MTL - Legend of the Great Saint-v13 Chapter 92 Fluent

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The red hair flies, the "Black Day Magic Heart" shines, and it falls straight into the belly along the throat. Li Qingshan closes his eyes and breathes a deep breath - the wind is rising!

It seems that a storm has spit out, and the wind is arrogant and violent, blowing away **** palaces and layers of flesh and blood.

The blood maze suddenly burst, the blood was scattered, and it was blown into the powder by the strong wind. The heavens and the earth suddenly became open, and the sky was infinitely high.

The wind is still not stopping, straight up to the nine-fold, the wind and clouds are discolored, and the sea is flowing.

A round of black days rushed through the clouds and seas, flickering and fading, and his mood stirred up.

The black sun shines on the endless and desolate land, shining on the twelve demons, and all the demons look up.

At the same time, the twelve devils were shocked. In addition to the area they controlled, in the "blood labyrinth" of Nine Infants, what "things" were born.

What makes them even more incredible is that the will of the magical domain that will always be chaotic and evil will also celebrate and inspire the growth of the "thing", even at the expense of some of the rules they control.

Tanggu Zhiyuan

Here is the cave house of Chaos Devil. He is the most recognized and powerful among the twelve devils. The power and the rules of control are even stronger than the other eleven demon gods. It is the most chance to win the devil. presence.

However, it is rumored that he was completely assimilated by the law of chaos, and he was caught in a long-term chaos and no longer had any rational thinking.

Today, with the withdrawal of some chaotic laws, he suddenly recovered a lucidity, thinking intermittently: "Black Day... Coming... Prophecy..."

He has long forgotten his surname, forgetting why he was exiled, but still remembers the legend that has been circulating for a long time, about the prophecy of "Black Day Magic" and "Devil King".

"It turns out... I am not a prophet..."

Then it falls into complete chaos and will never recover.

"Xi Di Hong has a talented person, concealing a hidden thief, and doing good deceit, the world is chaotic."

Peak mountain

The poor devil looked up to the black and white, and suddenly remembered the vows many years ago, the tyrannical boy who would rather die and not bow his head.

Under the connection of the fate of the "Spirit of the Blood", he was the first to identify the identity of Li Qingshan, and for a time his thoughts turned back and forth, his face flickered and suddenly, and suddenly he laughed wildly:

"It turned out to be you! It really is you! Finally came, let me wait! Fortunately, I am not disappointed, come on, let me see what the 'devil king' in this prophecy is?" laughter resounds For a long time, I have never been so happy, and I have a cruel killing.

Jinyun Restaurant

The demon **** first showed a blank expression, and turned into a natural smile, even though the smile was a bit bleak: "I still don't deserve to be the leader!" No matter how temperament, there is always an unparalleled - Tianzi!

The pale face was restored, and the bronze mask was worn. Looking at the cow totem on the wall, holding the spears in both hands, the stunned color:

"Then, once again, the last time, fight for Shennong, before I was completely changed!"

There is also a devil, a strong demon, a demon god... Devils look at each other with different minds, waiting for the moment when the prophecy comes true.

At the same time, in Li Qingshan's body, the small world has also undergone amazing changes. A long snake appears out of thin air, with a round of black days in the mouth, and shuttles in the void, which is the new snake.

The dragon suddenly rises up.

The dragon snake competes: the snake is one inch long, the dragon is one inch long, the snake is one foot long, and the dragon is one foot long. It seems to be fighting, and it seems to be in harmony.

Li Qingshan immediately recalled the magnificent picture of the battle of the sky, Fuxi and Nuwa, dragon and snake.

The dragons and snakes are intertwined with each other and gradually merge into one, and they are no longer separated from each other.

"Hong Meng opens up, Yin and Yang are one!"

The small world is shaking, moving, and changing.

Four gods and four demons, all kinds of changes, one by one emerged, one after another disappeared.

The dragon is yang and the snake is yin.

Lin Huasheng, the main air.

Niuhuang tiger turtle, ground fire and feng shui.

Time, all kinds of gods change, and they are one!

Li Qingshan stood in the center of the storm and felt that the body of the demon was also broken and broken.

The infinite expansion of the small world millions of times breaks the boundaries between his soul and the body and connects with the whole world.

The broken body of the demon, rebuilt in a flash, the small world has ceased to exist, and the world is his small world.

At this moment, it is like the legendary "candle dragon": it is regarded as 昼, 瞑 is night, blowing for winter, calling for summer. Breathing into the wind, smashing into thunder. One move and one quiet, turn with Yin and Yang.

Every breath, he is becoming more powerful, a straight road, leading to the real world of "refining the gods to return to the virtual."

The nine sons and evil spirits suddenly felt a horrible battle, and felt that Li Qingshan was playing an amazing change. If this change was completed, they all had only one dead end, and they all embraced each other:

"kill him!"

Li Qingshan silently opened his eyes, still a pair of red eyes, but the white eyes turned dark.

Red as fire, black as night, like a night star, is for "flooding."

Above the distant nine days, there are not many stars, and each star is manifested in the heavens by the gods of the gods. It also includes the twelve devils, but the glory is bleak and caged.

Suddenly, a small red star faintly shines through the black night.

The red star is very small and can't be compared with any star.

However, the moment it appeared, it eclipsed the stars and shocked them.

"Ying Ying fire, away from confusion."

The demon star is out, the world is catastrophic, and the war is endless.

The curtain of the world’s robbery is slowly opening.

In the fascinating eyelids, is it revealed that it is devil, divinity, or humanity?

In the view of Li Qingshan everything seems to have lost color, the nine evil spirits are swooping over, some to grab the "Xuanyuan sword" beside him, and some to attack the empty door of his broken arm, there are The goal of his baby is...

They are connected in the same way, and they are all in one, and the shots are thunderous and the offensive is extremely fierce, but they all stop at this moment.

Li Qingshan's eyes turned, and even the embers observed the expression on their faces one by one. However, there was nothing remarkable about them. They were all equally disgusting.

Some itch at the broken arm, piercing the bones, giving birth to the bleeding, and instantly creating an arm covered with a layer of fine scales.

The repair of "Kirin" was a violent increase, and it reached the ninth weight before the arm was completely formed. He has obtained the complete inheritance of Yuan Shilin, even if it is the power of Xuanyuanjian, it can't stop the broken arm.

He blinked again, and everything returned to color and stretched the new arm.

A sacred **** has not yet seen it, and he was buckled by a big hand, his expression twisted, struggling, and then slammed, and was smashed. (To be continued.)