MTL - Live Beautification System-Chapter 547 food sex

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  Chapter 547 Food **** also

  After dinner, Ding Yan felt a little sleepy. Although he is smart, he is a child after all. He was so excited that he didn't even take a nap today. He is already very sleepy now.

Gongsun Xiao was careful, seeing Ding Yan's sleepy expression, he said: "Ding Mu, your Lord Yan is sleepy, why don't you rest in my room. I'll bring him a new set of toiletries. Our The apartment is relatively remote, and there are no better hotels nearby.”

  Ding Mu and the second daughter haven't seen each other for a long time. There are many things they want to talk about, which are not suitable for children. I wish he could go to bed quickly, so I said: "Okay, then I will trouble you."

  Ding Yan was very well-behaved, brushed his teeth and washed his face, then lay on Gongsun Xiao's bed, smelling the fragrant quilt, and soon fell asleep.

  After his son fell asleep, Ding Mu gently closed the door, and chatted with his second daughter on the sofa in the living room. You had a cup, I drank a cup, and drank very happily.

  Ding Mu especially told them the best black technologies he had researched over the years, one by one, and showed off his achievements over the years in front of his old classmates. You know, wealth and honor do not return home, it is like traveling at night in brocade clothes. Ding Mu also wanted to share his achievements. It's just that there are many things in it that are really top secret and sensational, and he can only say some of the most insignificant things.

   "I've been developing super-fast aircraft lately. You guys know the triple barrier to aircraft speed?"

   Gongsun Xiao and Xue Lingyun shook their heads together.

  Gongsun Xiao said, "I don't know."

   Xue Lingyun joked: "It seems that neither of us knows. We are medical students, and we know that pain, infection and blood loss are the three major difficulties in clinical operations."

Ding Mu was a little embarrassed, but he reluctantly said: "The triple barriers to aircraft speed are the sound barrier, the heat barrier and the black barrier. These are also called the three aviation barriers. Before me, human beings have basically overcome the sound barrier and the heat barrier. But The black barrier is always inevitable, but I have solved the problem of the black barrier."

   "It's awesome. I like to hear this kind of thing. Please tell me about it."

Ding Mu said: "You should know the sound barrier. The sound barrier is a physical phenomenon. When the speed of an object is close to the speed of sound, it will gradually catch up with the sound waves it emits. The result of superposition and accumulation of sound waves will cause shock waves, and then There is an obstacle to the acceleration of the aircraft, and this obstacle caused by the speed of sound is called the sound barrier. Breaking the sound barrier will produce a sonic boom."

"You have seen the old man in the park who wakes up in the morning in China. Some people can shake the sonic boom when they use the whip. The strong sonic boom of the aircraft not only causes damage to the surrounding area, but also to the part of the aircraft itself that protrudes beyond the impact surface. Destruction. It's still a rough patch. But we're over it."

   "Oh! What you said is true. We have been abroad for so many years, but we haven't seen that kind of old man who exercises early in the morning. He always gets on the treadmill in the 24-hour gym early in the morning."

   "Cultural differences." Ding Mu continued: "The heat barrier is actually very difficult to break through. In fact, Dahua has never broken through the heat barrier before me."

   "What is a heat barrier? Is it so difficult?" Gongsun Xiao asked curiously.

"To put it simply, it is high-temperature frictional heat generation. When the frictional heat generation between the aircraft shell and the air reaches a certain temperature, the body will lose its strength. The aviation industry refers to this high-temperature situation encountered by aircraft during high-speed flight as " It is a thermal barrier. Specifically, if it exceeds 2.5 times the speed of sound, the thermal barrier must be considered. If it exceeds 3 times the speed of sound, the aluminum alloy will have little strength. Titanium alloy or high temperature resistant steel plate must be used. But these two have their own shortcomings. Titanium alloys are expensive and difficult to process, and high-temperature-resistant steel plates are too heavy and have limitations.”

  Xue Lingyun said: "This must not be difficult for you, aren't you an authority in materials science?"

   "Hey." Ding Mu smiled, "You are right. The aircraft material I researched is high temperature resistant and lightweight, which can make the aircraft challenge the black barrier."

   "What is a black barrier." Gongsun Xiao asked, still looking very curious.

"As I just said, the friction between the aircraft and the air will generate heat. But this example will be more appropriate to use the satellite return capsule. The satellite return capsule often encounters this problem. The gas in the high temperature area and the molecules of the surface materials of the return capsule are decomposed and ionized. , forming a plasma region. It wraps the return capsule like a sheath. Because the plasma can absorb and reflect radio waves, it will attenuate or even interrupt the radio communication between the return capsule and the outside world. This phenomenon is called a black barrier. For For astronauts, encountering black barriers is very dangerous, and there is no solution on the current earth. But I solved it. Not only solved, but I have two other ways. The local method is the method of opening windows with special materials, which can form a cooling system. There is also a more high-end and foreign-style way to use other means of communication. This has been tested successfully, but it is not yet suitable for promotion..."

  Of course he can solve it. Sir Madiha of Star Named is best at planetary registration, and many of Ding Mu's black technologies are related to spaceflight. These data are left behind.

  Looking at Ding Mu's eloquence, although Xue Lingyun and Gongsun Xiao didn't understand everything, they listened with gusto and drank more and more wine. Slowly, the conversation turned to aspects of private life.

  Gongsun Xiao said: "Old classmate, I haven't seen you for so many years. You don't seem to have changed much, but you are now a father."

   "How are you guys doing?" Ding Mu asked intentionally, "Didn't you fall in love after so many years?"

Gongsun Xiao shook his head and said: "I don't have time. The pressure of studying abroad is too great. For two years, I only slept for four hours a day before I could read all the books required by the teacher. On the contrary, Master Xue, many people chased her. Didn't she just now Does anyone still send her flowers? It's just that, she must have someone else in her heart. She has always been honest. "

   "Oh?" Ding Mu looked at Xue Lingyun with meaningful eyes, which made her hair straighten, and couldn't help saying, "Why are you looking at me like that."

  Ding Mu's eyes were bright, and he said with great interest: "I'm curious, the person in your heart. Is it me?"

  Xue Lingyun swipe, a red glow flew over her face, her ears were red, this Ding Mu was too naked. Moreover, this was in front of his best girlfriend, Gongsun Xiao. She could feel that Gongsun Xiao also liked Ding Mu's very much. When the two of them were chatting, they would often mention this character who passed through their lives like a shooting star.

  She has known for a long time that there are many women around him, and she has also known for a long time that Ding Mu's status is getting higher and higher, his achievements are getting bigger and bigger, and he is getting farther and farther away from herself. No matter how hard I try, I may never have any contact with him again, I can only silently stand on the ground and watch him shine brilliantly in the sky.

Unexpectedly, just today, in a foreign country overseas, with a swipe, this legendary figure like a star came to them again and returned to their lives. meal. Unfortunately, he has a son. What's more, those carved out of a living blank have the same temperament.

  In one thought, Xue Lingyun thought a lot, and couldn't help but be at a loss for words. But Ding Mu said relentlessly, "Is it me?"

  Gongsun Xiao spread his hands and said speechlessly: "Although you may be telling the truth, you are too narcissistic. Tsk tsk tsk, you haven't changed after all these years."

"Hahaha." Ding Mu said with a smile, "I'm just looking for the feeling when I was a child. Everyone Xue, everyone is now an adult. If you have something to say, don't hide it. Just tell me, which aspect of me is the most attractive?" you?"

   Xue Lingyun also used the strength of the wine to heat up her head and said: "Okay, I will let you be proud once. The first time I saw you, I wanted to sleep with you."

  (end of this chapter)