MTL - Life After Marrying My Love Rival-Chapter 31

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Ye Nanqi a moment.

Shen Du Is this going to show off with him?

He did not intend to let Shen Du be involved in the storm, and for a moment, he decided, as usual, "What are you talking about?"

Shen Du was so angry that he wanted to knock on his head: "Pretending to be stupid?"

"Shendu." Ye Nanqi thought slowly, "Why do you care about things that have nothing to do with you?"

After he finished speaking, without waiting for Shen Du to speak, he immediately hung up the phone, pulled Shen Du to the black, turned on the computer and searched for what he wanted before.

Although his fingers were moving flexibly, his eyes were a little dazed.

He didn't want Shen Du to know about him at all, even if he knew, he had to pretend not to know.

Otherwise, wouldn't Shen Du's attentive tolerance towards him all become the pity of ordinary people?

Ye Nanqi's fingers were pinched, and finally he made a fist. His eyes swept across the computer screen, but he couldn't see anything.

He was like a solitary person in the cold night, bumping, and suddenly there was a light in front of him. He didn't want this light to be mixed with his fear and disgust.

Especially this person is Shen.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Du never contacted Ye Nanqi for a long time.

Ye Nanqi gathered his mind, what he should do as usual, and occasionally went out to eat supper after dinner, and invited the paparazzi together-although he knew his name, Ye Nanqi still wanted to call it like this.

At first, the puppies were rather unyielding and hid in a candid shot, and then Ye Nanqi came out late and late. He was so hungry that he gave up and gave up resisting and ate with Ye Nanqi.

Ye Nanqi watched him gobble, a little strange: "You ... are you paparazzi, aren't you rich? Why are you hungry for a few days?"

The paparazzi said vaguely: "My dad ... I feel annoyed ... I bet with him. As long as I can make a big news, he will let me be a reporter for the battlefield ... I will not pay me before that. ... "

After speaking, he spit out a chicken bone. If Ye Nanqi wasn't watching, he probably wanted to lick his fingers.

Ye Nanqi thought a little, waved his big hand, and called up a pile of vegetables. He kindly watched the paparazzi with satisfaction.

Really close.

Ye Nanqi smiled, thinking, sooner or later, I will send you a shocking news.

For Ye Nanqi, the time of filming is happy, and the time of happiness is often short.

There are so many dramas for the male fourth. The film mainly shows the male first male and the second male. After running a few locations, he left city A for more than a month, and Ye Nanqi successfully killed the youth.

Before leaving, Xu Dao exaggerated Ye Nanqi, and almost sent Ye Nanqi to the airport in person. Ye Nanqi wiped his sweat secretly. This misunderstanding was really big, and it was not convenient to explain it.

Before boarding the plane, Ye Nanqi only released the Shen degree that had been lying on the blacklist for a long time, and by the way told Li Hengran and Xue Xiangyu that they were returning to city A.

When getting off the plane, Ye Nanqi received the reply from Li Hengran first.

[Working hard, when I called, there was new progress. 】

Ye Nanqi rubbed his temples, followed Zhang Ye to get in the car, and wanted to go home and talk to Li Hengran on the phone. As soon as I got in the car, when I saw another person in the back seat, Ye Nanqi was startled. "Big day, how are you here?"

Shen Du, the old god, was sitting on the ground, and was not ready to move to let Ye Nanqi, apparently pulled black by Ye Nanqi. He was still a little angry, holding his hand and saying, "During the day, why can't I be here?"

Ye Nanqi saw that he was not ready to let it go. He turned to the other side and pulled the car door, but he couldn't open it.

He turned back, staring at it for a moment, pursing his lips and crawling over to the other side.

After returning to the hotel this morning, he took a shower, and when he got close, he could smell the scent of a light bath milk and shampoo, like a gust of wind, passing by, disappearing, but winning people ’s hearts. Itchy hair.

Shen Du couldn't help turning his head to look at Ye Nanqi, who was sitting still, and got a cold eye from Ye Nanqi.

He coughed slightly, his attitude softened: "My mom asked me to pick you up for dinner."

Ye Nanqi smiled: "Oh, didn't you miss me this time?"

Shen Du: "..." is really like a kitten with open teeth.

Broad-minded Mr. Shen relaxed his mind again and reached out to Ye Nanqi: "Mobile phone."


"Drag me out of the blacklist." Shen Du said, "Somehow pull me black, Ye Nanqi, are you a little girl?"

Ye Nanqi froze and smiled, "You silly."

The driver has never seen anyone who dare to call Shen Du silly, shaking his hands, and the thirty-year-old driver almost drifted away.

Shen Du was scolded, but instead of being angry, he was a little bit beautiful-he was also a showdown. Ye Nanqi was not angry and he secretly investigated. Shouldn't he be happy?

He reached out his cell phone and secretly sent a WeChat to Ye Nanqi, and finally he could send it over. He quickly withdrew it and felt relieved.

Ye Nanqi glanced down at the phone, opened his mouth, and for a long while still looked out the window.

The withdrawal was prompted.

He thought to himself, is this man really stupid?

According to the mood of immediately calling Li Hengran, Ye Nanqi first discussed with Wen Chen. Wen Chen was worried about his body and did not dare to take too many announcements, so he took a break first.

Back to the Shen family, Mother Shen was the first to greet her. She saw Ye Nanqi lost weight and felt bad: "Well, how hard it is to film, food is not good, and Nan Qi to eat more, you like it."

Ye Nanqi was embarrassed to say that the crew provided three limpets and two nods, smiled and nodded, and went upstairs to change clothes.

While changing clothes, Ye Nanqi locked the door and called Li Hengran.

Li Hengran seemed to have been waiting for his call, and immediately connected, his voice was deep: "There are two messages, one of which is not very good, and the other is bad."

"Lee, please."

"Some time ago, the unconscious boss awakened. He should be the only person who has seen 'Boss'. After I told him about the situation, he hurriedly sent me a secret photo of himself."

"Did you find out who it is?"

"Well, Shun Teng touched me to find out that it was a senior called from the Han Group. The other side carefully hidden the traces. If it is good, they are not doing it for the first time. Those stars on your list , It should be part of the same situation as Mr. Jiang ... "

It's just that no one is going to save them, and those who are interested in them quietly erase their traces. The entertainment circle is a colorful place. Compared with other circles, there are too many people in this circle who have no background or background, countless handsome men and beautiful women, and the update speed is fast.

Ye Nanqi walked silently to the balcony, leaning against the fence, and said, "... so even if I knew that someone from Han was doing it, it was useless, right?"

"No." Li Hengran whispered, "In addition to Han's family, there is also the Xue family. As long as they do evil, they will be found out. Whether the truth will be revealed lies in whether anyone is willing to investigate the danger. "

Ye Nanqi froze slightly, thinking of himself crying and holding Ye Mae's diary a few years ago, begging the police to look and check again, and his heart suddenly became sour, his eyes became red. Gently said: "Thank you."

Li Hengran smiled: "This is what I should do-there is another thing."

"Presumably, at that time, your sister contacted a maximum of two people during his lifetime. One should be the agent Fang Xingyuan. At present, I stared at him and found no abnormalities. It does not rule out that he is an associate, or that he holds a certain order in that hand. Organize fearful things. But to get in touch with him easily, we are all investigating in secret, it is best not to be found. "Li Hengran paused." The other is assistant Xu Day. Your sister disappeared after suicide ten years ago. I checked it with the internal system and found that around that time, there was a vicious serial car accident in the city of T, and many people died, one of which was just right for Xu Tian. "

Ye Nanqi frowned, and said, "Is it easy to fake death?"

"I also hope that he is not dead." Li Hengran sighed heavily. "Xu's hometown is in City A. I have been away these days. His family has only a blind mother. Xu Day has not contacted his family for many years. Now, the profile is a very cheerful and filial child, and it doesn't seem to be a mother who has left her blind at home for years. "

The implication is that eight or nine of Xu Tian's accidents happened.

Ye Nanqi's heart was cold, and his fingers tapped on the fence lightly for a while, and said, "I have exchanged with Fang Xingyuan before ... he is not a group with those people, but he is unwilling to tell me what he knows. Team Li, I'll see Fang Xingyuan tomorrow. If I still can't get a response, I will give you other news in a few days. "

Li Hengran hesitated and said, "Okay. If you don't get a response, don't be impulsive. It is more important to ensure your safety than to detect the killer."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Nan looked forward to the darkening black, and lowered his head to send a message to Fang Xingyuan.

As soon as the message was sent, there was a sudden click in the room.

Ye Nanqi took the phone back, and when he entered the house, Shen Du came in with the key.

"Changed my clothes for half an hour." Shen Du closed the door smoothly, and said, "My mother is worried that you are asleep, let me take a look."

Ye Nanqi said: "Don't take your aunt with you, I will trust you more."

He only wore a thin shirt. He just felt nothing on the balcony, but shivered coldly when he entered the room. Shen Dushun took his clothes and put it on him, and naturally reached out and touched his face: "It's as cold as ice. Busy to chat with 'Jinzhu' as soon as he returns?"

It ’s okay to say that the others, that the police uncle is the “golden master”, Ye Nanqi really could n’t say it, and do n’t feel too uncomfortable: “An old friend.”

"Really?" Shen Du said, "But whether from your aunt or your agent, all I know is that you have no friends, where are your old friends?"

Showdown thoroughly.

This is no different from "I'm checking you".

When he was in the car, Shen Nanqi had no luck, but now he was caught off guard, Ye Nanqi froze, and instinctively raised his vigilance, cautious and careful. His dark eyes stared at Shen Du. No other emotions.


Ye Nanqi paused, remembering when Shen Du's attitude changed, and he said, "Before that reception?"

Shen Du could not help but frankly confronted Ye Nanqi: "Yes."

Ye Nanqi smiled instead: "What did you find?"

"Everything you can find."

Ye Nanqi's eyes seemed to suddenly disappear, he took a step back, his tone was even a little bitter: "Poor me? President Shen is indeed a philanthropist."

"I'm not sorry for you." Shen Du didn't expect his attitude would be like this, a little surprised, and quickly came forward to explain. But he hadn't figured out why he did it, so he couldn't explain a flower. He went further, Ye Nanqi stepped back, there was no way back, Ye Nanqi said suddenly, "What do you want to do?"

This question is easy to answer. Shen Du stared at him seriously and said, "I want to help you."

The atmosphere was stagnant for a while, Ye Nanqi raised his eyes and calmly said, "I'm sorry, I don't trust you."

The author has something to say: is like a fake entertainment circle _ (: 3∠) _ …… 2k novel reading network