu Zheng also said: "This year Myanmar has too much public money, Wenzhou and Shanxi bosses have chartered flights, increased firepower, and made us cry and laugh."

Lin Luoran did not understand these things at all, only listening and listening.

Baojia can still take two sentences. When Mrs. Cui sees that they can't get up, she turns the topic to beauty and skin care.

"Big sister, how do you raise this?" Mrs. Cui is black, and runs all the year round in the stockyard. A woman is a man who is very envious of Lin Luoran's skin.

Lin Luoran shame, can not tell Mrs. Cui that I have eaten a magical fruit and it becomes like this?

Ali and Li Anping stood outside the crowd, and women did not love beauty. In fact, she also wants to know how Lin Luoran got it. This is only a few days of hard work. How can I get such an effect without a whole body resurfacing?

Li Anping is not a taste in his heart. Just now, the boss has already given Lin Luoran's stone a price of one million. If there is one million in the morning, I can buy a house in R City. If Lin Luoran was as beautiful as it is now, would he still be willing to leave her?

Ali and Li Anping are all thinking, but Bao Jia has helped Lin Luoran:

"Mrs. Cui, Luo Ran and I said, eat more green vegetables, sleep well enough, the skin is naturally good!"

Mrs. Cui blinked. "Why call my wife, I am impatient to listen to such elegant words, and let me say that Wang Jie will do it!...Fatty, we will go back to our hometown and look for the old farmers to buy. If you have used pesticides, you will look good!"

Mrs. Cui, no, Wang Jie not only made a name, but also gave Cui Fatzi a dead mission. Cui Fatzi got his wife's instructions, only nodded and nodded and promised to come down, Lin Luoran and Bao Jia looked straight.

A few people talked and laughed, and time slipped away unconsciously.

"It's a good stuff, Miss Lin picks this stone, nothing to say!"

The boss who talked is Zhang Bo, who has been working hard all the time. When everyone chats, Zhang Bo has already solved the whole piece of jade.

I heard that it was solved, and it was a good material. Everyone went around to see it. It’s not Lin Luoran and Bao Jia who ran in the front, but Ellie and Li Anping – both of them have different degrees of unwillingness.

What appeared in front of everyone was a piece of thirteen or four centimeters at the bottom, a full seven or eight centimeters thick, and a small jade material on the lower circle - this is the shape of the one-third of the original stone! It seems that the skin is peeled off, and the inside is basically jade.

After the jade material is washed in the basin, it emits a radiant glow in the sunlight.

Although it is apple green, the species has reached the ice type, the water head is good, there is no crack, and there is no obvious cotton in the middle. It is indeed a good material!

Someone is calculating how to cut the material in the heart. The small side is not the tip of the cone, but like a big round arc. How many bracelets do you want? How many eggs can be left in the rest, and there are other ornaments.

"I am out of four million!" The opening is the owner of a Guangzhou accent. I don't know why he went to the inland city of R to find the goods.

Wang Jie akimbo, swearing: "You bully the little girl does not know how to do? Four million also want to open, the old mother out of five million!"

Guangzhou boss was uncovered and did not turn his face. He added a million to Wang’s mouth. He was also very helpless. He spoke Mandarin in Cantonese: "I said wonderful, how can you do business like this?"

I accidentally called the Guangzhou singer who broke the name of Wang Sister. When I saw Cui Fatzi rubbing his hands, he only retreated with his nose. Fighting husband and wife, this is not bullying!

Liu Zheng seems to be interested in this material too. See the Guangzhou boss not bidding, and opened the price of “5.5 million”.

To say that you are not excited is a lie, and the money is moving, five million. In addition to winning the prize, there are not many opportunities to get it all at once. Lin Luoran naturally laughs very happy.

Bao Jia muttered to herself. At this time, she completely forgot that Lin Luoran also helped her choose two pieces of original stone. She just wanted to be happy for her friends. I felt that Lin Luoran was finally eager to come.

As for Anping, the price is a bit like it is cutting his flesh. After he and Ai Li, they only looked at the scenery. Although Ellie often gave him some brand-name clothes, he had to return to him. In just two weeks, he got a bunch of clothes that he could only wear. Zhangka has been blown up, and it is now a "negative asset"!

Millions of dollars... If you didn't break up with Lin Luoran, these are all his money. Li Anping’s thought rose and his heart was cramped.