MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 120 Fish, fish, fish

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"Auguster, Carl, that dragon seems to be your fellow." Colin narrowed his eyes, now it’s dark night, and the Azure dragon rushed into the air and merged with the dark night, it’s hard to See his specific location.

Carl was speechless and glanced at Colin with a look of mental retardation: "nonsense, he looks the same as us."

Auguste leaned over his neck, and the dark red eyes kept track of the figure of the Aaron. After half a minute, he raised his eyebrows: "He is coming."

The voice just fell, and a person fell in the air, and the inverted onion looked into the shallow sea and was ejected again. "Oh yeah~" shouted and rolled a few times on the sea.

The man was surrounded by a circle of leaves, black hair was messy, like the weeds growing up in the backyard that had not been taken care of for many years, Akasaka naked and naked, Haian glanced at it, this person’s chest muscles only Gust is a little smaller, like a chocolate plate with neatly arranged abdominal muscles, a wheat-like healthy complexion, full of strong male flavor.

He stretched his arms, his eyes filled with tears, and screamed: "The same. Zhi!"

August: "..."

Auguste glared at Haian sideways and escaped the hug of the man. The man turned back and looked at Auguste unbelievably, grinning like a loyal dog abandoned, and then moving toward Karl. Pounce on.

"Comrade! I miss you, oh..." Carl was so careless that he couldn't get away from it. He was caught by the man and could not earn.

瞎瞎 Hurry and hold your eyes: "I didn't see anything! I won't tell Lydney!"

Lydney, who stood on the side and witnessed everything: "..."

Carl patted the man's back: "Brother, can you talk well?" His subject is still on the side. It looks like this.

The man still cried with Karl and said: "Comrade, are you coming back so late? I have been waiting here for hundreds of years, and I am vegetarian every day..."

Carl was ashamed to tear the fellow from himself and helped him stand up: "The fellow, do we talk well?"


If you only have one living person on a planet, what is your feeling?

Kay lived alone on a person's planet for more than two hundred years.

In addition to the second Ayutthaya, the main star of the Asian Judah, he is like Auguste, and he is indeed the only surviving Ayurveda on the expedition.

Based on his memory, he used his own eggshell as a material, and then removed some of the equipment from the expeditionary ship to build a small spaceship. He returned to his hometown with the soul stone of his two fathers, but did not tell him the inheritance of his memory. The dragon race is almost extinct.

Other surviving blood vessels have no maps, may never return to the main star, or die on an unknown planet before they reach adulthood.

When Kay returned to the planet, he discovered the inexhaustible soul stone in the shallow sea—the main star is like a cemetery. But perhaps he is born with less roots, and Kay actually stayed directly on the main star, releasing the seeds and some birds that he brought back from the meat star, allowing them to grow freely here.

Fortunately, Kay has a light brain that can be networked, so he has been a house dragon for more than two hundred years on the main star - not that he refused to go out. For the past two hundred years, he has almost gone through the deep sea. Every corner, but there is no second living person other than himself.

The memory of Yajuon’s inheritance tells him that the deep sea is a terrible place. Maybe it will never come back after it goes down. Kay thought about it. If it is the only surviving Azure in the interstellar world, then the great cause of succession It depends on him.

So he can't die.

But on the planet, except for the deep sea, where food can be caught, there is no food that can be full in other places. The birds that Kay comes back are not enough for him to sew, and it may take a lifetime to eat the leaves. So he only dared to catch a bird to eat every few days.

Kay was too embarrassed. Later, he thought of a compromise method, using his tail as a bait to capture the creatures in the deep sea. When Kay wants to eat it, he will bite his tail and overflow. Some blood, then plunged into the deep sea, and many times he can indeed catch some meat-eating creatures.

But biting the tail is so painful that Kay only does this kind of thing occasionally, so he can only eat the leaves all the time.

"Oh... I knew that I wouldn’t bring so many flowers, and I would bring some fruits and vegetables and seeds. I’m so special, I’m going to smash the leaves every day...” Until August, they all walked into the sea of ​​flowers. Kay is still crying.

"This rainbow is... fake?" Hai'an touched the rainbow of this entity and asked with a stunned look.

"Hey, I just glued it yesterday, you should be careful not to touch it." Kay sucked his nose and suddenly picked a few flowers and handed it to Hai'an. "The flowers are real, still fragrant, you smell."

Hai'an did not pick up the bunch of flowers, but nodded: "I know this is true, you don't have to take them off."

Auguste is still watching it, if the flowers are still available?

"Do not worry, no waste." Kai see Haian did not take his own flowers, so put those flowers into his mouth, swallowed and swallowed. "You don't know how lonely I am on this planet." Only a little, I am going to be the first Aaron in the history of loneliness and death."

Kay thought that he was the only remaining flower of the Azure, so he found an object to marry the child, but he registered his account on the famous dating website on the Stars 100 years ago and also his own personal. The information registration is complete, but no one is willing to marry him.

This made him very angry and wronged:

【personal information】:

Name: Kay

Gender: Male

Age: 250 years old

marital status: Single

Occupation: Unemployed

Assets: a huge planet and its associated stars

Hobbies: eating meat, passing on generations

Self-description: like small animals, like to plant flowers, have a huge garden, but the poor people who are empty and empty.

The ideal object in the heart: the more people who can have children with me, the better.

Logically speaking, even if Kay is an unemployed, it doesn't matter, he has a planet, what kind of work is needed? However, Kay’s conversations with others often end in the same way:

[xxx]: Dear, I heard that you have a planet?

[Lonely Kay]: Yes, my planet is very big, we can have many babies together ^^

[xxx]: Oh, you hate it~ Dear, how big is your planet?

[Lonely Kay]: At least 1,000 emperors are as big as stars.

[xxx]: Oh.

[You are reported to be suspected of fraud by 100 people, will be forced to go offline after 10 seconds, countdown: 10, 9, 8...]

Kay: "..."

Why is it so difficult to find an object? He is telling the truth, he also deliberately said that the size of the main star is small, how can no one believe him?

"Do you have meat? The kind you can eat." After Kay’s resentment, he looked at Auguste with anticipation.

Auguste immediately sent a newsletter to Aria, who was still on the boat, and let her bring some barbecue.

Kay looked at meat and was in a good mood: "Great, go to my house and sit down!"

"Wait, Kay." Jaime took out the original map that recorded the moonlight, and asked Kai: "Have you seen this flower?"

"Moonlight flowers, I have seen, I planted a large piece." Kay bowed his head and looked at the map for a few seconds and said loudly, "But they don't bloom, I planted it for hundreds of years, and the flower bones are there, that is Life and death do not bloom."

"Can you take us to see?" Hai'an's fingers clenching the grass pots suddenly tightened, and the moonlight of this world can also resurrect people, then he... can you rely on them to resurrect the elves?

"No problem, but the place where it is spent is far from this... Hey?" Kay went back and prepared to take everyone to see the moonlight, but suddenly turned back and stared at Hai'an's hand... Where did you get it from?"

Hai'an lingered for a while, didn't know how to answer, did he want him to tell Kay that this flower is my own body?

Kay walked closer to Hai'an and reached out to touch the pot and shake the grass, but was blocked by Auguste. Kay had a good explanation: "This is a flower that my parents have been looking for. All the flowers on the main star are I brought it from the expedition ship. I didn't find it after I planted them all."

"We have seen the record of the expedition ship, which said that this flower can control the violent mood of the Asian Judah. ​​Is this true?" Colin asked curiously.

"It's true, and I found this flower later." Kay squinted and stared at the grass. "Yu Julong sent countless expedition ships, away from home, to find this flower in every corner of the universe." I have caught the lives of countless dragons, but the most ironic thing is that I found this flower to be in the deep sea."

Carl stunned. Obviously, his childhood experience made him deeply fearful of the deep sea: "Deep sea?"

Kay quickly ran to a big tree next to him, pulled off a vine with an unknown red fruit, and then greeted everyone to follow him: "Go, I will take you to catch the fish."

"I thought, since I can be vegetarian, then there must be vegetarian things in the deep sea. Did you see this vine?" Kay walked and shook his vines. "The fruit on it is very sour." Oh, but there is a kind of fish in the deep sea that loves to eat this kind of fruit. When you put the vine into the deep sea, you can catch it."

"What does this have to do with shaking grass?" Lidney didn't understand.

"You call this flower to shake grass?"

"Don't it be called shaking grass?"

Kay shrugged: "I don't know, my parents call it a star flower. Maybe I didn't explain it. After catching the fish, you can find it in their stomachs. The fish are also very strange, they have a belly. There are no organs in it, and you can see several such complete flowers when you open it."

"Maybe this flower is in their stomach?" Colin also shrugged.

Cossen greeted Colin on the head: "If the flower is in the belly of the fish, what is the potted flower on the hand?"

The author has something to say: To open a copy of the deep sea at night~