MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 94 Opportunity

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Since the emergence of the hand, the emperor has always had a weak sense of disharmony.

This kind of 'day dog' looks like a deja vu, but if the hand is really a whirlpool, then he should have played a wave of gg...

But if it is not the vortex Zhengyan, is this guy really the father of Huiye? No, Hui Ye will never have such a father!

"If that's the case, let them live for a while." For a moment, Shen Zi leaned over and wanted to pick up the dead I love Luo, but he was stopped by his hand again.

"You..." The Emperor's meal was a slap in the face, and he kept his eyes on the hand. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, don't blame me for doing it.

The hand played the chrysanthemum face again: "Child, calm down. The child has died, leaving the body, and the whirlpool will be performing the resurrection. The reincarnation of the technique has side effects, which can weaken the strength of our opponent before the final battle!" ”

The emperor blinks, although it makes sense, why do I not want to hear it? He leaned over again...

"Listen to the father-in-law's words!"

"The Son of Heaven, listen to your father-in-law." The big snake pill seems to laugh and laugh.

Son of Heaven: "..."

"let's go!"


The story of Chiyoda is over, and Zheng Yan looks up at the sky and reveals his thoughts.

The action of the hand was strange and ruled, and saved the thousand generations and the shackles. I kept the body of my love Luo, and I was quite eager to behave in a vain manner.

But he did not solve the enemy, but instead helped the enemy to comb the body of the beast, which is too strange, is it necessary to take the opportunity to sinister? More than one thing...

"What is the relationship between the hand and the night, if he wants to release the night, what should the ancestors do... This bastard, can't you discuss with the ancestors? Who is it?"

Why are you suffering yourself?

At this time, there was a footstep coming from Zheng Yan. He finally filled his lack of two pounds and walked behind Zheng Yan to stand quietly.

Chiyoda showed his smile: "Hey, go back this time, let the predecessors help you restore the flesh and blood of humanity... okay?"

"Don't ask him, he will still say ‘boring'. After a few days, I will dismantle him directly and force him to recover!”

"...boring!" The body seems to have not been repaired yet, and there are still some stuck.

"That would bother you. I really want to see the appearance of blood and flesh before I die... Unfortunately, I can't drag it for so long. Seniors, move me to my side."

The light breeze blew, blowing thousands of generations full of white hair fluttering... This time it is not Zhengyan in the special effects.

Masahiko smiled and smiled: "The enemy said that they want to weaken me. How can I not let them do so?"

"...Predecessors, how can they let them do it! Moreover, I love Luo is the shadow of Sha Niu Village, it should be saved by me. Moreover, if it weren't me, last night I would not stop in the country of rain. This will not happen..."

"Do you look down on me, I think I will be defeated after I am weakened?"

Thousands of generations sighed: "Predecessors, you said, I only have a life span of one and a half years..."

"It’s a day to live. There are fewer and fewer acquaintances in my ancestors. I don’t want another brunette to send white hair!”

Zheng Yan’s mouth is nonsense, and there is a spiritual space in it... He wants to see the **** and fleshy appearance before the death of the thousand generations. The beauty of adults is a virtue, and the noble qualities of the ancestors are very good!

In this regard, Qiandai is silent.

"boring, this is the extra human emotion."

Zheng Yan glanced at him: "Is it superfluous? You come to choose, who of us will save me love Luo? Choose well, choose carefully!"

I paused for a moment, and my eyes turned to the old face of Chiyoda. The words "Mother-in-law to save" have come to my lips, but I can’t say it.

"Hey! Bored!"

"Hey, human emotions are really boring." Zheng Yan smiled and shook his head, his eyes six hooks and jade rounds to write the rotation of the wheel, "So I am going to save it? Nothing, the resurrection of a person will not cause much damage to the ancestors."

Looking at the body of my love Luo, Zheng Yan's hands and knots, after a few seconds of chakra, the voice said: "outside - reincarnation of the earth!"

The pale white natural light is reflected from the eyes of Masahiko, and I am covered in my love. Zheng Yan’s consciousness has gone out for a moment, going to the underworld will pull back the soul of my love Luo, let it float above the body of my love Luo.

"Is this speed too fast? Why didn't you see the six old men? The black car pulls people, the masters of the underworld are too lazy to show up?" Zheng Yan said in a mouth, only to find a feeling of weakness.

Six hooks and jade rounds of writing rounds of eyepower are consumed in large quantities, temporarily degenerating into ordinary reincarnation eyes. But no problem, just a ten-and-a-half-month recovery, Zheng Yan is more concerned about the weakness of the body.

Body: 57341 (weak state: 364 days remaining for recovery time 23 hours 59 minutes)

"Sure enough, it is still impossible to resurrect the deceased. In a weak state, the physical strength is probably weakened by one and a half, and it will take a year to recover. That is to say, I am resurrected two or three people a year and it is estimated that there is no problem, that is, the body will be somewhat imaginary. Make up..."

"Predecessors, are you okay? Your face doesn't look too good..." Chiyoda had a slightly worried opening.

Masahiko shook his head and turned his eyes into a normal appearance: "Nothing, wait for me to wake up."

The natural light is slowly blending into my love, and my loved soul is being reintegrated into my body by the natural light. This process lasted for about half a minute, and I finally opened my eyes slowly. I am..."

A line of Chinese characters crossed, "witness and greatly change the main story of the Huo Ying world: I love Luo's death and get a witness point of 20 (*8)."

Masahiko Yan, a surprise, said: "A big change, right! This is the ancestor who saved me love Luo, 160 points of witness, no loss! What is the witness point of the ancestors now..."

Thousands of generations struggled to get up, and walked to the front of my love Luo, and I almost told me about the dangers he had experienced before. After a moment of suspicion, I forced myself not to help the thousand generations.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

However, when Chiyoda just spoke two sentences, he heard that Masahiko was laughing and laughing. The whole person was laughing and laughing...

"Predecessors, are you really okay?" Chiyoda is full of worries. Is the resurrection of reincarnation weakening IQ?

"I love Luo, my ancestors love you! What?" Zheng Yan suddenly fell in love with me.

"Chiyoda, you almost robbed the ancestors of the ancestors, but fortunately the ancestors wit! The chance is up, no one can stop it! Hahahahaha..."

Chiyoda and I love Luo's face.

Hey: This old guy is crazy, don't have to recover his flesh and blood! Really...

Masahiko has been laughing, laughing at the mouth and reaching the back of the ear, his eyes on the last row of the property bar.

Witness point: 520 points!


Ps: (Happy every year! Do you have dumplings to eat? 嘿嘿嘿...)

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