MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 222 inventory elixir

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Although the people from Jianshuang Pavilion and Fengyuelou did not participate in the gambling, they were also very interested.

Master Ren and Daoist Feichen were all smiles, and they could hardly close their mouths, staring at Cang's surname Jin Dan.

The latter's face was already ugly, but this time the one who was watched turned even more black. With a cold snort, he threw two blue eggs the size of his head, flicked his sleeves fiercely, and left without saying a word.

The two Zushi Ren took one photo each, and they held it in their hands with joy, turned it over and over and carefully looked at it several times before putting it away with satisfaction.

Next, the two got together, greeted their respective disciples, and took out the elixir one by one to compare the winning and losing of the bet.

The one with the most elixir combined wins.

Of course, if the number of elixir is the same, the quality of elixir is compared; if it is still the same, the number of people alive is compared.

Only four people survived in Qingming Valley this time, but the first young cultivator who walked out of the secret realm took out the elixir that made everyone slightly discolored.

"Two 100-year-old violet orchids, two 300-year-old violets, three 400-year-old jade snake grass..."

The Taoist kept taking out a piece of spirit medicine and placing it on the ground. There were as many as thirteen plants, which surprised all the onlookers.

Only the betting Daoist Feichen smiled and was quite complacent, and seemed to be greatly benefited by the consternation of others.

As for Zhang Yun of Yufeng Sect, the elixir that he put out is far inferior to this. There are only three of them, and they can't even compare their preciousness.

Next, the second Taoist priest in Qingming Valley is not so exaggerated, but there are still seven elixir, quite a lot.

On the other hand, Jiao Yuan of Yufeng Sect only had four elixir.

This made Ren Zushi start to feel uneasy, and swept towards Xiao Ping's few survivors with low cultivation level, gradually unable to laugh.

Although there are as many as eight of his own disciples who survived, it can be said to be the most of all sects!

But among these eight people, five of them were cannon fodder with low cultivation level, and that Zhang Yun also didn't pick a few; that female cultivator, although she was her junior sister, was not very strong...

In this way, one by one, the main force of medicine collection on my side can only count on one person!

The number of people on his side has a large advantage, but the outcome of the game is still unpredictable, and Zu Shi's face is not very good.

The people who watched from the other two factions couldn't help but be amazed by this situation.

Next, the elixir of the Zhang brothers finally made Zushi Ren a little relieved.

Because the two people's elixir added up to a total of thirteen plants, which instantly equalized the situation, but it was still a lot worse in terms of rarity.

The third person in Qingming Valley took out five spirit medicines, including two moon spirit fruits, which immediately put the Yufengmen side's odds at risk.

Next, when Luo Changlin of Yufeng Sect came up to put the elixir, he hesitated for a while, and only took out one elixir in shame, which immediately made Zu Shi angry and almost yelled at him.

Although he didn't expect to rely on these cannon fodder to win, he didn't expect to be so unbearable!

As for the remaining ten-layer cannon fodder, it is estimated that I can't get a single one...

Xiao Ping looked at the elixir that everyone took out, and his heart was getting worse and worse.

Because he never imagined that others would get so few elixir!

The elixir that I thought was worth two Foundation Establishment Pills was enough to bury everyone, who knows...

But under the eyes of all of you Jindan, it was too late to reduce the number of elixir at this time.

In desperation, Xiao Ping was about to bite the bullet and stepped forward when a female cultivator from the same class stepped forward, which immediately relieved him.

Facing the woman's four elixir plants, Zu Shi reluctantly smiled, and looked at the middle-aged man with scars on his face with great concern.

The number did equalize again, but the preciousness increased again.

Whether he can win or not depends on this person!

As for Xiao Ping? has long been ignored...

The middle-aged man felt the gaze of his patriarch, and immediately put out the elixir.

Purple Jingzhi, Moon Spirit Fruit, Jade Snake Grass... I took out all the elixir, and in the end there were twelve!

And most of them are rare elixir!

Master Ren immediately turned from cloudy to sunny, and looked at Daoist Feichen with a happy expression.

The latter was restless immediately, staggered his eyes worriedly, and looked at the last person in Qingming Valley.

The last Taoist priest to step forward was an ordinary white-haired old woman, and she began to **** one by one without any hassle.

Everyone thought the overall situation was set, but soon they changed color...Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!