MTL - Library of Heaven’s Path-Chapter 2262 Finale (on)

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Midnight flowers, silent irons, these kinds of treasures, the depths of danger, the seal of this strength can not enter, in addition to themselves and these disciples, want to easily get, ordinary title, impossible to complete.

I thought it was one of several of them, not even.

Doesn't you mean that there is also a strong master who is quietly collecting all kinds of treasures?

"And master?"

Zheng Yang stunned: "The teacher said this, it is really possible. We also found a few places containing treasures. We were first picked up by the people. I thought it was the nine-day king...that is, the teacher did it. Now it seems that it should not be!"

"I can find so many treasures and take them away smoothly, and I have not left too many traces. The strength of this person is not weak compared to you..."

The meaning of suspense is getting stronger and stronger.

According to the introduction of Qi Feng, the gods have almost no masters except these people. How come they suddenly come out, where did they come from?

"I heard that...the Qiangjun Monarch, in addition to me, also received a descendant and specialized in refining his body..."

The road conflicts.

"Refining the body?" He said this, Zhang Xuan also thought about it, and faintly listened to who had mentioned it.

"Yes, this descendant seems to come to the gods earlier than us. It is born through the ghost pool, and the soul is extremely powerful. This will be able to find many treasures smoothly and take it away easily..." Lu Chong continued.

It is important to be able to find so many treasures in such a place as the Chaoshan Sea. The experience of the predecessors is important, and more importantly, the soul is strong and sensitive to the treasures.

With these, you can collect items better and have a speed that is far superior to others.

"Before we come to the world...that is, people who were not gods before, then...who will it be?"

Zhang hanging into meditation.


"What if those people are all overhanging students? I still have a dark game! Make sure you get enough treasures back!"

Chaoshan overseas, looked down at the hand-in-hand jade card, and the Qiankun Monarch no longer had the gloom before, but it seemed to be arrogant.

Although they can't detect the inside of the Chaoshan Sea, with special items, the people inside can still pass the message.

It’s like now... the back hand he’s been preparing for a long time, the message came over and said that he has gotten countless treasures.

When you hear the names of these treasures, you can't help but be hot in the heart of Qiankun.

Don't think about it, as long as you take it all out, your strength will inevitably leap forward. Even if you can't surpass the Emperor, you are definitely at the top of the other eight emperors.

"How is your dark chess strength?" Seeing him so stunned, Yunxiao the Great snorted.

"The strength is not as good as the road, certainly not comparable to Zhao Ya and others, but ... the soul is strong, good at hiding and stealth, the most suitable for finding treasures!" Qiankun Mojun looked confident.

"What is the use of good? Once you find it by the nine-day king, you can steal it, do you think he can escape?" Linglong fairy poured cold water on one side.

They are all annoyed by making wedding dresses for others. This guy is so proud, does not hit him, who fights?

"Escape is definitely not able to escape, but I have already explained clearly in advance, do not let him go to a crowded place, try to hide myself..." Qiankun Mojun is full of pride: "Now it seems to work well..."

Seeing him even this point is expected, everyone shook his head helplessly.

Preparing for both hands, this guy is really cunning.

It seems that Qiankun Mojun will be their biggest winner this time.


The heart is feeling, suddenly felt the tide of the sea, a violent sway, the aura that stirred up before, has a tendency to reflow.

"What happened?" Yunxiao Emperor frowned.

"There should be a treasure of the top, and the treasure absorbs the aura of the tidal sea. This leads to the resurgence of the astrology, and the resurgence..." The exquisite fairy frowned at the dark ocean, seemingly wanting to see through, but found nothing. can not see.

"The top treasure? I don't know what it is..." The eyes of the burning sun were full of fire, but then smiled and shook his head.

Even if they are absolutely top, they can't get in, it's not theirs.

It must have been robbed by the nine-day title and many of its disciples.

"I want to know what is very simple, I let my dark chess, check it out, if it is, then take it away..." Seeing all the people look down, Qiankun Mojun smiled.

Dark chess is cool!

Finally, you can earn a face in front of other emperors and let them envy themselves.

After the communication, I got a reply after a while.

"In order not to meet other people, he had hidden his body shape. Now I hear my orders and see what the treasure is."

Qiankun Mojun smiled and the old **** was suspended in the same place. After a while, the palm of the hand was again drawn on the jade card, and the eyes suddenly disappeared: "Yes... nine days of chaotic golden lotus!"

"Nine days chaotic golden lotus?"

Everyone was shocked at the same time.

Ordinary title, have not heard of this thing, they are emperors, know the power of this treasure.

The things born of heaven and earth are not weaker than the emperors of them.

"If the news is true, no matter who can get it, we can cross the same strength as the Emperor of the Emperor..." The Emperor, who has never spoken, can hardly curb the excitement in his heart.

Nine days of chaotic golden lotus, but more ancient objects than their nine emperors.

Acquiring and refining, repairing is inevitable in a straight line, surpassing the current shackles, and it is easy.

"Yeah..." everyone nodded at the same time.

Although envious, but now hanging in it, they do not think that their home title can be robbed.

"I want to make dark chess, no matter how much it costs, I will grab this thing..."

Seeing the expression of everyone, a flash of light flashed in the eyes of Qiankun Mou.

Nine days of chaotic Jinlian, there is no way to refuse!

With a finger movement, the command was passed on the communication jade.

"You have no chance, I still have a chance, my dark chess, although the strength is not as good as hanging them, the ability to collect treasures is not weak, he will return to the realm as soon as he succeeds..."

After doing this, Qiankun Mojun with his hands behind his back, his eyes excited.

Can succeed, the best, can not succeed, with the previous treasures out, they have also made a big profit.

In any case, this step is done very well, and it is impossible to go back like a road rush.


It was full of excitement, the message of Yufu in the hand, shaking for a moment, hurriedly looked down, only took a look, the eyes of Qiankun Mojun immediately rounded, and the brain was about to explode.

"What's wrong?" Several emperors looked over.

"My dark chess says..."

The expression of Qiankun Mojun, who is about to cry: "Zhang Xuan is his young master... He has already dedicated all the treasures..."

"..." Many great emperors.

Just now, Joseph’s head was raised to the sky. In the blink of an eye, this result was not only the Qiankun Monarch, but it could not be accepted. Even the great emperors were all face to face and some went crazy.

Many of the disciples cultivated by the people are Zhang Dang’s disciples. They don’t want to accept them. They also recognize... After all, when the people are in front of themselves and they train other people, the other party also said in detail...

Hold your nose and recognize it.

But the dark chess that you have worked hard to cultivate... is actually his servant, what is going on?

"I don't know..." Qiankun Mojun is also a bit crazy.

This is the birth of the ghost pool, spent countless efforts to cultivate, how did it become a hanging man?

Is it my backhand or your backhand?

For a moment, he could not believe it.

"Live it..." Delicate fairy smiled softly.

Let you force it, this is not the case...


"Wei Changfeng?"

Looking at the middle-aged man who called the "Young Master" in front of him, Zhang Xuan squatted, and Wei Ruyan on one side also came to the front, and the Jiaotu could not stop shaking: "Hey..."

Suddenly appeared in front of him, not someone else, it is the famous teacher mainland, the Wei Changfeng who is trying to cure his daughter’s innate poison and robbing the treasures everywhere!

For a medicinal material, killed by the sacred beast, I thought I had already lost my soul. I didn’t expect it to be resurrected, and it appeared here!

"How are you..." I was puzzled, and Zhang couldn't help but look over it.

"I don't know what's going on. I only know that when I was dying, I felt a huge attraction that swallowed my soul. When I woke up again, I went to the ghost pool of the gods!"

Seeing her daughter, the young masters are all intact, and they all reached the title level. Wei Changfeng could hardly curb the excitement in his heart. He said: "According to the words of the Qiankun Monarch, it should be... my body is somewhat special, so I can give birth to Wei Ruyan. Congenital poisonous child."

"Special physique?" Zhang frowned.

When I first saw this, I used the library to explore it. It was no different. It was just an ordinary person. Is it difficult for the library to make mistakes?

"What kind of constitution can the devil say?" I couldn't help but ask.

"It is [the congenital body of the soul], with a fetal soul, can guarantee that the tires are not lost, even if you die in the dead, with the resurrection of the ghost pool, you can keep your heart, not lost..."

Wei Changfeng.

"Congenital fetal body?" Zhang hangs his brow wrinkles more tightly.

This, he has never heard of it.

However, it is already terrible to ensure that the soul is not lost.

After all, the undead emperor did not do this.

The emperor can't do it, but this one is finished. It's no wonder that he can give birth to a talented person like Wei Ruyan...

As for why the library didn't see it, perhaps the library at that time only merged with the heavens of the famous teacher's mainland. The level is too low, or the ability is hidden in the soul. If you don't experience death, you can't activate it. Naturally, you will not explore. To.

It must be impossible to trace now.

However, this Wei Changfeng did not die, both for him and for Wei Ruyan, it is a good thing.

"Young Master, this is the treasure I have collected from the Chaoshan Sea..." After a few words, Wei Changfeng handed over the treasures.

Zhang hangs to see, see the strange midnight flower, the silent iron is in the column, immediately relieved.

After a long time, he took things away...

"You guard the left and right, I am going to retreat to the emperor..."

Seeing that the treasures are ready, Zhang hangs a little smile, just want to explain, I took the opportunity to attack the emperor to try, I feel the space under the feet violently shaking, a trembling breath, suddenly released.

Turning around in a hurry, everyone immediately saw that there was a huge crack in the tide of the sea, just like tearing the sky into two halves.

The power of the divine world, which was originally tidal, was all feedback back at this moment. The entire tidal sea, shaking vigorously, will completely collapse at any time.

"What happened?" The rogue gods and other people were all scared and white, shivering.

"Teacher..." Zhao Ya and others also rushed to look over and worried.

"The three emperor grasses... were taken away!"

Hanging eyes lifted.

If you didn't guess wrong, it should be the three emperor grasses, who were taken away by the people, which led to the tidal sea that had to collapse before.

Looking up, the dark cracks are getting bigger and bigger, traversing the entire sky. Just now they robbed the suspended continent where the Tibetan spirit liquid is located. It has been smashed into two halves, and even many places, engulfed by the dark places, becoming There are countless dusts.

The barrier of the Meteor Lake was shattered by the frantic air current, and the entire tidal sea was in chaos and collapsed at any time.

"Teacher, what do we do?"

Seeing the situation in front of him, it will soon spread to the realm of the gods, and Zhao Ya is in a hurry.

"You must find a way to stop..." Zhang hangs.

The tides of the sea and the world of the gods, once broken, the realm of the gods will inevitably go to the counter-attack, then, I do not know how many souls are coated.

For this reason, before he came to the grass of the emperor, he did not take it away.

Turned his head and glanced at it. The nine-day chaotic Jinlian in the air, knowing that the body was completely integrated with strength, may take some time. Immediately biting his teeth, his body swayed and flew straight to the place where the crack appeared.

"follow me……"

A low drink, Zhao Ya and others followed it.

"Haha... don't you want to kill me? I have to see who killed who today..."

Not yet close, I heard a roaring sound, Zhang hanging up, and then saw the Emperor Dan, who had been chased by himself in the Meteor Lake, was suspended in the air, showing a sly smile.

At this time, it has swallowed three strains of Emperor Dan, and the breath of the body has gone further and is comparable to the real Emperor.

After the guy escaped, he did not hide it, but found the grass of the emperor and thoroughly refining it!

For this reason, the seal was broken and the world of the Chaoshan Sea was completely torn apart.

"you wanna die……"

Seeing that I didn’t kill it, leaving such a hidden danger, Zhang’s suffocating blasted, and a sigh of anger, the body swayed, the sword appeared in the hand, and straight into the eyes of the Emperor Dan rushed over.

Really want this tide sea can not control, the gods do not know how many people to die, and these ... are brought by this guy!

How can people not be angry?


The wind is not only displayed by the sword, but the air is screaming out like a wave of water.

"Do you think that this can hurt me? Funny!"

Seeing the swordsmanship, the emperor Dan was cold and cold, and the five fingers opened and slammed down.


The space seems to be still, and the hanging is like a frozen amber, and it is imprisoned in the air.

One trick, win the game!

Zhang Suhang, actually not an opponent.


Zhao Ya and others will rush over.

Before I came to the front, I heard a voice rang in my ear: "Don’t worry about me, stop the cracks..."


Everyone bit his teeth and rushed to the cracks. Before they came to the front, they saw the teacher's body and violently stirred out a sword.


The space for imprisonment rip open, and the hangs out, and once again rushed to the imperial empire.

"Quickly think of ways to stop the cracks, or the gods must have a catastrophe..." Seeing the teacher out of danger, everyone sighed, and Zhao Ya once again looked at the cracks in the Chaoshan Sea, and his eyes began to rise.

The Chaoshan Sea itself swallowed the aura of the gods, and the nine days and nine emperors were helpless. Now, once destroyed, it is very likely that they will sweep the world of the gods for nine days, so that the apocalyptic gods will be completely chaotic.

"Let me do it……"

When I rushed to the front, Luo Qiqi came to the crack and followed it, and the body became a quiet bead.

The crack that had spread to both sides suddenly stopped under the cover of the static beads.

However, the static beads kept trembled, as if they could not stand it at any time, and the space that was shaken was rejected.

"Help seven or seven!"

Zhao Ya came to the front, and the pure power of the body passed.

Then Zheng Yang, Liu Yang, Yuan Tao, Wei Ruyan and others also rushed to instill power.

The crack was controlled for a while, and continued to sway, followed by the entire tidal sea, constantly boiling, the cracks in front of the eyes, like the abyss that swallowed everything, the meteorites and aura of flying in the air, all swallowed, disappeared without a trace.

Just like falling into a black hole, the blink of an eye disappears without a trace.


The sound of vomiting blood sounded, Luo Qiqi could no longer control his body shape, and changed back to the girl's appearance. The blood of his mouth was flowing, and Zheng Yang, Zhao Ya and others were all pale.


Without the checks and balances of the static beads, the speed of the crack tearing accelerated again, and the blink of an eye traversed the entire tidal sea, as if the place was torn completely in half.

"We can't stop it..."

Luo Qiqi and Zhao Ya and others looked a glimpse.

The tides of the sea, the aura of the aura, even the nine emperors are helpless, and now forcibly broke open, like a dominoes that are overthrown, even if Luo Qiqi and Zhao Ya are extraordinary, they are equally helpless.

"Teacher, only teachers can stop..."

Turning around in a hurry, I saw the battle between Zhang Hang and Emperor Dan, and it has already become hot.

The Emperor Dan, who swallowed up the Emperor's Grass, has already advanced to the level of the real Emperor. Although he has not been recognized for nine days, his strength is no more weak than other emperors.

Although Zhang Sushang has broken through to the peak of the title, it still does not catch up. The two-two battles have always fallen.

"Haha, give me a die!"

I felt that the young man who had no help but to be beaten by himself, the emperor Dan was excited and screamed, and the palm of his hand rolled again. The power of the majesty was like a heaven and earth.

The Chaoshan Sea was torn by the cracks, and it could not hold itself. Now under its attack, the destruction is faster, the whole space is chaotic, the aura is wandering around, and many ordinary gods can't resist it and are torn into pieces on the spot.

If the previous aura is tidal, the king of the gods will fall, and at least some of them will survive. But now, with the aura of the aura, the king of the gods has fallen, and in less than five minutes, nearly half of them died.

Even at the mark level, it began to die.

In a short period of time, the number of dead gods has exceeded the previous decade!

"You must solve it quickly, otherwise everyone will die here..."

Seeing the Emperor of the Dead, the Vietnam War is more and more brave, and Zhang Hang’s face is ugly.

Continue to fight, not only the people who are in the tide will die, but also the gods will smear the soul, you must solve this guy as soon as possible, and think of other ways.

"I have shown the strongest strength, unless... can go further!"

Fighting with it, the strongest swordsmanship and combat skills have been displayed, and the emperor's grass can be swallowed up. The power is endless and can't resist.

Unless ... is further developed, it is almost impossible to defeat it.

"Let's break it!"

Do not take control of the palm prints falling in the air, Zhang Suspension took a deep breath, the wrist turned over, the treasures sent by many disciples before, all appeared in the palm.

Infuriating in the body, these treasures that have an effect on the emperor, immediately blasted.


Numerous pure auras poured into his Dantian acupoints for a moment, nourishing the body.

"Now want to break through, it’s late..."

Seeing the guy who was being crushed by himself, I was still thinking about a breakthrough at this moment. The emperor was cold and cold, and the attack on his hand was once again swayed.

"Time is enough..." With a smile, Zhang Hangxin was suddenly immersed in the Spring and Autumn Anniversary of the library.

Practice here, the time is ten thousand times the outside world.

One second outside, it is 10,000 seconds, 2.7 hours, nearly one and a half hours.

For so long, enough for him to attack the emperor.

The mind is calm, the body is running fast, and the imperial barrier that was suppressed is once again in front of you.


With a low cry, the strength of the body turned into a sword and slammed.


The diaphragm is as hard as steel, and it has been smashed several times in succession.

"It’s not the realm of the emperor. Even if you understand the practice and want to break through, it’s not that easy...”

Before, on the moon, I felt that I would break through at any time, and I thought I could tear it open. Now it seems that it is not that easy.

The emperor, the biggest barrier in the gods, the realm that counts the life of the gods, is so simple, not so many years in the city of the gods, only the Confucius was completed.

“Not only is the barrier thick, but more importantly, the heavens and the earth are not allowed...”

After several consecutive impacts, Zhang Suedu understood.

The strong barrier is only one of them. The most important reason is that there is a special force between the heavens and the earth, which is suppressing him and making him unable to impact success.

It is like being supervised by Heaven. Every time I want to rush, someone will stare at him behind him and not let him move forward.


I know that it must be the Tiandao Library in the body, and I will be able to seal it.


Continue to impact, still feel the strength is difficult to achieve mellow, from the emperor is still the last layer of the diaphragm.

"It is not enough power..."

His eyes flashed.

There are so many resources needed to attack the emperor. Even if all the treasures collected by all the disciples are swallowed up, they can’t do it. First, they must succeed. There is only one way...

Will swallow the Emperor Dan in front of you!

It has reached the level of the emperor, can be swallowed, with the previous accumulation, the so-called emperor barrier, will no longer be a problem, can be broken instantly!

Just... not its opponent, how to swallow it?

"Haha, if the emperor is so easy to break through, I have already left this tidal sea, and I have not been stuck in the place..."

It seems that he saw the problem he faced, and the emperor in the air sneered.


The cracks formed by the space under the attack spread to the front of the hang, and the tidal sea has collapsed at the moment. It will be completely destroyed and annihilated at any time, and will cease to exist.

"Once the tide sea has completely collapsed, I have not broken through the success, returning to the realm of the gods, the pressure is greater, and then I want to break through, it is almost impossible..."

Full of anxiety.

Going back to the realm of the gods, there are nine days of suppression, and it is almost impossible to break through the emperor.

In other words, if you want to break through, you can only complete it before the tide collapses. Otherwise, once you return, you don’t know what year and month to do it.

The previous cracks have completely torn the tidal sea, and the attack of God's stalwart, the space is broken, the tidal sea is because the respirence of the respirence can persist until now, once the respirence is completely over, it is estimated that it will collapse immediately, and it will not last for more than a second. .

"One minute, that is, up to one minute, you must attack the emperor successfully..."

According to his calculations, the Chaoshan Sea will not be able to withstand it within sixty seconds.

In other words, it must be completed within such a long time...

Even with the Spring and Autumn Anniversary, it is hard to add, and it is almost impossible to complete.

After all... you must first defeat this emperor!

To defeat it, you must have the strength of the emperor...

It seems like an infinite loop that cannot be broken.

"Unless... unless you can comprehend, the sword of the emperor level!"

The light flashed in my eyes.

I want to reinvent the Emperor and kill the Emperor in a short time... I must have the power to kill it. In addition to reaching the Emperor, there is another way to understand the higher sword. law!

Now the emperor's level of practice has been realized, it is love.

It’s a long time and a long time, and this hate is endless.

If you can develop into a swordsmanship and use all your strength to display it, you may also be able to kill the imperial concubine.

But ... the practice is the practice method, the sword method is the sword method, the practice method has not broken through, and the sword method is deliberated, and it is still impossible to complete the cross-border realm.

The difficulty is even more numerous than the breakthrough of the emperor.

In the hands of the long sword shaking, according to the comprehension of the emperor's martial arts at the time, cast a sword, and found that each time there is some chest tightness and shortness of breath, the power can not be used smoothly.




"It's still wrong..."

The way in which more than a dozen swords are operated in succession is wrong. The whole person is also insanely angry, and some of the rushing blood is chaotic.

Time passes by one second.

In a minute, the blink of an eye has passed more than half, and the Chaoshan Sea can no longer hold on, and the shaking is more intense. It seems that even for ten seconds, it may not be able to stick to it!

"Look, you can resist a few tricks, die..."

Emperor Dan Dan also found this, excited and long screaming, palms overturned, crushed again.

The power here is stronger than it was just now, just like breaking the last trace of the tide of the sea, the broken space is sandwiched, and the endless power is crushed.

Life and death!

Zhang can't stop and die.

Can block, the emperor Dan, die.

"Teacher..." Zhao Ya and others had red eyes and wanted to rush over to help, and they had to be squeezed into the distance before they came to the scene.

The battlefield is already one of them, and unless they reach the emperor, no one can get close.

"It looks like you can't understand it..."

"Time is too anxious, the sword-level method of the emperor can not be done overnight..."

Seeing the attack came to the front, there was no clue in the brain, and Zhang shook his head.

I thought that I was a genius, and that I could get into a dangerous situation. It seems that it is not so easy.

In less than a minute, it is impossible to understand the swordsmanship of the emperor's realm.

Knowing that it could not be successful, Zhang Hang looked up again, and then saw the broken space in front of him, like fireworks, falling slowly.

As if for a moment, time has slowed down.

I returned to the famous mainland and burned the blood of Zhang’s family.

Reborn for more than two years, countless memories, come to mind, slow motion is generally played back.

In order not to be driven out of the college, try to be a good teacher, and then step by step, for the family, for the lover, for the friend, for the student...

Work hard and never stop.

Now... maybe it really can stop.

I thought that I would like to meet with Luo Ruojun’s final swordsmen and compete for heaven. Now, it seems that it is not so embarrassing.

"If I die, I can't be resurrected, she will be sad..."

In the mind, suddenly appeared in the figure of Luo Ruoqi, Zhang Canou mouth reveals a sweet smile.

"Maybe, she promised to be my girlfriend, I guessed the ending, I know, we will die one..."

I have always felt that it is difficult to make a decision, but I have been ignorant for a long time.

As the only insider, Luo Ruoyu’s suffering is definitely greater.

Therefore, she is more uncomfortable than herself.

"The emperor of the sword god, said that in my swordsmanship, too much lingering, less, there is no tough power! But...if you can't guard it?"

Guardian can guarantee the innocent of loved ones, but if, as it is now, the gods are destroyed, the heavens are collapsed, and what can be guarded?

Confucius, the teacher of Wanshi, I hope everyone is like a dragon, but... In the end, is it not dead?

The guardian is right, but not right.

"I am me, I don't want to be comfortable, I want to be innocent."

"Since life can't be together, it's better to die than to die!"

"If you are destined to fall here, death is not the end."

"Life is coming back, death is a long love!"


A clear realization appeared in the bottom of my heart, and the eyes shone with dazzling light. Zhang Sushang immediately felt the savage swords in the body, and the blink of an eye condensed, forming a brilliant and dazzling sword.


With the help of the Akasaka sword, Jianqi rushed straight into the heavens, and in an instant he split the attack of the Emperor Dan into two.

"Ah, what is this, how do you show it out..."

A scream, the Emperor Dan is full of unbelievable words, a powerful and unmatched body, exploding, and for a moment, the majestic to the extreme aura, turned into a tornado, and rushed to Zhang Sushang.

The imprisonment that could not be broken before, broke through in an instant and climbed.

Smiled, Zhang hangs to the sky, the faint voice turns into a dragon, surrounded by the hearts of countless people.

"Today, I am the emperor!"

The most difficult to cross the realm of the emperor... broken!


The tidal sea blasts like a fireworks bloom.