MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 267 teacher kindness and filial piety

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In a second thought, Xiao Ping had already guessed the facts closely.

Ren Zongyu's direct blood relative, namely Ren Daoming, clearly relies on Jindan, but still has not been able to formally enter the school, which is enough to show that the qualifications do not meet the conditions, either the four spiritual roots or the five spiritual roots.

If there is no Renzongyu to raise resources for it, let alone Jindan, it is a question whether it can even reach the later stage of foundation building.

Most of the Mu Linguo mentioned by the other party is for Ren Daoming!

Although it sounds good now, if Mu Linguo gets his hands on it, he won't be able to accept a few fluffy words like "repay the master", "keep it on behalf of the disciples", and "respectable filial piety"!

Thinking of this section, the mind that was still very moved just now was immediately drowned out.

"With such a big opportunity, the disciples are afraid that they will have no luck. Many of the foundation-building are from the same sect. Not only are their aptitude and appearance better than their disciples, but they have also made a lot of contributions to the sect. It is better to give the opportunity to these people."

When Ren Zongyu heard this, his face immediately sank:

"You are my disciple of Ren Zongyu, who dares to say no?

What, are you not satisfied with that girl after listening to some rumors? "


Xiao Ping was stunned for a moment, then secretly sneered.

No wonder this person keeps his bloodline hidden...

It is simply to let others sell themselves, and he collects the money himself!

"Disciple dare not!

The matter of Taoist companions is related to the root of the immortal way, and it should be gradual and cautious..."

Before the words were finished, an overwhelming spiritual pressure suddenly wrapped it in an airtight manner.

Xiao Ping instantly felt that all the air around him had become solid, and he was squeezing him desperately, making it difficult for him to move even a little bit, and even his breathing became stagnant.

"You don't have to worry about this, as a teacher for one day and a father for life, how could the master harm you?

Junior Sister Ji is very fond of her only daughter. Before that, Jiji Dan had lost four or five pieces. If you marry her daughter, the treasures of their mothers will not be yours in the future!

What's more, marriage is the word of the matchmaker's life, so let's do it that way. "

Ren Zongyu snorted coldly, glanced sharply at him a few times, and made a decision with a big hand.

"Why are you looking for me today?"

Xiao Ping's body suddenly loosened, he couldn't help gasping for breath, his face was pale, and he was sweating profusely.

Since there is no direct resistance, there is only indirect threat.

"The disciple accidentally got a jade slip of Dan Fang, and asked for a few seeds from Senior Brother Qu in the Zhenyao Garden, and wanted to present it to Master!"

Take out a copied jade slip and several jade boxes with good materials and firm seals.

Ren Zongyu's eyes narrowed, as if thinking of something, with a cool smile in his smile:

"I heard that you visited Senior Brother Guo and Junior Sister Meng successively a few days ago, and also ate a high-quality spiritual meal from Senior Nephew Ding. Is there such a thing?"

Xiao Ping heard the unpleasantness in the words, and his heart jumped, and his mind was spinning rapidly.

Could it be that the matter of giving Guo Shibo the thousand-year-old elixir was known to the other party?

Or maybe the other party is at odds with Uncle Meng and Uncle Guo, and is only angry because he went to visit?

Or is it because he used the other party's banner privately?

Just when Xiao Ping was terrified, Ren Zongyu didn't speak immediately, but just waved to take the jade box.

When he saw the content of the jade slip, his ugly expression suddenly filled with joy!

"Not bad, not bad! This is undoubtedly the pill recipe of Gathering Pill!"

He had been asked for it many times in the past, and he even did not hesitate to use his own identity to personally oppress people, but that junior foundation building was stinky and tough, and he refused to give it to the sky!

Now that his apprentice has brought it up, how can he not be surprised!

As for the seeds, there is not even a single seed, and the temperament of Zhenyaogu is even more eccentric, and his people were driven away before they sat down!

Rao Shiren Zongyu is quite old and solemn. When he opened the Lingzhi seed that was almost missing from the Xiuxian world, he couldn't help but tremble and was excited!

Juling Pill has been famous since ancient times, and its efficacy is extremely high!

Not to mention that it is of great help to the cultivation of the Foundation Establishment cultivator, and even has a great effect on some cultivators in the early stage of Jindan!

If there is such a cultivation pill, Ming'er's cultivation problems in the foundation-building stage have been solved more than half, and there is no need to worry!

"Bamboo ling, Chuanyuecao... Haha! It is indeed the seed of the elixir for refining the Spirit Gathering Pill!

You have done a good job in this matter. Brother Guo and nephew Ding, I will not care about you. You are my apprentice, don't get too close with other elders, especially Senior Brother Guo! "

Just when he was watching with ecstasy, he suddenly found that there was no more.

"What's the matter? That's all?"

Seeing this, Xiao Ping knew that he had bargaining chips, and it would be correct not to take out all the seeds:

"Senior Brother Qu is willing to give, but he has more than his heart and is not enough. I hope Master will forgive me!"

"Is there really no other elixir?"

Ren Zongyu looked suspicious.

However, the other party is an elder of Jindan, and even Ding Laoer and Julingdan have already heard of it, and it is not surprising to know that Brother Qu has it.

"Although there is no one for the time being, before marrying the daughter of Uncle Ji, the disciple will do his best to search for the master!"

Xiao Ping felt regretful.

Although he couldn't get Mulin Fruit, when he thought that this fruit was not meant for him to take, it didn't matter.

Knowing that it was a puddle of mud, he absolutely couldn't jump into it.

Ren Zongyu immediately narrowed his eyes again and re-examined Xiao Ping.

He had taken a wrong look before, he never thought that his new apprentice would be so difficult to deal with!

He also had a headache when he thought of Junior Sister Ji's sullen expression and Zhuo Yuan's unwilling expression.

But for the sake of his own children, he had to patiently continue to persuade:

"Hey, I was originally optimistic about your seventh senior brother, with good aptitude and handsome appearance, but your uncle Ji raised his nose and eyes, and accused your other senior brothers over and over again, even Daoming was demoted for nothing. value…

I just caught my eye on you! But you don't want to! "

"Forget it, the twisted melon is not sweet, you really don't want to forget it. .

However, Mu Linguo is indeed a lot of opportunities, don't be too busy to refuse, take the task of Junior Sister Ji and perform well.

Then, taking advantage of the opportunity to connect emotionally, she and her daughter picked up the spiritual fruit, and left the rest to the teacher. "

Xiao Ping was stunned for a moment, not daring to speak:

"Master is saying that Mu Linguo is no longer in the sect and needs me and her daughter to pick it?"

Ren Zongyu nodded:

"It is said that the Mulin fruit tree was discovered when her Taoist companion was still alive, and it was not yet mature at that time, and it was originally agreed to pick it up and take it together when it matures.

It was only after the accidental death of her Taoist companion that Ji Jimei's temperament changed drastically, and she practiced like a demon, and soon broke through to the late stage of foundation building, and later condensed golden elixir, so naturally she could not use this fruit. "

Xiao Ping's eyes flickered.

That way, things can be great!

You can only have one fruit! Don't even take a piece of the root without the fruit!

As long as you use green liquid to ripen, you can also harvest trees full of Mulin fruits!