MTL - Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing-Chapter 290 All things mirror! The only heir!

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  Chapter 290 The Mirror of Everything! The only heir!

Sure enough, the person in the mirror spoke calmly with a hint of coldness: "Mirror Master immediately understood that it was the work of a monster. He was so angry that he found the monster that hadn't left in the Kingdom of Night God, and started an immortal battle with him." Endless battle!"

"Master Jing has cultivated great supernatural powers and is unparalleled in the world, but that monster also destroyed a country, gained powerful power, and became the king of monsters. The battle between the two destroyed thousands of miles of rivers and mountains. In the end, the monster king was defeated. Mirror The master chased and killed him all the way, and shot him to death on this land, but the mirror master was also hit by the "demon soul seal" unique to demon kings. Even if he returned to the ancient holy country, no one could unlock it. matter, sit here."

  Humanity in the mirror.

  Because his hometown was destroyed, his relatives and friends were killed by real monsters, he was so angry that he would never die, and he died with the monster who became the king of monsters!

   "The monster... is so powerful? Even the supernatural powers and warriors shot, and the final result is to be injured and fall?"

  Su Changkong was secretly startled.

   Those monster warriors before were not real monsters at all. The weakest of the real monsters were saints. Among them, the strong ones could rival the great supernatural warriors and even the ancient sages!

The man in the mirror said coldly: "Recently, the Great God Seed left by the Mirror Lord has sensed the breath of a demon... That is a real monster, so it has revived. You want to get the Great God Seed of the Mirror Master and kill a demon ...a real monster! This is a necessary condition!"

   "I see..." Su Changkong nodded slightly.

  Mirror Heaven and Earth appeared in the world because it felt the breath of a real demon! One of the wills left by Mirror Master, who has a deep hatred with monsters, is that those who get his great **** seed must kill a real monster.

   "The real demon... Could it be Qin Miesheng?"

Su Changkong couldn't help but think of Qin Miesheng, the leader of the Miesheng Society. His identity is mysterious and his whereabouts are strange. There is a high probability that he is a real monster. There was a reaction!

  Of course, this is just Su Changkong's guess, whether it is so is unknown.

   "Secondly, if you want to obtain the "Mirror Heaven and Earth Great God Seed" of the mirror master, you need to forge a divine body, so that you can have the ability to refine and master the Great God Seed."

   Humanity in the mirror revealed another condition.

The Great God Seed contains the power of great supernatural powers. This is not an ordinary God Seed. Even if warriors who have entered the Holy Fourth Heavenly Layer get it, they will not be able to display its power at all. To refine the Great God Seed, at least one must reach the Holy Fourth Heavenly Layer , that is, the level of casting the divine body.

"In addition, this is also for your own good. Otherwise, even if you get the Great God Seed now, it's just a child walking in the downtown with a gold nugget. You can't keep it. When other great supernatural powers and martial sages know about it, they will never mind taking a Great God Seed." kind."

  Humanity in the mirror.

Su Changkong nodded, that's true. Now that he has obtained the Great God Seed, firstly, it is difficult to exert its power, and secondly, he can't take it away at all. There are so many martial saints out there, and if he goes out with the Great God Seed, he must be mobilized and attacked. , who among those martial saints can resist the temptation of the Great God Seed?

  The aura of the Great God Seed is so strong that ordinary stored treasures can't suppress it. Su Changkong is as conspicuous as a sun with it, and the rest of the people can easily feel the breath of the Great God Seed.

   Therefore, the mirror master left the second condition.

   To get the Great God Seed, kill a real demon, and then cast it into a **** body!

  If there are other people who pass the test of the mirror image space like Su Changkong, they will have the same conditions.

   "Don't worry, no one can take away the Great God-Seed of Mirror Heaven and Earth. Even if a great supernatural power warrior stronger than the Mirror Master arrives, it is impossible to take it by force. The arrangement left by the Mirror Master will directly destroy the Great God-Seed!"

  At the same time, the man in the mirror reassures Su Changkong that he doesn't have to worry about the Great God Seed falling into the hands of others.

  If you want to get the Great God Seed, you have to follow the mirror master's rules, otherwise you will be destroyed!

   "Hmm..." Su Changkong nodded, knowing that this was already the best result.

  Then the man in the mirror said: "You have passed the fourth test, what reward do you want? Even if it is a supernatural power-level unique skill, you are eligible to get it!"

Su Changkong's eyes brightened. Passing the third level is a god-level reward, and passing the fourth level, in addition to being qualified to obtain the Great God-Seed, can also choose rewards, and it is any of the treasures left by the mirror master. Choose, including great supernatural powers!

  Su Changkong thought for a moment. Of course he was interested in the supernatural powers, but he also knew that the one that suits him was the best. The great supernaturals mastered by the mirror master might not be suitable for him.

  What Su Changkong needs most at the moment is the achievement of Martial Saint breakthrough. This reward should be able to help him break through.

Su Changkong raised his head and looked at the man in the mirror: "Senior, can the reward I need help me project real beasts such as tigers, deer, bears, apes, and birds? I need to fight them to gain some understanding, so that what I have cultivated Martial arts breakthrough!"

  The supernatural power contained in the Great God Seed of the Mirror Master is called 'Mirror Heaven and Earth'. It has the ability to reflect the eternity and project it. It is very powerful. If it can project warriors, it can also project real beasts!

Su Changkong felt that as long as the mirror world projected real beasts such as tigers, deer, bears, apes, and birds, Su Changkong would fight with them again and experience the strength of real beasts for himself, and he should have a chance to improve his Wu Qinxi to a higher level and step into supernatural powers. Layers, thus sanctified!

Hearing this, the person in the mirror shook his head in a rather embarrassing way: "The mirror master's supernatural powers are not omnipotent. To project a target, there are necessary conditions. The mirror master must have seen the object, or the object has Strong obsession, the master of the mirror can only collect this obsession and project it out. The master of the mirror has indeed seen real beasts... but he has not seen many of them. I am afraid that the real beast you asked for cannot be projected. .”

  Su Changkong was immediately disappointed. The Lord of the Mirror had personally seen the 'Yeshen Kingdom' and Death Mountain before.

  As for Wang Fuhu and others being able to project it, is it because there are still remnants of their obsessions on this land, projecting things that are only based on imagination out of thin air? Even great supernatural powers can't do it!

  In the era of the mirror master, the real beasts were almost extinct, and he had seen very few real beasts, let alone the specific kind of real beasts that Su Changkong requested.

  But the man in the mirror changed the subject: "Although the mirror world can't help you, you can choose the 'Mirror of Everything' as a reward."

   "Mirror of all things?"

  Su Changkong was puzzled.

The man in the mirror explained: "Mirror of all things, this is a rare treasure created by the mirror master splitting a small part of the power from the 'Mirror World God Seed', you can regard it as a weaker version of the Mirror World God Seed , it can also project the person or object it sees, or the obsession, and you can project it yourself when you meet a real beast in the future, or an item left by a real beast."

   This made Su Changkong's eyes brighten. To put it bluntly, the Myriad Things Mirror is a treasure similar to an artifact! It is very similar to the ability of the Great God Seed of Mirror World, because it is originally part of the power of the Great God Seed of Mirror World.

  The mirror of all things is not as powerful as the gods of the mirror world. The master of the mirror's supernatural powers can project powerful supernatural powers of the same level.

  While the mirror of all objects can at most project divine-level people or objects.

   "The energy of this Myriad Objects Mirror is limited. If you use one point and one point less, the stronger the projected target, the more energy you will consume, but it should be enough for you to use it to the realm of casting a divine body."

  Humanity in the mirror, told the shortcomings of this Wanwu mirror, it is a consumable.

   But it is enough for Su Changkong. When he reaches the state of divine body and kills a demon, he will be able to directly take this mirror world **** into his pocket!

   "With this Myriad Object Mirror, it will not be difficult for me to break through to the Martial Saint in a short time! It is indeed the most suitable for me!"

Su Changkong made a decision in his mind. The reward for passing the fourth level is to choose the 'Mirror of Everything' and get the Mirror of Everything. With its ability to project everything, Su Changkong will definitely be able to take a step forward in a short time with it. At that step, he became a saint successfully!

   Immediately Su Changkong said: "Senior, then I want this Wanwu mirror!"

  The man in the mirror nodded slightly, grabbed the void with his palm, and took out something from the treasure house of Mirror Heaven and Earth.

   It was a simple mirror with a bronze color. Even if it was pointed at himself, it couldn't reflect anything, but Su Changkong could feel a mysterious energy flowing in it, which was the power from the Great God Seed!

   "Put a drop of blood on it, let the Wanwu mirror recognize the owner, and there are detailed methods of using the Wanwu mirror."

  The man in the mirror handed the Wanwu mirror to Su Changkong.

  Su Changkong took it carefully, and according to his words, recognized the master on the spot with a drop of blood, just like the Hualongmen before.

  Su Changkong sensed the information in the mirror of all things, and he also secretly lamented that it was indeed a treasure differentiated from the great **** species, and its mystery was beyond the reach of ordinary artifacts.

"Cultivate hard, this world, this world is bigger and more exciting than you imagined! Only the strong can climb the heights! If you can pass the test of the mirror master, you may not have the opportunity to reach the height of the mirror master in the future !"

  Humanity in the mirror.

  Su Changkong is deeply convinced that his trip has been quite complete. Not only has his life span been broken, but his potential has reached an extraordinary level. With this mirror of all things, with its mystery, Su Changkong can become a martial saint in a short time.

  Besides that, when he kills a demon and casts a divine body, he will be able to get the Great God Seed in his pocket!

   "Senior, can you send me back first? I want to stay in the Mirror World before going out."

  Su Changkong made a request and was not prepared to leave Mirror World early.

  If he leaves Mirror World early, it will easily arouse the suspicion of other people, suspecting that he has passed the test of Mirror Shadow Space, which will undoubtedly cause more trouble.

   Therefore, the smartest way is of course to pretend to have failed the test, and to be sent out after staying in it for three months, so that it is safe!


  The man in the mirror nodded and did not refuse.

  At this time, in the circular square outside the mirror image space, thirty or forty top warriors from various countries are meditating, and some of them entered the mirror image space to challenge, and all of them failed without exception.

   It is impossible to defeat one self, but facing multiple selves, it is inevitable to lose!

"Damn it! This mirror image space is so incomprehensible...Does the Mirror Master not want to leave the Great God Seed to the latecomers?" The Blood God Son wearing a blood robe was very anxious. Help her obtain the Great God Seed.

   But now he is stuck in this level and can't pass it. It is conceivable that once he fails, Elder Hong will definitely not have a good face towards him!

   But there is no way, no matter how strong the strength is in the mirror image space, it loses its meaning, and no matter how strong the mirror image space is, it can be replicated!

   "It took a long time for Dao Wufeng to enter this time!"

   And some people in the circular square frowned slightly. Many of them were observing other people, and they also noticed that Su Changkong had entered the mirror image space this time and hadn't come out for such a long time. Could it be...


   While everyone was thinking, a mirror flashed, and a figure covered in blood jumped out of it, very embarrassed.

   "Elder Dao (Brother Dao)!"

  The old man Tianshi, Ji Xuexiao, Xia Yanyi, Hong Zhenxiang and others immediately rushed to meet him, and the person who rushed out of them in embarrassment was none other than Su Changkong!

   "Brother Dao, are you okay? Are you hurt so badly?"

Ji Xuexiao couldn't help but asked with concern, she saw that Su Changkong's body was full of injuries, his clothes were torn, and was stained red with blood, especially one shoulder, which seemed to have been slashed by a sharp weapon, the bones were visible, and she almost wanted to tear him apart. The arms were cut off.

   "I... I'm fine, I failed again... The longer I persist in the mirror image space, the more projections will appear, three projections appear at once... I almost have trouble escaping..."

  Su Changkong said with a tired and frustrated look.

In fact, Su Changkong's injury and exhaustion were not feigned, he was indeed seriously injured in order to persist until all the projections were projected, and he defeated them with the advantage brought by the breakthrough channeling technique, which also made Su Changkong exhausted.

   "Sure enough, it failed... It's normal. Facing an enemy that is exactly the same as yourself, you will do it, and he will do it too. At most, it will be a tie. How can you win?"

  The rest of the people shook their heads helplessly when they saw this scene. They have all entered the mirror image space and know that the projection person in it is terrifying, no matter how strong they are, it is useless!

   "But this Dao Wufeng is indeed powerful, can it last until three mirror figures appear? I faced two mirror figures, and immediately gave up and ran away!"

   Some people admired Su Changkong's strength. He could persist for such a long time in the face of many enemies with the same level of strength as himself.

   Almost no one doubts that Su Changkong has passed the test of the mirror image space, who can reach here, which one is not a genius? Many of them are monsters who have returned to their ancestors. They think that even if they are not as good as Dao Wufeng, they are not far behind. They have personally experienced the difficulty of this mirror image space. Even if they can't pass it, others are naturally the same!

  Secondly, this mirror world still exists. If all the great gods are taken away, the mirror world formed by this great supernatural power will definitely disappear.

  They didn't know that passing the fourth test would not directly acquire the Great God Seed, but also needed to complete the mirror owner's will!

   "Even Brother Su failed with all his strength... It is even more impossible for us to pass. Is there really anyone who can break through all the tests of Mirror World? This mirror master is really perverted!"

   Hong Zhenxiang muttered.

  Su Changkong did not tell Hong Zhenxiang, Ji Xuexiao and others that he had passed the assessment. He was cautious and wary of anyone, even if they themselves did not intend to disclose the news, but there is no impermeable wall.

  The only one you can trust completely is yourself!

  Time passed by every minute and every second, and the first batch of monsters who came in failed to pass the test of the mirror image space after staying for three months, and were sent out.

   And three months later, Su Changkong had already stayed for three full months, Xia Yanyi said rather unwillingly: "I feel that Jingtiandi is rejecting me... Sigh, what a pity..."

   "Even if you get the Great God Seed, it may not be a good thing!" Hong Zhenxiang also felt the power of repulsion, but he was more free and easy, knowing that even if he got the Great God Seed, whether he could keep it was a problem!

   "I have to leave." Su Changkong also sighed, looking unwilling but helpless.

   "Let's go out together!" Ji Xuexiao and the old man Tianshi came a while later than Su Changkong and the others, but they also knew that they would not be able to pass the test of the mirror image space if they stayed any longer, so they decided to leave together.

  In front of Su Changkong and the others, a distorted portal appeared, leading to the outside of Mirror World.

   "Let's go!"

  Su Changkong and his party all entered the portal and disappeared into the mirror world.

   "Then Dao Wufeng also left? What martial sage is the first person, isn't it the same as leaving in despair?"

  A man in golden armor snorted coldly when he saw Su Changkong disappearing into the mirror world.

   "Let's work harder... don't seek merit, but seek no faults, do your best and leave no regrets!"

  More people have no time to pay attention to these things, they all have a heart unwilling to fail, eager for a miracle to happen and pass the test!

  The exit of Jingtiandi, in the sea of ​​yellow sand, Su Changkong and his party flew out from the exit and landed on the ground.

   "It's finally out!"

  Hong Zhenxiang moved his body a bit. He didn't spend long time in the mirror world, but he lived like a year. After all, he was stuck in the mirror shadow space. He tried his best but couldn't do anything.

   Now it is certain that there is no fate with the great god, but it is relaxed!

  The aged face of the old corpse was full of smiles. He knew in his heart that it was impossible for him to obtain the Great God Seed, but the benefits he gained were enough to allow him to go one step further and become a martial saint in the near future!

Ji Xuexiao also had a hint of joy on her snow-sculpted face: "I have benefited a lot from entering the mirror world and fighting with the mirror man this time. I will retreat again and digest it carefully. It should be able to make my spirit "Huangjiandian" went one step further, cultivated supernatural powers, and condensed the god-seed!"

Ji Xuexiao herself is extremely talented, and she is blessed to be able to obtain the God Seed and take the initiative to recognize her master. After being tempered by Jing Tiandi, she feels that she will be able to officially take that step in a few days. Even if the goal is achieved, you can return to the ancient holy country!

  At this time, Su Changkong's heart shuddered. As soon as he stepped out of the sea of ​​yellow sand, he felt several powerful auras directly enveloping him, sweeping over him unscrupulously.

   "It's those martial saints who are guarding outside..."

Su Changkong understood that most of those Martial Saints had entered the Mirror World, but they were forced to give up by the test corresponding to the difficulty of increasing it, and some Martial Saints even fell in it, and none of the remaining Martial Saints entered again. adventure.

  But they are not willing to leave, waiting here, if someone gets the Great God Seed, they will definitely take action to **** it!

   Not only Su Changkong, Xia Yanyi, Hong Zhenxiang and others who came out were also swept away by the breath of martial saints, and they were sensing whether they had great gods.

Ji Xuexiao frowned slightly, this kind of unscrupulous investigation is undoubtedly very rude and excessive, but there is no way, these martial sages from all over the world are used to being superior in the Nine Kingdoms of the Human Race, and it is already a waste of money if they are not directly asked to hand over their stored treasures. Don't worry about your identity!

   (Starting point Chinese website update notice, the next chapter will be updated at 22:00 on the 27th)

  (end of this chapter)