MTL - Light Spirit Epic-Chapter 3083 The Final Storm (25)

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In the early hours of the same day, the British battleship-the attacking Paramidis.

"Really." After listening to the report from the strategist Eric, the Knight King thoughtfully looked at the simulated battle layout on the holographic screen: "Is it at noon two days later? This is a bit different from the original plan."

"They planned it this way. It was originally designed to give you enough time to assemble your forces and carry out a general attack on [大空孔]." Eric also looked at another holographic screen, which reflected an astonishing storm: "But I didn't expect...[大空孔] would actually become like that."

King Arthur showed a deep expression: "Moreover, it is moving towards the Sahara Desert in Africa at a certain speed. One day later, at noon, we may be able to launch a general attack on the Mediterranean and destroy it before it reaches Africa. If After two days at noon, this storm will cross the Mediterranean Sea and at least reach Cairo, Egypt. Cairo will be completely destroyed by this storm."

"But now we can't send people into the [大空洞] anymore. All means of entry are isolated." Sitting on the captain's seat, Prince Kai who set up Erlang's legs mumbled: "And I also think it is necessary for the inside and outside to cooperate. Yes. After the abyss created the alien space, the Holy Spirit who also knows how to manipulate the space can break it, and destroying it from the inside is much more effective than destroying it from the outside. In other words, we can only fight with the actions of the little tiger. . It’s just that Egypt is pitiful. They will destroy one or two cities, which is inevitable."

"If--" The Knight King meditated: "If there is a way to slow down [Floating Hill Toad], it will be fine."

"Are you serious?" Kai shook his head: "Such a huge monster, there is a [Great Storm] on its periphery to protect it, and no strangers should approach it. Is there any way to slow it down?"

"I know that direct intervention is not desirable. But what about indirect intervention?"

"For example?"

"For example, use [that] to create the subspace." The knight king pointed to a certain point on the screen: "[that] infinitely generated subspace will cause the space to expand. If you let [float toad] around When the space expands to the point where it is large enough, the speed of its forward movement will be relatively slow. The original distance of moving one yard forward becomes ten yards forward, and its traveling speed will be reduced to the original ten yards. one."

"Your idea is very good, but how to realize it?" Kay frowned: "If I remember correctly, [that] can only be used in enclosed spaces. The principle is the same as that of pockets, as long as they are in non-enclosed spaces. Using it, the resulting subspace will dissipate in all directions like air, and will eventually be neutralized. It might not make any sense to release that kind of thing on the path of [Floating Hill Toad], right?"

"What if it's inside that storm?" Arthur proposed a whimsical plan: "Isn't the turbulent flow of photons rotating at high speed a barrier? The inside of the photon storm that protects [Floating Hill Toad] is not correct. Is it a closed space?"

Prince Kay was silent for dozens of seconds.

Indeed, the inside of the storm is a closed environment. The photon storm is not cylindrical, it is actually narrowing at the upper and lower ends, and it is a sharp shape with relatively sharp upper and lower ends. This storm protects the [Floating Hill Toad] hiding in it in all directions, so that no one can invade it from any angle.

But in the same way, because the storm protects [Floating Hill Toad] extremely well, the huge space in it happens to be a closed space. The high-speed turbulence formed by photons is comparable to an enchantment, and even stronger than an enchantment, and everything inside cannot run out, including subspaces.

If [that] is released inside the storm, the subspace that emerges instantly will expand the space inside the storm several or even dozens of times. Then [Floating Hill Toad], which moved at the original speed in that expanded space, would move relatively slowly.

"Your idea is very good, maybe it can be realized." Prince Kay nodded: "But there is still the biggest technical problem. How do we go through that [Great Storm]? There shouldn't be any vehicle that can pass through. That thing? Otherwise, we wear [Great Storm], which has penetrated the earth a long time ago, and go to an alien adventure."

"Have you forgotten? There is indeed a ship in the world that can do this." The Knight King replied: "Seven years ago, Vivian's [Silver Shadow] penetrated [Great Storm]."

"Ah this!" Kai suddenly slapped his thigh. However, he thought about it again and tried to refute: "It seems something is wrong. Since [Silver Shadow] can pass through [Great Storm], that curious Vivian has already penetrated the storm to explore the universe. How could she still be? Stay here?"

"Because it takes a huge amount of energy to cross [Great Storm]. After the Silver Shadow passed through the storm, there was basically no fuel left. With that little fuel, it got rid of the gravitational restraint of the earth and entered space." The Knight King smiled bitterly: "If you use Although larger ships can carry more fuel, they also need more energy to travel through great storms using the same principle. As a result, the energy supply is still not enough to allow ships to escape the gravitational constraints of the earth. It is still impossible to say that space travel is still impossible at this stage. Unless technology is improved, or ships have a more powerful and endless supply of energy."

"Although Vivian's [Silver Shadow] can't get into the universe, it can still penetrate [Floating Hill Toad]'s [Great Storm] and enter it." King Arthur continued: "Then attach [that] to [Silver] Shadow number] inside, after penetrating the storm and releasing the subspace inside the storm, everything can go smoothly."

"The premise is that Vivian really promised to lend us her precious research boat." Kai touched her chin: "Although she is your sister, I don't think she can talk so easily... "

"At this time, Paramidis's help is needed." Arthur smiled slightly treacherously: "With their help, Cairo may escape the fate of destruction. Paramidis vs. Sphinx The consortium’s industry has a certain sentiment, should he speak for us?"

"That..." The strategist Eric, who had been silent for a long time, finally couldn't hold back anymore, and interrupted: "I don't understand what you are talking about. It seems that there is nothing to do with me here, can I go back? ?"

The king and prince of Great Britain made a funny smile.

At the same time (?), in a different space.

"What are you doing." Mutter sat down in the bath, his expression unhappy.

"You take a shower by yourself, why did you fly to me?" He blushed and said, his eyes avoiding Albert.

"Shall we take a happily bath together, meow?" Albert said jokingly: "Well, let's not laugh. I want you to help me watch the wind. If the abyss guys are nearby, just tell me. I will immediately stop what I am doing."

"So what do you want to do?" Mutter looked at Albert who was holding some kind of water bottle, wondering.

"This." The tiger young man used the partial body technique to make five avatars of his right hand holding the bottle, and "copy" the five bottles by the way. Then he put these bottles, which resembled pockets, into the bathtub and began to draw water from the pool.

The water level is dropping rapidly, and the pool water that could have soaked their chests gradually drops to the lower abdomen, and it is a bit dangerous to drop further."Hey! What are you doing?" said the cat boy nervously.

"Hush, don't make any noise." Albert said, his tail stood up from the water, and a cat-like translucent spirit emerged from it.


"Coming soon." Albert said to the kitten.

The water level suddenly rose, as if a pipe was opened somewhere and hot spring water poured in from outside.

"Go, Xiao Bai." The tiger youth said to the kitten. The cat's spirit body dived into the water for an instant, scurrying everywhere.

"What, what?" Mutter panicked even more.

"Looking for the entrance of the space passage." The tiger young man said in a low voice, "Don't move, it's ready right away."

The water level continued to rise, and Albert also poured out the pool water in the bottle that was used to draw water. About ten minutes later, when the water level rose to level with their chests again, the kitten also surfaced.


"Yeah, I see." Albert seemed to have a way to talk to the cat's spirit body, and nodded while listening.

"What did he say?" Mutter asked curiously.

"Xiaobai said, the entrance and exit of the space passage have been found." Albert replied: "It is hidden in a gap at the bottom of the bath, and it is very clever. And my guess is correct, the space passage is indeed Connected to the outside world."

"...I still don't understand."

"If we say that this different space we are in is a blend of the real world and the abyss, the real world space and the abyss each account for 50%," Albert tried to explain: "The space channel is closer to reality. The space of the world. Probably the space of the real world occupies three-quarters, and the abyss occupies a quarter. In this different space, although the influence of the abyss only occupies half of the weight, they can still control the space here. The flow of time can even keep us here without eating, drinking, or sleeping, and live forever. But in that space channel, the influence of the abyss will decrease, because it is more likely to be modified by the natural laws of the real world."


"As you know, Xiaobai can't exert his due strength here." Albert said. The spirit body of the Holy Spirit White Tiger appeared on his shoulder, but it still looked like the kitten before, looking very weak.

"In this alien space dominated by the power of the abyss, they deliberately suppressed Xiao Bai's power. Because Xiao Bai is the Holy Spirit who controls the space, his power may threaten this alien space." Albert hummed: "But in In the space channel under this pool, the abyss's dominance over space has declined.

I just wondered, can Xiao Bai be able to move in that space channel and use his power to expand the space channel?

Once the space channel is penetrated, the real world space will flow into this alien space like a tide, further expanding the real world's influence here. "

"Then, the real space flowing into this different space will cause a chain collapse here." Mutter blinked: "Oh my God. You are such a genius."

"I didn't think it up, it was the advice given by Xiaobai." Albert said, "But yes, this is the way to destroy this different space. At least it is one of the more feasible methods."

"But we still have to cooperate with the outsiders." The cat boy touched his chin. "The outsiders attacked [大空洞] with all their strength and distracted the abyss's attention. Only then can we have a chance to do this. Big move."

"So we still have to wait until noon two days later." Albert shrugged: "No, it's meow in twenty-three days..."

"In other words," Mu Dian looked at Albert: "You can't...Don't go to the battle of the Abyss Arena? Although the rules have been revised now, you will not die in the Arena. It is possible to challenge it infinitely. But...I still don’t want to see you hurt because of it. Anyway, we will carry out that plan after 23 days. The battle in the arena is meaningless..."

"You want me to spend twenty-three days in vain without doing anything?" The young tiger man shook his head: "That would be too suspicious. The abyss will surely guess what we are thinking about."


"Moreover, I also want to fight with those ancient people a lot." Albert said: "Every time we defeat an ancient person, we have a little more advantage here, isn't it?"

"Just defeated, the defeated ancient warriors may not even be dead." The cat boy said: "If they are the same as you, defeat in the arena does not mean death in battle. There are unlimited recurrences. Chance?"

"That's the same. Defeating them is enough to relieve your breath."

"You are such a fighting idiot..." Mutter covered his face.

"Meow ha ha ha ha!" Albert was amused, and slapped Mutter's shoulder hard: "Don't care about the details! We have one month left. Since we are going to be trapped in this place for a month, we have to find something. It’s up to you. It’s better to do something than to do nothing!"

The cat boy pouted and did not answer.

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