MTL - Little Jiaojiao is the White Moonlight of the Paranoid Young Marshal-Chapter 3 self-inflicted

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"Miss, miss, it's time to get up." Yao Zhi slept until dawn, half asleep and half awake, when she heard someone knocking on the door.

She got up from the bed, the sky was already bright outside the window, she was startled secretly, Shen Xu probably had already set off at this time.

She opened the curtains, only to see a chair in the small courtyard, a woman in an old cheongsam was sitting under the eaves eating noodles, and there was no one else.

Yao Zhi sighed, she originally wanted to go to school with Shen Xu in the morning, and then seize the opportunity to flirt with him, but now it seems impossible.

"Miss, are you up?" The servant's voice outside the door raised its voice a degree.

"I'm up." Yao Zhi went to open the door and took the clothes, "I'll wash up and I'll go down right away."

"Okay, the Overseer is still waiting for you below." After the servant finished speaking, he went to do his own business.

Yao Zhi went back to her room and changed her clothes. She was wearing a blue emerald smoked sweater with a pleated skirt with a slightly longer hem. Yao Zhi had a thin waist with a soft and attractive curve.

The age of fourteen is between immaturity and maturity, and the purity with **** is the most attractive.

She put on white socks and black leather shoes, with her thin and soft braid hanging down, Yao Zhi smiled at the mirror, her crescent eyes crooked, she was indescribably young and sweet.

Fourteen-year-old Yao Zhi was already a well-known little beauty in Beiping. Some people joked that in two or three years, all young men in Beiping and even in North China would bow down to her slender waist.

This is indeed true, Yao Zhi is immature but beautiful after she grows up, and her beauty is even famous all over the country. But people thought that this beauty was Marshal Shen's woman, but she was not, she was just relying on his favor to find a place to settle down.

Yao Zhi turned around again, grabbed a handful of sugar and put them in her pocket, as well as plasters for wounds, all ready before she went downstairs to have breakfast.

The meal was over quickly, and Yao Xian sent her to school. Just as she ran into the classroom to put away her schoolbag, the bell rang.

"Zhizhi." A cute round-faced girl next to her called her, "Why are you so late today?"

The first class is Chinese. Yao Zhi took out the textbook and said with a smile, "I overslept, but I went to bed very early yesterday."

The round-faced girl was about to say something, but she glanced at her and saw her husband coming in, so she hurriedly sat down.

This round-faced girl is called Cheng Yiman, and she was very close to Yao Zhi in middle school, but after Yao Zhi went abroad, the two had no contact with each other. The last time I heard about her, it seemed that her husband took in a particularly doting aunt who died of depression after being framed and giving birth prematurely.

Yao Zhi looked at her and couldn't help feeling a little moved in her heart. Seeing Cheng Yiman blinking at her, lively and innocent, she couldn't imagine what it would be like for such a girl to be depressed.

Suddenly, Cheng Yiman poked her on the shoulder and handed over a note. Yao Zhi opened it and saw it written in beautiful small characters—a new store opened outside the school sells popsicles, with wrapping paper, which is very beautiful. Shall we check it out after school?

Yao Zhi looked up to meet her bright eyes, smiled and nodded.

After class, Cheng Yiman pulled Yao Zhi to go to the bathroom, thinking that Shen Xu's classroom was also on the way, so Yao Zhi happily agreed.

Along the way, the two little girls were chattering, talking and laughing. Suddenly, when they passed by the door of a classroom, Yao Zhi suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter, Zhizhi?" Cheng Yiman asked strangely.

"I'll give someone something." Yao Zhi pursed her lips and smiled.

"A boy or a girl?" Cheng Yiman asked curiously, "Why do I feel that something is wrong with you?"

"Boy." Yao Zhi blinked.

Cheng Yiman was almost blown up by her words and jumped up: "Boy?!"

She can't control the volume a little bit.

"Hush, keep your voice down." Yao Zhi blushed slightly.

Cheng Yiman looked at her pretty little face flushed with blush, and said: "It's over." She paused: "All the boys in Beiping are going to be heartbroken, tell who it is, I'm almost going to die." Curious to death!"

Yao Zhi took her hand and walked into the classroom. At this time, there was no one in the class, only a few people talking. When one of the boys saw Yao Zhi coming in, he was taken aback for a moment, and then half of his face turned red. A few boys behind him made a fuss, and finally mustered up the courage to walk up to Yao Zhi, and asked softly, "Excuse me... are you looking for someone?"

As soon as the words came out, there was a burst of cheers from behind.

Cheng Yiman "tsk tsk" twice, thinking that the next tragedy was almost unbearable.

"Hello." Yao Zhi smiled, "Do you know where Shen Xu is sitting?"

The boy was stunned: "Shen Xu?"

Yao Zhi nodded.

Of course, she could see that this boy was interested in her. The throbbing at this age was exceptionally ignorant and beautiful, but it was short-lived and unreliable. Of course, Shen Xu in her family was different, and Shen Xu had the longest love.

Cheng Yiman was dumbfounded: "Zhizhi, you mean Shen Xu?" Do you like Shen Xu?

Yao Zhi nodded.

The boy finally came to his senses, pointed to a place in the corner of the classroom and said, "He's sitting there."

"Thank you." Yao Zhi thanked, walked towards the seat, took out the sugar and ointment, and wrote a sentence in the notebook next to it—for you. The signature below is Yao Zhi.

After finishing all this, she pulled Cheng Yiman out of the classroom and continued to walk into the toilet.

"No, what's the situation?" whispered in the classroom over there, "What does Miss Yao have to do with that cripple?"

Someone ran to Shen Xu's seat to watch, with a look of incredulity on his face: "Sugar, and ointment, what are these for?"

The boy who blushed just now hesitated to speak, not knowing what to say.

"If you ask me, don't think so much." A boy said, "The Governor's Mansion is so close to the Marshal's Mansion, it's probably normal concern, after all..." What kind of relationship can someone like Shen Xu have with Ms. Yao? He wouldn't believe it even if he was killed.

Over there, Cheng Yiman had already looked at Yao Zhi with strange eyes.

"Why do you look at me like that and don't speak, just ask whatever you want." Yao Zhi said amusedly.

"You..." Cheng Yiman seemed to be thinking about it, "That, Shen Xu..."

"I like him." Yao Zhi admitted generously, and directly answered the questions that Cheng Yiman couldn't ask.

Cheng Yiman was dumbfounded.


She thought that her good friend was someone who wanted to bomb Beiping with his beauty, but now she said that she fell in love with Shen Xu? Although he is said to be the handsome son, who doesn't know that there is no difference between whether Shen Xu exists with the handsome or not, what's more, he...

"My Miss Yao, what do you like about him?" Cheng Yiman couldn't understand.

"Don't say that." Yao Zhi looked very serious, "Brother Shen is the best person in the world."

Cheng Yiman had a sore tooth and a headache: "No, I can't understand." Why is the beauty's brain so incomprehensible?

She sighed and went to the toilet, and the ice cream she was looking forward to before lost all her joy.

— What's so good about Shen Xu? Crippled and without status, with a cold and reticent personality, the only thing that can be said to be good is his face, which is very handsome, and the cold expression is quite charming.


Cheng Yiman thought—Zhizhi didn't just like that face, did she? It can't be so superficial, can it? !

While she couldn't believe it, she firmly believed in the answer. She sighed, feeling that there was too much information, and she was a little dizzy.

When get out of class was over, Shen Xu went out to find a place to secretly take another bite of the candy that Yao Zhi gave him yesterday. When he came back, he found something was wrong as soon as he entered the classroom door.

There weren't many people in the class, but everyone peeked at him out of the corner of their eyes. In addition to the disgust he saw a lot on weekdays, today there was a trace of disbelief and surprise in their eyes.

"How is he worthy?"

Shen Xu heard another boy whisper.

The sound is very small, but very clear.

Shen Xu didn't look sideways, and pushed the wheelchair to the seat without paying attention, only to see a large handful of candy piled up on the table, and the same brand that Yao Zhi gave him yesterday, but the taste was changed. In addition, there is an ointment, and there are three words on the book below, with soft handwriting—for you. The signature turned out to be Yao Zhi...

He suddenly remembered that she said yesterday that she seemed to come to give him candy, but she actually came.

Not only sugar, she also sent ointment, probably because she saw that he was beaten yesterday?

Shen Xu pursed his lips, froze for a long time, put the sugar and ointment into his pocket, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he could hardly suppress his smile.

—Given by Zhizhi...

There are so many.

Just when he was still immersed in his own world, someone rushed over and shouted: "Shen Xu!"

He raised his eyes slowly.

When the man touched this line of sight, he immediately cut off half of his aura, but he still said viciously: "What's the matter with you and Miss Yao?"

Shen Xu lowered his eyes again.

"It doesn't matter." When he said this, his heart twitched, and the sense of happiness just now disappeared suddenly.

—Yes, what is she to do with him? What was he thinking about?

"Then why did she give you candy?"

"Because it was her birthday yesterday, we are neighbors, she should supply me."

Yes, that's how it is.

"What about the medicine?"

"I'm hurt."

"Then why..."

The boy hadn't finished speaking when Shen Xu suddenly raised his eyes, staring at him with sour black pupils.

"none of your business?"

He paused every word, his tone forbearing.

The boy was startled, silenced his voice instantly, and returned to his seat in desperation.

"He's sick."

"Forget it, it's not just a day or two of illness."

"That is, what do you care about with him, a cripple."

"You don't think too much about what Miss Yao can have with him."

"that is."

Shen Xu squeezed the pile of candies in his pocket tightly, and closed his eyes for a long time.

Don't think about it anymore.

You see, no one else believes it, so what do you think?

Even if she really meant that, do you have the confidence to be with her? What guarantee do you take? Take your half-broken legs?

He sneered and wanted to throw the candy away. But he just took out the candy, but he was still reluctant.

— Just leave it to fantasy.

Shen Xu said to himself.

—It's nothing anyway, just... a little fantasy...

He put the candy back again, feeling very sad.

It is your own fault.

Shen Xu said to himself.

You shouldn't have fantasies about people like that.

The sun was shining brightly outside the window, and the weather seemed to be very beautiful, but the sun was too strong, which made people's brains unavoidably hot.

The day passed quickly, and Cheng Yiman took Yao Zhi to eat popsicles when school was over. The milky white popsicles are wrapped in a wrapping paper with a pink color, which is really beautiful. Cheng Yiman ate two in one go, and when he finished the last one, Cheng Yiman suddenly said: "No, Zhizhi."

"Huh?" Yao Zhi was confused.

"There must be someone more handsome!" Her eyes were firm and her face was serious, but Yao Zhi didn't know what she was talking about.

She didn't care, she took a small bite of the popsicle, her beautiful eyes narrowed—it was so delicious. Well, bring Shen Xu to eat next time.


### Author Testimonials

If we are fourteen years old, we are probably in the third year of junior high school now. I think emotional dramas should still be reasonable. In the Republic of China, it is generally relatively early.
