MTL - Library of Heaven’s Path-Chapter 222 Reproduction of Heavenly Book

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When I came to Linglong Imperial City, I inquired about the guards responsible for the transmission array. I know that in addition to the exquisite fairy, the two strongest gods in the city are Shangguan Yunxiao and Baiye Qinghong.

The two have the same strength, and each party controls one side of the world.

Because of the beauty, there are a lot of strong people gathered under the door.

I thought, so shameless, the guy who blatantly snatched, is only the top king of the gods, I did not expect that this is actually this!

An medicinal herb represents a strong king of the gods... This Dan Wang is even worse. As long as it is used well, at least the door can be replaced by more than four gods!

No wonder, say such a word...

Even if it is the title of the king, the huge interests can not be excused.

Seeing that he knew his identity, the venetian red hands behind his back, like a queen, did not speak, looked down and looked down, then saw the full of the weak floating river, swaying and flying up, came to the front .

Although his power is exhausted, he has a lot of medicinal herbs. He has just swallowed one and has barely been able to fly.

"Floating Jiang Chen, I have seen the sacred seal of the gods!"

Holding a fist, I dare not have the loopholes in the number of rituals.

The venetian green red daggers: "Since come over, explain to everyone, this remedy, but I let you help refine the medicine and Dan Fang, but I am giving it to you?"

"This..." Fu Jiangchen's face was a stiff face, turned his head and glanced at it, paused and bit his teeth: "Yes!"

"Floating Master, you..." I didn't expect this, even to help the other party to speak, Zhang Hang's face sinking.

It was also called the floating brother before, and at this time it was changed to become Dan.

"Zhang Danshi, this medicinal medicine is indeed the sacred sacred god, let me refine, you still don't mess around here..." Fu Jiang Chen Dao.


Zhang hangs and smiles and shakes his head: "Looks like it, is it exquisite, bullying me an outsider?"

I came over with the king of the gods and spent countless costs to refine the successful medicinal herbs.

It really means that the deer is a horse, and it is black and white!

"Let's relax, the sacred seal is the king of the sacred, and you can't take care of your rudeness, you don't know how to be grateful, you still vomit madly, you don't want to die..."

Floating in the river.

Zhang Suozheng felt the anger rising, and he heard the other party's voice into the ear.

"Zhang Xiong, the sacred **** king, has always used to be overbearing. If you don't admit it, I am afraid that she will leave the imperial city when she leaves the city. It is better to promise... I can't do it. I can't do it. Be the master... However, the strength of the two of them is similar, and the insistence is to take, no one can do it!"

"What do you mean, I can only recognize it, let her take my remedy?" Zhang sneered.

"It can only be like this. If you are good, you will receive it. You just lost a Dan King. There are four ordinary medicinal herbs available. It is really deadlocked. I am afraid... she will turn her face and start, nothing will be obtained. Even life is dangerous!"

There are some concerns in the tone of Fu Jiangchen.

The people do not fight with the officials, not to mention the other party is one of the masters of this exquisite imperial city, and it is the title of the king of the gods, the emperor is below, it is invincible!

"If I say... no?" I no longer pay attention to Fu Jiangchen, Zhang Suhang looked up.

Fu Jiangchen is a person of exquisite days. In the face of the title of the King of God, he naturally does not dare to refute, but he is not!

The woman in front of me is very beautiful. Compared with Yu Feier, Hu Wei and others, it is not bad. However, I did not expect that under the beautiful face, it is so shameless!

I was thinking that no matter where I went, I would behave in a low-key manner. Who knows... I didn’t give him a low-key qualification!

If so... then fight!

Let everyone know...

I am hanging, although I came to the realm of the gods, but for more than a month, but no one wants to bully, you can bully at will!

"Hundreds of sacred seals, is it king?"

After making a decision, I lost my previous anxiety. With one hand behind me, Zhang hangs over and looks indifferent: "I will give you a chance to tell the true origin of this drug, who belongs to it!"

"I know the identity of the sacred seal god, even so madly... is this guy crazy?"

"I am afraid it is really crazy..."

The thoughts of the surrounding observations kept flashing.

"I read that you are not easy to repair. It is also helping me to seize the drug. I have always been polite. How do I think that I will take care of myself and I will not shoot you? Or do you think I can't kill you?"

The venetian blue eyes are picked up.

Accompanied by her anger, an invincible force rushed out, shrouded the four fields, and the entire Imperial City was overcast, and the air was full of viscous.

All the people in the exquisite Imperial City felt a lot of pressure. Zhang Hang was the first to bear the brunt. It was even more difficult to maintain breathing. The body was as frozen and could fall from the air at any time.

If it weren’t for the god’s sword in his hand, I’m afraid I could’t hold it.

This kind of power does not say that he, even the real king of the gods, I am afraid that they can not stand.

The title of the god, the horror!

If there is a feeling of true infuriating in the body again, the pressure is gone, Zhang hangs out a breath, his face shows a pity: "I have given you the opportunity, since I don't know how to cherish, then there is no way..."

"I don't know how!"

Seeing this, when he died, he even said this, and the venetian red eyebrows rose.

At this time, what kind of big garlic is still loaded?

A top-grade god, the role of an ant, actually dare to be so mad.

The jade hand turned over and was trying to give it a lesson. The body suddenly became stiff and immediately felt that the whole person was blocked by a huge force to the extreme, as if it was stared at the general.

He hurriedly looked up and saw a golden book, suspended quietly above his head, shrouded in light, and closed all around.

"what is this?"

The pupils shrink.

The book on the head gives her a sense of guilt, as if she is locked, not only can not escape, but also can not fight back and fight back!

It seems that it is shrouded in heaven, and there is no rebuttable.

"A book!"

Zhang hangs his head.

I didn't want to use this thing, but the other party was too shameless.

I have given you several opportunities, I am not sure, and I am not afraid of death!

Although it is highly probable that you will offend the exquisite fairy, you can't manage that much at this time!

"Strive to win, die without repentance, no matter who you are, guilty! It should be punished!"

Too lazy to continue nonsense, Zhang hanging a big hand.


The book of Heaven is a sound like a landslide, falling from the sky.

"Do not……"

The venetian red is thought to deal with a top-grade god, and the hand is coming, the other party is afraid to talk nonsense, never dreamed, and directly took out such a powerful magic weapon, his face was white.

Want to resist, feel severe pain, the golden book is crushed, the palm and the arm are all broken, and even one breath does not hold on.