MTL - Legend of the Asura-Chapter 9 Bloodthirsty White Wolf King

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Exiting the game cabin, the time is already more than 5 pm. I took a nap for a while. After all, because of the "Reincarnation" beta last night, I was a little excited and didn't rest well.

When I woke up, it was already 7 o'clock in the evening. After I called the sister who was going to school, I quickly solved the dinner and entered the state of admission.

Still did not feel the flow of any breath, the wind sighed helplessly. "I have been practicing chaos for 17 years, but I have been unable to break through the barriers. I can only stop at the first level. The righteous father should be very disappointed."

When I think of my righteous father, the mood of the wind has become heavy again... I miss, warm, doubt, sadness, hatred, and many complicated feelings intertwined, and the heart of the wind has seen no small fluctuations.

The popular father is an extremely mysterious person, mysterious to not fully understand him even if he has lived with him for 22 years.

When he was 3 years old, he couldn't call him "Dad" after he had countless times in his ear, but he was a somewhat ancient name for "father of the righteousness", and he admitted that he was only from him, completely ignoring it. The psychological capacity of a child who was only 3 years old at the time.

When he was 4 years old, he began to teach him chaos, and he accidentally mentioned that this practice is only popular in the whole world. However, the accident is that the wind has been practicing for more than ten years and has not felt the slightest flow of the internal power, that is, the internal force, but his physical fitness and speed have undergone amazing changes, and these two aspects even surpassed him. Righteous father.

In addition to the rigor of practicing, the righteous father is usually a kind and harmonious father. In order to take care of him and his sister, he gave up the wind and dust, gave up the pursuit of martial arts peaks, gave up the marriage and children, settled in Jinghua, and raised them to adults. A man pulls two children, the hard work, their brothers and sisters silently look in the eyes, moved in the heart.

The righteous will often say something weird, do some strange moves, teach him the mysterious exercises that he can't even practice, and often talk to himself about some language he can't understand. The most mysterious and shocking thing about the wind is that the righteous father sometimes predicts what will happen in the future. The wind has always believed that even if someone tells him that his father is a god, he will not be too surprised.

It’s clear that I remember a sentence that my father said three years ago before his death:

"After three years, the reincarnation of the shackles must be in the world, and you must be the first person in the reincarnation! Be sure!"

At that time, the wind did not understand the meaning of this sentence, and only nodded with tears, until two years later, the propaganda of "Reincarnation" covered the whole world...

Slowly calming down my feelings, the wind whispered silently in my heart: "Yifu, my nephew has been following the road you are guiding, Yaoer is now a sophomore, and is going home soon."

"Yifu, if you have a spirit in heaven, look at me and Yaoer to be your pride!"

I thought of my sister who was in trouble with the country and the people, and a warm smile appeared in the corner of the wind: with her companionship, I will never be lonely.

The next morning, I woke up very late, and after simply washing and eating breakfast, I lie in the game compartment and continue to fight for "Reincarnation."

The white light flashed, and the wind was already appearing in the place where it was off the assembly line yesterday. The refreshing white wolf did not seem to know the human being who slaughtered their people. They ate the grass leisurely and did not react to his appearance.

There are still no players around, which makes the wind a bit strange. "The white wolf brush is very fast, and it does not take the initiative to attack. The experience is not low. It should be a good place to level up the team. How can there be no players? Does anyone know this place? But the map of the novice village is clearly marked. Here is the sunset, the territory of the 5th white wolf."

If you look at the forum or ask the village chief for more information, you will know that the monsters in the northern area of ​​the novice village are mostly temperate and do not actively attack, but the money, potion, and equipment are extremely low, and the novice player is When the most money is lacking, it will only be impossible to make a fuss here. It is only the high-fortunate, high-attack, high-reaction novice who can eat here.

If you don't know, you don't think about it anymore. The wind touches the 20 bottles of red in the backpack, and the bottom gas is enough to start to penetrate into the depths of the sunset.

Further inside is the sunset canyon, the territory of the 8th level wolf. I watched my 200 attacks and 450 lives, and I felt that there should be no danger.

When I was about to step out of the sunset, a cave caused a lot of attention.

There is a tall man in the cave, which is made up of earth and stone. It seems to be naturally formed. It is very conspicuous and abrupt in the sunset of the green grass.

The wind is faintly remembering what caves the village chief seems to have mentioned. Is there a treasure in this cave? No longer hesitating, the wind ran to the cave. (The village chief yelled: "I rely! I warn you not to get close to the cave!")

Just before the entrance to the cave, a **** killing gas suddenly came to the face, the side of the instinctive side of the wind, a cold and dangerous claws from his eyes crossed.

Appearing in front of the wind is a tall white wolf, which is twice as big as a docile white wolf. His eyes are full of demon red light, staring at the intrusion in front of him. The body is full of cruelty.

"Hey, the player's spirit, you broke into the territory of the bloodthirsty white wolf king, and violated the dignity of the wolf king. The bloodthirsty white wolf king will attack you until you die or leave its territory."

I didn't pay attention to the system's tips, but I didn't have the slightest fear. The windy heart was filled with strong excitement: "Boss, it's boss, no wonder I didn't brush it in the afternoon. It turned out that the goods were hiding in the old nest and sleeping!" ""

Boss is a concept, it is a representative of a lot of experience and the best equipment, challenge boss is almost every player's expectations and hobbies, even if you encounter a powerful and unable to fight boss, the average person will go back to call the seven aunts The Great Wall of the Nine Dragons will carry out a group meeting. When you meet the boss, you are not playing, not a coward or a white. Unless the gap in strength is too big to be exceeded.

Bloodthirsty White Wolf King: 10 advanced boss, life 1500. The king of the white wolf has gradually grown into a senior boss because of the pure spiritual power of the sunset. It is mild, but it will ruthlessly kill the creatures that break into its territory.

Skills: Bloodthirsty: Passive skills, 5% of the damage absorbed into their own health.

Tear Claws: Active attack skills, with a sharp wolf claw to hit the enemy's body, there is a high probability of crit.

"It's still a senior boss." However, there is not much worry in the wind. His current attributes are comparable to those of the 15th level. With his own reaction, it should be no problem to single out.

The boss grades in "Reincarnation" are divided into ordinary, advanced, silver, and gold grades from low to high, and each level of strength will change greatly. For example, a silver boss can easily single out three advanced bosses, and a gold boss can easily deal with three silver bosses. The golden boss will be a powerful fairy, the fairy beast is the legendary beast, the superhero above the beast, and the top is the supreme existence of the reincarnation - the holy beast.

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