MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 1 Taoist Murderer

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Xiao Ping was shocked and woken up by the cold wind.

"I actually passed through..."

The idol of the wild temple was not strong, and the gourd it was holding suddenly fell and hit him on the head...

Xiao Ping was lying in the backyard of a Taoist temple deep in the mountains.

The Guanzhu knew some medical skills, put on Taoist robes, and used some tricks to hide his eyes, so he fooled the mountain people who lived in eight townships and enjoyed the name of "living immortals".

Guanzhu only accepts one disciple each year, and Xiao Ping was the lucky one last year.

In other words, it was the "sesame oil money" raised by Xiao Ping's parents from Mancun, which made the viewer feel sincere...

The second old man thought that his son would become a fairy and would not have to suffer in the future, but he didn't know...

Xiao Ping shuddered, got up and moved out quietly.

Taking advantage of the night, we must escape from this ghost place!

"If he finds out that I'm not dead, I'll definitely die again!"

During the first few months of Xiao Ping's arrival, Bishop Guan read and recognized the scriptures and the eight meridians. He really looked like a kind living fairy.

One day, he wanted to share his worries for Guanzhu, so he went into the mountains to dig for medicinal materials, who would have dug up a lot of corpses!

Xiao Ping was horrified, and only then did he understand why all the children who had entered the observation in the past had disappeared.

Where did this come to be a fairy? Clearly become a ghost!

It is very likely that he himself will end up like this!

Xiao Ping fled in a panic, but before he took a few steps, he was discovered by Lao Dao and was easily brought back.

Since then, the "Living Immortal" simply stopped pretending, and forced him to practice a strange and obscure formula, used all kinds of extremely precious medicinal herbs, while beating or scolding him, and imposed various cruel but not serious punishments. .

Yuan Shen didn't know what the other party was going to do, but he didn't dare to resist at all.

Unfortunately, after practicing for more than half a year, there was still no reaction in the body!

Lao Dao had already lost his patience, and it was just this year that he was recruiting again, so he simply prescribed a powerful medicine.

The original body was already extremely weak physically and mentally, so he was killed just like that...

Xiao Ping was walking away from the Taoist temple when a sudden roar came:

"Little bastard, dare to play tricks in front of this old man!"

The gusts of wind sounded one after another, getting closer and closer to him!

This is the voice of the old monster Qinggong!

Xiao Ping's face was pale, and he could no longer care about any movement, and immediately fled.

But in less than a few breaths, the green robe above his head flashed, and an old man in his sixties suddenly descended from the sky, as impenetrable as a mountain.

Xiao Ping stopped his figure, his face full of despair.

"A stinky little doll, trying to escape from the palm of the old man's hand! Don't even look at where this is..."

The Taoist temple is built deep in the mountains, and it is really difficult for him and a child to escape, as if going to the sky...

Lao Dao vented his anger, and suddenly laughed strangely again, staring at him as if he was looking at some rare treasure, the complex emotions in his eyes overflowed: greed, excitement, viciousness...

"Since you survived the last difficulty without dying, it means that I have succeeded! Haha!"

Xiao Ping's heart thumped, and he cried out that it was not good. .

Just after taking a step back, the other party suddenly raised his arm, and in the blink of an eye, he grabbed his wrist tightly.

There was a sudden pain in the wrist, and there seemed to be an extremely weak aura in the dantian. It took the initiative to circle around the eight extraordinary meridians and the acupuncture points of the whole body, and finally returned to the dantian.

Lao Dao was stunned for a moment, then stared at him, seemingly even more nervous, surprised, and unbelievable.

After that, he repeated it tirelessly several times, until finally his whole body trembled with excitement.

"Hahaha! Don't lie to me! There are indeed immortals in this world! I can finally become an immortal and never have to die again! Uuuuu..."

Lao Dao suddenly cried and laughed, looking like a madman, strange and frightening.

At this moment, Xiao Ping was very puzzled.

According to the original body's memory, here are all mortals, and immortals only exist in legends.

What does the "immortal" in the other party's mouth mean? What does this old man have to do with him?

Xiao Ping had read the script in his previous life and had a lot of experience, and combined with his own experience, he thought of a terrifying possibility...

Xiao Ping was taken back to the Taoist temple and fell to the ground.

This is a stone house, surrounded by strange patterns painted with unknown powder. Every node of the pattern is also inlaid with all kinds of peerless jade, emitting a faint light. The house was obviously airtight, but it was eerily gloomy.

Lao Dao has calmed down and has returned to his scheming appearance.

"A nine-year-old baby who can pretend to endure for such a long time will definitely not be in the pool in the future. It's a pity that you don't have a future!"

Xiao Ping felt chills from head to toe, and he couldn't tell whether it was fear or anger:

Could it be that when you crossed over, you deliberately rescued your body for the other party to take home? !

After Lao Dao finished speaking, he took out a set of strange tools and carefully placed them in front of him one by one.

He picked up a cold, strange blade, carefully scrutinized it for a long time, and then he seemed to have made up his mind, and his face turned ruthless...

Xiao Ping's heart trembled, and as the blade fell ruthlessly, his face was full of astonishment.

That old man actually inserted the strange blade into his own abdomen!

What's even weirder is that no blood was shed!

"Pfft", "Pfft", "Pfft"... The sound of the blade submerging into the body continued.

There are a total of seven sticks, which are inserted in seven positions such as the lower abdomen, abdomen, and head. UU reading slowly drilled into the flesh as if alive, until it was completely submerged.

"Good boy! It seems that you are not only smart, but also courageous. How many self-proclaimed heroes have no dignity before dying, and you didn't ask for mercy!"

Xiao Ping snorted coldly.

After Lao Dao finished all this, he sat cross-legged on the ground, his hands were pinching, and he didn't know what to say quickly.

Under Xiao Ping's horrified gaze, the flesh body in front of him was visibly collapsing and shrinking: the skin became dry and wrinkled, the beard and hair instantly paled, and even the bones and flesh were disappearing little by little... It was as if the essence of the whole body had been swallowed up by evil spirits!

He looked horrified, and the old man's body shrank to the size of a child in a blink of an eye!

Lao Dao seemed to be in great pain because of this, the old wrinkled dry skin on his face was shaking, and a beast-like sound came from his throat.


Suddenly, with a loud shout, something even more terrifying happened. A black and red mist suddenly emerged from the short body.

These black mists exude a thick cold air and a touch of blood, smooth and evil, and seem to have life-like tentacles that are constantly reaching out to pounce on Xiao Ping.

Just listening to Lao Dao chanting words again, the black qi danced more and more urgently, and finally suddenly flashed and submerged into the strange body covered by the broad avenue robe.

"Xiao Ping, I have no choice but to be a teacher. It's just that you have spiritual roots but no strength..."

A black light was thrown towards the pattern on the ground, and several rare jade stones lit up instantly.

Xiao Ping was shocked, he tried to struggle but couldn't move!

The old man smiled yin and yin, and continued to move his hands quickly, chanting strange incantations

Xiao Ping listened, his eyelids couldn't help getting heavier and heavier, his consciousness gradually blurred, and finally he suddenly fell into darkness.
