MTL - Little Sweetheart-Chapter 59 .059

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\"I am not a rogue, I am chasing her!\" Lu Jialu screamed.

\"Catch a P!\" Waiting for Su Han to open, Zheng Peipei went straight back, \"You are a rogue! Stupid and stupid!"

Gu Siyi ran to Zheng Peipei and took her arm and advised: "Let's get on the bus and watch the meteor shower, such a beautiful and amazing spectacle, use time to quarrel and waste. Go away!"

Zheng Peipei was taken to the car by Gu Siyi, but his heart was still angry, but there was no way. The pro-has were kissed, and the embarrassment was also embarrassed. He also smashed, and he could not kill anyone. He could only self-examine, "" mad. Never mind that stupid!\"

Gu Siyi smiled and said: \"Yes, ignore him! We take pictures!\"

Zheng Pei-pei also did not want to be immersed in the emotions of grievances. Gu Siyi gave her attention and the two were happy. Coupled with Pear and Zhang Xinyi, several girls got together and played happily.

Xia Zhijun: \"...\"

Originally belonging to his position, he was occupied by Zhang Pei-pei.

However, he also knew that the situation was special at this time, and they went with them and went to Lu Jialu’s car.

After Su Han let go, he and Lu Jialu did not speak, and they both boarded the car. The atmosphere has a subtle flaw.

After the time came, the summer of the night let the driver drive back.

Zheng Peipei fell asleep on Gu Siyi's leg. Gu Siyi heard that she was still groaning in her dreams: "Smelly stupid... I am cheaper... I don't care about you anymore, stupid..."

\"...\" Gu Siyi listened to crying and laughing, and estimated that she had repaired Lu Jialu in her dreams.

When I arrived at the school, the boys were still spirited, and the girls were stupid and not sleepy.

After waving goodbye, everyone went back to the bedroom. The girl came back to sleep and fell asleep.

After a few boys returned to the bedroom, the subtle atmosphere continued. To be exact, it is the atmosphere between Lu Jialu and Su Han.

Everyone went to bed, and after turning off the lights, Zhou Hao suddenly asked, "Isn't you asleep?"

No one answered, he said another, "I like Zheng Peipei, screaming."

Lu Jialu: \"吱——\"

Xia Zhixiao laughed.

Su Han also chuckled: "Don't be funny."

Lu Jialu: "Isn't this Zhou Zhou saying that I like to sing aloud? Now I am snoring, so I like her, and no one should interfere with me to stop me from chasing her."

The air was quiet for a moment, Su Han said: "I also like to stay with you."

Lu Jialu immediately said: "Then I like it very much! You just like it a little! Buddy, let me give way!"

\"Do you like to quantify?\" Su Han throws a question and says, "You didn't look at her before, and I yelled at her tigress every day. I said that she looks good, you still sneered."

\"Who is not awkward when he is young, can't I cure it now?\" Lu Jiaxun is not willing to show weakness.

\"What are you doing for three minutes of heat, for a while, when you are emotionally, you will like it. Who knows how long you can persist?" Su Han once again questioned him.

\"I stepped on the horse...\" Lu Jialu was stunned, but he sat up and said, "Oh, I will give you a military order. I just need to catch up with her, so I won't break up! So don't grab me." !\"

\"This is two things, even if you make a guarantee, it does not mean that I have to give up." "Su Hanyun is light and light.

\"My sun, you wash me!\"

Zhou Wei said: "We are only one year old, and we don't have to fall in love. I think both of you have been counted. After Zheng Peipei likes whoever you are, don't chase it. Because a girl is too boring." \"

He has never loved to do anything, and the reason why he took the initiative to provoke this tonight is that he is afraid of this.

Xia Zhijun also said: "Yes, don't chase, see Zheng Peipei's own choice."

Fortunately, he clearly dismissed those people’s thoughts on Gu Siyi from the beginning and avoided this situation.

Although he had no idea for Gu Siyi at that time.

For a long while, Su Han said: \"Good.\"

Originally, he did not intend to launch an offensive against Zheng Pei-pei. The hidden likes were inspired by Lu Jialu.

But he really didn't want to fight against his brother for this.

Lu Jiaxuan is very upset, but everyone said so... If you think about it again, if Su Han attacks, his chances of winning are very slim. After all, Zheng Peipei’s performance is obviously better with Su Han. If Su Han does not chase, his sense of crisis will be lifted.

Lu Jiaxuan’s heart is horizontal, saying: “Well, no one should chase her. Who is chasing the dog!”

The matter reached an agreement on this.

The next day, when he came to the classroom, Zheng Peipei did not look at Lu Jialu. When his eyes fell on him, he turned back and looked back.

I slept too late the first day and everyone was very sleepy.

Lu Jialu and Xia Zhijun both slept on the table.

The math teacher threw a chalk head and directly slammed Lu Jialu’s head. He screamed and bounced, "Where, who?"

The whole class looked at him, including the screaming eyes of the math teacher. "Do you look at the number of points in your midterm exam, do you want to hand in the white paper?"

Lu Jialu yawned, \"Teacher, sleepy is not sick, sleepy to life, I really ...\" said half of it yawned again, eyes turned, saw Xia Zhizhen still sleeping on the table, suddenly not Balanced, \"teacher, he is sleeping, why don't you say him?"

\"Good gas, why do you drag the learning **** down..." "Gu Siyi recalls the whisper of the drum.

Zheng Peipei had an allied army and immediately said, "I will say that he is a fool."

The math teacher listened to Lu Jialu’s words, and he was even more angry. He said: “Can you compare with him? Everyone’s mathematics is a perfect score for the big exam! You can pass the exam first?”

Gu Siyi: \"...\"

Zheng Peipei: \"...\"

The noise was louder than a while, and Xia Zhifu frowned, and sat up with impatience.

The math teacher said: "You don't study well, you have to influence the rest of the people's lives, and go to the penalty station!"

\"...\" Lu Jialu has a dog's mood.

The young master who has been pampered since childhood has probably experienced this inferior feeling in learning.

Xia Zhijun yawned, expressionless, squatting down to sleep.

Zheng Peipei whispered: "" Niubi, this is the treatment of learning God."

Gu Siyi: \"Real is really..."

Originally worried about Xia Zhizhen’s criticism, she could not imagine how a person who was so tall would be criticized, and the result...

think too much.

Because Lu Jialu no longer looks for Zheng Pei-pei to talk about it, after the class, the latter is much quieter.

A few days later, some people couldn’t help but gossip: \"Is there any emotional crisis between Zheng Peipei and Lu Jialu? These few days, they seem to care about who they are?"

\"It is not necessarily a small couple. It may be that I played well before, now I turned my face...\"

\"Hey, there is nothing immortal, I think that how many people have a good relationship, often play together, and the result is noisy."

\"I am curious as to whether Xia Zhiyi will be noisy with Gu Siyi?\"

\"Who knows, is not good... The relationship is too fragile, turning his face like a book.\"


These gossips were passed down and finally passed to Zheng Peipei and Gu Siyi.

Zheng Pei-Pei turned a deaf ear. Until one day, when several of them went to the toilet, a girl from the outside class suddenly appeared and asked Zheng Peipei: "Do you break up with Lu Jialu?"

Zheng Peipei broke out, and the gossip behind it was no problem, actually asked in person! She screamed: "Who said that we broke up? We have not been together! It is clear from beginning to end!"

\"Oh, sorry, misunderstood you.\" The girl rushed to apologize and said with a smile, "I can chase him."

Zheng Pei-pei was completely dumbfounded when the girls’ happy back went away.

She stunned her hand and said: "Is I dreaming?... Lu Jialu’s silly fork is also liked?\"

Gu Siyi smashed her hand and tried to marry her, "I still yell at you and test if you have a dream."

Zheng Pei-Pei decisively fled, and fled and yelled, "Oh, how is it possible? The girl was pretty pretty, not stupid? What is Lu Jialu like to like?"

\"Speaking reason, Lu Jialu is only playing with Xia Zhijun, the appearance is not outstanding, but also set off as a school slag. In my junior high school, his high-skilled handsome son, there are many girls like it. ?\"

After Gu Siyi finished, Xiangli also nodded, \"And Lu Jialu is very cute. It is not as cold and not close to Xia Zhijun. There is no idol burden, handsome grounding."

\"............\" Zheng Peipei has no words to see heaven.

Does the world think that Lu Jia is good, she thinks he is a stupid fork?

How can someone chase the stupid fork, good luck! .

As Christmas approaches, the campus begins to illuminate, and the lanterns and Christmas trees are decorated with a festive atmosphere.

During Christmas, it is often the campus confession season.

One day, Gu Siyi and Zheng Peipei finished their dinner in the cafeteria and walked through a corner to see the back of Xia Zhixuan.

This is not important. In a class, I look down and look up every day. What is important is that a girl is stuck in front of him.

\"The trough! Someone blocked you to learn God!\" Zheng Pei-Pei angered, pulling up Gu Siyi’s hand and said, "Go, let’s look at it."

Gu Siyi was dragged by Zheng Peipei to follow the madness. He wanted to reject the itch in his heart, and finally he was.

The two carefully walked behind a flower bed, and the other side of the flower bed was Xia Zhijun and the girl.

\"Xia Zhizhi, I like you...\" The voice of the girl came, gentle and awkward, it sounded like courage.

\"I don't like you." "Xia Zhizhi's tone is faint.

Gu Siyi looked at the summer sorrow through the gap between the branches. When there was no expression on the face, it was really cold and it was prohibitive.

\"It doesn't matter... I am not letting you accept me right away... I, I just want to tell you... my thoughts in my heart...\"The girl's face is red, the voice is light and thin, \"Do not say I will be even more regrettable...\"

\"I won't like you in the future.\" Xia Zhiyu said, "I have someone I like."

\"Is it Gu Siyi...\"

\"This has nothing to do with you. \" Summer is a ruthless road.

\"That... no matter who... I, I wish you...\" The girl’s voice brought a cry, or she held up a smile and said that she turned and walked away.

Xia Zhiyu left in the other direction indifferently.

On the other side of the flower bed, two girls stood up.

Zheng Pei-pei’s expression is a bit complicated, “Why doesn’t he admit that you are?”

Gu Siyi said: "Because our relationship can't be made public, let's go."

Gu Siyi took Zheng Peipei to leave, and he was embarrassed to listen to the corner of the wall. She did not doubt him with a star and a half.

\"But you are not open, you have always had a sense of crisis... There will be a steady stream of girls and confession of Xia Zhi."

Gu Siyi: "This doesn't matter, even if it is open, someone will like him, it is inevitable."

\"It is also ... too handsome is recruiting."

The two returned to the bedroom, and Gu Siyi packed up and prepared to study.

Zheng Peipei asked: ""Shen Shen is still trying to make up for you."

\" Sometimes it is a supplementary class, sometimes it is a self-study." Gu Siyi said.

\"Hey, learning God is really good... Su Han is very busy this time, I have no time to make up for me." "Zheng Peipei is quite a bit stunned.

\"Then do you want to go to study with me?\"

\"Would you bother your honeymoon?\"

\"Don't be funny, are we learning?\"

Xia Zhizhen waited for Gu Siyi in the study room, and the result came to a drag bottle...

Zheng Pei-pei laughed and made a face, "Remember that brother is everyone, can't be occupied by you!"

Xia Zhijun: \"...\"

Did he do something wrong?

Zheng Peipei and Su Han did not chase her, she was tired of Gu Siyi...

Isn't this a trouble for yourself?

Gu Siyi said: "In any case, it is learning. People are less than one person."

\"Yes! I like to study with my brother." "Zheng Peipei smiled."

Xia Zhijun: \"...\"

This kind of girl's greasy friendship, he can't do anything, can't break it.

Zheng Peipei is very focused on studying at Xia Zhizhen, and he is more focused than the supervision of Gu Siyi before the exam.

Excessively focused, he inadvertently revealed the cold atmosphere. Gu Siyi is a bit unaccustomed. After all, when they are alone, he is very relaxed, and sometimes teases her.

In my mind, there is an inexplicable scene in which the girl confessed to him... It’s okay to say that it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if you don’t care, and you can’t look at the impeccable side of Xia Zhijun. It’s a bit unreliable.

Gu Siyi sat in the middle of Zheng Peipei and Xia Zhijun. When Xia Zhixuan thought about a competition topic, one hand turned the pen in his hand, one hand in the jacket pocket.

Gu Siyi carefully put his hand down, blushing, and gently put his hand into his pocket.

The two men touched each other, and Xia Zhiyi looked around and turned to look at her.

Gu Siyi was immersed in the problem, and the left hand took the pen to think, but he could see the red glow on her face.

The summer of the original, who had no side to heart, could not be beaten by her.

The hand in her pocket, intertwined with her hand, gently pinched her fingertips and rubbed her fingertips.

Gu Siyi: \"...\"

The face is getting redder and the heartbeat is getting faster and faster. I haven't seen a result for a long time.

\"Hey, remember brother, you see this question, will you?" "Zheng Peipei's voice sounded, she was about to turn her head, Gu Siyi scared a stunned, violently pulled out his hand.

\"Ah... I look at it...\" She forced herself to do nothing, and Zheng Peipei got together to read the subject.

\"Then, I can't figure out, how can these conditions be made? I can't see any connection between these conditions?"

\"...\" Gu Siyi is a bit embarrassed, she half a bucket of water, did not see the idea for a long time, had to say, \"I will not ... you ask the gods to see."

\"Then you take it."

Gu Siyi took the title to Xia Zhijun and said: \"This question will not accompany you."

Summer is her, \"You are not and will not?"


\"I will teach you first, you will teach her again, just as you can consolidate."


After the evening of self-study, everyone went back to the bedroom and separated downstairs.

In the past, I have to find a no-man's corner in the summer, and I will try my best to kiss and remember. But Zheng Peipei is there tonight, he has no idea what to do, only silently send them to the bedroom downstairs, and then leave.

When going upstairs, Zheng Peipei said in his ear: "Do you want to kill me this light bulb? Remember, you must protect me!"

\"I really like exaggeration, you..." Gu Siyi laughed.

In the middle of the night, Gu Siyi was ready to sleep, and received the WeChat of Xia Zhijun.

X:\"Can you bring Zheng Peipei tomorrow?\"

As the name suggests: \"She loves to learn, is not a good thing, can not combat her enthusiasm for learning."

X:\"What about my enthusiasm?"

As the name suggests: \"Oh, it doesn't matter if you don't learn, anyway, you are learning God."

X:\" Learning God will also slide.\"

As the name suggests: \"That's better, the second place in the grade finally has a chance to come out! [Victory] [Victory]\"

X:\"I am a fake girlfriend?"

As the name suggests: \"[smirking] [smirking] sleeping, good night~\"


It didn't take long before I arrived on Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve pop girls give apples to their favorite boys.

Xia Zhiyu came to the classroom in the afternoon, the table was full of apples, one big red one, and a beautiful outer packaging.

There are also some on Lu Jialu’s table, both Su Han and Zhou Wei. In addition to the summer, the most Apple is Su Han.

Zheng Peipei saw the grand occasion on their table and screamed twice. "The girls are now much more than the boys. The chance to express their feelings is unequivocal."

The front of the pear said: \"Mainly they are handsome? Especially learning the gods, school grass, no matter which school school grass has a lot of people like it!"

Zheng Peipei smiled at Gu Siyi, \"Yi Ge, what do you think?"

Gu Siyi is very calm, \"I said no pressure."

Xia Zhizhen saw that the apple on the table was a headache. He didn't like this very much. He and Zhou Wei had a plastic bag and put the apples on the table.

At the time of school, Xia Zhijun and Gu Siyi said: "You go back to the bedroom to change clothes, and see you at the school gate after half an hour."

He told her a day earlier that he would go out for Christmas Eve.

After that, Xia Zhijun lifted the plastic bag and left.

Zheng Peipei slammed into Gu Siyi’s arm and said: "Hey, hello, do you want to learn to take those apples away? Is he embarrassed to throw in the classroom, take it outside and throw it away?"

\"I don't know...\" She really can't figure out what he wants to do.

As they left the classroom, they looked down through the corridor and watched Xia Zhizhen carrying the bag of apples on the main road out of the campus.

Zheng Peipei went back to the bedroom with Gu Siyi, Gu Siyi put on a coat and sheepskin boots, the weather is getting colder, she added a cashmere scarf and a wool hat.

Zheng Pei-Pei squinted and saw that she was dressing up more and more beautiful, more and more cute, and her heart was sour. The tone of her speech was full of grievances. "I am so boring, I am so sad... I am going tonight. How to spend it...\"

Gu Siyi: "Then change clothes and go out together. Can't you go out in school uniforms?"

\"Ah--Remembering brother, I love you!" Zheng Peipei jumped up happily, hugged Gu Siyi, and took a sip on her face.

Uh... This passion is awkward, Gu Siyi is a bit overwhelmed.

However, it is a bit strange... to accompany her, she just feels embarrassed, unlike Xia Zhiyi who kissed her, the heart is not good for a moment. Not all lips come into contact with the skin? Why is the difference so big?

When the two men were about to go out, they saw photos of the class girls in the small group.

The girls were excited.

\"Wow, I met Xia Shen at the school gate!\"

\"Xia Shen is so warm, Christmas Eve delivers apples to those who sell things at the school gate!\"

\"Take a few more shots, take a few more!\"

\"I know that Xia Shen sent apples, it is estimated that many girls have to go to the stalls hahahaha...\"

Gu Siyi clicked on the photo to see the angle in the photo. Xia Zhijun handed the apple over to the person in front of the stall.

The impeccable side face is exceptionally dusty in the winter.

Zheng Peipei said: "Wow, I didn't expect it. He didn't throw it, but sent love. Learning God is not as cold as it looks."

Every time there is a holiday, there are a lot of risks outside the school that are being driven by the city to sell things, because in the festive atmosphere, students like to buy those small things.

Xia Zhizhen solved the apples in the bag in a short while.

But there are also negative effects, such as he knows that many people are secretly shooting him.

After he was busy, he found a quiet corner, waiting quietly, waiting for Gu Siyi.

\"Haha! So good brother! We actually met!\" Lu Jiayu suddenly appeared in front of him.

Xia Zhiqi put his hands in his pockets and stood in the cold wind. He gave him a look and was too lazy to take care of him.

\"Peace is not as good as encounters, since we met, let's have Christmas together!\" Lu Jiayu hippie smile.

\"No time, I am waiting for someone. You play yourself." "Xia Zhizhen is unmoved."

\"I know, you are waiting for a small dimple, it doesn't matter, I am not afraid of being affected, our threesomes are also very good."

Xia Zhishao cold face: \"I will be affected, thank you."

It’s hard to get to Christmas. You can go out alone for two people. He can’t bring Lu Jialu. This kind of suffocating operation can't be played.

\"Brothers, Su Han and Zhou Wei have arranged, just me alone. Can you bear to see me alone, a single dog wandering alone in the cold winter night?"

Lu Jialu said that he did not leave anything, and he was next to Xia Zhizhen. Wherever he went, where he was, his face was thicker than the city wall.

When Gu Siyi came out with Zheng Peipei, when he saw Zheng Peipei, his eyes lit up and he silently praised his wit in his heart!

He knew that Zheng Peipei would follow the small dimples.

As long as he is in the summer, he will be able to mix four people smoothly, hehe...

After meeting, Gu Siyi saw Lu Jialu, who was next to Xia Zhizhen, and Xia Zhizhen saw Zheng Peipei next to Gu Siyi.

\"...\" Summer is a bit stuffy.

Gu Siyi looked at Lu Jialu and smiled: "You are also there, that's exactly four people together."

Bingo! Lu Jialu smiled and revealed a small white tooth. The small dimple was a small dimple. It was so cute. When he spoke, he said that he was in his heart.

Zheng Peipei looked awkward and yelled at him. "How are you here? You are annoyed when you see it!"

Lu Jialu, hehe, very boneless, go back, \"How are you here? Isn’t Auntie and the Little Dimples Festival?\"

\"...\" Xia Zhijun didn't want to say anything, these two light bulbs are acting.

Gu Siyi said: "Go away, the bus is coming!"

She pulled up Zheng Peipei's hand and walked forward. Xia Zhijun had no choice but to follow up. Lu Jialu was happy.