MTL - Library of Heaven’s Path-Chapter 2196 Is the little yellow chicken an undead emperor?

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"I always wanted to die anyway... If this stuff can kill me, I will be very happy..." The little yellow chicken flashed its wings.

The last time I shaped it, I still kept a chicken head. If the flow space in front of me could kill it, it might be completely transformed into a human figure.

"Well!" Although I was worried, I thought that the fried powder would be sold back. Zhang Hang eventually nodded and said no more.


As soon as the chicken feet were lifted, the little yellow chicken immediately drilled into the flowing space. For a moment, the body twisted like a haha ​​mirror, and the thin figure was inflated a lot. The whole body was golden, and it was actually seen in Fengming Stone before. Fire phoenix, somewhat similar.

"Is it difficult... Is the little yellow chicken a Phoenix?"

The idea suddenly popped up in my heart.

There are not many gods and beasts that can name them in the world. The chickens that they raise can reach the realm of the king of God. They cannot be completely transformed. How strong is the body?

The title of the king of God... even the emperor?

"It won't... is it the undead emperor?"

An idea came out.

Undead emperor, who claims to be immortal, but dead, is strange in itself.

Small yellow chicken, Turkic appeared in a gourd on the mainland of the famous teacher, swallowed his own heavenly infuriating and rapid growth, and not only died of powder, but also broke through the barrier and quickly advanced.

When he saw the tomb of the undead Emperor in the sky, it had to say, devour the guardian...

Heaven and the infuriating can not resolve the decline of the gas, it can easily break the bath water...

I was familiar with seeing the feathers of the Lingyuan City, and I saw the flowing space in front of me. I also felt familiar...

Last time in the Qing Dynasty, Qi Meng was named the king of the gods. When he saw himself, he called the emperor... It is estimated that the little yellow chicken was broken and the blood was mixed into it.

And because he swallowed this blood, the flesh has an indestructible attribute, and the injury is heavier and can be restored instantly.

"I actually used the emperor as a beast?"

The more I think, the more I feel the liver fibrillation and the skin is shaking.

Entering the realm of the gods, knowing the status of the emperor, even if it is a Confucius, if you want to become an emperor, you need to be recognized by others to do it...

A top-grade god, tame the emperor into a beast pet, this guy, did not restore memory, do not say anything, once recovered, will the first one kill himself?

"It shouldn't be... If it is an undead emperor, if it is its successor, even if it is in the gourd, hidden in Dantian, it should be able to sense it, instead of pretending to know nothing..."

According to the news that is currently known, Luo Ruoqi is very likely to be the successor of the undead emperor. In this case, when I was in the famous mainland, I saw the hole in the small yellow chicken... I can’t recognize it!

Of course, it is not easy to say.

The emperor must also have enemies, repaired as plunging, hidden, and once discovered, it is very likely that it will be wiped out before it grows.

Therefore, since it is necessary to conceal it, it must be concealed thoroughly, and no one can detect it.

"Forget it, don't think about it, tomorrow will be able to enter the Lingshen Palace after the test, see Luo Ruoyi, all mysteries will be solved..."

It is useless to think so much. It is imperative to find a way to enter the Lingshen Palace.

Putting aside the cluttered thoughts and continuing to look at the mobile space, I saw that the little yellow chicken was fighting a few kings.

Can survive in the mobile space, and can help people break through the realm of the king of the king, this medicine itself is very powerful, even if it is not as good as the king of God, it should be similar.

However, the little yellow chicken itself is strong, and the repair is also higher than them. After a short period of time, several herbs are completely surrendered, their mouths are hung, and they fly back again.

Leaving the flowing space, its body is also distorted. However, if you have an undead body, this level of damage is nothing. Put the medicine in the hanging hand, gently sway it, drill into Dantian again, and continue to sleep.

There were four plants in total, and there were five. When the little yellow chickens fought, they ate one and found that the taste was not good, so they stayed.

Take out the jade box, install the medicine, and seal it with the real gas. The suspension will be relieved, and you will not go deeper and fly back quickly.

I just took the medicinal materials and explored it with the Tiandao Library. As guessed, it is indeed the **** king grass, which can help people to increase their chance of 50% to break through the realm of the king.

It is better to prepare some rare drugs and refine them into medicinal herbs.

With this thing, as long as you comprehend the practice of the realm of the king of God, the breakthrough will become very simple.

"Teacher, are you okay..."

Going back to the place where Feng Jiu Ge is separated, I saw the young man looking worried.

Zhang Hangdao: "Go out and talk about it!"

When I came, I was worried about danger, the speed was not fast, and it was easy to leave. In less than half an hour, the two returned to the ground.

Get back the waiting flying beast and return to the family.

"You have found the cause of the plunge. I have found it. I don't have to worry about worrying as before..." Zhang looked at the disciple in front of him and smiled slightly: "And, I also found the king of the grass that you said before. If you refine it into a medicinal herb, you will be given one. As long as you cultivate well, you can break through the king of God and just around the corner!"

"Found the king of the grass? Give me one?"

Feng Jiu Ge is full of excitement.

I thought it was just a deceitful legend. I didn't expect it to be true, and the teacher still found it!

Not only that, but he promised to give him...

The eyelids are red again.

"You continue to practice here, I will go out for a trip, try to get back before tomorrow!"

I ignored the sentimental disciple in front of me and meditated, Zhang Sushang asked.

Now, from the distance test, there is still a half-day time to refine the medicinal materials. Once you succeed, you will be able to make a direct breakthrough if you realize the cult of the gods, and then you don’t have to wait.

However, the medicinal herbs that can make people break through the realm of the king of the gods are not so easy to refine. The technique of alchemy must be very clever, and the first person chosen in his mind... is the floating Jiangchen that I have seen before!

The alchemy teacher, known as the first in the realm of the gods, is the strongest of the king level, and he is shot by him.

The most important thing is that there is an intersection between them and they believe in each other's character.

Otherwise, the king of the grass, once leaked out, I do not know how many people, want to chase themselves.

The sensation caused is definitely more terrible than breaking the barrier Dan and beauty Dan!

After all, one more god, one family will have more help... even the title **** is hard to refuse temptation.

"The teacher is careful..." I know that the teacher must have something to do, and Feng Jiu Ge does not say much.

Zhang Suddenly nodded, confessing not to reveal the king of the grass, this is the flight of the beast again to the Lingyuan City, the big move to fly.

For a long time, there is such a transmission array, go to a glimpse of the exquisite days, find the floating river, refining the Dan, and then come back, the time should be able to catch up.