MTL - Legendary FBI Detective-Chapter 84 Bruno Sen's Efforts (Please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly ticket!)

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  Chapter 84 Brosen's Efforts (Please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly pass!)

  In the folder, there is the general situation of Bruosen's investigation of the bank robbery in the past few days.

  Among the six bank robberies, except for the third bank which had a hidden camera installed in a fire sprinkler, the cameras of the remaining banks were all smeared with black spray paint by the robbers as soon as they entered the bank.

  So this hidden camera that recorded the whole process of the bank robber's actions became an important guide for Brosen and the others.

  According to the video recordings in the camera, Brosen judged that the two bank robbers were a group of veterans, or had served in the army, so the whole operation process was very capable and straightforward.

When they asked passers-by and bank staff who were trapped in the bank for business at the scene of the second crime, Brosen and the others got another piece of news that there was a snake-like snake on the right wrist of one of the bank robbers. Patterned tattoo.

  Because the transparent document bag handed to the bank staff by the robber contained their personal information and family member information, Brosen also began to investigate the bank staff's interpersonal relationship and family situation, and checked whether anyone had inquired about them recently.

  When the robbers entered the bank, they shot upwards first, and Brosen did not forget to check the bullet casings left at the scene, and took the bullet casings for ballistic analysis.

   Obviously, there is no major problem with Bruosen's investigation direction and experience judgment, but unfortunately, these clues did not allow Bruosen to find the robbers.

  The location of these banks is not the affluent uptown area. There is a large area around them, and there is no complete surveillance video.

  So after the two robbers finished the robbery and escaped from the bank, Brosen only found the backs of the robbers in a few old cameras that were not connected to the Internet, and judged that they were fleeing eastward, and then the figures of the robbers disappeared completely.

  Snake-like tattoos After investigation, it was found that only a few tattoo parlors in New York would draw this pattern, but after investigation, the owner of the tattoo parlor and the person who drew this pattern had alibi on the day of the incident.

   Checking the family situation of the bank staff did not yield any clues.

  As for the six bullets analyzed by ballistics, they judged that the gun was not the same pistol, but the pistol was of the same model. There were too many black guns of this model strayed out, and it was impossible to investigate for a while.

  So until today, Brosen has not found the exact information of the murderer.

   After reading the information, Roan frowned, and put the file back on Verinisi's desk.

  Verinis didn't look up, she continued to lower her head to write the document, and asked at the same time:

   "Any thoughts?"

   "Bruosen is an experienced old FBI, and there is nothing wrong with the direction of the investigation."

  Roan nodded, then changed his tone:

   "The entry point of the investigation is wrong."

  Hearing this, Vernis stopped writing and looked up at Roan:


   No nonsense, Roan directly described the interrogation process just now to Verinisi, and finally said:

   “Obviously, because the camera was blocked by black paint, Brosen could only judge the murderer based on the camera footage of the bank where the third case occurred and the testimony of witnesses at the scene of the six cases.

  However, in the six cases, the two robbers were about the same height, and the witnesses' descriptions of the robbers also focused on the same clothes and the same mode of action.

  The witnesses will inevitably neglect some details after being frightened, and the murderer did not speak during the robbery, and used the recordings in the mobile phone to direct the actions of everyone in the bank, so... "

   "So there is a high probability that Brosen believes that the six robberies were committed by the same group."

  Verinis threw away the signature pen, leaned back, and continued following Roan's words.


  Luo An nodded. No witness was unlucky enough to run into the robber twice while doing business at the bank, so the witnesses at the scene of the six robberies would only tell about the robbery they experienced just now.

  In the six robberies, the crime process was exactly the same, the clothes were exactly the same, and even the pistol they held was the same model.

   "You just said that you have found the robber in the sixth case, didn't you?"

  Hearing what Verenice said, Roan shook his head:

   "No, sir, it's just possible. I can't guarantee this until I find concrete evidence."

  Roan didn't find any big loopholes in the hyena gang Robert's description.

  But except for some special cases where large memory recovery techniques can be used to force prisoners to confess, evidence is still required in ordinary cases.

   Roan would not talk nonsense until he found the robbed banknotes in the hands of the laundry owner, or other direct evidence.

  Hearing Roan's words, Verinisi was silent for a long time, then straightened up, crossed her hands on the desk, looked at Roan seriously, and said in a cold voice:

   "The three-day time limit set by Brosen at the meeting to solve the case, there are still 6 hours before the end of the time.

   After 6 hours, if Brossen has not succeeded in solving the case, the case will be taken over by one of our remaining team leaders.

  If we solve this case, then I have the opportunity to go one step further, and you also have the opportunity to be promoted to a senior detective in an exceptional way, and at the same time, you can get a lot of money as a thank you from the bank. "

  Roan nodded. Verenice had told him about this before, and he knew it.

   Eyes moved slightly, Verenice continued:

   "Assuming that Brosen didn't solve the case within the specified time, then before the case is handed over to us, we can analyze the clues of the case first, starting from the owner of the laundry shop.

  If the owner of the laundry shop is not the real robber, or if Brosen has locked the arrest warrant for the owner of the laundry shop, then consider this incident as never happened, and think about whether to take this case after 6 hours.

   If during the investigation it turns out that the laundromat owner is a bank robber, and Brosen doesn't discover this, then in 6 hours, I will take the case in the hands of my superiors. "

  The owner of the laundry shop may be a bank robber, and the news that the six bank robberies may not be done by a group of people, Vernis did not intend to inform Brosen from the beginning.

   Not sure whether the news is true or not is one thing, but the main reason is that the man behind the serial murder case to the media is targeting Brosen, who is in the five investigation teams under Verinisi.

  If Roan hadn't solved the case quickly and successfully rescued the hostages and killed the murderer in front of everyone, Verenice would have been severely punished.

   If Vernis wants to erase the punishment, she will definitely pay a high political price.

   And the foundations that Bruossen and Verenice entered are different.

  Political struggles have always been life and death.

  Vernice originally thought that if Brosen failed to solve the case, she would push him out of the headquarters building of the FBI's New York branch.

   But she didn't expect Roan to bring her good news, giving her the opportunity to drive Bruosen out of the building directly.

  Thinking of this, Verniss throat moved, and she looked at Roan with complicated eyes.

  After listening to Verenice's words, Roan licked the corner of his mouth, his eyes flickered coldly, and he understood the meaning of the words.

  To be honest, Roan also wanted to take this opportunity to drive Brosen out of his sight forever.

  When I was a trainee agent at the beginning, after a certain operation failed, because of the existence of Brosen, the three-person team only deducted points from Roan.

  Follow-up, after Roan and Mona successfully arrested the Park Murderer, Brosen still targeted Roan at the meeting.

  If Roan hadn't prepared in advance and took away the notebook from the murderer's arms, the scene that night would have made Roan very embarrassed.

  In addition, the case was leaked to the TV station later, when we met in the elevator, the eyes became colder every time, and the biting dog didn't bark.

  To be honest, if it wasn’t for the fear that during the investigation after the death of the team leader, if the cause of death was found to be abnormal, it would cause the anger and investigation of the FBI’s senior management.

  Thinking of this, Roan no longer hesitated, nodded to Verenice decisively, and grinned:

   "Okay, sir, I know what to do."

  Virnis was very satisfied when she heard this, and after briefly explaining some arrangements, she asked Roan to leave the office.

  Back to the site of the No. 5 investigation team, Sean has been interrogated by Lacey and William and sent away here, Roan touched his fist that was not punched enough, turned and walked into Augustus' office.

   Describe Verenice's arrangement to Augustus. Augustus did not hesitate after hearing it, and agreed decisively. At the same time, he said to Roan with a serious expression:

   "During the process of investigating and collecting evidence, you must be careful."

   "Okay, thank you sir."

   Roan grinned, poured Augustus a cup of coffee, turned and left the team leader's office.

  Sitting back at his desk, Roan was about to ask Mona, but Mona asked calmly:

   "Is it to investigate the serial bank robbery?"

  Roan was taken aback for a moment, but then smiled:


"I knew it."

  Mona glanced at Roan, pointed to the computer and said:

   "When you went to find Vernis just now, I checked all the network monitoring in the area near the laundry. On the day of the incident, I didn't find any suspicious figure of the owner of the laundry, Erken."

  Surveillance video can only prove that Erkin opened the door late for business on the day of the crime, and his daughter entered the laundry to help with a sad face, and ran out of the laundry happily. These have nothing to do with the bank robbery.

"All right."

  After listening to Mona's narration, Roan nodded, thought for a moment and asked:

   "What about the consumption records of the Erkin family? Is there anything unusual?"

   "Do you know why gangsters like to open laundromats? Because there is a lot of change there, which is convenient for money laundering."

  Mona replied casually, pouting and typing on the keyboard:

   "With elderly parents, a disabled wife, a daughter going to college, and Elken himself with an old laundry, do you think he'll use things like credit cards a lot?"

  Roan’s mouth twitched. Just as he was about to say something, Mona nodded, pointed at the computer screen and said:

   "Really will."


   Sorry, I just heard the boss chanting, the update is half an hour late, I am very sorry!



  (end of this chapter)