MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 2797 Divine Seal

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(Third more!)

The battlefield is still in full swing.

However, when God destroyed this move, the four heads of the black Thunder Beast condensed with the main body of Nan Wugong and slammed together.

That horrible power attracted the eyes of all the powerful men on the battlefield.

"That is……"

"Good power !!"

"The Lord of the Southern Palace can exert this level of might, but the means of that sword is so arrogant?"

"Good guy, such a strong mighty collision, I am afraid that the higher gods will be killed as soon as they approach. It is a weaker peak god, and in this kind of collision, I am afraid there is only retreat."

Many powerful men from both camps were secretly amazed.

Looking at the collision of the two powers one by one, his eyes were horrified.

And in the middle of the battlefield, covered by endless golden divine power, a black thunder suddenly swept away, like a black sword that cut the golden divine ocean from the sky, and then the black thunder exploded wildly.

Jian Wushuang's decisive move with his full strength was actually resisted by the master of Nanwu Palace.

Let's look at Nan Wugong's gesture at this moment, it's just a little embarrassing, but the breath is not weak.

"Jianyi, is this your strongest move?" Nan Wugong's eyes looked electric, and Zhao Jianshuang looked over.

"The strongest move? No, it isn't." Jian Wushuang shook his head lightly. "Just that move, it's still far behind."

Nan Wugong's face changed, and the next moment he seemed to be aware of it, and immediately raised his head.

With this look up, his pupils narrowed sharply.

I saw Dang Dang in the other side, the scroll world Dang Dang that has always existed in the sky, a powerful power has slowly come.

A huge handprint, slowly from that scroll world.

The map of the Shanhe Society, the two mysteries that Jian Wushuang now controls, are the Kyushu Seal and the Qianbao World.

The power of Qianbao Great World, he has now been perfectly revealed.

Relying on the Kendo world of the Qianbao Great World, his sword power would be so good that he would be able to fight against Nan Wugong.

What Jian Wushuang now reveals is the power of another mysterious Kyushu Seal.

Kyushu and Nine Seals. Only by combining the Kyushu and India's various moves can the true power of the Kyushu Seals be.

This handprint, which is slowly coming from this scroll world, is exactly the combination of sword Wushuang's three prepresses of Kyushu, so as to master ... !!

"This trick ..." Nan Wugong's face changed slightly.

He was under a huge fingerprint, and he could clearly sense the power of destruction that the fingerprint had.

That mighty power, the two huge golden palms that were slowly brought closer to him by the sword Wushuang before, were even more powerful! !!

It's really too strong.

The two golden palms came together slowly before, and he could easily resist them.

But now this huge fingerprint from the sky actually made him feel a little palpitated.

But it's just palpitations.

For so many years, the master of Nanyang Palace has dominated the Danyang Holy Realm for so many years, and has been called the first strongman of the Danyang Holy Realm. Its true strength is far from simple.

When the huge handprint slowly came down, I saw that the main figure of Nanwu Palace also sank sharply, and then a black thunder imprint emerged suddenly at the center of his eyebrows. This black thunder imprint emerged, whirling ~ dense black The power of the thunder swept wildly from that mark.

The black thunder power that swept out before Nanwu Gongzhu ’s own body was more pervasive and darker.

Then the power of the black thunder once again condensed a second layer of black thunder armor on his surface.

"Thunder beast, Kirin !!"

The master of Nanwu Palace drank, and the power of the black thunder swept up again, and the surrounding area of ​​his body was once again condensed into a huge ancient beast. This ancient beast is one of the top bloodlines of the early gods. Unicorn beast.

At this moment, the unicorn beast formed entirely by the power of the black thunder uttered a roar on the sky, as if venting his unwillingness.

The next moment, this unicorn beast rushed straight out, violently impacting with the huge fingerprint of the most square void.

Boom! !!


The violent power formed a raging sea and swept wildly around.

In the surrounding battlefield, the warriors of the two camps were originally a distance away from the battlegrounds of Jian Wushuang and Nan Wugong. It is logical that the two men's battles could hardly reach other battlefields.

But now, with the collision of this unicorn beast with that huge palm, the horrible power swept in all directions, and those battlefields closer to them were swept away. These mighty gods appeared in this power. It was so fragile, one after the other was blown up and down, and it was only a half-sound that stabilized his lower body shape.

The battlefield is the most central.


With a crisp sound, a crack appeared between the unicorn beasts that were completely condensed by the power of the black thunder, and then the entire body of the beast collapsed, and the power of the black thunder dissipated from nothing.

The main face of Nan Wugong sank, a corner of his mouth also had blood dripping out, and his body trembled slightly.

But the huge palm that fell from the sky has completely dissipated.

"Injured? Did you hurt me?"

The master of Nanwu Palace felt that the **** body had been slightly injured, and his eyes immediately burst into endless anger.

A terrible anger straight into the sky.

"Don't worry, there is." Jian Wushuang smiled indifferently.

"What?" The main look of Nan Wugong could not help but he looked up again immediately.

Sure enough, in Fang Na's lifelike scroll world, a powerful power slowly spread out.

Banging ~

This mighty power ~ ~ when the sword unparalleled used the Emperor's Seal, it was obviously stronger.

Followed by another huge palm appeared.

The area was larger before, and the power was much stronger.

The most important thing is that this time when this huge palm descended from the scroll world, there was a magnificent figure in Fang Cangqiang's scroll world.

It was the shape of an emperor wearing a royal robe and a crown. He was tall and tall, millions of feet high.

He was hazy and couldn't see his exact appearance, but the breath he carried was just as noticeable.

It was a true imperial spirit!

Only the emperor of heaven and earth, the true emperor of the world dominates.

And that huge palm is exactly the shape of this emperor. It is the second strongest seal of the Kyushu Seal of the Shanhe Society.

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