MTL - LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, Don’t Come Here!-Chapter 15 Entertainment Circle Peach Goddess 15

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Of course, there will be no problems with Chang Hao.

In fact, he only felt dizzy in his mind at this moment, as if he had been stunned by the huge wealth of heaven.

Happiness comes too suddenly!

On the face, he still tried to maintain calm, but only slightly trembled. The shaking hands showed his excitement.

He looked at Guo Dao, and even his eyes were a little red: "I have no problems."

Guo Dao's decapitation: "Since there is no problem, you can go back and take a good look at the script to get used to it. If you have any questions, please come to me at any time. We will start shooting tomorrow."

I often walked out with some legs and feet soft.

Until it came out, the heat wave of the desert came to the surface, and it made his dizzy mind clear.

This is real!

He is about to play the man!

At this moment, what Chang’s most want to do is to go to Tao Tao’s news.

He really grateful to each other.

If it wasn't for Tao Xing, he wouldn't dare to think about the drama of the man, so it would not be so easy to be in Guo Dao.

He lifted his leg and wanted to go to the house where Taoyuan lived, but he stopped after a few steps.


What is his relationship with her? What position do you have to look for her?

Even if you are really thankful, if you fall into the eyes of a caring person, I am afraid that everything will change. At that time, she was black to her for no reason.

Chang Hao thought about it and returned to his room quietly.

The room where he lives is similar to the existence of a group dormitory. The crew does not have the conditions for ordinary staff to live in a single room.

Seeing him coming back, Xiao Li, who was living with the props, looked at him coldly and turned his head and snorted.

The disdain is quite obvious.

Xiao Li looked down on the usual.

At the beginning, Chang Hao was watching the script at the residence. Once he was seen by Xiao Li, the other party sneered at him and said that he was a martial artist. He even thought that he could get the character cloud.

Chang Yi started and disagreed with him. Xiao Li thought that his character was weak and unscrupulous, and he couldn't bear it until he couldn't bear it.

Wudi has more than just a figure!

As it turns out, a lot of guys with a mouthful are also very powerful.

Xiao Li’s battle-hard chicken’s battle **** was solidly smashed after being smashed.

It’s just that he is honest, and his heart is still not very common.

This is the case in this circle. It is normal for the rallies to be depressed. However, this little Li’s brain is not so good, and his attitude is too obvious.

Chang Hao suspected that he was annoyed, and then he began to watch the script again when no one was there.

It was also that night that he met Taoyuan.

I remembered that the person had a serious comfort and encouraged himself. There was no legendary arrogance at all, and the usual face could not stand the softening.

He glanced at Xiao Li with a light flutter, and the other person shrank his nose and turned his body.

Pick up the goods!

Chang Hao snorted in his heart and ignored him.

In the evening, when the crew used dinner, Guo Dao called everyone together and announced a message:

"The latest male lead candidate of "Huang Sha Qu" has been fixed, it is Chang Hao. Chang Hao came over and greeted everyone." He smiled and rushed to stand in the corner of the corner and often waved.

Chang Hao paused, and walked up as usual, and said hello to everyone.

In addition to love, everyone showed an unexpected look.

No one had thought that Guo Dao actually chose a male lord out of the crew of the crew!