MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 61 Soft and soft

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August's hand was suddenly hooked into the arms of Hai'an, and his fingertips hit the Hai'an slippery soft face. This touch, Auguste felt that Hai'an was not normal. temperature.

Hai'an's skin was very hot at this time, and there was an abnormal redness on his face. There was an uncomfortable sputum in his throat, which seemed to be a fever.

"Hey, hey?" Auguste shouted and yelled at Hai'an, but Hai'an moved and didn't open his eyes. Auguste touched Shanghai's forehead and confirmed that he really had a fever. Shake Hai'an, I want to ask him if there is any uncomfortable look.

“Hey, where is it uncomfortable?”

"Well ~~~" Responding to Auguste is still the uncomfortable buzz of Hai'an.

Seeing nothing, So August had to take off Hai'an's clothes, but Hai'an held him without letting go, Auguste moved the soul stone hanging on the neck of Hai'an, replacing his own with stone. finger.

Hai'an hugged the stone and turned around and continued to groan.

Auguste smashed out and squeezed a wet hot towel back. Hai'an was a vegetative person. He didn't know that the medicine used by humans had no use for Hai'an. He dared not to try the medicine easily. He could only use the most primitive physical cooling. The way to cool Hai'an.

The damp and hot towel touched Hai'an body, and the rubbed place became cold after a while. The cold Hai'an hit a stunned spirit, then opened his eyes in panic. Hai'an's eyes were all red blood, and the eyes were red. A circle seems to be crying out uncomfortable.

I saw that Hai'an's eyes turned around, and after the focal length was aligned with Auguste, he opened his mouth and said: "Pain~~~"

Auguste was halfway at the bedside, bowed his head and asked softly, "Where it hurts."

When the quilt moved, Hai'an's hand was pulled out from the inside and squatted on his gang, "tooth ~~~呜呜~~~"

When some children have long teeth, the teeth are really painful and they are accompanied by a fever.

"Open my mouth, I will see." One of them was Hai'an long teeth. Auguste also had a general understanding of the cause of Hai'an fever. It is not a fever caused by other reasons. It is good to have a long tooth fever for one night. It is.

"Ah~~~" Hai'an obediently opened his mouth, and the red-pink little tongue shrank inside the ring of teeth, slightly against the lower teeth, next to the left upper teeth, indeed carrying a small piece of white and pointed. That should be the new tooth.

Auguste touched Hai'an's hair. "It's a long tooth, so it hurts, so it's good to wait for the teeth to grow out."

Hai'an listened to August's words, closed his mouth, and squatted on his teeth and found that he had only one place in his long teeth. That is to say, he still had a long time and pained many times. What?

Hai’an’s eyes widened in horror. He is now a plant. Why should he let him grow his teeth?

Nothing to love, Hai'an pulled the quilt, pulled to the chin, frowned and closed his eyes, and the fever made him groggy and very uncomfortable.

Auguste saw a small bag bulging in the quilt and gently patted Hai'an. "Sleep, wake up and just fine."

After that, Auguste is about to get up and leave.


Hai'an feels wrong, Auguste is going to leave?

Hai'an hurriedly opened the quilt and sat down to grab August's clothes. If it wasn't for August, he was concerned about Hai'an's every move. He couldn't feel it. Auguste looked back, Hai'an. The two little hands were clutching their own clothes, leaning on the small face, the hair was messy on the face, a pair of eyes because of a fever, full of physiological tears, a red piece, just staring at him like Was ruined like...

Hai'an: Don't you stay with me?

August: I am still a child, I think it is wrong.

So Auguste coughed to cover up the brain that he had just lost.

"what happened?"

"Sleeping ~~~" Hai'an pitiful voice came.

Auguste stunned, and the thoughts just came to mind, but then he thought that Hai'an might mean to let him be here with him.

"Okay." The same can be used in the bed. Auguste was just afraid that he would disturb Hai'an to rest, so he planned to use the light brain at the table. Since Hai'an didn't want him to leave, he would stay here.

Auguste unveiled Hai'an's small hand holding his own clothes, pushed Hai'an down on the bed, pulled Hai's quilt on Hai'an, and took off his clothes and went to bed. He took Hai'an to himself and let him kneel in his arms. .

Usually, the body temperature of Hai'an is similar to that of August. When two people stick together, it is like a piece of meat that grows together in the sky. It is difficult to separate. Now Hai'an has a fever, like a hand warmer, warm and warm. On August's chest.

Let Auguste couldn't help but reach out and touched Hai's body.

It can be covered in one hand.

Auguste moved and felt the smooth back of Hai'an, as well as the soft bottom... under the panties.

It’s too zombie, but it feels good.

Auguste shook his head and didn't feel a bit ashamed of his behavior, then turned on the light brain and began to book the hotel room and the travel tools they traveled.

After doing all this, Auguste opened the online shopping mall of Huajiexing and began to clean up daily necessities for Hai'an.

Well, the flowerpot should be replaced with new water, nutrient solution to buy, soil to buy, and Yangyang flower... to buy the most expensive!

There is also a new bottle, and then customize the new toothbrush. This milk powder seems to be delicious? ... buy the most expensive!

I bought the new clothes together. I just quilted the underwear. He is not skilled enough in the sewing skills of the clothes...

So when Hai'an woke up, he was shocked when he saw a pile of clothes on the table in August's room almost piled up with the hills.

Did he sleep too long?

Or is Auguste's sewing skills already at the full level?

Auguste was playing with Hainan’s new toothbrush and new cup in the bathroom. When he came out, he saw that Hai’an had woken up, so he went to the bed and touched Shanghai’s head and found that it was not hot, but just in case, Auguste still asked if there was no place in Hai'an.

"Is the tooth still painful? Is there any uncomfortable place?"

Hai Annu had a mouth and found that the place where the long teeth were found was not so painful. It was that he was a little sour now, but it was much better than the toothache, so Hainan shook his head and pointed at the pile. clothes.

"Clothes ~~~"

Hai'an's attention is still on the pile of clothes.

Auguste followed the hand of Hai'an and looked at it. "That was what I bought for you," said Auguste, picking up Hai'an and walking toward the table.

Huh? It was originally bought.

Auguste bowed his head and kissed Hai'an's head. "I may not have time to do it now. I will do it for you later."

I felt August's soft lips sticking to my head. Hainan couldn't help but think of the kiss in the last darkness. The pointed ears immediately became red. Auguste spoke and talked. The feet are too unruly.

The coast was held by Auguste to the table, and then Auguste opened the chair and sat down to start the pile of clothes on the table.

Auguste bought too many clothes, and there are spring, summer, autumn and winter all year round, but this store is actually sent without classification, Auguste decided to wait for the shop to go bad. Comment.

Hai'an himself ran to the front of the clothes pile and turned it over. Hai'an found a thing with a yellow goose suspected skirt. When he pulled it out, it was really a skirt.

Still a lo skirt.

This is this...

Hai'an held a dress and widened his eyes to look at Auguste. Auguste actually bought him a skirt? ? ! !

Auguste was also forced, he did not buy a skirt for Hai'an.

Auguste quickly found the courier box that was thrown away, carefully looked through it, and found a forgotten card.

There is a string of twisted words on the card -

【congratulations! The amount you purchased in this store has reached 10,000 stars, and you get a set of colorful princess dresses! Welcome to visit next time. 】

August: "..."

He immediately went to the table, turned over in the pile of clothes, and found out a set of other red, orange, green, blue and purple skirts, even the matching shoes and hair accessories were sent.

"Hey," Auguste pulled the skirt from Hai'an's hand and smashed it with the other skirts. He threw it into the trash. "These clothes were sent by the store."


Hai'an's eyes are full of doubts.

"Hey..." Hai'an dragged his tail and said he knew it.

August: "..."

Bad review! He must give a bad review!

In order to prove that his aesthetic is normal, Auguste personally gave Hai'an a casual winter outfit, a light-colored croissant coat, and a pair of snow-colored boots of the same color, and then put a pair of velvet on Hai'an. The green scarf of the ball, Auguste is ready to take Hai'an to the hall to find Carl and they gather out.

Auguste himself also put on a British-style casual coffee-colored woolen suit, and also tied with the green plaid scarf of the same paragraph with Hai'an, the flower street star is now winter, pay attention to keep warm.

But he and Hai'an only walked to the door, and they heard the two men from the hall shouting loudly.

Well, ah, ah, high and low, endless, the tail sounds soft and smooth.

Hai'an:? ? ?

August: "..."