MTL - Lady Su’s Revenge-Chapter 521 The curse of the bookstore

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"I, I, I"

The oil lamp is constantly struggling, and wants to escape from Su Shi’s control and escape. However, his efforts have not had any effect. Instead, he has sensed that he has seized his two small hands and gradually exerted his strength. The dilapidated oil lamp suddenly made an overwhelming sound.

The old servant of the gray coat suddenly panicked. If the oil lamp was broken, he would also smother the smoke. The lifeline of the book was immediately thrown into the clouds.

"Fear! Life! The old slave remembers! You go to the second floor, the second floor and the first floor news are not the same, there are a lot of red clothes, are old ghosts who have lived for many years!"

When the words came out, Su Shi released his hands and threw the oil lamps into the Canglei Cave House.

"If you are talking about fake, I will crush you down."

The old servant of the gray coat saw the Dongfu, and he heard this. When he did not know what kind of existence he had encountered, he could only sigh and sigh again and again.

Fortunately, what he said was true.

Su Shi did not hesitate, and stepped directly down the stairs to the second floor. She stepped onto the soft carpet on the second floor. She felt a gust of wind blowing in the face, and all the sights were misty, and the cold atmosphere closed several times thick.

In such a dead space, the breath of the living beings, like a standing light in the dark, immediately attracted all the attention of the ghosts.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

A pair of **** red eyes lit up, the eyes were full of crazy appetite, how long did they have no meat?

Su Shi did not move, and slowly moved to the bookshelf, as if she did not see those ghosts.

The footsteps are extremely harsh in the dead space.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

There are also a lot of red clothes and ghosts being Jingdong. More than a dozen red lights are lit up from the darkness. Su Shi’s eyes are roughly swept away, and there are more than 20 blood eyes.

Every time she takes a step, the **** eyes will be close to one point, revealing some strange features from the darkness. Some of them have beasts, and there are also four monsters. The faces are extremely distorted, and they all stare at Su Shi’s body. Every flesh and blood.

If it is a normal monk, when he walks to this step, he has already been frozen by the chilly atmosphere that has spread out of the devil.


In the meantime, Su Shi’s footsteps stopped, and her eyes closed with a smile. Looking around the circle of ghosts who were less than a mile away from her, they suddenly said: “Twenty-four, who are you the oldest?”

The atmosphere was stagnant at this moment, and all the blood of the devils soared, and the lightning-like mouth was full of fangs, and madly biting the only living person in the field.

But this time their food, but there is no horror in the past, but a strange smile, and then... in the dark shadow of the ink, a **** mouth bigger than their twenty-four, Opened up.

All the ghosts looked at this scene with a stunned look, and then they were able to avoid them in the future, and they were all swallowed by the blood.


The second floor also returned to normal.

The old servant of the gray coat in the Canglei Cave House saw this scene, and his body shook even more. There were even a few places on the lamp that were shaken apart.

"The twenty-fourth red clothes on the second floor, that are all the adults who have been on the road for thousands of years, all of them have been eaten!!"

Su Shi’s shadow shook in the moonlight and returned to calm.

Su Shi looked up at the third floor, and some of them were still unfinished, but in the end they left the building.

The sinister eats enough tonight and needs time to digest.

In the early morning of the next day, the spirits woke up from the entrance, and came to the Su Shi yard for breakfast.

"Senior brother, today I have made a new lean meat porridge, come and try it."

Seeing the familiar smile of the teacher and sister, the soul of the soul is a little heavy, and two or three steps to the table to sit down, is about to pick up the spoon, suddenly his heart feels, look out of the house.

I saw a black-shouldered monthly sister who didn’t know when he was standing at the door, looking at him coldly.

The spirit of the soul is slightly shocked, this time the teacher how to come out from the mountains.


The spirits stood up, and the black woman glanced at him deeply, motioning for him to follow, and then flew to the library.

"This time it was a bookstore accident?"

The soul of the soul is sinking, and immediately put down the chopsticks to keep up.

“There is a connection between the library and the mountains...”

Su Shi’s eyes flashed and he flew away.

Not long after, the three came to the library, and several sects waited at the door.

"Streep brother, you are finally here!"

The head of the general is only the middle-aged people who have been repaired by the base period, and the younger brother who looks like a young man is a brother. He is very disobedient.

Su Shi looked at him eccentrically, and the spirits smiled embarrassedly: "Don't look at me, the rest of the brothers and sisters do not appear, I am the chief disciple of Zongmen."

"The brothers are very good."

Su Shi’s eyes are sparkling, and the face of the soul is hot. Fortunately, the words of the middle-aged people will come to the rescue field in time.

"Senior brother, go ahead and check it out. The library is in a mess!"

The spirit of the soul was a sigh of relief, and nodded into the library, suddenly saw a ruin, the morning light sprinkled, faintly filled with decaying atmosphere.

"Brothers, when my brothers and I came to the incense in the morning, the first floor and the second floor became like this. It looked like it had been abandoned for many years and it was very strange!"

The spirits walked to the ruins, and they could faintly see the traces of the bookshelves in the ruins. He squandered his hands and a piece of tattered miscellaneous notes automatically flew out, but it had not fallen into his hands, and it turned into a fly ash.

The middle-aged disciple saw this scene suddenly and his eyes widened. Even the voice: "That's it! All the books are like the years of corrosion, and they have turned gray."

The spirits are frowning, and he knows some truths, of course, he is deeper than the middle-aged disciples.

"Senior brother, how did the teacher of the month disappear?"

Su Shi suddenly made a noise, and the spirits suddenly woke up and looked up. I really didn't see the woman in black.

"Mr. Sister?"

The middle-aged disciple gave a slight glimpse, and immediately said: "The disciple did not see any teacher of the month. I am sending someone to find you. You will happen by the brothers."

The eyebrows and brows are wrinkled more tightly. Since the master left, the sects of the sects are frequent, and it’s really what the cows and the gods are coming out to do. Although I don’t know if the “monthly sister” is really true, but there is no such thing. Malicious, he is too lazy to go deeper.

Thinking of this, he waved at Su Shi and let Su Shi keep up and go up to the second floor.

The spirit of the original thought that the second floor of the ghostly strength, not to make the shelf too much damage, but when he saw the second floor empty, bare space, could not help but twitch.

What did you experience last night here?

How is it worse than the first floor, all the spooky smells have completely disappeared.

"After half a month, the master came back. If I saw that the first and second floors of the library were destroyed, I don't know what to think."

The soul is sighing darkly and is going down the stairs.

"Brother, don't you go and see?"

Su Shi looked back at the second floor, and several ghosts hidden in the dark immediately hid in a darker place...

"No, go to the first floor to find more clues, you come with me, I have something to tell you."

"Okay, brother."

The voice of the soul was heard from the downstairs. Su Shi quietly responded with a sound, and the steps were cheerful and the underground floor. Just as she went downstairs, I could hear a group of little ghosts breathing in a sigh.

"The bookstore is a place where many ghosts hide. The power of ghosts in these books is completely removed, so it will become what it is today."

The Essence palm spreads an "Essay", and the voice refers to Su Shi, "And I can barely maintain the power of "Ghost", you look over it, whether the story inside has an ending."

Su Shi opened her mouth and suddenly saw the ending of the first story. She read it out.

"In the wild mountains, there are countless mountains and wild monsters. How can a weak woman live alone? They are just mortals who have been killed by this place. After death, they will not become evil spirits. They will entice the living to feed. The scholars do not know, they are divided into three female ghosts. After the meal, even the soul did not stay."

The ending of the story not only appears, but also evasively and **** about the ghosts.

“Sure enough! The ghosts on the first and second floors of the Bookstore have all left.”

The spirits are a bit ugly, and those ghosts will not step out of the library for thousands of years, and only in the night, how suddenly violated the agreement, all left?

He does not think that those things will be destroyed. In his cognition, no one can defeat those ghosts, even if they are masters, they will only make a compromise with them, make an unfair transaction, and even let those who devour Zongmen.

The gods are a wrapper outside the ghosts and gods, the fragile shell, the ghosts sleep well, if the ghosts and gods completely wake up... no one can be spared!

Terran, too fragile...

The spirits clenched their fists and looked up at the ignorant ignorant sister. He took a deep breath and dismissed the rest of the disciples, and then walked to the front of the two stone lions in front of the library.

"Come out, I am a tattoo, I have something to ask you."

As soon as this was said, the two stone lions suddenly vibrated.

Su Shi’s eyes were condensed, and the two ghosts were too weak, so weak that she could barely notice it. Last night, the smell of the red dress was too strong, and she didn’t notice it.

However, I am standing here.

Su Shizi flashed and his eyes showed a hint of play.

The two stone lions suddenly vibrated even more, but they did not dare to pretend to die. They only revealed two bitter faces. One of the human face lions was about to speak, and they heard Su Shi’s voice.

"Dare to expose me, I will eat you."

The stone lion's eyeball glimpsed, almost biting his tongue, and immediately swallowed the words to his mouth, changing his mouth: "The Soul Master, what do you want to ask?"

The spirits are smashed, and the strange colors appear in the eyes. Although these two stone lions are extremely weak and ghosts, every time they talk to him, which time is not the nose, they can’t wait to step on their heads. How can this be so pleased... ... humble?

“Is it true that Master once won a face for us?”

The soul of the soul is puzzled, but the heart is in the library, not much care, Shen Sheng: "What happened in the library last night? You told me everything you saw."

The twisted face of the stone lion stagnated for a moment, and then seemed to be under some kind of instigation, and immediately said: "The soul of the soul, the red and the second floor of the red dress on the last night all...all...dead!!"