MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 227 Zongmen come

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In this way, Xiao Ping was preparing the elixir while waiting for news from the top of the sect to see what kind of gift his cheap master would give him after he got the elixir.

On the afternoon of the third day, the sect finally came. It was a foundation-building master and a qi-training officer.

Sure enough, Xiao Ping's deserved reward was greatly reduced, and there was only one Foundation Establishment Pill left, and the rhetoric in his mouth was similar to what Uncle Qu said.

"Although you are only in the period of qi training, but now you are a master of Jindan, it is inappropriate for you to call me uncle. You should call me senior brother in terms of seniority."

Xiao Ping repeatedly said that he did not dare.

With the living example of Uncle Qu in the Medicine Garden last time, how could he dare to entrust him?

He is only a named disciple, and he cannot enter the eyes of Jindan Patriarch.

The world of immortality has always been based on strength, and it has not yet entered the foundation building, and it has always been lower than that. Even if the other party is obstructed by the rules and his mouth is good, who knows how to see him in his heart.

If he really hit the snake with the stick, I'm afraid that in the end, he would only have to swallow the bitter fruit...

Uncle Jiji snorted slightly and gave a look of "count your interest".

"Since I have worshipped a teacher, it is natural to have to pay tribute to the teacher.

Your master is a dignified Jindan cultivator, so this kind of filial piety cannot be bad.

However, we checked your background, and your background is not good. You have been cooking elixir for all these years, and you have no chance, but you can't come up with this gift.

But fortunately, you are in the Mystical Realm of Ascension, and you have collected so many elixir. Apart from a foundation pill, it is just enough to serve as a ceremony for apprenticeship. It is not easy for the sect to miss you, so he decides for you and seizes the opportunity in time..."

Xiao Ping had already figured it out, and he had no opinion at all.

But hearing the other party's appearance of reversing cause and effect, being cheap and being good, and "all for your own good", I couldn't help but feel very disgusted.

Of course, his strength is not enough, of course he will not show the slightest.

The people who came here thought that this trip would require a lot of talk, both soft and hard. Seeing that Xiao Ping was so obedient, they couldn't help but sighed in relief, and walked away happily.

Xiao Ping watched the two leave, and sighed with a complicated expression as he looked at the foundation building pill in his hand.

In the world of immortality, cultivation is everything, and we must make every effort to improve the realm!

After another day, the voice of a young man came from outside the Zhenyao Valley.

"Is Uncle Wang there?"

Xiao Ping was puzzled when he heard this.

Uncle Wang?

There are only Uncle Qu and himself here, where did "Uncle Wang" come from?

Xiao Ping opened the formation, and saw that it was a young man who practiced Qi at the seventh or eighth level.

"Who are you looking for? There's no..."

The young man obviously realized the problem and quickly reminded:

"Uncle Wang!

Master Ren asked me to bring you a gift, please take it away! "

Xiao Ping was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

It turned out that this "Uncle Master" was calling him himself!

Being called "Junior Brother" and "Senior Brother", compared with "Junior Uncle", the feeling is quite different!

Xiao Ping took it in a dignified manner and handed over a middle-grade spirit stone:

"I picked it up in the secret realm and gave it to you."

As an elder, it is natural to give the junior a gift when meeting for the first time!

When the young man saw the middle-grade spirit stone, his eyes lit up, his face was full of joy, and even the name was sincere!

"Thank you, uncle!"

Xiao Ping Dandan nodded, motioned for him to leave, then closed the formation and entered the wooden house again.

The seal on the jade box looked extremely powerful. He was worried about how to open it, but as soon as he injected mana, the seal dissipated in an aura.

"The magical powers of the Jindan cultivator are really unfathomable!"

Xiao Ping sighed slightly, and hurriedly opened the jade box.

Inside is a paper book.

Xiao Ping opened the pages and looked at it, but he was surprised very quickly!

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