MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 87 Bold idea

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On the island of Turtle, in front of the real waterfall.

Naruto sat on the raised ground in the middle of the water, and his eyes closed and his eyes were stunned.

On the shore, Masahiko held his hand: "Chirabi, what is the dark side?"

"Hey~! The dark side is actually another one."

"Anotherself?" Masahiko Emei, "Can that ancestor stand up?"

"Predecessors, don't you say that you don't have a dark side?"

Masahiko smiled and looked at his feet: "Just, greedy."

Burlap: "..."

She can only hope that this giant turtle can be loyal, not so easy to be turned away.

"Right, secretary, you should know what the turtle likes to eat? The ancestors did not feed this thing, it only eats fish, don't change the taste?"

"……I do not know!"

Masahiko blinks: "Chirabi?"

Chirabi is bitter, one is the secretary of the big brother, the other is the organizer of the concert... I can't afford it!

"Hey~! I don't know if it likes to eat pork."

The linen was turned over.

Masahiko smiled and smiled and put his eyes on Naruto.

Usually Naruto is a smirk, or is it funny, this look is the first time I see it, it is obvious that Naruto is somewhat uncomfortable when fighting with his dark side.

"This child is very optimistic. How is the dark side so strong? Is it really Sasuke?" Zheng Yan shook his head gently. "Or is it because the ancestors hit him ass?"

As time went by, the sun gradually hung above the heads of everyone, and Naruto's forehead oozes a layer of fine sweat.

Masahiko deeply frowned: "Chirabi, if the ancestors are standing up now, can you help Naruto solve the dark side?"

"No, seniors. The dark side must be defeated by your own will!"

"Own will?" Zheng Yan brows tighter, these years because of his reasons, Naruto has been smooth and smooth, more than a few times less than the original ... in addition to not winning Sasuke.

"It’s funny when the first pass is over."

When the voice just fell, the Naruto who sat in front of it slammed and jumped up: "Success!"

Zheng Yan’s meal was full of smiles and okay, and he did not lose his ancestors.

"Success is good, take a break, just eat, and then go to the next practice after the meal! Bandit - slate technique * 10!" In front of Masahiko, ten smooth slate rises slowly.

"At noon we eat slate roast pork, or the ancestors personally cook!"

“You actually carry pork with you?” The linen was helpless.

Masahiko smiled: "There are a lot of ingredients in my space, and the turtles should have something to eat."

Ten large wild boars flew out and laid on the slate. Zheng Yan manipulated the wind property Chakra to cut them into openings.

"Fire 遁 - heating slate!"

The same formula, the same taste. After half a minute, the meat will overflow.

"Naruto, what is your dark side? Why has it taken so long?"

Naruto scratched his head: "It's a black monster that doesn't fall in the autumn. The strength is similar to me. Fortunately, the IQ is not high, and I was caught in the flaws."

Zheng Yan has been indulging for two seconds: "The strength is similar to yours, which means that the darkness and light in your heart are almost the same. How is it possible! As for the IQ is not high, this is normal."

"Hey~! The predecessors, this is not the case." Chirabi said, shaking his head: "The strength of the dark side is similar to our own. Judging how dark the heart is, we must look at the difficulty of defeating it... It is judged by the battle intelligence of the dark side. Naruto is very good, I used it for a day and a half to defeat it."

Naruto immediately hangs a bright smile and looks at Zheng Yan, a look for praise.

Masahiko swears: "Don't be proud, wait until after your meal, your ancestors will let you know for a long time!"

When I said this, Zheng Yan still had some guilty feelings. After all, the ancestors’ IQ was too high. Even if there was only one tenth of the dark side in the heart, I am afraid it would not be too good to win...

"Open the meal!"


After lunch, Zheng Yan looked at the empty slate, and his heart was extremely speechless.

The ten barbecues are about the same as the ten grilled fish last night, but the results are eaten clean...

Naruto has eaten more because of his energy consumption, and he has eaten one more than last night, and the other two...

Masahiko looked at the linen that was raised to the stomach: "Is the meat of the ancestors grilled delicious?"

"Good... oh..."

“Is it too much to eat?”

"Well, a little bit swell... oh..."


Masahiko smiled and shook his head. I really didn't think that this savvy and capable secretary of Yunyin Village had a lovely side. It was also a vain for Yunyin Village. After eating and dying...

"This time you won. I will do fifteen copies of my ancestors tonight, I hope you can eat it!"

"Hey... seniors, aren't you going to try the real waterfall?"

"Old ancestors, come on!" Naruto smiled and looked at the play.

Zheng Yan glanced at him, his body flashing, standing on the raised ground, facing the real waterfall.

The waterfall slammed into the water, and the consciousness of Masahiko was pulled and came to another space. There is a waterfall in front of it, and there is a human figure in the waterfall.

The black shadow is dark overall, only the teeth are white, the eyes are gray-brown, and the outline is similar to that of Masahiko, and it is somewhat different.

"This is the dark side of the ancestors? Why don't you move?" Zheng Yan frowned, waved his hands in a tentative manner, and a wind blade hit, and the shadows broke!

In the next second, Zheng Yan’s consciousness returned to the ontology. Masahiko opened his eyes and stared at the real waterfall in front of him.

"Hey?! The ancestors, is it over?!"

Masahiko scratched his head: "It should be over, have you been through for a long time?"

"...half a minute!"

I am a singer, and I am a little stunned. His strength may have exceeded the maximum limit that the real waterfall can re-enact, so the dark side is so easy to be defeated.

"The ancestors said that they had almost no dark side, if not this giant turtle..."

Ibuki is obsessed with or are we Yunyun Village sorry for you? I am sorry to have a dark side in your heart!

Naruto was deeply attacked: "Hey, ancestors, let's start the next practice! Uncle Chirabi, what's next?"

"There is an ancient vestige behind the real waterfall. It is easier to feel the power of the tail beast. You need to grab the nine-tailed Chakra to your side!" Chirabi replied.


Chirabi is hesitating for a moment: "Try it and you will know."

Naruto turned his head: "Old ancestors?"

Masahiko swears: "You three advanced, ancestors think that the water here is quite cool, I want to take a shower first."

"Rain??" Naruto looked stunned.

"Come in, I'm undressing!"

The three faces face each other, and the linen smiles, I can't guess you, the seniors... Seeing that Yan Yan has taken off her shirt halfway, she quickly jumped through the waterfall.

“Hey~! Seniors, rushing together?”

"Bastard!" Masahiko kicked a kick on Chirabi's ass, and he flew over the waterfall... Naruto quickly followed.

There were no people around, and Zheng Yan took off his clothes and cleaned his clothes. Did not open the repulsive force, he went directly to the first few steps, standing in the real waterfall, let the water flow hit on the body.

Just like the dark side of the face, Masahiko always feels somewhat familiar, and can't help but have a bold idea...

"Sixty-four seals - solution!"

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