MTL - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect-Chapter 109

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In the reckless Shu Mountain, Li Zhi, an unusually large psychic formation, spread for ten days.

Array formation is no better than digging trenches. He didn't dare to make any mistakes along the way. For fear of a bad one, he would harm one side.

In this line, everyone who can still breathe is all turned by him. There are those who lead the way, those who search for spirits everywhere, and those who help to calculate the formation. After ten days, they have been exhausted, let alone take turns blocking the sacrifice. Han Yuan of them.

All the elixir on the party went into Han Yuan and Shuikeng's stomach.

When the puddle just swallowed the magic pill, I felt like I would be blasted by this thing, but now I feel that 3,000 years is not enough, only 30,000!

The moment Li Li announced his "formation", Han Yuan could no longer succeed as the dragon's body, and instantly turned into a human form. He half-deadly fell down and collapsed to the ground. The wear was too much, and almost a sickness appeared on his face. Dead gas.

But even so, the lingering big devil still stretched out his paw with stubborn determination, grabbed Li's feet desperately, and said with a rush, "You ... don't forget ... True Dragon Banner ..."

Li Xun had no time to taunt him. When he was about to take a shoe, he barefooted his sword.

His imperial sword is like the wind, chasing the sacrificial sacrifice along the psychic array all the way, extremely nervous. For this thing, Li Zhi ’s original thick storage bag has been cleaned, and various spirits, All the spells were consumed cleanly. This is the case. He still underestimated the power of this sacrifice.

The Yinling array almost leaked out several times. Every time the formation broke, this group of monks shouted like riverside trackmen, swarmed up, repaired and blocked. This hot work looks like it is really hot. A deep ditch into the mountains in Shuzhong is to be opened.

The elder Baihushanzhuang was injured by ghosts, so embarrassed that he had to be in front of him. He had to squat on the sky, his arms dangled from his knees, and his mouth stretched out his neck. The sacrificial sacrifice flowed down the river like a stream, and the young man who had almost hit him like a headless fly came over, put it aside, and mumbled, "It turned out to be ..."

When Li Xuan met, he immediately sent a signal from a distance and waved his hands desperately, demanding that all the imperial people fall.

The next moment, a loud blast of landslides rose to the ground, all those who still stupidly stopped in the sky were affected, and rolled down from their own weapons.

The sacrificial sacrifice seemed to contain countless grudges, anger, hatred and despair, descending from the high cliffs, such as the Xinghe River capsized, falling into a lake, and moving, countless barren mountains were razed to the ground, and the original landform was beyond recognition Unpredictable cliffs reveal a ravaged ditch.


The ground motion caused by the sacrifice technique lasted for a day and a half before the dust settled. Li Xun wore no shoes on one foot, and the Golden Rooster lifted it independently, muttering silently: "This can also block the moment ... ... Han Yuan, your boy is really prosperous. "

Han Yuan was silent, and seemed to have been touched by the ancestors.

The puddle hurriedly said, "What happened to him?"

Li Xun bent over and looked at Han Yuan for a moment, shaking his head and shaking his head, "Hey, it seems that I may not be able to give you the real keel, but it ’s not enough to send a keel. If it really completes for you, how about you? Is n’t it going to be heaven? ”

Originally dying, Han Yuan immediately revived on the spot, struggling to return to the light, struggling to smash Li Zhi's shoe over: "Dare you! I don't wear it with you!"

The Elder Baihu Shanzhuang made a move and contacted several major schools in Shuzhong, including Mingming Valley.

The various martial arts also had winks, and the next day they sent in a variety of wounds and medicine supplies, and the party took a rest in Shu for more than half a month before continuing to the south.

Han Yuan consciously cleaned up Tang Xun and Xun Xu, healed the wounds and became more and more incomparable. He took the initiative to follow several dare to rebel, and came up with a clean and killing hundred.

By the time they arrived in southern Xinjiang, the demon heads who had given up their hearts because of the death of Jiusheng had basically been deterred by Han Yuan, and they were dormant for a while.

"The area where the radon gas is blocking the road is where the pedestrians are." Han Yuan said, "You are not welcome to be here as a decent, just go."

The puddle probed his brain behind him. He was very curious about the first magic cave in the world, and asked, "Four brothers, will your devil repair your money?"

"Jie," Han Yuan glanced at her, and sneered scornfully. "But she only robs people and doesn't rob the long-tailed myna. You don't have to worry."

The puddle fired angrily at his back.

"Don't forget to send me the True Dragon Banner." Han Yuan waved her little Mars, and strode to the pedestrian's nest after finishing speaking.

He shook his sleeves, and a huge mountain gate emerged out of nowhere. The word "魇" on the dragon and phoenix danced like a monster opening his mouth with blood, and the dark and cold magic air flew up and down, blending with the poisonous forest of the forest, Seemingly sinister.

A blood-stained gossip picture flew out of Han Yuan's torn tortoiseshell robe sleeve, and when he hit it right next to the word "魇", he immediately branded a **** mark.

This bloodmark seemed to drip into boiling water. For a moment, countless pairs of peeping eyes rose and fell in the pedestrian valley, watching the returning devil carefully.

Han Yuan was wearing tattered clothes like beggars, but in the steps he looked like an emperor returning to Long Ting. No one beside him broke into the hometown of the demons.

It was a pity that he was destroyed within a few steps-the puddle just burned him to death, and when he saw him in the back, his heart was suddenly empty, and he could not help shouting, "Four brothers, we will come to you later to play. ! "

Han Yuan: "..."

"Play an egg," he thought gritted, "a shame."

The huge shadow of the dragon flickered behind Han Yuan, and the Canglong plunged into the suffocation of the southern Xinjiang, and never looked back.

He will stay here for life.

The party was separated, and Yu Liang, who had concluded the aftermath of Tian Yan, had nowhere to go. Following Li Yanming's promise to Wu Changtian, Li Yan decided to take him back to Fuyao Mountain.

After Nianda filed a report, he went to the East China Sea alone, looking for a reincarnation.

But in the vast crowd, how easy is it to find an ordinary little baby boy? Besides, Han Yuan just told him a general direction, and said with or without permission.

Nian turned around the East China Sea for a few days, and was not reconciled. He wanted to find a place to stay for a while, and slowly searched.

He disguised himself as a mortal and asked someone to complain about cheap places. He was led by a fisherman to a very remote place on the East Coast. He saw a wolfberry tree that was too big to become fine, and the branches seemed to have towering ambitions. Rows of red-blooded fruit hung in rows, and under the tree stood a run-down small yard.

A few pigs were surrounded by a sty on the entrance of the courtyard. A pair of pairs were on the left side of the courtyard. On the left side, there was "San Wen Yi Su" and on the right side, "I couldn't keep it."

Nian was greatly calmed down by this kind of spirit, and it took a long while for him to knock on the door. He didn't dare to knock loudly.

After being scratched for a long time, no one took care of it, and when Nian Da was ready to leave, he heard a "creak", and there was a man with a large waist and a round waist. He was clearly a mortal, but he had a sense of indignation.

The brawny man stared at him, and said, "Don't you have enough food? Can you knock on the door? You can't live!"

Nian was greatly calmed down by the indescribable style of mortals, and said smoothly: "Live ... Live, predecessor, senior, I live."

"Senior?" The brawny raised an eyebrow and said with a loud voice, "Oh, you have been a monk for a long time. I haven't seen you a monk who is so helpless, pay, and roll in!"

Nian greatly dared not to disagree in the slightest, and rolled in smoothly.

And it wasn't until the year when he lived in the East China Sea for more than two months that the magic of the mountains and rivers gradually subsided--

The one thousand and eighty-eight steps of the unregrettable stage allowed the two capable men to travel for almost three months.

There were countless large and small wounds on both of them. At this time, even Cheng Qian, at the moment when he saw the top, couldn't help but stabbed, almost kneeling.

It's too difficult, Frost Blade's sword light has been worn down, Cheng Qian just wants to roll straight from here, he can't think of how Tong Ru came up.

Regretlessly killing silently on the stage, Yan Zhengming's footsteps walking in front of him suddenly a meal.

Cheng Qian mutely exhausted: "What's wrong?"

Yan Zhengming: "Come and see."

I saw a footprint on the regrettable, stained with blood, and now the blood stains have revealed the stale rust color, but it has been faithfully preserved by the regrettable Taiwan without any discoloration for hundreds of years.

Just looking at this thrilling footprint, you can imagine what the boy was like when he broke in alone. One leg stepped on the unregrettable stage, the other leg was still on the stone steps, and he was injured.

He must be at the end of a strong crossbow, and he could not support his hand heavily on his knees, leaving only such a heavy footprint.

When he exhausted his last strength and looked up at the shining heart, would he seem to be watching a distant dream?

No one took turns holding swords and guarding each other. He was alone with the indiscriminate thought of nowhere to tell, and under the double torture of the demon and conscience, he departed from the world and came out of the blood.

Thinking about it this way, although he was a junior, he knew that he had gone into trouble for his own selfish desires, and caused many evils, but suddenly he couldn't say how harsh words.

In the middle of Taiwan, the original imprint of the thoughts on the stone is still there. The two paused for a while, and then took out Bing Xinhuo with all his might.

The stone seemed to have a spirit. As soon as a person pushed it lightly, he returned to his place, and settled down in a tight joint.

The floating light in the middle of it stagnates in an instant, and the entanglement of magic around it seems to turn into a fine ash. Suddenly, the smoke disappears.

I don't regret the spotless spot on the stage and no spell, but it just makes people feel extremely silent, like the ambitions in people ’s hearts. When they come here, they will involuntarily calm down and return to the purity of human nature.

Trekking through the eighteen thousand steps here seems to be the end of one hundred and eighty thousand disasters.

Cheng Qian heard various cries and shouts, laughter and roars, and they all left him together, like a dream that had been immersed for many years came to his head. For a moment, his mind was unprecedentedly clear, as if he had heard the faint heavens in Qiankun again.

His legs were a little numb, and his feet were crippled, and he simply conformed to his instincts. He lay down on his back, listening to the sorrowful demon around him gradually quiet and docile, feeling that he had no strength at all.

Yan Zhengming was no better than him. He supported most of his weight on Frostblade and stood beside him for a while. Then he suddenly asked: "When the ancestor Tong Rushi made a wish to his heart and made a wish, At that time, I would like to sacrifice millions of grudges ... what about now?

Cheng Qian closed his eyes and said in an inaudible manner, "No matter what, the stone didn't actually make him want it, right?"

The blood of the Fuyao faction is still broken, and Master Muchun is still dead.

Therefore, people have decided to leave one after another, and the world is still dragged into a protracted mess ...

Fang has been closed so far.

The calamity is like a raging fire across the plains, crushed ruthlessly and irresistibly, and burned everything in the ashes.

Only the fine grass sprouts still silently sprout in the spring breeze after death.

"Withered wood in spring", like an opening, may also be an ending.

Yan Zhengming stood still for a moment, and said, "When we go back, you can take me to the Valley of Forget Me at your leisure. I want to see Master and Grandpa."

Cheng Qiankou said unabashedly: "Go and show them to you, Master, have you made a hundred years of efforts to turn the tide and revive the martial arts achievements?"

Yan Zhengming: "..."

It was uncomfortable to be seen through by my brother.

He raised his leg in anger and gave Cheng Qian a kick: "Let you lead the way, you lead the way. Where's so much nonsense!"

It is a pity that the planned line is doomed.

Two months later, Yan Zhengming held a "baffle leaf" in his mouth, struggling to hide his anger, and rushed into Chengyou with Cheng Qian at twilight. To the buried place of Tong Ru.

Who knew the bones there were gone.

The two searched several laps in situ and found nothing. Cheng Qian almost suspected that he had misremembered it until he finally dug out a rusty copper coin from the big tree.

Then I remembered Tong as he said. I'm afraid I won't meet again next time I come back.

Probably the man's sentence had expired and the major sin had been redeemed, and he finally went with the mountains and rivers.

The two left the Forget-Me-Not Valley before dawn, and Yan Zhengming spit out his obstacles and asked, "Have the spirits of Master and Patriarch dissipated?"

Cheng Qian thought for a while and replied, "It's better to say that it's soaring."

Thinking of it this way, suddenly felt relieved. 2k novel reading network