MTL - Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable-Chapter 19 This girl is too wowed.

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"Thunder fat, you are responsible for cleaning the battlefield."

"White sister, you are responsible for the firepower output, you must remember to leave me with the last breath!"

"I am responsible for blaming and hating."

"Do you understand?" Luo Tian said quickly and swiftly.

These are simple game terms and the simplest match.


Feng Lei and Li Xueer, you look at me, I look at you, then the head shakes like a rattle, and the same voice: "I don't understand."

"Young master, you said that you are all embarrassed, what is output, what is hatred, how can you be confused?"

"Speak something we can understand."

Luo Tian sighed, unable to say: "Sister, you are responsible for attacking the monster, Lei fat, you will help **** the blood of those monsters, I, is responsible for bringing the monsters over, so understand?"

"Young Master, you said so early, we must be clear." Feng Leiqi smiled.

Li Xueer grinned and said: "Yes."

"It’s too difficult for a person in the world to communicate." Luo Tian’s heart was dark, then his eyes tightened, pointing at one side and shouting: “There are close monsters in front, everything is done according to what I said.”

The voice fell.

Luo Tian jumped in front of him and fell in front of a tin pig. His fingers sneered and said: "Grandson, grandfather is here."

The Tin Pig looks like what Luo Tian is saying. He screams twice and the front legs are plucked.

Hold the hatred.

Luo Tian ran away and looked at the long irony heart of the iron pig. It was a panic. If he was caught by his nose, he would definitely fly to the sky. While running, he loudly reminded: "Come, come, The sister is ready to fight."

Looking at Luo Tian was chased by the iron pig, Li Xueer looked tight and stared at the green pig's heart and said: "Smelly pig, want to hurt my Luo Tian brother, see me not your life!"

The white light flashed.

"You go away and let me deal with it."

After the words have not finished, Li Xueer hit a sword.

Luo Tian direction suddenly turned, directly Li Xueer flashed a sword between the iron pig's head.


The blood burst out, and the iron pig 呜 的 发出 发出 发出 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

"I rely on it, this girl is too great."

The iron pig's defense is the most in the first-order monster, but it is still pierced into the skull by her sword. This attack power is too sharp.

Luo Tianxin secretly shocked, looking at Li Xueer's angry look, immediately said: "Sister, leaving the last breath to kill me."

If she was killed by her again, then the experience is gone!

Never waste anymore.

Luo Tian rushed up and screamed, "Let me come!"

Li Xueer spit out his tongue and jumped to the side, saying: "Know it."

The Tin Tin pigs burst into a low-pitched, painful scream, and it was already unable to escape from the line of life. Luo Tian slammed down.



“Congratulations to the player ‘Luo Tian’ to kill the Tin Pig, gaining 200 points of experience and 20 points of mystery...”

"Congratulations to the player "Luo Tian" to get the iron pig blood 1 point!"


"Two hundred points of experience, the first-order monster is the first-order monster is too rich, and the sixth stage of the revival of the mysterious person needs 30,000 experience and one hundred and fifty can be upgraded." Luo Tianxin secretly said.

In addition to experience, there is the most important mystery.

The violent consumption of Xuanqi is too big. Within three days, there must be enough Xuanqi. In Luojia, there must be a fierce battle waiting for him. As long as there is Xuanqi, even if he is allowed to face Luoqishan, he does not need any fear.

"Fat, this monster is handed over to you."

"Sister, you will give Luo Jiazi the space card that Luo Jia sent to you, first fill your stuff and reload us." Luo Tian said.

The sister is the main output, and the demon head must be given to her first.

Space wooden sign is the most rough space storage item in Xuantian continent, and the area is about the size of a small room.

Each of the participating disciples has one, which is used to hold the skull of the monster.

Killing the monster and cutting the skull, the skull of the beast is the only test standard. As long as you hunted a first-order monster, you can withdraw from the game and become a core disciple of Luojia.

But if you want to compete for the first place, you must kill more monsters.

In the rules of the hunting competition, the first-order monsters have 1 point, the second-order monsters have 5 points, the third-order monsters have 10 points, the fourth-order monsters have 100 points, and the fifth-order monsters have 1000 points...

The first-order monster is very common, the second-order monster is difficult to meet in the venue of the contest. The third-order monster is basically dead. As for the fourth-order, the fifth-order powerful monster is only in the ghost mountain. In the depths of the mountain, it is impossible to appear outside the mountains.

The fourth-order or more monsters have a demon nucleus.

The demon nucleus has extremely rich and mysterious qi, which is the crystallization of the sorcerer's cultivation for thousands of years. The value of the demon nucleus is more than ten times higher than that of the mysterious stone.

It is the treasure in the eyes of the monks, one is hard to find.

The monsters with the demon nucleus are the existence of the giant, and the fifth-order monster can destroy the entire Yushan city within one day.

The Luo family hunting competition has never appeared in history, and it will be a devastating blow once it appears.

Li Xueer did not hand over the space wooden sign and seriously said: "I don't want this kind of **** things. I don't want to kill the monsters you kill. You just keep them."

Luo Tian looked at Li Xueer and saw that she was very serious. Immediately said: "Fat, then put your space wooden card first."


Feng Lei picked up the iron pig and took out a steel knife to cut it down. He cut the skull and sucked the blood from the iron pig into his mouth.

Blood into his mouth, Feng Lei's face was red and bright, and he recovered calm after a few seconds.

Luo Tian looked at it for a while, he really couldn't understand the fat fat man, and from his hungry eyes, it can be seen that it is not just like it, just like the blood of the beast is a red body. The naked sister exuded him with endless temptation. The same is the same.

Li Xueer looked at it for a while, but did not say anything.

Time is precious, Luo Tian is too lazy to ask anything, said: "I go to the front to open the road, you keep up."

Luo Tian quickly plunged into the dark jungle.

Li Xueer was afraid that Luo Tian was attacked by the beast and hurriedly followed.

Feng Lei wiped the blood of the beast with a corner of his mouth and smiled. The **** red light flashed on the top of his head. The texture of a behemoth flashed across his head. Come with the power of ancient horror...


"The sister retired, let me come."


"Hey, congratulations to the player..."



Every time the killing is a battle of the beast, the Li Xueer after a sword, Luo Tian punched out, the beast died, the experience took away.

The cooperation between the two is becoming more and more tacit.

More than two hours of hunting dozens of monsters, the experience is not going up, the mysterious value has increased by nearly a thousand points, too sharp.

In this way, you can upgrade in less than five hours!

Luo Tianxin could not help but sigh, said: "This girl is really too wow!"