MTL - Library of Heaven’s Path-Chapter 2173 True dragon

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"Trying so much in one breath, it seems that your strength is good!"

While walking, while watching the people lying on the ground and being wounded, Zhang Su could not help.

Qi Yue, the sixth place, was defeated. Could it be that this is the case, and the impact is higher?

However, it does not matter, the ranking is higher than the low level, and he has little relationship with him. As long as he is qualified to get the qualification of the big transfer.

"There is another one who is not afraid of death!" Seeing that there is no fear, the eyes are still showing eager to try, Yan Hua smiled coldly, his head raised: "Why, you want to fight against me?"

"Well, you are the number one in the potential list of the gods? Below 30, I will not fight, waste my effort." Zhang hung.

Although I saw the sixth ranked Qi Yue lying on the ground, but in the end is not the other side to play, and now I have not seen the responsible king of the king, the ranking is not considered to be discussed, it is best to first determine the other's ranking, defeat it Also replace it.

I didn't expect this young person to be arrogant. Yan Hua's face was pumped and his eyes became cold: "Ninth..."

"No wonder..." Zhang Xuan suddenly realized.

It is no wonder that so many people can be defeated. It is estimated that this ninth, what opportunities have been gained, the strength has increased, and even the sixth Qi Yue is not an opponent.

Seeing this in front of the face, it seems that he does not care about his ninth identity. He is not happy and is planning to introduce his identity: "I am..."

"It goes without saying that your challenge is not effective. As long as it exceeds the top 30, it will be the same for me..."

A faint smile, Zhang hanging eyebrows, an invincible breath, released, right hand forward, said: "Do it!"

"Kid... mad!"

Seeing that this is more arrogant than talking to himself, Yu Hua knows that to deal with such a person, the fist is the king, and then there is no need to say more, the eyes are picked up, the foot is stepping on, and the speed of the teleport is once again displayed.

The hanging eyes are bright.

It is worthy of being a character in the potential list of the gods. The speed is much stronger than the average peak of the gods.

The people I met before were so far away.

The heart was shocked, did not evade, and also stepped forward.

Hard to hit with the flesh, it is exactly what he wants, and now the most fear is that the other party uses the soul to attack the secret method.

"Don't fight hard..."

Seeing the young man who suddenly popped up, he had to fight against Yuhua. Shen Tufeng resisted the pain and shouted.

This is the strongest of the clouds, the best is the flesh, you do not dodge, and hard fight with him, is not looking for death?

I feel that this young man will certainly be hit with a serious injury on the spot, just like himself and others. Seeing that the face of Yanhua has changed, the pupil suddenly shrinks.


The invincible flesh was hit hard in an instant, and could no longer control it. It flew out and slammed into the ground.


Many people lying on the ground, such as Shen Tufeng, all eyes wide open.

Just now this guy used this trick to defeat them. I didn't expect that this guy who suddenly popped out, and he also used his own way to defeat him!

Defeat the monsters of Yunxiaotian in the flesh...

How did you do it?

I can't believe it. I brushed my head and saw the young man who hit the opponent with a shoulder. He shook his neck and looked at Yuhua. His eyes were full of excitement. "You are good in physical training... fast. Come and attack me, rest assured, I stand still and don't fight back..."

After the physical body has been promoted, there has been no suitable weapon, and the skin has been pierced. There is no way to test it. The effect of the golden thin lines in the body is that the same body is good at the moment, and it can be let go.

"You..." The flamboyant is about to blow up.

Is there a fearless attitude and appearance that deliberately insults him?

Yes, it is an insult!

The powerful dragons are defeated by the flesh and are also humiliated...


On the ground, I slammed up, and the foot again stepped on, and the lightning rushed.

Oops! Oops!

The person is still in the air, and the surface of the body is covered with layers of scales.

The Yunxiao family, second only to the powerful defense means of the real body, becomes this state, and the body will become a dragon scale.

The defense has more than doubled.


Once again, I collided with the other side, and the whole body fell apart like a pain. It seemed that there was a broken bone, and Yuhua flew out again.

"Well? It turned out to be strong, yes, you can! Come on, as long as it can make me hurt, I can give you money, and accept you as a disciple!" Zhang Hang eyes light.

Can be the body, cultivation to make him feel good, this is really good in front of the eyes... The key is still so young, the gods really hide the dragon and the tiger, the master is very much!

This kind of genius is much stronger than the one I met before, and I am qualified to be my own student.

"Ah... you are looking for death!"

Yan Hua wants to blow up.

A arrogant come, the Shen Tu Feng, who ranked first in the Ghost Day, was easily defeated. I thought that the gods here are all rubbish... I never dreamed that there was such a person!

Not only is the flesh so powerful, it makes people feel impeccable, and even more arrogant...

Injure him and give money!

Receive yourself as a disciple...

What is this special about people?

who do you think You Are?


Shen Tufeng and others also feel that they are going crazy.

I thought that Huanhua was very mad. I didn’t expect this young man to be more mad...

"It's him……"

The seriously injured Qi Yue fist is pinched, and the atmosphere does not dare to speak out.

This Zhang Suhang, others do not know, he can see the ancestors with his own eyes, kneeling in front of him, calling the emperor!

How can such a person be defeated by a ninth in the sky?


Yan Hua rushed over again, this time without reservation, the palm turned into a hoof again, and went down.

"You are... the beastly form?"

Zhang hanging frowns.

I thought it was just an ordinary fight, the eye of Ming Li and the Tiandao Library were not used. At this moment, I saw that the palm of the other party became like this, only to know that this guy is very likely to be a beast.

"Begging for mercy now is already late..."

The teeth clenched and the roaring sounds, the hoofed claws of the scorpion were on the shoulders, and the latter did not move.


A crack of bones, Zhang hanging down and looking down, then saw the clothes on the shoulders torn open, leaving a deep white mark on the bare skin, seems to be bleeding almost.

"Too good..." Full of excitement, Zhang Hang just wanted to talk, and saw the white-eyed blink of an eye disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

It seems that his ability to recover is too strong, and the mark left is too weak. Therefore, it has been restored without the test effect.

The heart is full of regrets, and hurriedly looked up: "Your hoof is very good, continue... I will stand in the same place, if I hide, I will lose..."

"Oh ah... I want you to die..."

Yan Hua grabbed his head.


The two hoof claws kept rolling down like a windmill. Every time they used all their strength, the clothes hanging over the body were quickly shattered and shattered, and the body was marked with a white mark.

However, there is still no bleeding, and almost as soon as the white seal appears, it will be restored as if it were scratching.

Hey! Hey!

After a while, Yan Hua stopped his palm and looked down at his hoof claws, and the tears flowed straight out.

In continuous attack, the claws were torn open, the scales collapsed, and the blood was dripping.

Looking up and looking at the young man in front of him, I saw him more excited: "Continue, move faster, vigorously, I will bleed quickly..."

"..." Yuhua body swayed.

Nima, I am killing you, can you not say so vague, so embarrassing?

The dragon is also dignified!

"You completely angered me..."

Roaring again, the clothes on his body slammed open, and the body changed. In an instant, a dragon with a length of several hundred meters appeared in front of him, hovering in the hall and soaring.

"You are... true dragon?"

Zhang hangs in place.

I thought that the other party was just an ordinary beast, and the strength was stronger than ordinary people. I never dreamed of it, but it was a dragon!

The dragons, from the famous mainland, have heard of it, but they have always been just messy blood. Even in the gods, it is just a pseudo-dragon. This is actually a shape that can be transformed, and the change is so powerful, needless to say... already Reached the true dragon level!

"Yes, you are angering a real dragon, just waiting for the dragon to come to punish!"

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In an instant, the flame burned and the space in the room seemed to explode.

"It's over..."

Shen Tufeng, Qi Yue and other people's faces are also white.

The dragon's breath is the most powerful attacking method of the dragons. It is even stronger than the hoof claws. The top grades are the dragons and dragons. They change their bodies and slam the breath. Even if the gods and kings meet, they may have to avoid their fronts.

Too big to say...

If you are good, you will receive it. If you defeat it, you will force the other body to come out. How can you fight?

The strong body can't hold it anymore!

"Zhang Shao..." Qi Linger does not stop.

Just entering here, I haven’t reacted yet, and figure out what happened. The young master is fighting with the other side. I used to watch it and always have the upper hand. I don’t want to ask, but at this moment, seeing the white boy becomes a dragon, I know, Get into a big trouble.

Top grades, and the dragons that can be ranked in the potential list of the gods, the same level is truly invincible, no one can compete!

Everyone was shocked and couldn't speak. Looking at the floating dragon, Zhang Hang was not nervous, but supported the chin, and an idea suddenly came out.

"The Tianlong octave is effective for the pseudo-dragon and the following lifes that have the dragon's blood....I don't know if it works for the real dragon..."

"Try it! Don't waste time anyway..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Suhang's head was raised.

"Hey, hey..."


In the room, he was breathing, preparing to kill the young dragon. It was like being hit by something. His face was white and fell to the ground. His huge body kept twitching like a long snake that was shocked.

"what happened?"

Shen Tufeng, Qi Yue and others were stunned, and they were silent, and their hair was caught, but they didn’t know...