MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 269 good karma

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Uncle Ji, what the **** is going on? "

The portrait the other party took out was extremely similar to him!

Of course, Xiao Ping knew that the painting came from the Zhao family.

Since Yufengmen has been staring at the Zhao family for a long time, it is not surprising to get this portrait.

What really disturbed him was that he didn't know what the other party's purpose was.

"The person on the painting is a certain exile from the Zhao family, and he has never had any clues.

You look almost exactly like him, and you are the best person to sneak into the Zhao family. "

Xiao Ping was relieved.

But at the same time frown slightly:

"But many people have seen the appearance of the younger generation. If it is passed on to the Zhao family, will it be detrimental to the plan?"

"You have been worrying too much about this, the Qi training disciples of Yufeng Sect, and the foundation-building cultivators who have seen you, are strictly prohibited from going down the mountain during this period; at the same time, all images of you will be erased from the door; You are addicted to ascetic practice, rarely interact with people, and almost no one has seen you, so this matter is foolproof."

Xiao Ping nodded clearly.

In this way, Uncle Ji in front of him, Master Guo who was in charge of the matter before, and even other people including Master, have secretly investigated him!

Xiao Ping heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, but he was also frightened.

Fortunately, he has always acted cautiously, even if he is alone, he will not reveal any flaws.

Otherwise, he is only afraid that one of the old monsters will kill him and steal the treasure long ago, and even for the sake of secrecy, he will not even leave his soul behind!

Uncle Ji didn't realize it, and was talking about the Zhao family with a lot of worry.

"In the past few years, the Zhao family's actions have become more and more blatant, not only recruiting troops and recruiting horses, gathering scattered cultivators, but also related to the disappearance of many cultivators, among which there are even a large number of foundation-building cultivators from the five major factions!

A small foundation-building family alone is absolutely incapable of doing such a thing, and there must be other forces behind it!

When you infiltrate the core of the Zhao family, you need to find out which force it is, the strength of the people sent, the number of people of various ranks, and other key information to help us eradicate it in one fell swoop..."

After all the details were explained, he took another brocade box for him:

"Senior Brother Guo said that the Zhao family may have people from the Qianji Palace. This is his experience of studying and dealing with puppets in the past few months, and it may be helpful to you."

"Thank you two uncles!"

Xiao Ping did not expect that this Guo Shibo was so thick and subtle.

"If you have nothing else to do, let's go!"

Uncle Ji looked at him up and down for the first time, nodded approvingly, and showed a rare smile:

"Whether it's Senior Brother Guo, Senior Sister Meng or your master, they are full of praise for you, but I didn't believe it at first.

But now it seems that you are thoughtful, steadfast in the Dao, and you are not disturbed by the world of flowers, and you are even more able to take such odd risks for the safety of your sect. No matter what you look at, you are a rare immortal cultivator, and you will definitely be in the future. Great achievement!

About my daughter, your master must have already mentioned it to you. I wonder what you think? "

On that day, she asked Ren Zongyu just for the task, so when the other party matched her daughter for her apprentice, she was naturally rejected by her unceremoniously. "Satisfaction" at that time was just a task.

But when she carefully investigated and read all the information, she was surprised by the son's many achievements.

Although this Wang Fan seems to be ordinary, he is actually top-notch in almost every aspect, even if he is not inferior to some great sects!

Xiao Ping's heart skipped a beat, he never thought that the dignified Jindan cultivator would put down the air and ask him personally!

Naturally he couldn't agree, but he couldn't refuse either, so he said vaguely:

"Senior Uncle Qi, the juniors have low qualifications and mediocre appearances, and it is truly terrifying to be able to win the eyes of the seniors..."

The woman has lived for so many years, how can she not hear the meaning behind her words?

But unexpectedly, he didn't get very angry, but there was a look of regret between his eyebrows:

"Qualification is only one element of cultivation, it does not represent the whole of cultivation.

However, if you don't want it, it's fine, your Uncle Ji is a past person and won't be **** others. "

"Uncle Master has praised it, even if the junior is an inch in cultivation, it will be even more difficult, making Qianjin worthy of a better Ruyi Langjun..."

The woman sighed after hearing this:

"It's just that the stupid girl's eyes are higher than the top, and she doesn't have this blessing...

But, what I said next, you can no longer refuse! "

Xiao Ping was slightly stunned, the other party's words did not seem to be embarrassing, but to give himself a chance?

"Uncle, please speak clearly."

"If you successfully complete this mission, it will be enough to demonstrate your overall strength.

When the Mulin fruit matures, I would like you to **** the girl to pick it up, and 20% of all the fruit will be yours.

After all, the outside is not like Yufengmen, no one will take care of me, but she is used to being presumptuous and simple, and she will suffer when walking alone... However, if you are watching, I will be relieved. "

Xiao Ping was very emotional about this fisting.

A person who thinks so much about himself, whether it is a previous life or this life, is extremely far away...

"It is an honor to be able to do things for Uncle Shi.

It's just that depending on the preciousness of the fruit, UU reading is afraid that a tree will not bear a few trees, so they will give me 50% at once... It is really too precious, and the younger generation deserves it! "

It is said to be "escort", in fact, the Mulin fruit tree is shrouded in a formation, and there is no danger on the way. This is almost a free gift!

"Just a few Spirit Fruits are nothing.

I was just out of selfishness, and wanted to use this to form a good relationship for her. If she encounters any difficulties in the future, you can help her in today's relationship! "

Xiao Ping had to be amazed by this woman's eyesight, bearing and courage.

Before, he only hoped to get a piece of root, but now half of the spiritual fruit can be obtained. This is really a huge surprise and opportunity. He must seize it decisively and must not let it go.

"In this way, the junior is disrespectful!

If Junior Sister Xia comes to visit in the future, Wang will definitely help her to the best of his ability! "

The woman was stunned for a moment, and then showed a gratified smile.

The beautiful face with faint fine lines immediately became vivid because of a touch of anger.

After more than a month, a fairy city is finally in sight.

Jinghe Immortal City is a large immortal city. It is dominated by the two golden elixir of Yufeng Gate and Qingming Valley. There are many monks in the city and it is extremely prosperous.

The person Xiao Ping wants to impersonate has been living abroad since childhood, and there is a high probability that he does not know his true identity.

Therefore, he can't find the door by himself, but wants to meet someone from the Zhao family by "coincidence", "be" seen by the other party, and then step by step to reveal his identity and recognize his ancestors.

Jinghe Immortal City is the closest big city to the Zhao family, and the Zhao family frequently attracts scattered cultivators, so there are definitely a lot of Zhao family cultivators in the city.

That's why he's here.

Xiao Ping lowered the magic weapon and walked to the city gate...