MTL - Life After Marrying My Love Rival-Chapter 92 Fanwai 4: Zhang Ye x Xue Xiangyu (below)

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No matter what Xue Xiangyu said, Zhang Ye was determined to pursue him.

The reversal of the attitudes of the two not only did not let Xue Xiangyu have the pleasure of taking turns, but he was inexplicably guilty and persuaded. He hasn't talked to anyone about the relationship, and it's too much for Zhang Ye to get up.

Zhang Huan was taciturn, didn't talk much, focused on actions, didn't understand the pursuit of people, and worried about the safety of Xue Xiangyu, he just waited near his house every day.

Waiting and not talking, just watching purely to make sure his safety.

Although Xue Xiangyu was a shopkeeper, he couldn't really stay at home and do nothing, not to mention he didn't like such an empty big house. Every day when he saw Zhang Huan at work, he had a headache, and he didn't want to go to the nightclub anymore.

After you chased me for a few days, Xue Xiangyu felt like he couldn't go on like this.

He knows that he is a human being, and if he does not stir up all of a sudden, he and Zhang Ye will not have any intersection in this life. The young man thought he was a simple sister-in-law and didn't know his inside.

The Xue family was rotten and chaotic. In fact, there were more than one such illegible person. The forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds, and there are even rumors that Xue Jingshan was born by brothers and sisters.

In such a place, feelings are a ridiculous cover, and they don't need to exist. He has lived in that kind of place since he was a child. He is not a good man from emotion to morality.

A sincere young man cannot plant this dead flower.

Xue Xiangyu did it when he thought of it. He went home that night and thought about it. He flipped his cell phone and found the phone number of a 419 subject a few months ago with only a little memory. He texted and asked if he was free today.

Like Xue Xiangyu, most of the time the other party will wait for him to contact or contact him again, but he is usually too lazy to control him, and he will pull people out when he is annoying. .

Fortunately, the other party still remembered him, quickly agreed, and drove over immediately. Xue Xiangyu took care of himself slowly and took a picture in the mirror.

His looks followed his mother, probably his mother died too hard. The old man always remembered it. After taking him back to Xue's big house, he watched him grow up for a year, and once stared at him. Regretfully sighed "unfortunately not a girl".

At that time, he already knew his relationship with the person in front of him, and the reason for his mother's insanity. He just felt a chill rushing from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

He still remembers the look of the old man when he talked, which caused him to be accustomed to carrying a knife on his body, otherwise he couldn't sleep. He would always wake up a few times a night, making sure there was no one staring at him beside the bed.

The other members of the Xue family also held a mocking attitude towards him. From childhood to age, the most common words he heard were "His mother seduced his father-in-law to give birth to him. He was mad at the fourth child. It would n’t be a good thing, if it was n’t a boy ... ”

If later words are more horrifying than anything else, but no one speaks, just smiles meaningfully.

What Xue Xiangyu was most afraid of every year was various family gatherings, big and small.

The Xue family would all return to the mansion in a well-dressed suit, staggering at the dining table, clamoring, taunting. He always wanted to hide, but he could n’t escape, but he prayed that no one noticed him ... but everyone saw him, and when they were short in front of whom, he would laugh at him as a joke. Come over again.

Nightmare-like everything.

Xue Xiangyu raised his hand and pulled open the shirt. His fingers touched the waist along the thin texture, and he could see a long scar in the mirror.

When he hid upstairs and was pushed down by Xue Jingshan, the glass scratched it.

When he first mentioned it with Ye Nanqi, he was indifferent, but in fact he almost died that day. Xue Jingshan thought he didn't know who it was, and still cared with a hypocritical gentle face.

But that push changed him. He learned how to disguise himself and how to protect himself.

It didn't take long for Xiao Zero to arrive last time. Xue Xiangyu sprayed some perfume before going out, and Ming Sao was released outside, so she happened to see Zhang Ye.

According to Ye Nanqi, Zhang Huan is still recovering and will go to school when school starts in September.

Where is the injury?

It seemed easy to move, and there was nothing wrong with it ... Xue Xiangyu stepped back and couldn't help looking back at Zhang Ye, who was still peaceful as usual, and his eyes suddenly lighted when he looked back.

Xue Xiangyu immediately turned his head and knocked on the window of the car parked in front of him. The window lowered, revealing a somewhat strange face. Xue Xiangyu didn't remember what the person he was looking for looked like, glanced at the man in the car, wondering why his vision was so bad a few months ago.

There was no interest in watching it, and Zhang Ye was tricked into congesting some money to let him go back.

Xue Xiang Yutang was right on the **** and smiled. The man who bowed his head and pointed out in the car gave a short kiss, pulled the car door and got in.

Before he got into the car, he squinted his eyes secretly. The latter still had no expression and didn't keep up.

See clearly? Dead heart?

Xue Xiangyu thought, holding his cheek to see the man driving beside him. I can't see clearly just carrying my light on my back, now I can see clearly when I come up. He was barely considered a handsome man, and he failed to reach the passing line in his heart.

He would only meet such a person unless he was stupid ... but what did he do when he was stupid?

Suddenly Xue Xiangyufu reached his soul, turned his head and looked outside, and it turned out that the direction he took was completely opposite to the better.

Xue Xiangyu found his mobile phone and wanted to see it, and was surprised to find that there was no signal. For a moment, he wanted to laugh, throwing away his mobile phone, and sitting in a relaxed posture, he said, "Where do you want to take me? A city is faster than the case after the accident last year. You can find a good place to throw the dead body. Or it will be caught the next day. "

The man was a little surprised by his attitude. He couldn't figure out for a moment whether he was really not afraid or pretending. He said, "Xue Shao, it's better to say less than two sentences. I'm only responsible for taking you to see someone."

"Escaped, and ran back to catch me?" Xue Xiangyu felt funny, shook his head, and was not interested in guessing who it was, and what to do to him, and continued to speak lazily. "The little cute I asked for What about you, killed? "

The man glanced at him: "It cost him some money to buy him."

Xue Xiangyu even lost his unreliable thoughts.

I do n’t know where to go. Xue Xiangyu closed his eyes and thought about his miserable life securely. Maybe he wo n’t have the opportunity to think about it tonight.

I recalled that I couldn't chew anything in my boring life, and I was bitter and happy. Xue Xiangyu thought of Zhang Ye inexplicably. Originally, he was unwilling to tie his life to another person, and a serious person like Zhang Ye was the best.

However, if his life before was not so bad, it is not a mess now, and it seems to be good to get along with Zhang Ye. The breakfast that day seemed to be made by him. He did n’t feel any taste when eating. Now I think about it. Quite sweet ... after all, it was the first time he woke up in another person's bed, and the first time someone got up early to cook breakfast for him.

His parents were a disaster and a nightmare for him. He still could n’t understand the relationship between ordinary people. When he was close to Ye Nanqi and worked with him, he wanted to see if someone would really work hard for his loved ones.

When others tried to protect their loved ones, he tried to pull these so-called relatives to hell.

The relationship is so, two strangers who do not know each other, talking about the so-called love, how reliable and stable?

Xue Xiangyu felt that Zhang Huan was too simple to sleep, and he had to sleep with him for a while.

After thinking about it, Zhang Ye's eyes were the same when he left. Xue Xiangyu was accustomed to wandering, and thought that the last side before his death left Zhang Ye a bad impression, but I still feel a little sorry.

The car drove past the busiest street market and headed for the city's "slums."

The bustling metropolis also has no prosperous places. It is close to the suburbs, which is relatively desolate. Many wage earners rent the cheapest house here, and they are crowded next to each other, like leeks, one by one. Although after a major case last year, the security problems in city a have improved a lot, but in such remote and trivial places, law and order has dropped significantly.

When pushed to get out of the car, Xue Xiangyu had almost guessed who asked him to come. Sure enough, he was taken into a room and Xue Xiangyu saw the long-lost Xue family. He smiled and greeted him affectionately, "Yo, uncle, I haven't seen you for a long time. What have you been doing recently?"

Without waiting for the other party to answer, he said with a smile: "Yes, my memory, you are too busy to escape, why do you have time to come back to see me?"

The middle-aged man, whom he called Wushu, gave him a cold look: "Xue Xiangyu, you better stop playing tricks. The Xue family is blind to support you as a white-eyed wolf."

Xue Xiangyu said: "This is your fault. The one who raises me is the one who gave birth to me. It is reasonable that the five uncles raised piles of people who did not have the name Xue, and all the catastrophes flew before they were called white-eye wolf."

The man snorted, not wanting to talk nonsense with him: "Give me a new identity and let people send over five million cash."

"Want to leave the country?" Xue Xiangyu raised his eyelids, and he was also polite. "Xue Xuewu, wake up. You are a fugitive wanted by the police. It is so easy to want to leave the country? If you can get out of the country in the first half of the year, you should go out." "

Xue Lao looked so faint, took out a gun to his head, and lowered his voice: "hybrid, do not want to make a hole in my head and do as I say."

"The old beast who gave birth to me and the one who gave birth to you, I am a hybrid, you too." Xue Xiangyu paused and smiled, "Who told you that I was afraid of a hole in my head?"

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere was a little tense.

Xue Xiangyu was not afraid of death, and Xue Laowu unexpectedly. The adventure came back. First, the lights were dark. The police wouldn't think he would dare to come back. For the time being, he couldn't notice. Second, he wanted to hold Xue Xiangyu to help.

It was a bit difficult to ride a tiger.

He was facing each other, and suddenly there was a knock on the door: "Receive the rent! Grandson, you **** did not pay the rent last month. If you drag it again this month, you will drag your luggage and wait on the road!"

The original landlord here didn't know if it was life or death, but did not expect to suddenly kill a landlord.

Mrs. Xue took a few winks and gave a wink, begging them not to care. Who knows that the outside knocked on the door more and more. It seemed to knock the door, and cursed in his mouth: "Pretend to die, pretend that you can hide the rent by not being at home? I will immediately report that you owe money for not paying back what!"

Hearing the word "alarm", with the exception of Xue Xiangyu, all of them were uncles, and Xue Laowu impatiently let a subordinate go over to give money.

The moment the door was opened, the man was hit with a fist on his stomach, almost vomiting blood, and immediately fell to the door. Zhang Huan's face was light, and he supported the man. Behind him was a team of criminal police.

Because he was a retired special soldier, Zhou Yaochun authorized him to come and rescue Xue Xiangyu.

Xue Laowu immediately found out what was wrong, and let people go and look at it later.

As a result, they can't go back one by one.

There was only one person around, Xue Laowu faced, pointed at Xue Xiangyu with a gun, and walked to the door. When he saw the policeman, his face was a little pale, and he murmured fiercely, "I can't see it, you have a good relationship with the police. it is good."

Xue Xiangyu looked up to see Zhang Huan, his smile narrowed and he didn't speak.

It wasn't him but the Zhangye who had contact with the police. It seems that Zhang Huan found something wrong. After notifying the police, he chose to use him to lead the people behind him.

There's nothing wrong, and he can't tell what's wrong, just because he feels something, but his feelings are just like that.

After more than half a year, Zhou Yaochun is still not quite like a policeman, biting a flue: "Mr. Xue, I suggest you put down your gun and you are surrounded."

Xue Laowu sneered: "I can still pull a back."

He was also a member of that organization, killing and killing people. He also killed the police when he ran away, and he was bound to be exempt from capital punishment.

Xue Xiangyu was too lazy to listen to their negotiations, and bowed his head boringly, counting the cracks on the shabby floor.

Zhou Yaochun calmly said: "Mr. Xue, don't be excited, as long as you can provide us with other information about the fugitives, the death penalty is not impossible to be suspended. You think about it, after the death is suspended, you can make improvements without time. Looking forward is very interesting and challenging, is it better to kill someone and get killed on the spot? "

Xue Laowu was short of breath, and seemed to be a little moved.

Xue Xiangyu whispered: "He coaxed you, silly."

Immediately after the words fell, Xue Laowu was slammed down by a violent force, his neck was stuck tightly, and his neck would be twisted no matter how big the action. The gun in his hand was also snatched, Zhang Ye made a force, and unloaded his arm within a few seconds, the left-handed gun was facing the person next to Xue Laowu.

Xue Xiangyu was stupid, watching him speechless.

Zhang Huan handed the gun to the policeman who came over, his eyes lightly said, "Just tell Police Officer Zhou that there is no chance to save you on the road. I will guarantee your safety."

Xue Xiangyu's heart was messy and he did not escape the trap of joy: "Just because we slept once?"

Zhang Ye glanced at him: "Just because I like you."

He didn't have any emotional fluctuations, and speaking his confession was similar to reporting the results of the mission. Xue Xiangyu was stared at him, and he felt blushing old.

Zhang Qian half-knelt in front of him and patted the ashes of his trousers: "Go and make a note, I will send you home."

"Come back home?"

Zhang Jian's voice softened a little: "Go home."

Xue Xiangyu's fingertips trembled. When he was held by Zhang Jian, he found out that he was not afraid. His hands are cold, not because he is not afraid of death, but no one cares about his life, so he doesn't care.

Xue Xiangyu closed his eyes.

If it's really belated mercy.

He seems to be looking forward now.

The author has something to say: I didn't expect to catch up today =. =

It's over. It's hard to write too much space. Others will probably mention the situation of the two.

It's probably that there are more code words recently. The wrists and fingers of both hands are a bit stiff and painful. Alas, playing games slowly. 2k novel reading network