MTL - Longevity-Chapter 34 search for the enemy

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The group came to Fakong's monastery.

Faning was busy making tea, while Fa Kong and Chu Yu sat at the table gossiping and asked him why he had to join in the fun.

Divine Sword Peak is not an ordinary sect, it is comparable to the status of the Daxueshan sect, and the masters are like clouds.

This is a pool of muddy water and shouldn't come here.

Chu Yu said disapprovingly: "I just want to come and see the martial arts master of Dayong."

Fa Kong smiled and said, "Brother Chu still doesn't believe it. He thinks that Dayong Wulin is safe and won't invade Daxue Mountain, right?"

"It's not that I don't believe in the law and empty you, but what I hear is false, and what I see is believing. What did I say to the king, do you think I heard it?"

Fakong nodded with a smile.

He shook his head secretly.

King Xin was not favored by the emperor, but was rejected instead.

In the eyes of the court and the emperor, he was too self-willed, reckless and immature, and embarrassed for his duties.

Chu Yu said: "Fa Kong, when do you think they will come?"

"It should be almost there." Fa Kong glanced to the northeast, where Divine Sword Peak was located.

He judged the efficiency of Divine Sword Peak according to Mo Qingyun's memory. At this time, Divine Sword Peak should have sent someone over.

"Then are we ready to start?"

"Shenjian Peak should first send spies to investigate the truth, and then overturn and move, and hit it with a single blow."

Chu Yu smiled and said: "Since we are going to come out in full force, why do we need to find out the truth? Anyway, try your best."

Fakong smiled.

If this is the case, there will be no need to check out the post when marching and fighting, and there is no need to strike a front.

If they come in full force, and Mingyue Nunnery all escapes, what will they do?

If Mingyuean has enough helpers, how will they cope?

These are all to be discovered.

The top of Mingyue Peak is covered with ice and snow.

Fakong stood on a rock on the top of the mountain, his gray robes fluttering.

His head shone brightly in the sun.

Look up at the sky.

He could faintly feel the existence of the two eagles, but they were above the clouds and could not be seen by his eyes.

He wanted to call the two eagles.

But no matter how powerful their eyesight is, it is impossible for them to break through the clouds and see themselves.

In the end, based on feeling, two rejuvenation spells were cast out.


The two eagles drilled out of the clouds, swooped down, and in the blink of an eye, they landed on the stone in front of Fa Kong with the gust of wind.

The wind was howling, and ice and snowflakes flew.

Fa Kong smiled with satisfaction, and gave them a few more rejuvenation spells.

Then there is the clearing mantra.

The rejuvenation mantra made them feel comfortable, as if they were slightly drunk, and the heart-clearing mantra made them sober, and they felt more sensitive, which enhanced the sense of comfort.

Not only happy with them, but also brushed the proficiency of the two spells.

Fa Kong took out a plain paper from his sleeve, and blocked the whistling cold wind with his qi.

A person was drawn on the paper.

The man's face was blank, wearing a dark green shirt and a cloth crown on his head.

The dark green gown is painted with delicate moiré patterns, and upon closer inspection, these moiré patterns seem to come alive, and they feel inexplicably floating.

There are also strange patterns on the cloth crown, and there is a faint sense of dizziness upon closer inspection.

Fa Kong showed Su Jian to them.

They looked suspiciously, then looked at him again.

Fakon hit a finger, pointed to the sky, pointed to his eyes, pointed to himself.

He felt that these two eagles were very spiritual, and although they could not understand human words, they might not have understood their own meanings.

The two eagles let out a clear chirp, and then a wing swung up and disappeared into the clouds in the blink of an eye.

When Fakong returned to the Jingshe, he saw Lian Xue wearing a snow-white robe, standing quietly outside the Jingshe.

Under the bright sunshine, she was flawless, and her whole body was spotless, as bright as a white lotus.

Fakong Heshi: "Uncle Shi?"

His eyes swept up and down the snow-white robes of the lotus snow, spotless, like fog and sand.

This is to become a disciple of Nei An, no longer a lay disciple.

Lian Xue smiled softly: "Fa Kong, I have officially cut my hair."

"Congratulations, Uncle Shi." Fa Kong nodded lightly, "Uncle Shi finally stepped into the third rank."

He was speechless.

From Huiwen's memory, he knew how difficult the third rank was. Huiwen worked hard, and finally stepped into it when he was forty years old.

As the sword master of the Heavenly Execution Sword, Mo Qingyun has the resources of the sky, and it will take at least ten years before he is expected to step into the Divine Origin Realm.

The same is true for Deng Yuanzheng. The evil of Changchun Gong is advancing rapidly, dozens of times faster than ordinary people.

The Divine Origin Realm was still out of reach, making him despair.

In Mingyue Nunnery, Ning Qing entered the third rank at a young age, and Lian Xue stepped into it at a young age.

Although one is the first person of the younger generation, who has experienced life and death, and the other is also the first person of her generation, who has accumulated a lot through trials and hardships, it is still too shocking.

No wonder Jingli once said that Mingyue An does not need help from others at all, and has enough strength to deal with Shenjian Peak.

But he also knew through Mo Qingyun that the strength of Divine Sword Peak was astonishing.

Jingli knows the strength of Mingyuean, but he may not know about Divine Sword Peak.

Mo Qingyun was the weakest of the Eight Great Swords. Except for the Exorcist Sword, the other six Swords were all in the Divine Origin Realm.

The most important thing is that the sword masters of the eight great swords can use the sword to perform sword moves beyond a realm.

This is the real threat.

How to block a sword that transcends the Divine Origin Realm?

Lian Xue nodded lightly: "Fakong, you are also making great progress."

To put it lightly, she was actually surprised.

My own cultivation base is greatly advanced, but it is not as fast as Fa Kong's entry. The speed of entry was astonishing.

Fa Kong smiled and said, "There is an adventure at Daleiyin Temple, Master, please."

He pushed the door and entered the courtyard of the shrine.

Fanning was not in the courtyard, but was persuaded by Fa Kong, and finally agreed to go back to Yaogu first.

Fakong took light steps and entered the small pavilion with Lian Xue to talk.

He smiles sincerely.

Lian Xue's power of faith has arrived again.

She didn't break away from her beliefs and didn't believe in herself because she entered the third-grade Divine Origin Realm because of her cultivation.

Still provide faith.

Lian Xue chatted with Fa Kong about the situation after the farewell. After she became enlightened, she retreated and entered the third rank in one go.

I asked Pharaoh again.

Fa Kong said goodbye and passed by, and then talked about the fact that Divine Sword Peak would definitely take revenge this time.

Lian Xue reprimanded softly, saying that he shouldn't have come, Mingyue Nunnery has paid enough attention and is recalling the first-rank master.

It's going to be a brutal battle.

His cultivation is not enough, and accidents are too easy.

Fa Kong secretly shook his head.

This kind of thing, a master of the first grade will not come back.

Lian Xue asked him again if he had practiced the magic of the indestructible King Kong.

She has a delicate mind and keen observation, and found the golden light that faintly circulated under Fakong's skin.

The cultivation bases of Dharma and Kong can be stored in the statue of Medicine Buddha, and even the cultivation base can be.

If it really wants to be stored on the statue of Medicine Buddha, it will also lose the original intention of cultivating the magic of the Vajra Indestructible.

If he really wanted to encounter a sneak attack, he was afraid that he would have died before he could get back the King Kong Indestructible Magic.

"You will be beaten when you practice Vajra Indestructible Magic. The more you are beaten, the faster you will practice, right?"


"Come on then, look at the palm!"

Lian Xueyu's palm is light and graceful, but the speed is extremely fast, and the palm is extremely heavy.

She didn't keep her hand, and motivated Taisu's palm with the cultivation base of the gods, and she took the illusion with one palm.

Dharma Kong is guarded by the Medicine Buddha, not affected by the illusion, and still feels exhausted.

The Divine Origin Realm is pure and pure, and there is a trace of spiritual power in it, which makes the other party hallucinate.

Or feel that the palm is as big as a wheel, or feel that the palm is slow like a snail, or feel that the palm is far away, or see the palm of the palm with lotus flowers, which are unparalleled in beauty.

The spirit of people below the Divine Origin Realm will definitely be affected.

Master tricks, the difference between the lines.

After a little hesitation or misjudgment, the decision is made, and everything is over.

Even if Fa Kong is not affected by the illusion, the qi is too pure, it is extremely difficult to absorb the Vajra Indestructible Magic, and it is extremely difficult to resolve.

He used his body technique to dodge, extending the interval between palms, and not letting Lian Xue's palms hold him to death.

"Bang... bang... bang... bang..."

The wind was blowing, and the green bamboos and flowers were shaking.

There were even petals that were smashed by invisible force.

Fa Kong hurriedly said, "Stop!"

Lian Xue stopped, calm and calm, and smiled softly: "The King Kong Indestructible Magic is really amazing."

If it weren't for the indestructible magic of the King Kong, the fourth rank would not be able to stop the third rank with one palm.

"I still can't guard against your uncle, your Taisu Jade Palm."

"That's different, we're one level away."

"That's enough if it can stop Uncle Master's Taisu Jade Palm." Fa Kong smiled.

He was actually content.

Although he couldn't prevent Taisu Jade Palm, there was no problem with three palms in one breath.

These three palms are enough to urge the supernatural power to leave.

"I come here every day to play tricks with you and speed up your practice." Lian Xue obviously also knew how to practice the Vajra Indestructible Magic. UU Reading

Just to be beaten.

"Hey..." Suddenly there was a clear whistling sound in the sky, Fakong was refreshed and hurriedly made a gesture to the sky.

"This is…?"

"Shenjian Peak may send spies to find out what's going on here."

"Snow Mountain God Eagle help you find spies?" Lian Xue looked at the sky curiously, and after seeing the two eagles circling a few times, they flew into the distance.

Fa Kong said: "Uncle Shi, greet Junior Sister Ning together, let's go and have a look."

"Okay." Lian Xue trusted him and agreed without hesitation, disappearing in a flash.

Fakong went to the northwest.

After a while, Lian Xue and Ning Zhenzhen caught up.

Ning Zhenzhen glanced at the sky and hummed, "Can they really understand what you mean? Could it be a mistake?"

Fa Kong smiled and said, "Junior sister, you are envious, right? Xiaobai is good, but he can't do such a thing."

"Xiao Bai doesn't have to do these things!" Ning Zhenzhen snorted.

"Is it this way?" Lian Xue asked softly.

He stopped in front of a forest and asked in a low voice.

They are now on a mountainside, with lush forests, all kinds of trees, and disorganized.

The branches and leaves in the forest are sloping horizontally, and the vines are entwined, and there is no way to go.

"It's here!" Fa Kong nodded slowly.

The two eagles are circling high in the sky, and Fa Kong knows their direction through the direction they are circling.

What they mean is that the person they are looking for is in this wood.

"Junior sister, come on." Fa Kong smiled and said, "You should be able to find someone, right?"

Wisdom Xintongming has a strong ability to sense, especially the sense of the human heart.

Ning Zhenzhen closed his eyes slightly and didn't move.