MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 72 Transit Time and Space Administration

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The red rocks are piled up like mountains.

Between the fiery red rocks, the magma smashed, with a red-hot bubble, and a burning sensation spread throughout the world.

Zheng Yan stood in the air and muttered softly: "The fourth door hurts, the fire property space is perfect!"

This space is most satisfying to Masahiko, because it can be used with gravitational repulsive force. Slightly condensed, a large amount of magma floats up, slowly condenses into a giant hand that is five meters wide after opening, and draws a shape of ‘ye’...

"The space is really good, it is a bit too hot." Zheng Yan flashed away from the space, the giant hand collapsed instantly, the magma rolled and fell...

The third gatekeeper's property space, Masahiko, has also been reviewed. The interior is full of hurricane tornadoes, and like the mine property space, the attack of the tornado does not distinguish between the enemy and the weak, and the weak cannot stop.

"Now the seal space of the eighth dead door is not open. I don't know what it will be... The seal space in the heart, the enemy is sealed in my heart, how is it so awkward?"

Masahiko walked back and forth in the room and became familiar with his new body. The height of 190 was attacked by 玖辛奈, and Masahiko himself was not very comfortable, so he adjusted his height to 178, which was generally higher than before his age.

But in this way, his body can not accommodate his own Chakra, so Zheng Yan is now a little fat, his face is just like a little bit of baby fat in the summer, sprouting...

Squeezing the meat on his face, Masahiko grew a sigh of relief: "According to my developmental speed, I have to be slightly fat for a year and a half, and the problem is not big!"

Once again, I turned my attention to the property bar. Zheng Yan did not find more changes. The harvest of this addition has been basically completed, and only the power of Ninja has not been tested.

"In a few days, I am going to be a strong killer once again!"

As for now, Masahiko has more important things to do, sleep!

Yes, it is to sleep.

Daxie Xianren 15 nine-tailed Chakras can dream of the future, Zheng Yan is now 42, no reason can not, he has to dream!

"First start from daydreaming." Masahiko tumbling in bed, waving his hand to close the door of the room, and sleeping until noon...


"Too grandfather, get up and eat!"

Zheng Yan woke up, the scorpion turned over, leaned over the leg, checked the leg hair, and the action was done in one go.

Yan Xinnai laughed: "Don't worry about your two legs, like the rare ones, keep it yourself!"

Masahiko lightly sighed: "I dreamed that you sneaked in and pulled my legs, and the legs were not enough. You licked my hair... Hey, dream?!"

玖辛奈 has no choice but to shake his head: "I want to lick your hair? What do you think of me?"

"I want to let me relax my vigilance? Innocent, grandfather has already seen everything, and will predict me, the world is invincible!"

玖辛奈:? ? ?


As time went by, the fact that Zheng Yan’s ‘transmutable man’ grew taller and slightly fatter was gradually accepted by the juniors. Except Naruto yelled a few words of “cheating”, no one else had any opinion.

I am very happy about it in the summer of the month. I pinch the face of Masahiko 18 times a day...

As for the reason why she always pinched it, Zheng Yan opened the ‘free sleep and sleep’ mode. As long as the three children of the day and Sakura did not come to him to guide him to practice, he slept in bed.

Thousands of movements, all forms, how to sleep comfortably, and sometimes sleep in the immortal mode, just want to foresee a future.

However, half a month later, Masahiko did not dream of a reliable future.

“Do you want to sleep for three or four months like the immortal immortal? Or do you want to become the kind of elder who looks like it?”

Zheng Yan sighed. In fact, he knew that he didn’t get the ability to predict. As for the singer’s plucking, it’s estimated that there’s a night of dreams...

At this time, the Qiutu family sent the special clothes required by Zheng Yan and transferred his attention.

The limit of hypermagnetization, Masahiko, has been tested naked in the soil property space, and there is a 200 meter long, big one. This is only the limit of surgery, and Zheng Yan has a lot of strength.

At this time, the clothes are in hand, and Zheng Yan is trying to find an opponent to try the feeling of the giant battle.

"Is it out of the spotted soil?" Zheng Yan indulged for a moment. "I can barely do it, but the technique of the wooden man does not have to be completely savage, and he does not have a freckle... Go find a sacrifice!"

He sang with Chen Xinnai. Zheng Yan went out and took two steps. He looked up in surprise and looked at the sky: "Long door, how did you fly in person? Could it be... Xiaonan is pregnant again!"

The long door slowly landed: "Hey! Teacher, how are you... Xiaonan is not pregnant..."

After a Yan Yan, his face was slightly dignified. In addition to this matter, other things can let Changmen personally run, indicating that it is not a trivial matter.

"Teacher, the country of Vortex came a strange person, sent a strange thing, and said something weird, it is very strange..."

Masahiko said: "I see you the strangest! I thought that something happened, is this kind of thing worthy of your rush?"

Waving his hand and swaying because the long door flies directly into the dark part of the wood leaf, Masahiko Zun respects: "Remember! You are now a vortex, you must be shocked!"

"I know, teacher! But the man will fly, and he has a pair of white wings. Blonde, the nose is very tall, looks different from us, it is very strange."

Masahiko was shocked: "Angel? What's the situation! I have to turn around in the world of tolerance. It is impossible to find the New World."

The long door scratched his head: "I tried to intercept him, but did not stop, the attack was easily resolved, and the strength seemed to be strong. I had not had time to use the dust mites, and he suddenly disappeared, a bit like space ninjutsu."

Masahiko took a deep breath: "Space ability... What did he say, what was sent?"

"He said that he is the angel express courier of the Transit Time and Space Administration, to send you a ... express."

Masahiko blinked, hey, how come this special thing?

"Send the courier, another golden finger? Let the ancestors use the world of the Naruto?" Zheng Yan boldly guessed, thousands of thoughts, complicated.

"What is sent?"

"Hey! It's a big wooden box. It's so big, it's quite heavy, 200 kilograms." The long door reached for a stroke.

Masahiko nodded: "What's inside?"

The long door shook his head: "The seal on the box is very complicated. The seal class says that only you and you can solve it. Because it is for you, we have no brute force."

Masahiko’s eyes: “Seal?!”

The Time and Space Administration of the Crosser is quite as good as the Romans. Do you know how to use seals in the Naruto world?

"Bastard, is it interesting to ridicule? You must be a shadow, right? Really, the ancestors almost wrote it!"

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