MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 76 Success

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After all, Hong Lian and Duo is also a ninja village ninja who is being wanted by Muye Village. Therefore, Masahiko wants to collect them from the country of vortex, and they have to take the soil to prepare a case.

Otherwise, let them perform the task later, and they will be taken away by the wood leaf ninja halfway...

With the soil removed from their homes, Zheng Yan took the two people away from the Huo Ying Building and explained the arrangements for the two.

"Hong Lian, do you still remember the three of them?"

Honglian nodded: "The three little devils? There is a boy who uses ice and looks like a girl, right?"

Masahiko is laughing, and white is always so impressive.

"Yes, it's them. The vortex country knife has heard of six people? I am going to set up a similar organization, and the blood of the vortex will be limited to five people, and you will be edited there." .

"Hey, let me take the kid?"

Zheng Yan’s face is like laughing and laughing: “That? They are three of you who can’t win now, you are an ordinary player.”

"How is it possible! Just the three little devils!"

Zheng Yan laughed and said nothing, waiting for Honglian to see Jun Ma Lu three of them, naturally will be convinced orally, Jun Ma Lu can now hit her ten...

"Predecessors, then what about me? Should I join with Honglian sister?" asked more.

Zheng Yan shook his head: "Your strength is a little worse, first enter the vortex country patrol... that is, the dark part of the vortex country has been practicing for a few years."

"Vortex Country Patrol..."

Masahiko nodded and deflected his body. His right hand was pressed on the head and he licked her hair.

"Hey! What are you doing with this old guy?"

Masahiko looked at Honglian with a slight look, and once again licked a lot of hair. "How, envy? The ancestors like the girls who are well-behaved. Many are also, go to the country of the vortex to practice seriously!"

"Well, seniors!"

"Wait I will give you a 'introduction letter', look for the vortex shadow directly, let him reset you. Jun Ma Lu, the three of them are on the mission, wait for them to come back, Hong Lian, you tell them the old, then... Waiting for the ancestors to go back." Masahiko licked the hair of many people.

Honglian is quite a bit gnashing, but she does not resist. She can't say anything more: "Who is five people, who is one?"

Zheng Yan sank for two seconds: "To be determined."

The last time I was accustomed to the hair, Masahiko finally took the hand away: "The ancestors will now open a 'introduction letter' to you, get off early, and you will be able to rush to the country of Vortex tonight."


After the ‘introduction letter’ was finished, Masahiko sent two girls to leave the leaves, and looked up thoughtfully and raised his right hand.

It’s not because she is beautiful or cute, Sakura is much more beautiful than her, but she has not touched her head for two years... Cough, chicks and sparks are some. .

After all, it is also the person of the big snake pill, there is a curse on the body, and some things have to be prevented. Masahiko licked her head four times and left four insurances on her.

Normally, it is enough to keep a piece of insurance, but it is too strange to use the ‘person’.

Although because of the influence of Masahiko, many people's 'personality' has long collapsed, such as the '呦呦呦' version of the long door... but Zheng Yan has never affected too much, but her character has such a large deviation. Very likely to have a ghost!

"Four insurance, if you are a big snake, you really dare... Hey, my ancestors can't play you!"

For a moment, Shen Yan lifted his foot and went to the land of the thousand hands. The last person of the five people of Vortex is a man, but...

"There is still a heavy weight, but it is a shame."


Thousand hands.

The old man has been completely open, from a young handsome to a handsome guy, with white skin, light blue deep pupils, walking on the leaves of the wood leaves will often be fascinated by a little girl, more popular than Sasuke.

It is a pity that this child loves the young field, and I don’t know how many girls’ hearts hurt.

The eleventh class is similar to the seventh class. After the people and Hoshino become the tolerant, they are automatically disbanded. It is estimated that Sakai can become a tolerant this year.

As an outsider who has lived in the Qianshou Nationality since childhood, the Shun people are now practicing in a small driving range in the Qianshou area without the task. At the same time, they are obliged to adjust the children of the thousand hands and families to get along well with each other.

At this time, he practiced there, and Zheng Yan did not run for a while.

"Stay people, come over!"

"Great elders!" She gave up a meal and walked quickly to Zhengyan. His old height is almost the same as that of the current Zhengyan.

Masahiko smiled: "How is the recent practice?"

Originally just a question, I didn’t expect the person to hesitate to reply: "The elders, I think I can do it now!"

Masahiko said: "Can you? Follow me to the Death Forest!"


In the dead forest.

Masahiko and Shoji stand face to face.

"Really? Don't be stubborn, be careful to hurt yourself!"

The man was indulged for a moment, concentrating on the head and posing the soft fist.

The light wind blew, Zheng Yan slightly blinked, locked feeling! Although it is very slight, it does feel the same as when it was played with Bamenjing.

"No." Zheng Yan raised his hands, his expression slightly more serious.

"Great elders, I am on!" The singer sang, the expression became more and more solemn: "soft boxing method - gossip two hundred and fifty-six palms!"

"One palm, two palms..."

Zheng Yan took care of each hand, and the power of each palm was progressive. After two hundred palms, Zheng Yan found that his body actually began to slide backwards...

The face hangs a smile, Zheng Yan lightly replied to defense, with the superposition of the palm, Zheng Yan's repulsion protection is also growing, to the 255th palm, the repulsion will open to the most powerful power in the non-fair mode!

At this time, the face of the person has been violent, and his teeth are raised. Perfusion of the remaining Chakra: "Two hundred and fifty-six palms!"


The repulsive shield was broken in an instant, and Zheng Yan was hit by the aftermath. It slipped out a dozen steps and hit a giant tree before stopping.

揉揉 揉揉 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛 膛

I thought that Sasuke's eternal eye, Naruto's nine-tailed Chakra model can open the door, I did not expect the strength of the people to take the lead in a big step.

After Masahiko helped the Japanese to restore the eight hundred and fifty-six palms to the family, the one who first cultivated it was actually the ‘outside staff’.

This is also the first time that I have played all the eight hundred and fifty-six palms. I am physically overdrawn and I am lying on the grass and breathing hard.

Zheng Yan smiled and went forward: "The Eight Diagrams and Two hundred and fifty-six palms have finally been practiced. Now, if you promise to enter, you will not object to the Japanese football. No, you should be happy to bring your niece to you!"

The people gasped for a meal, the eyes were empty, and the light blue eyes looked at the blue sky...


Ps: (Yesterday, the second time the second sheep took the plane, poured three flights, arrived at the hotel at 7:30 in the evening, did not eat the code for dinner until the middle of the night, tired...

Cough, look at my hard work, a few days ago because of the bug of the app, the sixty-fifth chapter has more than two thousand jump orders, can the old irons who jumped the order can make up?

The app is aimed at me, the second sheep is so bad!

Less order, more sincere...)

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