MTL - Live Broadcast of Eating Melons and Being Read, I Landed!-Chapter 212 Top resource compensation

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Chapter 212 Top Resource Compensation

 The voice of the heart accurately reached the ears of the Chen family.

Father Chen, who had just come out of the police station, saw the unbelievable and ferocious looks of his son and wife. He opened his eyes guiltily, moved his feet, and entered the police station again.

Facts have proved that when watching the excitement, even if it is the excitement of the fiancée's family, they will only look at it with disgust.

 But when it’s your turn to have your interests violated, you’ll be so angry that you’ll explode.

Jiang Ning and Lin Mian got in the car only after Chen Lin and Chen's mother had a quarrel over the illegitimate child, which turned into a fight and were stopped by the police and taken to the police station.

"Did you report the money laundering to the police?" Lin Mian asked almost certainly.

After hearing her voice, she went to investigate the Shen family's affairs, only to find out that Lin Yu had exchanged her and Shen Yuzhu, and abandoned her next to the trash can. Later, she was found and sent to an orphanage, and she did not know about Shen Yuzhu. He also did other things that broke the law.

Jiang Ning nodded and said nonchalantly, "It's to eliminate harm for the people."

Just as he spoke, the Chigua system sent a reminder that Father Shen’s money-laundering man had another follow-up.

[Hahaha, Mother Chen is a talent. Because the illegitimate son who was raised under the housekeeper's name exposed each other's faults with Father Chen, she put Father Chen on the line and lured Father Shen into a trap. When the story about the family's involvement in money laundering was revealed, Father Chen again Angrily, he revealed that Chen's mother had found someone to kill the illegitimate child's biological mother. Now, Chen's father and Chen's mother had to go in and reunite with the Shen family of three. 】

Lin Mian also curled up the corners of his mouth as he listened.

Without the Shen family who would torture her to death, and the Chen family and Chen Lin who couldn't bear to see the situation, the emotions that were blocked in Lin Mian's heart seemed to have dissipated unknowingly.

 “Jiang Ning, thank you.”

When getting out of the car, Lin Mian looked at Jiang Ning and said this.

She still doesn’t understand that this seemingly real world is actually made up of novels. She is also a heroine who is set up to be physically and mentally abused by her relatives and lovers.

But Lin Mian knew that if Jiang Ning had not appeared from the beginning to the end, she might really be like what Jiang Ning said when she met Jiang Ning for the first time.

  After being tortured physically and mentally by relatives and lovers, having my legs broken and almost losing my heart, I still have to end up with them because I am greedy for that little love. It is disgusting.

Lin Mian glanced at the gorgeous sunset and waved to Jiang Ning, her eyes gentle and full of expectations for the future.

 From today on, she is going to live her own life.

Looking at Lin Mian's back, Jiang Ning felt like something had changed. She went to the melon-eating system to look at Lin Mian's melons. The few lines about introducing her as the heroine of a sadistic novel had disappeared.

Guagua, who plays games with other players, took the time to reply.

  【Lin Mian's situation is a character awakening. In the future, plot awareness will not force her into the plot. For the protagonist of the sadistic novel, this is a good thing. 】

Jiang Ning also believes that a person who wants to live happily would want to be tortured to death by someone he cares about.

 After silently blessing Lin Mian, Jiang Ning went home.

On Saturday, the second live broadcast of "It's Your Turn" began. Last week was a trial broadcast and only one episode was broadcast. After this week, there will be two episodes per week. Standing in front of the huge screen again, Jiang Ning faced the camera and made an opening statement before introducing the newly added official regulations.

To put it simply, if a person is selected to be inspected by various departments under the camera, if he passes these inspections and is affiliated with the official, the matter will be included in the file, and the person will be promoted as appropriate based on his performance. salary increase.

 For special literary and artistic workers like celebrities, if no crime or serious moral misconduct is found, top-level resources will be provided as compensation.

These supplementary regulations came out, causing fans who were worried about whether their main character would be selected to scream.

 The official promotions and salary increases are too far away from them. If they don't pay special attention, many people don't even know who the staff members are in their own city. In addition, these people are not people they can discuss casually.

Of course, celebrities are public figures, which makes netizens more passionate about discussions.

  [The officials really want to make this program seriously, and they have even provided compensation. ]

If you have committed a crime, go in. If you have not committed a crime, wait for the official supplement to skyrocket. There is a saying that this is the best shortcut for some fools to skyrocket. ]

[That’s not true. It requires official endorsement and official resources. It’s just a stupid ass. As long as you don’t commit any crimes in the future, you can keep prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life. ]

                                                          lumscript made by me. I'm a little excited, I want my little idol to be included in the official inspection list. ]

[Thinking too much, this list is not easy to get into. Most of the people on the list are criminal suspects suspected by the authorities. It is difficult to counterattack. If someone like Yan Peng is selected by investigators, , then there is a high probability of turning over. ]

[Yes, I was reminded upstairs that Yan Peng will be checked this time. How will the program team check him? ]

Jiang Ning also wanted to know how to investigate Yan Peng, and then she saw that the police did not wait for the best opportunity like they did when they arrested the peerless sugar lord last time. Instead, they arrested the person immediately and brought him to the recording hall.

Yan Peng was similar to Jiang Ning when he saw him in Caiyun Town. Even though he was handcuffed, he was still calm and confident, as if everything was no problem to him.

“Hello, Mr. Yan, I am Jiang Ning. Please follow the procedures and conduct some inspections.”

Yan Peng looked at this tender-faced little girl with disdain in his heart, but on the surface, he nodded to Jiang Ning gently.

"I will cooperate with the investigation and ask your program to clear my name. I was suddenly brought here to be tried by the entire network. The reputation issues I suffered must also be clarified for me. I don't want my family to be affected by my affairs. .”

These words sounded as if he was really an innocent man.

Jiang Ning said with an unchanged expression, "If Mr. Yan passes the inspection, the program will naturally make a clarification and will never let anyone be wronged."

 After saying that, Jiang Ning followed the procedure and took Yan Peng to conduct the first inspection, going to the tax department for a tax inspection.

Yan Peng also cooperated and waited for the inspection. He sat there calmly. When the inspection was completed and his taxes were as expected and there were no problems, Yan Peng's lowered eyes flashed with satisfaction.

 But before he could make a sound of grievance, he heard Jiang Ning speak.

“Comrade, you can check the taxes of people who are related to Mr. Yan and follow this list.” Jiang Ning handed over a list that he had just written in front of the camera.

Seeing that things had changed, Yan Peng stood up immediately. When he saw the names on the list, panic flashed in his eyes and he subconsciously stopped him.

“Ms. Jiang, whether there is any problem with these people’s taxes has nothing to do with me, right? What’s more, there are people on this list who have nothing to do with me.”

Jiang Ning ignored him and gave the list to the staff. The tax inspector also nodded with the list and immediately started inspecting the taxes with his colleagues.

“Whether it’s relevant or not, I can’t tell with just one word from Mr. Yan.”

[What's more, most of the people on the list are related by marriage to your cronies, the people who do your taxes, the two who have no contact with you on the surface, and the lovers you keep in private, all of whom are lip-to-lip. We're close, but it still doesn't matter? 】

 (End of this chapter)