MTL - Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing-Chapter 277 A great martial artist! Fierce place!

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  Chapter 277 Great supernatural powers and martial arts! Fierce place!

   "The 'great supernatural power' that can project the dead into the world?"

  Su Changkong couldn't help being horrified. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his guess had a high probability of being correct.

  The current Wang Fuhu, as well as the previous Kuang Wenfu and other masters who should have died for many years, have reappeared in the world, and disappeared after a while, just because they are not living people, but just existences similar to 'projections'.

  The projected masters are basically people with names and surnames. They have left traces in this world, and their obsessions that have not dissipated. Coupled with the influence of great supernatural powers, they reappeared in the world!

  Most of them are like Wang Fuhu, knowing that they are not living people, but just a projection, plus things are different, disheartened, and after lingering on this land for a while, they also dissipate and disappear completely in this world.

   "This supernatural power... is beyond common sense!"

  Su Changkong couldn't help but marvel at the incredible power of this suspected 'supernatural power'. It can make the deceased innate warriors be projected out, so the warrior saint should also be in this category!

  The turbulent lake gradually calmed down. Su Changkong felt horrified sights in the distance. He calmed down, and his figure appeared on the shore in a flash.

  At this time, Xia Yanjie and Duanmu Tao were looking at Su Changkong as if they were monsters.

   "Win? That Wang Fuhu, who was known as the most powerful under the martial sage of the Huwei Dynasty, and was beheaded by the martial sage himself, died at the hands of the elder sword?"

  Xia Yanjie swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He had read about Wang Fuhu's deeds in the Xia Yan family's classics, knew his horror, and thought that he must be notified to Wu Sheng to deal with him.

   But the result was unexpected, Su Changkong was not at all afraid, he fought against him in the Spring Rain Lake, dragons roared and tigers roared, and the waves rolled, but in the end Wang Fuhu was defeated head-on by Su Changkong!

   Doesn't this mean that Su Changkong is the real strongest martial saint? He once killed Gu Lie and others with one enemy and five, and now he has defeated Wang Fuhu, the number one master of the former dynasty!

   "Brother Dao's strength is becoming more and more difficult to see through..." Duan Mutao also secretly sighed, Su Changkong seemed invincible, no matter how strong the enemy was, he could kill him!

  Xia Yanjie calmed down, and greeted Duan Mutao, Xia Yanjie hurriedly said: "Brother Dao, why did Wang Fuhu disappear?"

  The conversation between Su Changkong and Wang Fuhu just now was covered by the huge movement and the monstrous lake water. They only saw Wang Fuhu's chest pierced by Su Changkong's finger, and then disappeared.

   "This is not a place, let's talk in another place."

  Su Changkong glanced around, and he spoke.

   "Yes." Xia Yanjie and Duanmu Tao nodded in response.

  Su Changkong left a thousand taels of silver notes in Chunyu Building as compensation for destroying Chunyu Building, and left with the two of them.

"I think that Wang Fuhu and those mysterious masters who came back from the dead before him are not living people, but projections, characters projected by some kind of great supernatural power." Duanmutao and Xia Yanjie were informed of the information obtained there and his own speculation.

   "Great supernatural powers?"

  Xia Yanjie and Duanmu Tao were undoubtedly shocked when they heard the words, and their eyes showed inconceivable expressions.

   "Great supernatural power... that is a means that can only be mastered by the highest level of martial arts masters..."

  Xia Yanjie was in doubt.

  Entering the Holy Third Rank Ninth Heaven, mastering the supernatural powers to the extreme, and casting the divine body perfectly, can cultivate great supernatural powers!

  Great supernatural powers and martial saints are already the top existence among martial saints. Even ancient sages actually belong to the category of great supernatural powers and martial saints. They are honored as ancient saints only because they are ancient, powerful, and the top among the great supernatural powers!

  Warrior saints with great supernatural powers, not to mention the territory of the Nine Kingdoms, but looking at the ancient holy kingdom, martial saints of this level are definitely rare characters, and all of them are existences above hundreds of millions of living beings!

   "Could it be that there is a great supernatural power Martial Saint used great supernatural powers to make Wang Fuhu and others reappear in the world, but what is his purpose for doing so?"

   Duanmu Tao frowned.

   It is reasonable for these characters to see the head and see the end, so they shouldn't be so bored that they ran to the land of the Dayan Dynasty and used their supernatural powers to cause this kind of chaos!

   "That's not what I know."

  Su Changkong shook his head, how could he know the thoughts of a strong man of this level?

   Moreover, Su Changkong only guessed that the riot was caused by great supernatural powers. As for whether it was true, it is still unclear.

   "This soldier talisman was left behind by that Wang Fuhu after his death. I will give it to your Xia Yan family. I should be able to find out something."

  Su Changkong took out the soldier talisman left after Wang Fuhu disappeared, and handed it to Xia Yanjie.

Su Changkong understands that this chaos is not simple, and it is suspected to be caused by great supernatural powers. If it is really great supernatural powers, then the person behind it is likely to be a great supernatural power martial saint who has reached the seventh heaven or higher, and may even be the top among them. Holy'!

   This is already beyond the reach of Su Changkong. If someone who is suspected of being a "great martial arts saint" is provoked, it will be a bit of an egg hitting a stone. Su Changkong has self-knowledge.

  So Su Changkong directly told Xia Yanjie the information he knew, and handed over the soldier talisman left by Wang Fuhu to Xia Yanjie, and let Xia Yan's family handle and investigate it. This is much safer and will not cause fire.

  Xia Yan family is the real master in this land, able to make all the thousand-year-old families and top sects inferior, with profound background, there is definitely more than one martial saint in the family! Su Changkong is not willing to provoke a great martial artist without even knowing the situation.

   "Well... Thank you Elder Dao, I will report this matter to the ancestors of the clan immediately, and I will contact Elder Dao if I find anything."

  Xia Yanjie nodded gratefully, and accepted the soldier talisman.

   Then Su Changkong parted ways with the two and returned to Lingdaozong.

   "The power of great supernatural powers appeared on the territory of the Great Yan Dynasty... What is behind this? It really is getting more and more chaotic now!"

  Xia Yanjie was a little worried. He knew that this matter might involve great supernatural powers and martial arts.

  Xia Yanjie and Duanmu Tao hurriedly returned to Dayan City, intending to report their discovery to the ancestors of the Xia Yan family.

  Su Changkong returned to Lingdao Sect to practice quietly.

   "It's getting more and more chaotic, I hope we can break through soon."

Su Changkong is helpless, as the tide of spiritual energy rises, major events frequently occur in various countries and places. All Su Changkong can do is to improve his strength. As long as he cultivates a martial art to the 12th level, he can cultivate supernatural powers and reach the level of holiness. At that time, there will inevitably be a big change in strength!

  Su Changkong practiced quietly, but in the land of the Great Yan Dynasty, it was not peaceful, and even intensified!

"Above the Tianshan Mountains, there were two swordsmen fighting duel, leveling the hills one after another. One was dressed in black and the other was dressed in white. They were suspected to be Feixue Sword God and Xuanyin Sword King thousands of years ago. The war ended with the end of both, but it reappeared in the world..."

"In Lu Banshan, there is a demon head who is on a killing spree. The local first-class sect 'Xuanjian Zong' killed or injured dozens of innate warriors and thousands of disciples, and was almost wiped out. Divine power, he is suspected to be the Demon Sect Warrior 'Mountain Demon King' who was once killed by the top powerhouses of Xuanjianzong and other sects."

In various parts of the Dayan Dynasty, extremely sensational incidents frequently broke out. The strong men who should have died reappeared in the world, and all of them were once famous. They were famous in the Dayan Dynasty and caused huge chaos. It is impossible to hide the relevant news, it has already spread!

  In a barren mountain in the Dayan Dynasty, a woman was watering flowers.

  This woman is very beautiful, but she has red hair and blood-red eyes, giving people an extremely dangerous feeling, and in that flower field, every flower seems to be irrigated by blood, bright red.

   "Elder Hong... the thing we've been waiting for may have been born."

   Silently, a man in a red robe appeared outside the flower field. He saluted very respectfully and opened his mouth to report.

  When the red-haired woman heard the words, an astonishing light flashed in her **** eyes, and the petals of bright red flowers around her split into big mouths full of fangs, which was extremely horrifying.

   "Okay... It's not in vain for me to come to such a small place lacking spiritual energy and wait for ten or twenty years."

  The corner of the red-haired woman's mouth drew an arc, and her red hair danced like a snake!

  On a steep mountain, two swordsmen fought to the death. The swords of the two men appeared like shadows, and any sword strike was natural.

Both of them have died long ago. They were swordsmen who were famous all over the world. They are both good and evil. They are enemies of life and death. In the great battle, the strengths are not equal, and they all die together, and they all die.

  Now, due to the influence of unknown forces and their respective obsessions, they are "projected" and reappear in the world. They will fight again on the top of Tianshan Mountain, trying to overwhelm each other!

  When the two peerless swordsmen were fighting, there was a black-robed man who seemed to have no form standing quietly in the void, watching the two fiercely fighting below.

  The man in the black robe is Qin Miesheng, the leader of the Miesheng Society.

There was a slight smile on Qin Miesheng's indistinct face under the black robe: "The supernatural power of "reflecting the ages" is really mysterious, and the "big **** species" hidden in this land seems to be rising with the tide of aura. There is a reaction, something is calling, and the power will leak out, so that the strong who have left traces on this land will be projected out and reappear in the world."

  Gods, naturally there are strong and weak. The gods left by the gods and the gods left by the great martial arts are completely two concepts.

  The 'Great God Seed' is owned by the Great Divine Ability Martial Saint, and it contains the power of the Great Divine Ability!

   It is very difficult for a Martial Saint who has cultivated great supernatural powers to reach this level and die due to an accident. After all, his strength is so strong that he is already at the apex among the Martial Saints. He will only die with the passage of time and his lifespan will come to an end.

However, Qin Miesheng clearly knew that there was a "Great God Seed" in the land of the Great Yan Dynasty. The great martial sage came to this land and started a life-and-death battle with a powerful enemy.

   This great supernatural warrior finally beheaded a powerful enemy, but under the counterattack of that powerful enemy, he could hardly resist the fate of death and soul, and sat down on this land.

Now, after many years, perhaps because of the aura tide, or what the 'big **** species' sensed, it exudes power and has an impact on this land, causing some people who should have died to be killed. Projection' out.

   "This is the opportunity I've been waiting for... I will be reborn, I will surpass my limit, and I will be better than before!"

  Qin Miesheng's dark green eyes are like fire, flames dance, everything has its own determinism, it is difficult to change, even if there is an accident in the middle, the result will not change after all!

   "Two, stop."

  Thinking of this, Qin Miesheng spoke slowly.


  The two swordsmen who were fighting originally had their pupils constricted slightly, they all stopped and stepped back, looking at Qin Miesheng standing in the void.

There was a faint smile on Qin Miesheng's illusory face: "Both of you, whether you win or lose, you can't change your ending, and you will still disappear in this world, but I... can help you Live again!"

  When the two swordsmen heard the words, they were vigilant, and their hearts beat wildly. They naturally knew that they reappeared in this world only because of the influence of obsession and mysterious power.

  When the time is up, or if the power is exhausted, they will disappear, and this strange man in black in front of him claims to help them live a new life?

   "Of course, there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world, and you will pay the price for it...Be my servant and be driven by me! Whether to disappear or start a new life, the choice is up to you."

  Qin Miesheng stared at the two swordsmen who should have died long ago, he said calmly.

  The two swordsmen held the swords in their hands tightly, and their hearts were full of struggles. As figures who once ruled the world, they were both proud and arrogant. How could they be willing to be slaves to others?

  It can be refused, but their result is that when the time is up, they will disappear in smoke, so how can they be reconciled? Even if he is inferior to others, if he can start a new life and live on, then there are infinite possibilities!

  How to choose...the conclusion has been reached!

  The two peerless swordsmen slowly lowered their proud heads.

  Seeing this scene, Qin Miesheng was not surprised. The corner of his mouth curled up: "By taking advantage of the chaos caused by this 'Great God Seed', I can take advantage of the opportunity to act and achieve my long-cherished wish!"

  The Yan Dynasty, which was already restless, will usher in a real turmoil!


  In the territory of the Great Yan Dynasty, there is a boundless desert. This is the most desolate place in the territory of the Great Yan Dynasty, the 'Yellow Sand Sea'.

  The sky is full of yellow sand all year round, the weather is hot, and there is no water resource. It is difficult for humans and animals to survive here.

  At this moment, in the sky of the sea of ​​yellow sand, there are two people standing in the void. One of them is nearly middle-aged, dressed plainly, and looks ordinary, but he can't hide his majesty, like a high-ranking emperor, ruling the life and death of others.

  The other person is a young man in brocade clothes. The young man in brocade clothes is handsome, with sword eyebrows and star eyes.

   "Father, it should be here, the source of that power is here."

  The young man in brocade clothes said that they had been investigating for a long time, and they finally got something.

   "Yes." The majestic middle-aged man nodded slightly, his eyes were serious, and he didn't dare to be careless.

  The majestic middle-aged man looked around and locked on a rocky mountain that was tens of feet high and covered with yellow sand in front of him. He seemed to feel it, and suddenly stretched out his hands, like a pair of red dragon claws, and tore it hard!

   "Ka Ka Ka!"

  Accompanied by the sound of tearing, the rock was torn apart. Such methods are already extraordinary, and belong to the category of martial saints!

   And among the torn rocky mountains, there are glaring rays of light gushing out.

   "Buzz buzz!"

  The whole yellow sand sea was trembling. In the sky, the wind and clouds changed color, and the whole world turned upside down. The clouds disappeared, replaced by a desolate yellow sand sea!

   "This... is so strange!"

  The young man in brocade clothes was amazed, the sky seemed to be turned into a mirror, projecting and reflecting the whole land, it was truly miraculous!

And in the cracked rocky mountain, the void is distorted, forming a huge mirror-like portal faintly. Looking in from the outside, there are people and beasts, mountains and water on this portal, and it seems that time has passed and the years have changed. , catches the eye.

   "The power that has caused confusion recently and is suspected to be a great supernatural power comes from this portal!"

  The majestic middle-aged man looked at the portal in front of him with serious eyes.

Since two or three months ago, a strong man who should have died reappeared in the territory of the Great Yan Dynasty. This was faintly suspected to be the power of a great supernatural power. The Xia Yan family naturally attached great importance to this, and even the current "Yan Emperor" Xia Yanlong personally Sent out to investigate the source of this power until it is confirmed and locked as this barren sea of ​​yellow sand.

   "Since you're here, don't hide your head and show your tail!"

  The majestic middle-aged man said coldly.

   "His Majesty Yanhuang, long time no see!"

  A voice sounded in the air, and three figures slowly appeared.

   These three people have different appearances, clothes, and temperaments, but they all have an extraordinary aura!

   "They are members of the Mu family, the He family, and the Liu family..."

  The young man in brocade clothes stood silently on the side, but he could tell the identities of these three people from their auras. They were the helmsmen of the three thousand-year-old families of the Xia Yan Dynasty, standing at the top of the Great Yan Dynasty!

  Xia Yan's family is investigating the matter of the 'Great Supernatural Power'. Naturally, such a big matter cannot be hidden. The rest of the thousand-year-old family has noticed it and quietly paid attention.

Now that the majestic middle-aged man "Yan Huang" Xia Yanlong has discovered the source of the suspected supernatural power, the top powerhouses of these three thousand-year-old families have also appeared, and it is impossible to watch the Xia Yan family monopolize the possible benefits .

   "Mu Sheng, He Sheng, Liu Sheng, since the three of you are here, why don't you go in with me?"

  Yanhuang Xia Yanlong said lightly.

  The three of them looked at each other, and a man in the middle with a feminine temperament, wearing a green robe, smiled slightly: "Your Majesty Yanhuang, then we should be respectful and obedient, let's go in and have a look together."

   "Xia Yanyi, you wait outside." Xia Yanlong said to the young man in brocade clothes.

   "Yes, father, be careful." Xia Yanyi, a young man in brocade clothes, nodded and warned.

  Xia Yanlong and the helmsmen of the three thousand-year-old families no longer hesitated, and entered the portal one after the other with dignified and vigilant faces.

  Xia Yanyi waited with a hint of worry in his heart. Although Xia Yanlong and the martial saints from the three thousand-year-old families who entered were very human, but when it involved 'great supernatural powers', unexpected things would inevitably happen.

  Time passed, more than half a day passed, and four figures rushed out of the portal one after another.


  Xia Yanyi let out a long sigh of relief, the four people he saw coming out were none other than Xia Yanlong and the others.

  Xia Yanlong's hair is disheveled, and his clothes are a bit torn, but there are no other serious problems.

What surprised Xia Yanyi was Mu Sheng and the others. All of them were pale and blood-stained, especially Liu Sheng, the tallest member of the Liu family among the three. One arm was broken, and blood was dripping from the broken arm. The white bones seemed to be forcibly torn off!

   Every drop of blood dripped down, like a small pool, infecting a large area of ​​yellow sand with blood red!

  (end of this chapter)