MTL - Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning-Chapter 620 The Thieves Blackmailed the Gods, Hei Jinchan preached westward

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Search the customs of the God Realm, or the rules of practice.

Once the spirit of the gods and demons establishes a spiritual connection with the "gods and demons" that you follow and believe in, you can exchange them for various benefits through rituals, and you can also make yourself a channel container, allowing gods and demons from outside the realm to descend, as long as you can afford it The price is sometimes even half of the body of extraterrestrial gods and demons can be squeezed into the God Sou Realm.

This is almost impossible in other worlds.

For example, the world of longevity, after receiving nourishment, the whole world leaps up, and then gradually it can accommodate the strong [Daohuajing] to enter the world.

The reason why God Search Realm is so special is because of self-help.

Today, even this rule is not enough.

The origin of the way of heaven added new rules out of thin air: it began to force all the gods and demons in the realm to practice spiritually with unsolvable natural disasters, and forcibly opened communication with all gods and demons outside the realm who had invested in the God Search Realm and had cause and effect.

At this moment, what the Jiang sisters experienced.

In other countries, in other lands, a large number of gods and demons are also experiencing spiritual cultivation.

As the "victim", Tao Damozi felt his eyes widened at this moment.

"If I didn't know that God Sou Realm is dying and beyond cure, I might think that the source of the heavenly dao is asking for help from the gods of the Great Abyss."

"Unfortunately, that must not be the case."

"Forcibly hooking up with the gods, even the 'Peach Blossom God' I created, forcibly using the great power of the world to find the rightful owner, the scheme must be serious."

"I'm afraid this foolish way of thinking is... to blackmail the gods?"

When this thought was born, Tao Mozi didn't even think about it, and he was sure that he had guessed right.

And the truth is true, it's just that it's a little bit worse than what Tao Mozi guessed.

As the main body, Tao Qian, while listening to the prayers of the two daughters, was also infused with a lot of secrets by [Searching the God Realm and Heavenly Dao].

Although it was extremely chaotic and messy, it was not difficult for a strong man like him.

In the blink of an eye, it was all understood.

"Soul God Realm may disintegrate within a hundred years. At that time, a large number of spiritual materials of the Dao of Heaven will be sloughed out, enough to allow countless creatures to achieve the 'Dao Transformation Realm', and also allow many creatures to step into the 'Fairyland of Tribulation'. 'Chaos Realm' is not impossible, this is a feast."

"However, to participate in such a feast, one must be recognized by the origin of the Dao of Heaven."

"It is necessary to search for additional resources in the God Realm, and then to spread the Taoism, so that the avatar or the deity will come in person... The more you pay, the more you can share in the feast in the future."

"If you don't want to, you will be expelled from the source of the Heavenly Dao in the God Realm at this moment, and the resources that were originally invested in this world, such as avatar family members, Taoism inheritance, etc., will be completely confiscated and will not be returned."

After realizing these.

Tao Qian's main body and Mozi clone fell silent.

In their hearts, they all sighed in the same way: How shameless.

Tao Mozi, in particular, couldn't hold back his unhappiness at all, so he opened his mouth and cursed:

"What about being stupid and ignorant? You really know how to play."

"First of all, the gods of the great abyss and all the main roads have been operated for many years, and then all the remaining investments of the gods are deterred by unsolvable natural disasters. Technique, throwing out the so-called [Heavenly Dao Feast], luring the gods of the great abyss to invest more... Tsk tsk, it is indeed much better than simply extorting protection fees."

"Bone and skin, you want to eat all the gods?"

"It's not only a secret conspiracy, but also a brilliant conspiracy."

"If you care about it, as long as you are not a reckless **** and demon who would rather bend than bend, I am afraid that everyone will agree to this deal."

"including me!"

Tao Mozi and the main body have the same thoughts.

No way, Tao Damozi is now a hostage.

The source of Heavenly Dao is looking for the "righteous master", and the devil's avatar is exposed, and it is automatically identified as the avatar of the Peach Blossom God and Demon. If the deity of the **** and demon is unwilling to trade, the avatar will be regarded as an early investment and taken back by the source of Heavenly Dao.

Tao Mozi is blissful and perfect, and has many methods. Although he is a powerful secret devil, even a clone of Qitu Bodhisattva [Fish Basket Guanyin] can be subdued and tamed by treacherous tricks.

Even so, he is no different from an ant in front of the source of heaven.

The dew of bones, the devil of the reborn, the wonderful birth of ten thousand trees, the rain of blessings and longevity... He can't handle any one of ten kalpas.

There is no way to resist, other than "surrender" is there any other way?

At the same time, the rest of the gods and demons in the God Realm, and the descendants of the various Dao lines, also realized this.

Their feelings are deeper than that of Tao Damozi. After all, Tao Qian is lustful, and he just entered the God Realm not long ago. Although he ruled a country, he only developed two demigods and demons. The threats he received were mediocre.

Those gods and demons are quite different.

They are in the God Realm, and the long ones have developed for thousands of years, and the short ones have been developed for a hundred years.

Almost, all are close to the harvest time.

I don't know how many powerful family members under his command, and the spiritual cultivation that follows and believes in them is all over the country. Now if all these ripe fruits are picked by the search of the gods and heaven, the gods of the great abyss will be vomited blood.

For a while, a large number of gods and demons shouted and cursed everywhere in the Great Yuan Sea:

"So shameless."

"It's easy to make a living."

"It deserves to disintegrate."

"What is it called Search God Realm? Why not change its name to Jieshen Realm, the robbery of robbery."

Scolding is scolding, but you still have to accept the reality.

Almost none of the gods and demons chose to lose all their capital and thousands of years of painstaking efforts to quit the God Search Realm, but all accepted the deal.

Of course, it wasn't because the gods and demons were stupid and willing to accept the blackmail from God Search Realm.

In fact, the "big cake" is too tempting, those who are more sensitive and powerful, and can even smell the strange fragrance in it, are all ready to move.

The crazier Search God Realm was, the more ruthless the blackmail was.

It means that the closer the way of heaven in this world is to collapse, the more hopeless it will be.

The feast is just around the corner.

"The Heavenly Dao Banquet will be opened, and those who swallow a small piece will become Taoist."

"Swallow a larger piece, and enter the Tribulation Immortal."

"If you can swallow it, chaos can be expected."

"Who can bear such a temptation? I'm afraid that not only these gods and demons in the realm will not leave, but in the last hundred years, there will be more pretenders from outside the realm, and there will be an endless stream."

When Tao Mozi was muttering, the main body was silently signing a contract with Tiandao of Sou Shen Realm to conduct a transaction.

The process is very simple.

Tao Qian responded to the two women's prayers, and while saving their lives, he also confirmed his identity as a Peach Blossom God, and was registered in the God Realm and Heavenly Dao.

As for the so-called "additional investment", Tao Qian did not act rashly, considering to wait and see before talking.

Although she has the title of Peach Blossom God now, she is not a serious extraterrestrial **** or demon.

Whether it's the main body or the avatar, three melons and two dates, it really can't be compared with the real gods and demons.

If he really wanted to fight for his accumulation, he would definitely lose.

He didn't move, but in other countries, other gods and demons and descendants of the Dao line all moved again and again.

With the "Heavenly Dao Feast" as the bait, they didn't care about the extortion scene created by the God Search Realm in order to save themselves, and each of them started to plan.

After the ten kalpas of death, the souls of the God Realm are devastated, mourning is everywhere, and the incense is withered.

But these miserable scenes only lasted for less than a day.

When the gods of Dayuan moved, the scene was very different.

An extremely powerful family of gods and demons, carrying the treasures and treasures bestowed by the gods and demons behind them, came from all over the abyss, as well as a large number of gods and demons and their descendants.

The Taoism of the heavens also has actions, such as Taishangdao, Yuanshizong, Buddhism of the heavens, Niezong Demon Dao, Heretics... and other powerful forces, also wantonly added merit.

Obviously, everyone knows about it.

Although the feast is big and has many benefits, there are also many competitors.

Even if it is just to win a small amount of Heavenly Dao spiritual material, there is still a considerable price to pay.

It is almost predictable what will happen in the decades before the God Search Realm disintegrates.


An unprecedented, high-intensity battle between gods and demons.

The grandeur of the scene, its cruelty and horror, probably far surpassed that of the Longevity Realm that experienced the "human catastrophe" before.

Ordinary forces, or some gods and demons who are not famous enough and not strong enough, in this kind of calamity, there will be no scum left to be crushed.

But that's the future, and now, and for the next few years, it's the complete opposite.

Thanks to the efforts of the gods of Dayuan and the Daomen of the heavens, the originally devastated God Realm was quickly repaired.

Even the degree of prosperity is better than before.


In just one month, Tao Damozi felt that hallucinations appeared in front of his eyes, and the scenes transmitted by the acting worm were illusory.

What he saw and heard was rare even in the Longevity Realm.

"The ordinary world is prosperous, desires are fulfilled, everyone has clothes, stomachs are full, and there are no shortages or regrets."

"The world of spiritual cultivation is full of vitality, everything you ask for will be answered, all dharmas will flow, and the strong will emerge in large numbers."

"Tsk tsk, such a scene is rare."

"Among the thousands of worlds in the Great Origin Sea, I am afraid that only a few big worlds such as the Mountain Sea Realm and the Earth Immortal Realm can see these things. Even the current Longevity Realm cannot compare to it for the time being."

"This is the strength of the gods of Dayuan and the power of the heavens?"

"Once we work together, it will be easy to satisfy everyone's desires?"

"Searching for the origin of the heavenly dao in the God Realm, if you can swallow all of these, I wonder if you can make up for most of your lack of vitality...?"

The doubt in Tao Mozi's heart was quickly answered.

On this day, another accident occurred in the God Search Realm.

But this time, it was not a disaster, but a rare and beautiful thing.

The sky and the earth trembled for a moment, and then an invisible warm wind was seen, blowing to every corner of Sogod Realm in an instant.

In the territory of Liang State, it could not be avoided.

Tao Qian saw with his own eyes that Liang Guo, which had already recovered and was resting and recuperating, suddenly felt like spring blossoms, everything revived, vegetation grew wildly, and vitality was surging.

The Jiang sisters and Shi Boniang suddenly came together.

It is clear that they have never been hit on the back of the head by [Wanyu Yinyang Pillow], but everyone's face is flushed and their eyes are full of spring water.

Clearly, his spiritual wisdom remained clear, but when he opened his mouth, he shouted like nonsense:

"My lord Peach Blossom, please give me a gift, join me and give birth to an heir."

"Me too."

"And I."

These words, this desire for thought.

At the same time, it rang out everywhere in the God Search Realm.

in short!

To have a baby!

Moreover, it is a large number of students.

Hearing these nonsense, Tao Mozi was stunned for a moment, and then he saw in his mind what Yantian Chong had passed on, including some scenes in Liang Country and neighboring countries.

Quite eye-catching, the scene of all things reviving and multiplying crazily.

Before he could have any doubts, the description of acting as a worm came.

"This is the will of heaven!"

"Because of the gods of the Great Abyss and the Dao veins of the heavens, the Heavenly Dao in the God Realm has been greatly nourished."

"In order to speed up the repair and save yourself as soon as possible, this kind of spawning phenomenon is released. As long as you are in the God Search Realm, it will be difficult to resist."

"Under this will, all living beings will reproduce in large numbers in a short period of time."

"Within one year, the number of creatures killed by the Ten Tribulations will be supplemented and restored."

"In ten years, the number of living beings in God Search Realm will be several times or even ten times more than before."

"Twenty years later, it will be immeasurable."

After seeing all this, Damozi Tao was stunned again.

With his wisdom, he can instantly see the danger inside, which is far from what it seems on the surface.

Multiplied, and the number exploded.

Listen, it seems to be a sign of "great prosperity", but in fact it is a raging fire cooking oil and flowers blooming, and I am afraid that a catastrophe will be ushered in in the end.

At the same time, this also proves that even if the great abyss gods and all the heavens and dao veins increase their investment together, it still cannot make up for the shortfall of the search for the heavenly dao in the God Realm, and cannot rescue its alienation and collapse.

"The origin of the Dao of Heaven uses such a fierce and unsolvable 'birthing method', clearly intending to create the final prosperity, and once again lure the gods and the Dao veins of the heavens to join in."

"If it's more relaxed and takes longer, such as ten thousand years, it may really be saved."

"But it's only a short one hundred years. The more living beings, the more wealth, I'm afraid they will all be used as fuelwood and oil to add to the final fire."

"The Dao of Heaven can calculate, but the gods of the great abyss and the Dao of the heavens can't?"

"I'm afraid that before the end of reproduction, the God Souven Realm will start conquering each other and grabbing territory. The slightly weaker forces will be the first to be eliminated..."


Thinking of this moment, Tao Damozi immediately realized something, and couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

Before the Ten Calamities, Liang Kingdom, which he forged the "Peach Blossom God" and ruled, was considered a middle-level country.

Not strong, but not weak either.

But after ten calamities, the will of Heaven has blackmailed the gods, and the situation is quite different. UU reading

A small country like "Wu Guo" was annexed early.

Tao Damozi immediately slipped into the bottom layer.

Especially when the gods and Taoist priests have increased their investment, but he is indifferent, he is the bottom of the bottom and has completely become the weakest force.

As the saying goes!

For persimmons, pick the soft ones.

There is no doubt that he, Damozi Tao, is the softest one among the nations of the Ten Thousand Gods Continent.

He is aware of this, and so are the powerful neighbors around him.

It's just that what Tao Qian didn't expect was the time of the intrusion. He thought that he would have to wait a few years, when the number of creatures exploded and all major forces swelled before he would take any action.

Unfortunately, he still thinks highly of himself.

Only half a year!

In the territory of Liang State, an uninvited guest came.

Tao Damozi was still thinking about how the gods and demons in the neighboring countries would use and what excuses they would use to engulf him.

When he saw it one day, he laughed angrily.

But there is a "spirit learning team" composed of Buddhist disciples and demons, coming from the Tang Kingdom.


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