MTL - Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning-Chapter 561 Linen to ask for longevity, father and daughter sued

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Tao Qianqian saw it, but it didn't mean he could stop it.

The narration in his mind has already stated that the magical powers given by Daojun Red Scales originated from a congenital **** and demon, which can run the most original turbid and two softness between heaven and earth, coming and going, annihilating the past.

Using such tyrannical magical powers to destroy evidence, he can't stop it, nor can the ancestors.

The three breaths flowed away, until the red-scaled Daojun opened his eyes again.

The cold and cloudy wind stopped instantly, and the disaster-stricken area also returned to the bright daylight.

This monarch, annihilating evidence in front of Tao Qian and Fairy Mai, is really rampant.

And Tao Qian is still running Lingying, trying to get a response from Lingbao Tianzun, so he has no time to deal with him.

Mai was completely annoyed.

Those eyes that had read the vicissitudes of the world without changing, showed anger at this time, and said lightly:

"Red scales, I heard that you took advantage of [Zhongshan God] to fall into a drowsy state after the battle with another innate demon god, and often fooled him, using his divine might to satisfy his own selfish desires, it was originally a rumor, but now it's true of."

"Are you using such despicable means, are you not afraid that my sect Tianzun will wake up Zhongshan God with a note of the Dao, and swallow you in turn?"

"Is it worth it to bury the road for these cruel and ignorant dragons?"

Fairy Maiden spoke for a moment and moved her hand.

From the previous words of Daojun Red Scale, it can be seen that Fairy Maiden is not only of a very high rank in Lingbaozong, but also has a high status outside the realm.

At least in terms of lifespan, he is older than Daojun Red Scale.

Such beings have been challenged, how can there be no response?

I saw Xian Gu waving her sleeve robe quietly, but it was not the legendary [the universe in the sleeve], but a large piece of invisible and intangible fairy light, covering the entire Penglai Sea. Thousands of real dragons in the mountains and seas began to grow old in an instant.

The skin is dry!

Flesh rots!

Out of oil!

Even the "Hai Tu" at the feet of Daojun with red scales could not be spared. He watched from a tyrannical human-faced dragon fairy to a dry, old-fashioned dragon with white beard and white hair, who was about to die at any time.

This scene was just for Tao Qian, who was awake, to see.

He couldn't help but exclaim in the bottom of his heart: "What a magical power, I think this is Aunt Mai's [Lingbao Longevity and Longevity Method], all living beings, if they are hit by this method, their lifespan will either be taken away by the caster, or they will be returned. Returning to heaven and earth, with the temperament of my aunt, this encounter should be the latter, adding up these thousands of longevity, I'm afraid it can make up a hundred thousand years."

"Hui Ming Dafa... Longevity and longevity... I can't tell which one is more amazing."

When Tao Qian sighed.

The red-scale Daojun has another movement. The real dragon of the mountain and sea world guards the Daojun, but at this moment, he doesn't even look at those dragons who are born and die.

Even in the depths of his eyes, he was not sad but happy.

He only picked up that Haitu and sneered:

"My Lord is wise and merciful, that's why trust is more important than me."

"Although the status of fellow Daoist Mai is not low, you won't be able to see the Spirit Treasure God in your leisure time."

"Even if he can pass on some spiritual responses, what if the Spirit Treasure God has a strong enemy on his side, and he can't take care of himself, his Daoyin can't cross mountains and seas, and pass through all realms into the ear of my lord."

"Don't panic, it's still a matter of whether this lawsuit will be settled or not."

"If it does, you deserve it."

"If it doesn't work, it's good luck for you."

After he finished speaking, he and the human-faced old dragon were gradually blurred, and it was obvious that they wanted to escape from this world.

Seeing this, whether it was Tao Qian or Mai, he realized it in an instant.

After the red-scale Daojun came to the clone, what he did was quite strange.

First, they were angry, but they could destroy the evidence. After seeing the death of thousands of real dragons, they had another face.

A dignified Daojun-level powerhouse, if he really has a plan, it shouldn't be like this, there must be something tricky in it.

When he realized this, Tao Qian had already moved.


Daoyin confided that he was able to hold the body.

After all, the other party is a Taoist clone, and Tao Qian's magic tricks only make his speed stagnate.

However, it is enough.

Immediately at that moment, the divine light came from the sky, turned into a rope, and bound it, but it was Tao Qian who communicated with the ancestral spirit and Taoist friends and asked him to use the longevity forbidden method.

Shenwei, let Daojun take a step for a while.

Although he was soon freed by Daojun Redscale, Tao Qian had already appeared in front of him.

Holding the tile in his hand, he smashed his skull.


"Master Dao, please stay."

These five words have not yet fallen, and the red-scaled Daojun has already suffered.

The head trembled, and the gold stars fell in front of him.

Taking this opportunity, Tao Qian smeared on his forehead. If it was the body of red scales, it would not be able to detect anything at this time, but if it was just a clone, it could not stop Tao Qian's alien soul from peeping at all.

Many secrets about Daojun Red Scales burst out suddenly.

Tao Qian didn't care much about the rest of the secrets.

At this time, he just wanted to know, what kind of trick is this Daojun who inexplicably want to break the covenant between the Lingbao camp and the Gods of the Mountains and Seas camp?

In Tao Qian's previous hunch: If Daojun Red Scale was really forced to go back and file a complaint, the relationship between the two camps would be broken, and the evil force caused by this would be unbearable for his father and daughter. Julien could not be reincarnated.

Soon, one after another, detailed records revealed:

[Zhongshan Shenzhu Jiuyin was exhausted due to the battle with another innate **** and demon, and fell into a coma. Only one mechanical consciousness "Zhongshan Huojing" was left to dominate the body of the **** and devil, and rule the secret realm and its relatives. 】

[Its spiritual fire essence, not only does not have much wisdom, but also is moody, and it can only touch the secret realm and cannot connect with the outside world... Seeing this opportunity, the red-scale Daojun pretended to convey the divine decree and transferred the remaining disciples of Zhongshan Shen from the secret realm. He repeatedly used various reasons to defraud Zhongshan Huojing to obtain benefits. 】

[For example, a hundred years ago, Daojun Red Scale claimed that there was a strong enemy to attack the secret realm of Zhongshan, and he tricked Huo Jing to personally pull out the body of the candle dragon and give it a dragon scale, and to obtain the divine object, Daojun Red Scale cultivated to the realm Going a step further, the extraordinary Taoist cultivator is comparable. 】

[Eighty years ago, Daoist Red Scale informed Huojing that the Zhutianshui clan led by the innate **** and demon "Gonggong" was going to attack Zhongshan, and he coaxed Huojing to give him another magical item "Candle Dragon Grease". He was ordered to use this divine object to cover Zhongshan and temporarily avoid the blunt front. Unexpectedly, Daojun Red Scale exchanged that divine object for the rare artifact Thunder Fire God Cinder Spear from the "Suirenshi", and his combat power skyrocketed again. 】

[Fifty years ago, Daojun Red Scale felt that he was lacking in Taoism and was born with innate deficiencies. He actually cooperated with a congenital demon **** to obtain the secret magic of heaven, and forcibly separated a ghost body, named Fairy Hongling, to coax With the agreement of Huo Jing, he betrothed Fairy Hong Ling to Zhong Shan's only son "Drum", in this way, he steals the softness of Huiming and Shenrou and complements his body. 】

[Before half a stick of incense, Daojun Red Scale accidentally learned about the enmity between Tao Lingying and the Shanhai Zhenlong Clan, and thought this was a good opportunity, so he showed his avatar to intervene. 】

[After he destroyed the evidence, he secretly recorded the scene of Wanlong's old age and death, and made up his mind to go back to the secret realm and tell right and wrong in front of "Zhongshan Huojing". Although the Huojing could not leave Zhongshan, he could go out to all his disciples and family members. , and the rest of the gods of the mountains and seas issued divine decrees. 】

[During the process, Daojun Red Scale will gain a lot of benefits again, as well as supreme authority. 】

[His final plan: hollow out the family of Zhongshan Shenzhu Jiuyin, when the time comes, completely betray and escape from the camp of the gods of the mountains and seas, and switch to the world of heaven and demons, and even he has already obtained a promise. The advantage is that you can sit on the position of "Red Scale Demon Lord". 】

These chronicles seem complicated.

In an instant, it flowed in Tao Qian's mind, and in an instant he understood the secret reason.

Because of this, he was shocked for a while.

He thought that there might be some terrifying conspiracy here.

Where can you expect it?

The conspiracy exists, but it is very small.

The truth is that this thief and bird servant called "Red Scale Daojun" is a habitual offender who tricks fools into stealing benefits. After he finds out the reason for this, he will immediately repeat his old tricks and take the opportunity to gain great benefits.

As for causing a rift between the two camps!

It's just a side effect, he doesn't care.

Tao Qian originally thought that most of the monks who could cultivate to the Taoist realm would be shameful, but he did not want to encounter an exception.

Is there such a cultivation method in the world?

Take advantage of your own deity to be in a drowsiness, hollowing out the other party step by step?

"He's really a heartless, eloquent, arrogant Daojun, so he can be stubborn."

Tao Qian spit this out

sentence time.

The red-scaled Daojun had woken up from the heavy blow of the toad **** Tada, and he would not give Tao Qian another chance.

With only cold eyes, he looked at Tao Qian.

Immediately, its clone, together with the man-faced old dragon, turned into a foul-smelling, viscous, scarlet-colored pus, dripping down.

"not good!"

"If you really tell this thief to return to the secret realm and tell right and wrong in front of Zhong Shanshen's foolish consciousness, it is a small thing for Zhong Shanshen to be emptied of his family, but if he is really unlucky, there will be a rift between the camp of the gods of the mountains and the sea and the camp of Lingbao, and even a war. Well, that's a big deal."

"My father and daughter are also wronged."

"No, no, if you want to sue, then sue together."

Tao Qian looked at the red scales and escaped from the world, and shouted in a hurry.

At the same time, in the bottom of my heart, I immediately planned to recite the "Ode to the Wonderful Sutra of Lingbao Dispelling Disasters and Protecting Life".

This time, he was sincere.

But just as he was about to sing, Xiao Lingying jumped up on his shoulders, hugged Tao Qian and shouted:

"Dad, do you want to sue?"

"Lingying can do this too. A few days ago, an old grandmother who was even more majestic than my grandma came into my dream, holding Lingying's hand and saying that she was my grandma's mother, and said that if anyone dares to bully Lingying in the future, You can recite the Doumu Heart Sutra with the innate wonderful sound."

"When the time comes, the grandmother will respond to Lingying and support Lingying."

Xiaodouding finished in a milky voice.

Without waiting for Tao Qian to respond, he closed a pair of water spirit cat pupils.

There was a sound in his mouth, obviously he was chanting the Doumu Heart Sutra.

Seeing this, Tao Qian couldn't help but secretly said:

"Grandma Taizhen's mother... Doumu Yuanjun!"

"Well, more favored than me."

"One time is enough. UU reading father has to sing three times to get a response."

When the thought fell, Tao Qian also began to chant the scriptures sincerely.

On the side of the father and daughter, they were supposed to use the secret method to communicate with the suzerain, the maid fairy who was the goddess of heaven.

Seeing this scene, stop immediately.

Turning to look at the sea of ​​Penglai, life and death, the corpses of the thousands of dragons in the sea, could not help but mourning for Daojun Red Scale.

"Everyone who cultivates will have a price."

"Red scales cultivated in this way, surpassing many of their peers in two hundred years, and only one level away from attacking the robbery."

"Unfortunately, I didn't expect the price to come together. Given how favored my niece, father and daughter are at Tianzun and Doumu, I'm afraid both of them will respond."

"Shen Zhongshan may be a blessing in disguise and wake up early..."