MTL - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect-Chapter 87

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At the sight of the two of them, the puddle was like a motherless child who had found her home. No matter what the two armies were against each other, she said without a word, "Master!"

She was bright red, and the hair of her horns seemed to be glowing when she fell from the sky, as if a burning eye fell from the sky, attracting everyone's attention to the two people who suddenly appeared.

Successfully blocked Cheng Qian's excuse that he would have spoken.

Han Yuan sat cross-legged at a high place. He had closed his eyes casually, heard the sound and opened his eyes, glanced gloomily at the several magicians who looked around the puddle with blue eyes, scaring them like a chill. Withdrawing his eyes, he met Yan Zhengming's eyes.

Yan Zhengming's gaze was a little complicated--Yan Zhengming had always been complicated for Han Yuan, and it was always difficult to solve the problem, but he never really gave up on him.

That's ... after all, they are the least clever little brothers.

The puddle whispered in his ear: "On the day of the break, you and your little brother were caught in the cracks. The rest of them, the nasty ones, just climbed out of the Devil Slayer, and started to fight again. In the field, the damage was half, so I had to adjust the rate by myself, and then I was attracted by four ... well, the spirit of the dragon attracted many magicians to gather here, and the little white-faced sword repair, I do n’t know who to sue After that, a large number of monks came from Taihang Mountain the next day. They have been confronting each other for several days, and they are about to start fighting. "

She chattered a lot, with a cheerful tone, watching the excitement completely without entering the state, and when she finished, she leaned around Yan Zhengming to look at Cheng Qian and asked, "Little brother, where are you two? "

Cheng Qian hadn't answered yet, Yan Zhengming had reached out and pulled the puddle open: "Don't talk to him, let him think about it."

The puddle heard the words, sighed with a shake of his head, glanced at Cheng Qian, and winked at him—how did you anger him again?

Cheng Qian had to shake his head with a bitter smile-ashamed.

Yan Zhengming beckoned to Li Yan, not even looking at those two people, and Wu found a place to live in a strange place and sat down.

At the Tianyan Office, there was a person coming out of the crowd immediately. It was Wu Changtian. Wu Changtian couldn't sit still when he saw Yan Zhengming. He came forward and said something to You Liang.

You Liang reluctantly stood up and walked towards Yan Zhengming. He wasn't hurt, and he wasn't very sloppy. He looked like a pitiful dog.

You Liang stood in front of Yan Zhengming, hesitated, and whispered, "The junior dared to ask the seniors to sit on the side, leaving you superiors."

Yan Zhengming glanced at him, You Liang's back stiffened involuntarily. If he had met the head of Yan before, and he was fighting for the battle, he was inexplicably afraid.

Yan Zhengming said frankly, "No need, it's quiet here."

Because Nian Mingming also came, Li Yan sent Nian greatly to his father. He got down from the sky, took the stubble forward, and smiled at You Liang: "Who is present, which is not magical by Tian Yan Chu. Did you get the demon **** from you? I also ask you to tell Master Wu that you don't have to be so careful. "

Li Yanmian hid the needle, You Liang heard the irony inside and outside his words, but he wouldn't deal with people. He stood in a stalemate for a long time and couldn't answer. So he clenched his fist in silence and turned away.

Yan Zhengming suddenly stopped him: "Wait."

You beam footsteps.

Yan Zhengming didn't look up, his gaze was sticking to the wooden sword in his hand, as if to see it as a flower.

He slowly said: "Jian Xiu has always been harder than others, but since it chooses you, it means that at least when you entered the Tao, you have this qualification. When you enter the door, the road is all by yourself It ’s a peerless sword when it ’s gone. It ’s a pig killer when it ’s gone. Do n’t let the handle of the sword be in the hands of others. ”

You Liang was shocked, his face paled, but after hearing it, he bowed his head from a distance: "Yes, thank you seniors."

Li Yan treated him away, and then he found the stone mustard in his arms. This time, he was not as ostentatious as he was in Suzaku Tower. He just set up a small shady shed in the place, and there were curtains around it. There is a charm on the curtain, and the inside can see and hear the outside, and the outside cannot peek inside.

Yan Zhengming: "What's the situation?"

Li Yan sat down beside Cheng Qian with a golden knife and said, "Wu Changtian has come to the world again, and plans to start here."

Cheng Qian asked: "What bureau?"

Li Yan said with a gaze: "Look over there, at Baihu Villa, Xuanwutang, Mulan Mountain, and the Westbound Palace ... Well, the Westbound Palace has really been incapable of death after the death of their old palace master Carrying the girders-anyway, except for the two Saints who have been "detached from the Five Elements", basically everyone who can get their hands has come. Look at Moxiu, have the stars behind Han Yuan seen the moon? ? Three women and six men are the "nine saints" of the pedestrians, but you have seen a lot of magic, you just started to cooperate with each other, and then insert each other again, it is normal, they may not come to Han Yuan. I'm afraid it's like mixing water with us. "

Yan Zhengming scolded without looking back: "Who has stirred the water?"

Li Xie smiled, stretched out his hands and dived into the shoulder, and said, "The two sides fought with each other, and no one could do anything. Then Wu Changtian ran over from Taihang Mountain, and proposed such a game, so that both sides could play each other. A few masters of matrix formation set up a "ten square" here, and then ten people each entered the array. Whoever met God's will together, then the two of them started to compete, regardless of life or death-if Tian Yan Chu After winning, Han Yuan followed them. Pedestrians then returned to South Xinjiang. They would not be allowed to enter the Central Plains for a lifetime. If the demon repairers won, the people at Tianyan Department justly claimed to be responsible for the crimes of the world. They dispose. "

Cheng Qian heard something wrong: "We are all bound by the removal of the magic seal, but those magic repairs are a piece of sand. If Tian Yan Chu promises to buy a few, and loses on purpose, what else do I fight?"

Li Yan said: "Han Yuan is not so stupid. They should have blood vows over the magic. There is no one-on-one. He dared to sweep the Central Plains by himself. He never expected anyone to help him. Maybe he wanted to. Kill ten opponents on your own during that time. "

Cheng Qian asked: "So what are you waiting for?"

Li Wei said: "Should not be completed, and they seem to be waiting for a fair person."

Cheng Qian frowned.

Li Min patted his shoulder: "Don't frown, you and your master can't run, only in this time I think it's good to be flat."

Cheng Qiandao said: "Everything is eye-catching, and it involves so many people's blood vows. It seems difficult to take Han Yuan away."

Several people were silent for a while. At this moment, Yan Zhengming didn't know where to find a fan again. After absently fanning the chest twice, he turned around inadvertently, just to see Li Yan's sitting and sitting posture. Then, he decisively knocked off Li's arm with a fan: "Sit and sit, it's a bit human."

It didn't work, Li Yan smiled "Hey", was about to play a bit of run and run a few words on his head, but suddenly saw Cheng Qiang smiled.

Cheng Qian usually doesn't hold much attention to his own person. Of course it is not unusual to smile, but when he smiles, his eyes keep looking at Yan Zhengming, as if there is only such a person in his eyes. It seemed to shatter a thin layer of light, and it became warmer than ever.

Li Yan: "..."

He looked at Cheng Qian, and then looked at Yan Zhengming. He noticed that he might have a long pin-eye when he looked at it again. He sat still, shaking his heart, saying, "When I wake up, I change everything next to me. Heaven and earth, mother! "

This sudden silence of Li Yan seemed to be a bit cold, and the puddle inadvertently turned around and said sharply, "Brother, have you changed the fan? This one is so broken, it's not as good as the old one."

As soon as she mentioned it, people found that Yan Zhengming replaced a fan with a bamboo bone in her hand. Over time, the outer skin had turned red-brown, and there were a few cracks at the corners, which were not exquisite.

Li Yan, however, took the old bamboo fan with both hands and spread it carefully. Seeing a few two or three strokes on the back, he outlined the shape of a distant mountain, while the front was left blank. Only a corner was covered with a chapter. It is the word "fuyao".

Just by looking at those two words, you know that this chapter is stamped by the head.

Li Yan sighed: "This ... this is an antiquity in the martial arts-I said, Xiao Shimei, you big girl, read a book seriously, without any ink, you will know that flying around with feathers all day long ... Well, it's sad to me--brother, where did you get it? Let's try dripping blood, this ancient thing may have spirit. "

Yan Zhengming lightly described the incidents behind him and Cheng Laibu Regrets, and then came up with a small box and an old book from the storage bag.

He handed the wooden box to the puddle and said, "This is the demon king of a certain generation of demon kings. The demon king lived at the end of three thousand and six hundred years of age. The demon king is very pure, and the power can also be passed on. Endless fighting, there are very few demon kings at the end of their lives, and Fuyao has only one such one in the past. You should keep it. Do n’t eat it yourself. There are more than 3,000 years of doing it. Your bones are not full and you may not be able to bear it. . "

The puddle looked like it could not find the north, and her eyes were about to open her eyebrows. She looked like a sloppy poor ghost and saw a large bar of gold in her room. Demon dream. She stammered for a long time, and uttered a flattering whisper: "Big, big brother, I don't know Tarzan. Your fan is really, really good, I'm so drunk!"

Yan Zhengming: "Let's do it, it depends on you."

After that, he threw the book into Li's arms: "Your."

Li Yan took it cheerfully, and saw the words "Nine Links" written on the cover. He turned it over and scanned a few pages. The whole man was thrilled with excitement: "This ... this ..."

"I asked that senior," Yan Zhengming said, "He said that among the patriarchs I sent, there was indeed a particularly incompetent, non-Dan Fei Qi, non-Sword, non-Gong, specializing in all kinds of magic tricks, This monk is very rare, and it is called 'Nine Chains'. In these years, there is no master and no one to guide you. You are all searching for it by yourself. Now that you have this, you can do more with less.

Li Xun said with tears in her eyes: "Brother, let me make a promise."

Yan Zhanmen gave him a glimpse of the pair of peach blossoms who could not speak and could only swear, expressing his disdain plainly-don't even find money.

Cheng Qian laughed a bit. He was worried that the old man would make trouble for the old man. He did not expect to give pointers again, but also to things ... Sure enough, the head of the treatment was different.

Li Xun rubbed the old scroll in his hands and asked curiously, "What else did that senior say?"

What else did you say?

"The sword of the origin in your house is very interesting. In order to attach the sword to it, some people cut the Yuanshen as the carrier, which just makes you go into the scabbard in one fell swoop. 'It is really into the realm of sword gods, but although I can see that the humanized sword is willing to take the book and is very ingenious, the accomplishment of the wooden sword is really not high. If you want to go further, you must refine the meaning of the sword. "

Yan Zhengming thought of it at this time, his hands were still shaking, and stared at Cheng Qian fiercely.

Cheng Qian leaned over and whispered, "Brother, calm down."

Yan Zhengming shook his hands silently.

Cheng Qian could only hurt his teeth with sharp teeth, not coaxing his lips, and looked at him helplessly, then carefully held Yan Zhengming's hand.

Was thrown away again.

Cheng Qianguo, as he himself said, persevered, and crossed the back of his hand again.

The puddle did not know how to hide it, and looked straight at it for a while, always felt that something was wrong.

Li Yan bowed his head without seeing his heart. Suddenly, he found something in this book, and opened it gently, only to see a piece of paper in the page. The ink was very new. It was Yan Zhengming's handwriting. "This thing comes with me. Give me a copy."

The page with the note in it happened to be "Dan Juan", and the words "Qing Xin Dan" hit Li Yan's eyes.

The comment reads: "By taking this thing, you can cleanse your heart and heart, sever the seven emotions, and cleanse the six desires. From then on, there is no love or hatred, there is no concern in the world, and it is good for spiritual practice."

Li Min jumped fiercely, looking up skeptically at Yan Zhengming, who was pulling with Cheng Qian.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd. I saw a group of people in Tianyan Office stood up, and then a Pegasus dropped from the sky, and an acquaintance jumped off the curtain and jumped-Liu Lang.

When Liu Lang got out of the car, he bent down and put his hands in front of him, respectfully letting the person in the car step on his hand, and the person in the car was not unexpected either.

Tang Yan should have changed his body, his complexion looks much better, and some gray hair was completely black.

When he got out of the car, he glanced for a week first. Wu Changtian, who was soaring to the sky, was arching his hands. I saw that Mu Lanshan and all the other people looked unnatural, and the Xuanwutang people stood at the end, apparently still I remember that this person had a quarrel with them on Suo Xiantai. Others--such as Nian Mingming and many other casual or small martial artists-- came forward to say hello, some are called "brother Tang" and some are called "seniors" of.

Immediately, Tang Yan turned to Moxiu. Strangely, there were two or three people in Moxiu's Nine Saints who greeted him from a distance.

This person doesn't interact with those famous people, but the friendship among the small martial arts is amazing. No wonder he knows everything.

A whistle came from afar. It was the signal from Tian Yan. After hearing this, Wu Changtian came forward and said, "You friends, please. Now that the formation has been completed, please ask Mr. Tang to check the formation."

Tang Yan covered his consciousness, and after a moment he opened his eyes and nodded, without commenting.

Wu Changtian glanced at Han Yuan and said to Tang Wei: "Excuse me, Mr. Tang, can a blood vow be brought?"

Liu Lang immediately took out a tray from a small parcel, took two steps forward, put it in the air silently, and the plate was suspended in the air.

Tang Yan lowered his eyes and sighed, "Are you sure?" Well, those two swear. "

Wu Changtian was very happy, with his four fingers close together and one finger in the sky, and said blandly: "Today, my Tianyan Department took away the magic seal and united the Quartet Taoists with the pedestrians and magic dragons. If my generation loses, Tianyan Department The whole self-defeated and repaired, let Zhujun dispose, and never enter Xianmen! "

After that, he forced a bunch of blood from his fingertips, and stumbled on the plate.

The puddle quietly turned into a bird, flew to the sky, and looked up to see the excitement. I saw a Tai Chi drawing in the middle of the tray, and Wu Changtian's blood was half red.

Wu Changtian shook his sleeves: "Han Daoyou, it's your turn."

Han Yuan didn't lift his eyelids, reached out his hand, and the tray flew straight in front of him: "If we lose, I will go with you and let them roll back to South Xinjiang to shrink their heads for a lifetime."

After speaking, he lowered his head, bit his finger fiercely, and pressed the **** finger firmly on the Taiji disk. He only heard a hissing sound. The Taiji disk seemed to be able to **** human flesh, and instantly took his The fingers were sucked, and the other half of Tai Chi was immediately filled with thick black blood.

The taiji disc spun up quickly, and the puddle only glanced, but felt dizzy and had to look away.

At the next moment, many blood-colored Taiji illustrations came out of the plate, leaving a mark on the wrists of Tian Yan Chu, Han Yuan and Jiusheng, and the oaths will be defeated.

Han Yuan looked at the seal indifferently, stuffed the bleeding fingers into his mouth, and licked the blood on it: "Nine of them, plus me."

As soon as Wu Changtian waved his hand, the young men at the Tianyan Office behind him took the scrolls to dequeue.

Wu Changtian chose one of them. Others scattered into the crowd and distributed to the people they selected.

One of the people with the scroll came in the direction of Fuyao, Yan Zhengming singed Cheng Qian's elbow at one end, and whispered, "Go."

It was not others who sent the scroll, but the vermiculite mixed in Tian Yan's office.

Cheng Qian knew that there must have been news from Xiu Shi, and immediately heeded, and opened the curtain of stone mustard to welcome him out.

He just left, Li Yan quickly rushed over, picking Yan Zhengming's ears, and asked repeatedly: "What do you mean? What's going on with you and Xiao Qian? What kind of mind do you want? You took the wrong medicine Is this what you are doing! "

Yan Zhengming touched the wooden sword in his hands and whispered, "Do you know that he harmed the Yuan Shen for this wooden sword?"

For a moment, Li Zhiran said dryly, "Ah ... like what he can do, so is your return a humble heart?"

Yan Zhengming: "No ... just in case, I mean in case, one day these hindered his practice. If he regrets it, give it to him. I can't be his stumbling block."

In addition to sneer, Li Yan was speechless: "Brother, I used to think you were a puppet, and I couldn't see that you were a holy man."

"Less talk about the wind." Yan Zhengming patted him anxiously. "Don't tell Xiao Qian beforehand. This freshness in his heart is not over, and he is far from tired. I am afraid he will be unhappy if he knows it. "

"I guess Xiao Qian is not only unhappy when he knows it," Li said. "He will also let you eat / shit, brother, believe it or not?"