MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 3026 Promote

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"This kid must be paying attention, there must be something, this seat hasn't noticed yet." The owner of the magic sound narrowed his eyes and began to observe carefully.


It was another head-to-head confrontation, and Jian Wushuang was directly smashed and flying out as before, and the **** body was hit again.

But after the collision, the Lord of the Magic Sounds suddenly moved.

"No, the power is wrong !!!"

"It's obviously the same swordsmanship, but he now exerts the power of this sword, which seems to be a little better than the original swordsmanship?"

"Yes, it's improved a bit !!!"

The Lord of the Magic Sounds finally noticed.

That is when Jian Wushuang confronted him again and again, it seemed that he was constantly struck by him, being stabbed by him, but in this process of being stabbed again and again, the power transmitted from Jian Wushuang sword, Constantly enhanced.

It is indeed increasing!

"It's not that his divine power is getting stronger, but ... swordsmanship !!"

"His sword power is enhanced!"

The Lord of the Magic Sounds raised his head fiercely, and his face was rare to be surprised.

He also finally realized that Jian Wushuang was like a fool, and he was wisely defeated, and he repeatedly collided with him blindly.

"He is using me, or by colliding directly with me, and honing his sword skills!" The magic sound kingdom's eyes all burst out with a hint of sharpness.

"Did you notice it?" Jian Wushuang smiled coldly.

Yes, as the Lord of Magic Sounds guessed, he was honing his sword skills.

For two hundred and twenty years before his retreat and enlightenment, he created two major swordsmanships. Among them, "Xingmeng" has become the prototype of swordsmanship, and the level is also third-order peerless. It is fast, amazing in cutting and tearing ability, and fights at close range. Next, this style is of great help to Swordless.

He was able to slay so many true sages of the kingdom of magical sounds, and it was also based on this trick.

However, the "Xingmeng" style is not suitable for the collision of face-to-face power.

The "Xixiang" trick is a trick that really focuses on power.

It is a pity that although this method of sword swordsmanship was created, it is still a certain distance from the prototype of swordsmanship, that is to say, this swordsmanship has not actually been completed yet, and it is still in a stage of reconstruction and perfection.

But to improve this trick, you need to continue to fight with people, and still collide with people, it is best to confront them.

So when he played against the King of Gold before, he also tried to use the "Xixiang" sword skill to collide with the King of Gold at first, but the King of Jin was too weak and could not bring him too much pressure. In the face-to-face collision with the King of Gold, his swordplay could not be improved much.

But the battle with the Lord of the Magic Sounds is completely different.

The lord of the magic sound, the fourth-order true saint, has created the strongest extinction of the fourth-order advanced extinction, and also pays attention to the power of power.

Fighting against such a strong person, even if Jian Wushuang is going all out to show all his mystic cards, he will still be completely crushed when he uses the "Xixiang" style, which will give Jian Wushuang a chance. .

That ’s why he seems to be stupid and constantly confronts the Lord of the Magic Sounds. In the confrontation, he is constantly pondering the shortcomings of the "Xixiang" style. During the collision, he is constantly improving and improving. This sword art.

Until now, dozens of collisions have come down, which really made him perfect this sword.

Not surprisingly, the current "Xixiang" style has reached the level of the second-order peak, and it is still being perfected.

"Haha, happy! Happy !!!!"

"The Lord of the Magic Sounds, we will come again !!"

Jian Wushuang laughed heartily, reverberating in the heavens and earth, and his figure once again rushed forward towards the Lord of the Magic Sounds.

"Damn !!" The Lord of the Magic Sounds immediately sank.

In the surrounding void, the undead saints of the Lord of the Magic Sounds all gathered together and watched the battle intently.

During the period, they also talked.

"It is indeed the Lord of the Lord. The strength is too strong. The combat power revealed before the sword Tianhou is already the third-order peak of the true sacred level, but he did not expect that he still has a lot of means. Now many means are being used. , I am afraid that the combat power is close to the fourth-order true saint, but even so, he still has little room for resistance in the presence of the Lord, and is completely crushed by the Lord! "

"Huh, this sword is really cheap, obviously being completely crushed by the Lord Lord, and being beaten by the Lord Lord, but he is so happy!"

"That is, if I were him, I would have to figure out how to escape. He is going on fighting like this silly now. I'm afraid it won't be long before his divine power is completely exhausted. He will surely die."

These undead saints are talking and laughing.

In the laughter, I felt that Jian Wushuang was a complete idiot, and I also admired the strength of the magic sound lord.

But just then ...

"Shut up !!" A low drink suddenly sounded.

The undead sages were startled, and then all eyes looked at the King of Gold, who was drinking lowly.

"Don't you notice something wrong?" King Jin mumbled.

"Isn't it?" The undead saints looked at each other, all puzzled.

"A bunch of stupid people." King Jin Shen said: "Do you think that the sword is really stupid? Knowing that you can't defeat the Lord, you have been foolishly colliding with the Lord? It's ridiculous, did you not find that sword In the face-to-face collisions with the Lord, have the sword's powers been increasing steadily? "


"His sword power is improving?"

"how can that be?"

These undead saints were shocked, and the next moment they looked carefully at the battlefield.

At this point, many people's eyes are shrinking.

They also all saw ~ ~ the frontal collision between Jian Wushuang and the Lord of the Magic Sounds. It was completely destroyed, and the sword was completely crushed.

But after dozens of collisions to the present, although Jian Wushuang is still being crushed, it is still not as bad as before.

After several collisions, the mastery of the magic sound master could not even do the sword crushing.

"Third-order peerless !!"

"The sword he performed when he fought against me before this sword is obviously a second-tier extermination, but now the power of his sword is beyond the scope of the second-order extinction. Threshold for third-order peerless study !!! "

"That is to say, in this confrontation with the Lord of the Kingdoms, he has promoted his swordsmanship students from the second-order utterance to the third-order utterance, and continues to improve !!"

When King Jin said this, his body couldn't help shaking.

Those around them were completely shocked.