MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 646 sacrificial ceremony

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  Chapter 646 Sacrifice Ceremony

   Sure enough.

  Early the next morning, the elders of the Qin family came to the Yuelai Inn again.

  He was calm and relaxed, his eyes raised slightly.

  The joy on his face cannot be concealed.

  As the only person in Qin Zhuang who has been entrusted with dreams twice by the land lord.

  The old Qin clan had enough guts to face several evil Buddhas alone.

   "Hey, old Qin, welcome."

   "Why didn't you go to the earth temple to wait, instead you have the time to come to our inn?"

  Old man Zheng has a strange yin and yang, obviously still resenting the incident of forcing everyone to break in yesterday.

  A look of helplessness flashed across the old face of the Qin family. Why is this old man Zheng still obsessed with his obsession? !

   "Oh, brother Zheng, you have been brainwashed by the evil Buddha!"

  Old man Zheng was furious when he heard the words: "Fart!"

   "I think it's you who was brainwashed!"

   "What kind of **** earth temple, it has been abandoned for many years."

   "I don't know where the wild monsters came out, and they will fool you around!"


  The old man of the Qin family originally thought that old man Zheng was just being careless for a while, and his heart was covered by lard, but he didn't expect to be so ignorant.

   "Old man Zheng is out of his mind! He dared to speak so shamelessly to the Lord of the Land!"

   "Crazy?" Old man Zheng sneered, and slowly walked in front of the elder Qin, his eyes fixed, and he gave him a hard look.

   "Have you ever seen a fairy who wanted a woman who was eight months pregnant to be burned to death?"

   "Have you noticed that since that land appeared, the children within a radius of ten miles of my Qin Zhuang have been sick one after another?"

   "I can see that you are the one who lost his mind!"

  When the old Qin clan heard the words, his face flushed with anger, "Hm Chi Hm Chi", for a moment he didn't know how to refute.

   After a few breaths, he suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a deep voice, "I won't argue with you."

   "When you suffer retribution, you will understand."

   "I have something else to do today."

   "Quickly call out those monks, the decree of public ownership of the land must be conveyed!"

  Old man Zheng snorted coldly, and didn't respond, but just gave the waiter a look.

  The clerk in the store understood, turned around and went upstairs with a 'deng deng deng'.

   Not long after, Li Chen and his party slowly went downstairs.

  They didn't expect that the other party was so anxious.

   Presumably it is the time for the final sacrifice of "Innate Shaping Soul Art".


   "Little monk, I have met Master Qin."

   Li Chen's eyes were cold, and they fell on the face of the old Qin clan.

  In just one night, the old Yintang of the Qin clan has turned black.

   Presumably, the evil spirit has penetrated deeply into the body.

   It's just that he hasn't noticed it yet.

  Once his body reaches its limit, he will be defeated immediately.

  Little old man, time is numbered.


  Seeing Li Chen and his party approaching, the old man regained his expression, showing some majesty.

   "We are preparing to leave today."

   "I don't know what's important for benefactor Qin?"

  The old man of the Qin family coughed lightly, and said in a cold tone, "Master Di Di, I gave the old man a dream again last night."

   Li Chen feigned surprise on his face: "Benefactor Qin is so blessed."

   "To be able to get the land lord to entrust his dream twice!"

  The elders of the Qin family were slightly proud when they heard the words.

   "The land has something to say, all mages are not in a hurry to leave."

   "Tonight, a worship ceremony will be held at Wild Wolf Au in the north of the mountain."

   "Several mages are still needed to witness."

  Hearing the words, Li Chen thought to himself: That's right.

  What kind of testimony, it is estimated that several people are required to serve as the flesh and blood of the sacrificial ceremony.

   "It's an honor, it's an honor."

   "We will definitely be there!"

  The elder of the Qin family was slightly taken aback, obviously he didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

  He thought it would take some more talking, and he had to move out of the Landlord to stop.

  Nodding with disappointment on his face, he looked like 'the little monk is very sensible'.

   "Very good~"

   Immediately stood up, glared fiercely at old man Zheng, snorted coldly, and walked away.

   It caused old man Zheng to jump and scold in the inn for more than half an hour.

  Li Chen smiled.

   It happened that Agua brought the news to Jiehuang Mountain.

   After that is waiting.

   Soon, the sun is setting.

  Looking at the sky, all the monks are ready to go.

  Wild Wolf Col, also at the foot of Jiehuang Mountain.

  Not far from the Earth Temple.

  Although this place is a mountain depression, it is very open.

   Someone once saw wild wolves gathering here on the mountain, so it was named Wild Wolf Col.

   Obviously, this place is a good place to hold a sacrificial ceremony.

   It didn't take long, and several people had already arrived at the foot of the mountain.

  At this time, there was an endless stream of villagers going up the mountain.

  The same as before, holding various tributes and joss sticks in his hands.

  Many people brought their own children.

   "The Lord of the Land has appeared!"

   "Yesterday I gave a dream to the old Qin family again, saying that he would bless all the children in the village!"

   "Ouch, the blessings cultivated in eight lifetimes, if the child is successful, it is better than anything else."

   "Yes, the whole village, young and old, has come."

   "God bless you, God bless you!"


  Listening to the words of these common people, Li Chen and his party can be said to be dumbfounded.

   This is completely being fooled.

  Although he is a monk, he never thought of saving sentient beings.

  It has always been pursued: only those who should cross.

  What is the person who should cross.

   Buddha said: Destined people.

  Looking around, the whole Qin Zhuang is considered destined to be the old man Zheng's family.

   As for the others.

  Just let nature take its course.

  It was not completely dark yet, and the torches around were already burning red.

  The people at the foot of the mountain are more active than each other.

  Even the spacious Wild Wolf Col was full of people at this time.

   "Quack quack ~"

  The crows shuttled excitedly among the forests.

   They seem to know that they will have a full meal soon.


  Boundary barren hills.

  A remote downhill path.

  Two figures walked slowly.

  The man in front is missing an arm, and the only remaining hand is holding the long sword tightly.

  Behind him is a woman, with tears still on her face, holding a two-year-old child in her arms.

   "Brother Qin... Where are we going?"

  The one-armed man looked coldly at the figure in the sky, gritted his teeth and said, "It looks like it's going down a mountain."

   "It should be in the direction of Wild Wolf Col."

   "Wild Wolf Col?"

   "Why do you suddenly want to go there at night?"

  The woman's voice was trembling, and the hand holding the child was also tight.

  The one-armed man didn't speak, he just had a sudden change in his mind, how should he send out a message.

  Before they were trapped on a cliff, stared at by a group of birds and beasts, it was really difficult to call for help.

   Now that he has gone down the mountain, although he is still being watched, the scope of his activities has become larger.

  Maybe you can find some opportunities.

   "Every family~"

  At this moment, the baby in her arms suddenly pointed at the distant mountain shadow and shouted.

  It was already dark at this time, but the Juyi Hall in Jiehuang Mountain was brightly lit.

  The head of the family, Yiye, has a sallow complexion and a tired face. He has not slept for several days and nights.

   "Wild Wolf Col?" he muttered.

  Early in the morning, Agua sent the news, saying that the Young Master will definitely appear in Yelangao tonight.

   Get brothers ready guys, there might be a bad fight.

   "The master, brothers are all ready."

   "Ready to go!"

  Yiepeng nodded, his sharp eyes swept across the dark copycat brothers in front of him.

"Set off!"

  PS: Recommended tickets, monthly tickets

  (end of this chapter)