MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 108 Meimeimei

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The magnetic storm did not end after a month as AT-6765453 said, but stopped on the 23rd day.

In the meantime, Carl has kept the dragon shape to block the magnetic storm for them. Carl did not have the arrogance of uncontrollable emotions. Every day, he was stuck with Lydney's sweet and greasy, and he did not spit him after the end of the magnetic storm. After eating the frozen gel that he had been most annoying for twenty days in a row, it may be because Lydney had personally fed it, even if he was willing to eat it all willingly.

Queltan's magical ability has leaped forward in these days, except that the control ability is still not very good. Hai'an estimates that his magic level has reached the level of a senior magician, and Lidney has just learned to cast primary magic - He still couldn't make a vine chair, but he made a necklace for Carl and hung it on Carl's dragon-shaped neck.

"How are you?" Hai'an only returned to the temporary base, and they received a video call from Jieming. "You can't contact people after leaving for two days. I almost drove to find you, or Pace. Stopped me, he said it was a magnetic storm, and I will be able to reach you when I am finished."

"We are fine, no one is hurt, what happened to the Empire and the Freedom League?" Auguste wore a black shirt and sat on the bed with a towel to wipe his hair. Hai'an was still taking a shower in the bathroom.

This time, Hai'an learned to swear and said that he would not take a bath with Auguste—especially they have not been close to each other for more than 20 days. Hai'an's face was thin, and he didn't dare to kiss Auguste in the pit. Auguste watched Lidini and Karl bother to get tired of it.

"Fried up and fried." Jie Ming shook his head. "It was a mess. At the beginning, the Freedom League defeated the empire and lost it. Think about it too. There is Dean's big killer, no one. Killed him, but what is strange is that Ivan did not drive the black crow to fight with Dean, but ran to another battlefield, and Patrick Fernando played hard, but sent Alila to stop Dean. ""

Jayminton paused and put his head close to the camera, pressing down the voice. God said mysteriously: "The main event is coming. Didn't I just say that Dean screamed at the emperor? Then just three days ago, Dean didn't know what was going crazy, and the group of Free Alliance troops that had been led by him disappeared. After the entire army of the Freedom League was wiped out, Dean suddenly appeared and beat Alila to death. Then it disappeared. Not only did the empire's people find him, but even the people in the Freedom League did not know where he was going."

"He may have returned to the street." Auguste frowned. "Let's check it out. I want to know who Dean has seen."

"Yes, give me two days."

"Are you talking to Jieming?" Hai'an came out of the bathroom, and he was only wrapped in a bathrobe. The white feet were directly on the floor, and the long silver hair with drops of water left behind. The next trace.

"How many times have you said, dry your hair."

Hai'an climbed into the big bed and sat down with his legs. He saw Auguste with a serious face, and some of them pleaded with it. "Don't you wipe it for me?"

Auguste pinched the ear of Hai'an with no expression, then caught Hai'an in front of him and wiped his hair with a clean towel. "Where do you want to go after the war?"

This sentence is spoken, Auguste thought and added: "No one is allowed to leave me."

"Well? I am following you all the time." Hai'an licked his own painful ears, and he heard August's words in a cold, somewhat strange.

"We are not going to accompany Jieming to find the moonlight flower? I am not familiar with the world, as long as I go with you wherever I go..." Said the last sentence, Hai'an is still a little shy, the voice is lowered a little.

Auguste chuckled and licked a head of Hai'an. "I will take you to my hometown to see if it is good?"

"Your hometown?" Hai'an couldn't help but look back at Auguste. "You don't mean it's already..."

"No matter what it becomes, someone will go."

"Yes... that's your hometown..." Hai'an was happy for August, but he thought of the White Elf tribe, the burning Elune Forest, some confused, Paladin said always with Auguste Together, he can find the truth, but how long will it take? ten years? a hundred years? Still a long one thousand years?

Seeing that Hai'an was awkward, Auguste knew that he remembered the world named Nord.

Auguste grabbed Hai'an's waist from behind, but pressed him tightly and gave him silent comfort.

Emperor Star Legion Headquarters -

Alila was lying on a white bed, a bunch of pure white Lolita rose in a purple vase on the bedside table, and a few petals fell on the table, some yellowed.

The bright sunshine outside the window came in and cast a few beams to clearly see the dust floating in the air. Alila sat up from the bed, looked at the scenery outside the bed and stayed, and touched her own left eye – the empty eyes below.

Dean dug up one of her eyes, even though she became a dragon, she still couldn't beat Dean.

No, I can't say that I can't beat it, but the nightmare's mech shell doesn't know why it gets so hard that even her teeth can't bite. She did not expect that Dean would suddenly drop the army of the Freedom League and then suddenly sneak attack on her.

Is it that he has discovered...

"My poor Alice." Ivan pushed open the door, holding a bouquet of Lolimas rose with dewdrops in his arms. He took the old rose from the purple vase of the bedside table and replaced it with a new one. The waist printed a kiss on Alila's forehead, then sat next to Alice, held up her left hand and whispered, "Do you still have pain in your eyes?"

Alila looked at Ivan's blond hair in the sun, and the yellow-amber-like eyes, and stunned to answer his question.

"Not very painful." She lowered her head and leaned into Ivan's arms.

"It's my fault." Ivan caressed her long hair. "Abbott's ability to read the original mechsman's ability is slow. We didn't expect the meteorite in Dean's hands, but his speed of deciphering. It’s faster than Abbott—"

"I won't blame you!" Alila suddenly broke away from Ivan's arms and watched his eyes shout loudly, then lowered her voice: "As long as you always love me..."

Ivan was shocked by the sudden action of Alila, then laughed and took Erila's hand again. "Of course I will always love you."

"Well..." Alila stared at Ivan with her bare-eyed eyes, and saw his pets and love as always in his eyes.

"Don't think too much, we will be together after the war is over, no one will bother us, I always love you alone, you know..."

Alila closed her eyes and clutched the collar of Ivan's chest. Yajuon had a strong desire for companionship. Ivan never let other women or his homosexual closeness to him, so she Just so assured.

Therefore, before Dean’s departure, he must have said something that he used to provoke her and Ivan’s feelings...

"Oh, what is this? Do you really think he loves you?" The gray mech crushed a dark red eye, and Elila sighed with sorrow. The long dragon screamed through the dark universe, wearing the soul stone. Ivan must be able to hear it, but he did not arrive in time - he clearly has a month, can be transferred instantly...

But Alila never asked why Ivan didn't come to save her. Maybe he knew that Dean wouldn't kill her. Ivan was always so smart. He was so smart from an early age. Alice looked at the bunch of roses on the cupboard. She was around Ivan for hundreds of years. They grew up together. The Fernando family was destroyed that day, and she helped him kill Parikt...

"Randall... What do you want?" Alila looked up and looked at Ivan Randall's eyes. "Either the Empire or the Freedom League, you have already got it, if you are afraid of the public opinion. Then you can completely overthrow the empire, why do you want to let Dean find out --"

"Hey--" Ivan stretched out a finger to stop Elila from finishing the story. "Dean is negligent. I haven't appeared in August, my rule will not be stable, let alone." Dean is now betraying, but what I am most worried about is you."


"Yes, you are my wife now, waiting for the Freedom Alliance to overthrow the empire, Ivan must be dying, then what about you?" Ivan frowned slightly, worried in his eyes. "I think you have been standing on me." By the side, whether it is Ivan or Parikett, I want to give you the best, but you have exposed your face in front of the people. The body of Aaron is too hard, I can’t face you for it, originally Dean. If you don’t rebel, the nightmare and the meteorite are in his hands. He must have a solution, but now..."

"It doesn't matter, I can always show my face, as long as you are still with me." Alila closed her eyes. "I am sleepy."

"Then rest, I am here to stay with you."

"No, you have to deal with things, Dean hasn't solved this yet, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Ivan bent over and kissed Alice's face, then pushed the door out. "If you have something, send me a newsletter, I will come over."

"it is good."

At the door, there was a locked voice. Alila turned over and opened her eyes and stared at the Lolima Rose on the table. Its scent was faintly filled in the house, and the petals circling beautifully. And quiet, but also dazzling.

Alila suddenly shed tears.

She knows why Ivan is with her, and she knows why she fell in love with Ivan. This is fate. It is also a succumb to succumb to the blood, succumbing to the thirst for love, not stopping, entangled with each other. Until the day they were strangled by fate, they will die.

The author has something to say: Ivan's identity will reveal secrets later, and Dean will say that after he is crazy, everyone is Mo.

- Thanks: Pear paper thrown a mine throw time: 2016-01-2401:47:41

Quietly throwing a mine to throw time: 2016-01-2423:15:43

Today, I did not take medicine and threw a mine to throw time: 2016-01-2500:23:54

Mr. Radish threw a mine to throw time: 2016-01-2617:21:37

Pear paper thrown a mine throw time: 2016-01-2618:43:10

(=1w1=) Throw a mine to throw time: 2016-01-2622:38:40

(=1w1=) Throw a mine to throw time: 2016-01-2622:38:57

(=1w1=) Throw a mine to throw time: 2016-01-2622:39:10

(=1w1=) Throw a mine to throw time: 2016-01-2622:39:26

The throne threw a mine to throw time: 2016-01-2622:45:32

Black light throws a mine to throw time: 2016-01-2622:48:32

Today, I did not take medicine and threw a mine throwing time: 2016-01-2700:05:07

If the water throws a mine to throw time: 2016-01-2700:13:14

Pear paper thrown a mine throw time: 2016-01-2700:14:57

Soraka threw a mine to throw time: 2016-01-2700:41:17

Throw a book and throw a grenades to throw a time: 2016-01-2709:27:44

I have been on the list of mines for several days, thank you very much!
